The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue

Depression, Anxiety

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Lisa (Perth, Western Australia) on 08/07/2022

My name is Lisa. I am 43 years old I want to share with you an experience with Methylene blue. I have been using it for 5 years. it is effective on depression and calm anxiety. I tried 2 types of Methylene blue -- powder as well as liquid. The liquid was much expensive in comparison to the powder but both have same results. For 2 years I have been using Methylene blue powder form. I was purchasing it from cztl.

Replied by Pam
(Northland NZ)

Hi Lisa, Hope you won't mind my seeking your advice. I bought 20gms MB Powder and have a set of scales (manual) that weigh in 50mgs So was able to get to 1mg which I put in 1 litre brown bottle and topped up with water. Dr Deepak Golwalker told me this so now I have a 1% solution. How many drops to take or start with? I weigh 70kgs and am 82yrs old with Isolated Systolic BP and Bowel cancer which I manage myself having refused surgery. If you could advise would be extremely grateful.


a 1% solution is 1 gram in 100 mls of water, or 10gm per liter.


This is Pam, my sincere apologies for getting this wrong. 1gm MB in 1 litre water which Dr Deepak told me could even be tap water (preferably filtered) as MB will deal with anything in it. This will give you .01%, think that is correct now. Whatever this was what Dr Deepak wrote to me when he so kindly answered my letter asking for help. I measure 1gm into water and add to a 1 litre brown glass bottle. I bought some small wide neck 5 gm bottle to put 1gm powder in for this purpose makes things easier but do cover worktop well its amazing for infiltrating everywhere it shouldn't! I take 10 drops in the morning and 11 drops late afternoon, excellent stuff.

My daughter got rid of all her painful, aching bones (Lyme) disease using this 10 drops 2x daily and swears by it. now. I use her method of putting the drops into a shot glass and have a mugful of water with 1gm Vit C some before and rest straight after taking the shot. Yes, lemon juice squeezed onto any spillage dilutes it immediately, then mop up with anything you can throw away.


Hello Pam, have you read the book "miracle in the hills"? Dr. Mary Sloop. A woman had cancer in her intestines and the doctor operated and closed her up saying it was inoperable, so the country doctor gave her MB and she lived at least 40 years. It is on page 43 chapter 9.

(New Zealand)

Thanks for that, Barry, I still take it every day and bought enough powder to last me decades and considering I am 83 now shows optimism if nothing else, ha ha. Just started my 3rd year living with bowel cancer, diagnosed in December 2020. I refused surgery. Have Rife machine and take onboard anything that checks out positive against cancer. Eat organic or spray free etc.etc.!


Hi Pam, where do you get your powder??

Tom 70
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Anticancer activity of methylene blue via inhibition of heat shock protein 70

Conclusion MB demonstrated potent anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo via inhibition of Hsp70 in benzo[a]pyrene induced lung carcinogenesis in mice.



Great job, Pam!! Are you new to MB? I guess the Rife machine is responsible for most of your success?

You might look into chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) as another tool in the toolbox... Dr. Kalcker is the expert... here is a good start:

(Colorado USA)

MB has been thoroughly studied and tested for 150 years. MMS/chorine dioxide has NOT been tested in any credible way, in fact it has been banned from many countries with explicit warnings against its use. It is a very strong oxidizer like chlorine is, even though it is partially neutralized by the citric acid. It is not tested scientifically on humans nor animals; I defy anyone to find credible studies. Dr K is the main pusher of this toxin, funny how not even one researcher in a million gives MMS any credibility. It is not proven safe whatsoever. Unless and until someone actually runs a credible trial of at least hundreds if not thousands of people, MMS is a dangerous gamble. I tried it as I have H2O2-08 and it made me sick as hell. Please inform us how it discriminates killing only the "baddies"? Ive now read of many people harmed, possibly even some deaths. It does not have "humble" origins. It is also heavily conflated with specific religious beliefs, never a good sign when you conflate science and facts with religion; caveat emptor...


That's not true. Credible studies have been done in Russia with positive results. It has been used to clean water in other countries for decades. I was born in Spain and my mother said they used it to clean the water there 60 yrs. ago. I'm sorry but there are thousands, if not more, testimonies of people who have used MMS with great success. I don't wish to debate with you, just saying you should do more research.


NO ONE is making any of those claims there. You sound like a shill against it. WATCH THE RED CROSS DOCUMENTARY they did on CDS. Why don't you post that on the Dr K CHANNEL THEN and ask her for that instead of ranting nonsense here? HAH

Replied by Sam

Buy already diluted from compass labs, for example.

Replied by Terry Jacks

Pam, to make a 1% liquid Methylene Blue, add (1 gram) MB powder to 100 mL of distilled water. Most measuring cups have a 100 ML line for reference for the water. To mix it together, I use an empty, clear plastic soda bottle with a screw-on cap. Pour in the water first, then pour in the MB powder. Shake it 200 to 300 times to ensure the powder is all broken apart and mixed well. Then, carefully fill your 50 mL empty MB eye-dropper bottles you've saved when you bought the liquid form. If the liquid level is hard to see while pouring MB in, shine a flashlight beam through the bottle towards your eyes, so you can see the level in the dark bottle. Go slowly for best results. Good Luck.


Hallo Kr8peace,

MMs ist schon lange überholt. Chlordioxid ist neue formel. ein lesen. Ein glas wasser ist gut zehn glas wasser kann dich Töten... Paracelsius hat gesagt dosis mach das gift... Ich nehme selber 10 jahren Chlordioxid und besten gesundheit. Informiere richtig nicht ein seitig bitte...

Hello Kr8peace,

MMs is long outdated. Chlorine dioxide is new formula. Read A glass of water is good, ten glasses of water can kill you... Paracelsius said dose make the poison... I've been taking chlorine dioxide myself for 10 years and I'm in the best of health. Inform properly not one-sided please...

Replied by Karen

Wow, that's awesome. Have you heard of it helping to heal the Gut, or anyone who's tried it to rid the body Heavy Metals? (Or might it also HAVE Heavy Metals in it?)😜

(I have a lot of issues…so just started taking it).

Diluting Methylene Blue

11 User Reviews
5 star (10) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by RedCardinal (Minneapolis, MN) on 05/17/2022 3 posts

I am having a blonde moment with math. I got a high quality 30ml (1 oz) bottle of Methylene Blue with 300mg of MB in it. 1 drop was .5mg so I did that for 2 days with 1000 C. My eyes did turn a bit blue. Most of the calculations are for 2.3% and Ted's 1 gram powder to 1000cc.

So Help Please. It would be so beneficial to know how many mg or mcg makes up 1%, and/or .1%. AND how to get 30ml of 300mg to 1% since it's not a powder.

What's crazy is seeing doses of 15mg (which would make my eyes navy blue ; ) online.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Replied by Aurelia

If you supplement a good quality vit.c with M blue, the whites will not turn blue.

Replied by Beckie

300 mgs, or 0.3 grams in 30 mls is 1%. A 1% solution is 1.0 grams in 100 mls liquid.

Replied by Edward

With a 1% solution of methylene blue 1 drop = 0.5 mg. In Sloane's book available on Amazon 6mg. or 12 drops of the 1% solution should produce noticeable benefits for a 150lb. person.

Replied by jojo
(sf, ca)

The concentration in the flask u bought is 1%.
300 mg = .3 gm
It is also assumed that 1 ml = 1gm
Your total volume is 30 ml
Therefore, .3 divided by 30 (times 100 to get the percentage value) = 1%

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Gilbert (Grand Marais, Mn) on 08/17/2017 8 posts

Methylene Blue Dosages

Reading here and elsewhere all the discussion about MB, could be helpful to put it all in perspective. I ran across also an article (link posted below) that helped with some aspects of the questions. The accepted doses for various conditions cover a range of three orders of magnitude, ~ 50 mg to as little as 50 micrograms. Even if a person determined the dilution necessary for the final dose it might not be the best amount for that person. Genetics, epigenetics and the mediation of microbiomes on any medication does make fools of MDs who are inflexible. How to get a particular dose? I have several droppers from herbal extract 1 oz bottles. One is graduated in 1/4 ml increments.

So, one ml, close 2/3 of that dropper, of the fish tank solution of 2.3% methylene blue is gonna be about 23 mg methylene blue. Just now tried with water and found 8 drops ~ .25 ml. 1 ml water is 1 gram. With MB drops the equivalent could be different because of surface tension and viscosity but that I will try later. Rough estimate at the moment is 1 drop/30 mg of 2.3% MB solution contains ~0.7 mg MB. If you want a dose in that range put n drops into a glass of water.

Replied by Nathan Corbett Md

Please don't take any grade other than pharmaceutical! Methylene blue can be contaminated with heavy metals or other contaminants if it is prepared without human consumption in mind. If you go to a local compounding pharmacy (in NS the medicine shoppe is one I've had reasonable success with) they can help you out. At the pharmacy, you do not want the ophthalmic solution, as it is not tested safe for consumption either. They may be confused and initially ask you for a prescription from a doctor, but you do not need one. Methylene blue is a bulk chemical, not a drug, and as such you are left on your own in finding the appropriate grade to consume that will not hurt you over time.


I am looking to find a source for MB in Toronto. Any suggestions? Many thnx


check out Lifeblud, canadian company, they have it unlabeled on website with blue question mark, a bit pricey but the real deal

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Genie (Ne Ohio, Usa) on 03/16/2017 4 posts

Greetings. I'm on the candida protocols from book. I had to buy 1% MB, rather than the 0.1% called for. I thought I had figured out how to dilute but also confirmed where Bill addressed the problem for another person.

I followed as he states: 1 part by volume of 1% to 9 parts water. I used tablespoons, 1 to 9. Then I thought I understood that would be my jar supply to work out of. I then did 10 drops (protocol amount) from that new mix and added water for drinking. Added 1/4 tsp sodium ascorbate as directed whereupon he says it should go from blue to clear. It did not clear. I'm guessing maybe he expected my powder to be same strength as his powder...or something like that? My powder is 'crystalline' and states 1/4 teaspoon is 1112 mg vitamin C as sodium ascorbate and sodium 137 mg. I guess I thought powders would be one basic same 'strength'. I added another 2 teaspoons once before hoping that would help but it did not.

I could certainly be 'one sandwich short of a picnic' in my reasoning so please help me get un-stumped. I'm very new at this stuff as well as having 50 varieties of foggy, soggy brain. Thank you for sharing your power around the universe.

Goofy Genie

Replied by Bea
(Brisbane, Australia)

I haven't read the instructions, but I am very familiar with vitamin C. Usually vitamin C means Ascorbic Acid. Sodium ascorbate is also called vitamin C - as are all the ascorbates, but the ascorbic acid has been reacted with in this case Sodium and is fully buffered so a neutral pH. This will react different chemically to straight ascorbic acid. In the instructions did they mention which form to use?

Replied by PamB 69

I have purchased 20gm Methylene Blue. I presume too make 1% solution I use

1gm to 1 litre liquid?

1% of that to make 0.1% solution

What liquid, distilled water or alcohol should I use to do this?

Can anyone help me with this please?

Yai Buranakul

To make 1% solution, which is 1 gram in 100 mL of water, just put 10 grams in 1 L of water.


Hi, Dr Deepak Golwalker wrote me 1gm MB powder to 1 litre water makes 0.1% solution. Do you feel that is not correct all the mis and mis get me quite confused. Once I know for sure I will write it down Planned on taking 7 drops today in water with 1000mg Vit C. Pam. 82yrs old and still going!


You may want to check about using Vit C with MB. I don't have it in front of me but I think I read in a Mercola post not to use Vit C with it.

(Southeast US)

Not True!! Dr. Mercola's very recent article on his website definitely recommends taking VitC with MB.

Replied by John

There is what I have found to be a very helpful calculator for this kind of dosage at the following URL: I'm about to do it before I spent a couple of hours working the whole thing out on a complicated spreadsheet.

Replied by Mizl
5 posts

Pouring half out seems like a waste if it is expensive. Where do you purchase and for how much? Thanks

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Sandcastle (Mesa, Arizona, Usa) on 07/23/2013

I cannot find the dilution formula for the 2.3% 4 ounce bottle on this website. Wouldn't I get a. 1% dilution if I simply add 22 more 4 ounce bottles of water to the original in a larger container to give me . 1% dilution? Sorry I sent a previous email without mentioning that this is a 2.3% solution of methylene blue.

Replied by Chris

MB Dilution: To arrive from a 2.3% solution to a 0.1% solution you simply add 23 units (drops, oz, etc) of distilled water for every 1 unit of MB. I used a glass eye dropper container. Add 20 drops of 2.3% MB, then add 460 drops of distilled water.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Meera (Toronto, On, Canada) on 07/06/2011

Could someone please provide a single, lucid description of how to dilute and consume Methylene Blue? The concentration of the stuff sold at pet stores is "1, 943mg per 100ml. " How should this standard, bought solution be diluted, according to metric and Imperial systems of measurement? Measurements using cubic centimetres and the like are not much good to those of us without chemistry labs. ) Thanks.

Replied by David
(Vicksburg, Ms, Usa)

1 cubic centimeter = 1 mL

1 mL = 1 g

The above are temperature dependent but work well for normal laboratory or home use. The concentration of your stock solution is 19,430 mg/L. MB solubility is approx. 1 g per 25 mL of water, 65 mL of alcohol.

At maximum solubility the concentration is 40,000 mg/L so your stock solution is a little less than 50% by volume.

Dilutions can be calculated by ratio and proportion using this formula


where M1 is the mass or concentration of stock solution. M2 is the mass or concentration of target solution. V1 is the volume of stock solution required to make target solution.

V2 is the volume you want of the target solution. for example to make 100 mL of a 0. 1% solution

50*V1 = 0.1* 100 so

V1 = 10/50

V1 = 0. 2 mL or 0. 2 grams of the stock solution

I hope this help you understand how dilutions work. I do not know what concentrations you should injest. My example is just to show you how do make the dilutions.

Replied by Flora
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

hi Meera ; you can purchase MB at Script pharmacy in Calgary Alberta. I am sure you have compounding pharmacys in TO. Script made mine to the concentrarion I asked for! This should make it easier for you. Hope that helps. Flora


I have tried 2 compounding pharmacies in Toronto- they say need prescription. If anyone has a compounding pharmacy that will make the 1% solution, I can send you money to buy for me....thnx

Replied by Bob
(San Francisco)

I use two drops in a shot glass of distilled or spring water.

Replied by J. Park
(Cerritos, Ca)

I know it's way late, I guess you already have answer, but I see so many confusions about % of solution, so here it is for those still confused:

% = g/cc, what you have 1.943g/100cc = 0.019 =~ 2% solution.

To make 0.1%, add 19 x water to it.

But better way of using it is use what Bill said:

. just use 1 drop and consider it to be 20 drops of standard 0.1%.

. add 20oz water to it. Now your 20oz is equiv. to 20 drops.

. If you take 1 oz, you just took 1 drop,

take 2 oz, you just took 2 drops, etc...

Good luck.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Randa (Ontario, Canada) on 05/07/2011

I have purchased methylene blue from a pet store, it says the concentration is 1,943mg per 100ml... What concentration would that equal to?

Replied by Terry Jacks

Don't take the fish tank version, lab, or chemical versions. Take ONLY USP grade. Anything less than USP can give you poisoning from Lead, mercury, Cadmium, etc.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by V Kiong (Kuala Lumpur/kg Cham, Ft/kg Cham, Malaysia/cambodi) on 04/17/2011

I bought a bottle of Interpet Methylene Blue No. 10. However, nowhere was it stated the concentration. I ask the importer but they do not know. I have tried to call the company but so far have not been successful. Does anyone out there know its concentration? Thank you.

V Qiong, Kampong Cham, Cambodia

Replied by Randy
(Jersey City, Nj, Usa)

be careful with this stuff. the way I've used it is to take one drop into a gallon of water, then dilute a bit further every time I take it by filling a cup or water bottle with 1/2 or 2/3 of the MB mixture and the rest with just water. don't forget to take with 1000mg vit c

Replied by Sandi
(Denison, Tx)

Would like to know how I might use on my skin, plus amts. for bone density. Could you send a work sheet for dilutions if possible? Thank you so much Sandi

2268 posts


I don't think you would want to use MB on your skin as it will dye your skin blue.



Art, if you apply an ascorbic acid solution, or a Vit C serum on top of the Methylene blue, the blue colour goes. Anyway, it even washes off with soap and water. I was using a 0.1% solution. I'm trying it for disc pain, knee pain in conjunction with red light therapy

2268 posts

Hi Chandrika,

Yes, you are correct. I'm just not sure if this version has the same effects as regular MB or if you now have essentially a different product with possibly different effects.

Do you find it is helping your disc pain and knee pain? If not, I have reports from friends suggesting that the melatonin lotion is helping both of these conditions. I wrote about it here :

Melatonin offers multiple health benefits to the spine and the melatonin lotions seems to be an effective means of delivering enough melatonin to the spine to be of significant benefit. I wrote about some of the spinal benefits derived from melatonin here :


Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Terri (Fort Myers, Florida) on 11/30/2010

I purchased a 2.303% methylene blue solution from local pet store. Instead of going through dilutions, can anyone tell me in simpler terms such as 1-2 drops in 16 oz. Water?

Replied by Self

You could add one drop of 2.3% MB to 18 cups of water (which also equals one gallon and one pint of water) and take one cup of this twice a day. You do not want to take too much MB or it can make your mind too active. Don't forget to take 2,000 milligrams (or 2 grams) of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) a day too.

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)

I'm assuming you meant to ask "... To end up at 0.1% concentration"?
If so, then this means that you need 22 times as much water volume to dilute as the amount you're wanting to dilute, since. 1% IS 1/23 of 2.3%. The total of 1 part solution and 22 parts water will equal the total watered-down volume 23 parts. To make the math a lot easier, one can just dilute 20:1, ie 20 parts water to 1 part solution and be very close. Measurement quantities:
20 metric drops per ml
5 ml per teaspoon (Tsp)
3 Tsp per tablespoon (Tbsp)
2 tablespoons per ounce
Thus 600 drops, or 30 ml, or 6 teaspoons per ounce. 1 cup= 8 oz= 4800 drops= 240 ml= 48 Tsp= 16 Tbsp

So there it is. Using the 20 ratio for dilution, to get 1 cup watered down solution, just dilute 240/20= 12 ml of 2. 3% (just use a kitchen measuring spoon of 1 Tsp= 5ml) INTO the 1 cup of water.

Replied by Claudia
(Calgary, Alberta , Canada)

I got my methylene blue from the pharmacy. The pharmacist had absolutely no idea how to provide a 0.1% solution, so what I have now is 50mg/ml. Does anyone have any idea how to convert this? TIA.

Replied by Amazinggrace
(Yucca Valley, Ca)

I don't have metric measuring instruments, so to get a 1:22 ratio, I used one Tablespoon of methylene blue and 22 Tablespoons of water. 22 Tablespoons equals 1 and a quarter cups plus 2 Tablespoons. (Derived from 16 T. = 1 Cup)

Replied by Randy
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)

Does anyone know how many drops of the diluted. 1% of the MB one would have to take for it to have an MAOI effect?

Also, would anyone know what the conversion would equate to of X amount of drops of. 1% solution of MB to X amount of mcg's or mg's of MB?

Replied by Randy
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)

I also should have added to my post about that I do know that MB can have MAOI properties but I do not know if it has those properties at the suggested drops of. 1% solution of anywhere between 3-8 drops on this site that is suggested. I think it would be wise if anyone could determine how many drops it would take at the. 1% solution to have MAOI effects.

Maybe Ted could weigh in on this. Reason being, if someone were to ridiculously experiment with many more drops and get in the range of it acting as an MAOI, then it is dangerous to do so if in particular that you are taking it along with an SSRI antidepressant.

To be on the safe side might as well include if taken with an NRI as well. Do your own web research to confirm this. I do take MB for added energy but I also take more drops than 8 with no adverse effects. I'm not recommending anyone else take more than 8. Everyone is different... Plus I also am not on any antidepressant. Just a word of caution here if anyone is unaware of the MAOI effects of MB and not to mix with AD's if in fact you are getting in range with the drops to have it act as an MAOI.

Replied by David
(Nerja, Malaga/spain)

I have 100mg MB powder. Do anyone know how to much 0.1 solution this will make? Do I just mix 1ml with 1l water?

Replied by J.park
(Cerritos, Ca)

I'm new to this site, so I just saw your message very late & realized that, as I said above in my writing, there is quite a confusion in % of MB.

You can calculate the percentage stuff using the same formula: % = g/cc -> cc = g/%:

Since you know g=0.1(100mg), %=0.001,

cc = g/% = 0.1/0.001 = 100.

So you'd make 100cc(mL) of 0.1% solution of MB.

Warning: in above formula 'g' must be in grams and % must be in "fraction" as the calculation shows.

Replied by J.park
(Cerritos, Ca)

Maybe I didn't make it clear in my previous writing,

you just put the 100mg MB into a graduated container and add distilled water to fill up to 100cc(mL), the total volume is to be 100cc when completely dissolved (which include MB & water of course).


Thought I'd try it, sounds straightforward, except I've ordered from eBay £5 for 40grammes China with 98.5 % purity. Is this the right stuff? I did leave them a question about it. where to obtain ups, just run that gram dilution again, from above, then 10 drops in morning, seems contraindicated to take in the evening🤔

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Ab (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/02/2009

Can anyone tell me how to make a 0.1% solution from 2.303% (aquatic) solution methylene blue from a pet store?


Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)

To quote Ted: "When you do buy methylene blue, the concentration may sometimes be sold as 1%, in which case you may need to dilute this to 0.1% concentration. So if a 100 cc of 1% methylene blue is bought from a local aquarium shops, I may have to add 900 cc of water (which totals) 1000 cc or 1 liter at 0.1% concentration." - end of quotation

So if you had a 2.303% solution you would use just under 50cc of 2.303% methylene blue and 900cc of water. Does that sound right?

Replied by Sarah
(Los Angeles, Ca)

wow- this gets sooo confusing. OK- so I have the littel bottle of Meth Blue from science lab website... I am trying to convert the measurements here: If I have 100 cc, that equals 3 and 1/2 ozs., and then to mix the 1:9 ratio, I mix that 3 and 1/2 ozs. with a liter (900 ccs of water?) thanks... am trying not to poison myself....

Replied by Pankaj

i bought MB from local aquarium shop but theres no info written on it about the %. also on the cover it says for aquarium use only not medical use... so I am m confused. should I use it or not. is it safe to take 1 drop with a glass of water?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Pankaj...I also use Methylene Blue bought from an aquarium shop. This also has no spec showing the percentage MB in this solution. But, generally, all Methylene Blue sold from aquariums is at 1% strength.

So what I did was just to assume that it was 1% solution.

The way I now take Methylene Blue with water is like this:

Say that I want to take 5 drops of 0.1% MB solution.

For five drops of 0.1% MB I first add 1 drop of 1% MB to a glass of water. This is equivalent to 10 drops of 0.1% MB.

Then I pour half the water out of the glass.

So you are now left with 1/2 drop 1% MB or 5 drops of 0.1% MB in solution which is your dose.

Usually, I take about 10 to 15 drops whenever needed. Always add or supplement at least 1000 mgs of Vitamin C with the methylene blue solution -- the vitamin c stops your eyes and urine turning blue. MB is a harmless stain that is also used in science to identify carbohydrates by turning blue.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Koy (Sofia) on 05/05/2023

People are taking ridiculously low MB and are expecting results. Dr. Berg: 0.5 to 5mg per kg of weight (that means at least 50 mg for someone of 100 kg (divided during the day). And that means, if you have 1% MB - you take about 50 drops of that per day.

Replied by Mizl
5 posts

Thank you for the clarity

Replied by kingfook
(Longmont CO)

I am just learning about Methylene Blue uses and very hopeful it will help with many of my maladies. Too many to list but fear of brain decline with age is chief concern.

Replied by Keva
(Hayward, California)

Thank you. This was very helpful. I had never heard this. I'm beginning this slowly but now I know the upper limit. Much appreciated.

Replied by Tina

I read somewhere that an effective dosage is 1-5mg. In order to help with bad rheumatoid arthritis, for a 140lb person, is the correct low dose with a 1% solution about 64 drops? I have been taking only 10 drops before reading this without any noticeable relief so I would like to know if I am just taking to little and need to up it a lot, and if I need to take it as a divided dose or take 64 drops 2 times a day or however more for lasting benefits. I would greatly appreciate knowledgeable feedback so I can know what to do. Thanks

Replied by Doug
(Black Creek, B.C., Canada)

That assumes each drop is 1mg. Most droppers are 0.5mg per drop. Therefore, you would need to take 100 drops per day to equal a 50mg Dosage per day.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/03/2014

Editor's Choice The correct dosage of 0.1% Methylene Blue is in the range of 6 to 15 drops(in a solution of vitamin C) once or twice a day dependent on your size. You can take this dose twice a day, but you should never take it after about 3 pm because of its energizing effects.

You should always take MB with at least 1000 mgs of vitamin C in water in order to avoid its side effects -- Taken just on its own, MB turns your urine green and the whites of your eyes blue because it stains carbohydrates blue. Other than that there are no side effects. I've taken MB with Vit C for 8 years and what you will also find is that it will give you an energy boost and wake you up due to its positive methylation effects on the body.

You should never take MB in the evening otherwise you might have difficulty getting to sleep because it is so energizing. Other than that, I've found MB easy to use and very useful against pathogens.

The dosage that is advised here is relatively small and very safe. In the 1960s they used to give the US troops in Vietnam MB by the spoonful to help recover them from malaria.

Posted by Jean (Oregon, US) on 09/18/2014

I bought MB in 2.303% concentration. If I divide 2.303 by .1 =23.03

So, does that mean if I add 23 drops to 1 drop of the 23.3% that I get .1%?

I know someone said to put it in a gallon of water. How much 1 drop? Isn't that 200%?

As you can tell, I am not understanding this AT ALL!

Please help! Thank you!

Replied by Marsh57

All the formulas for breaking down Methylene Blue 2.3% caused nightmares of high school math & science, resulting in an Excedrin PM headache lol. I took the info everyone provided and it averaged to be 1 part 2.3% MB : 22 - 23 parts distilled water.

Still afraid to try it, I called a friend of a friend who's a chemist - he said 1 part MB to 23 parts water. (The K--don is 2.3% water solution, zinc free.) I hope this helps!

Posted by Luckyguys (Brighton, United Kindom) on 03/05/2013

Several posts insist that the correct dose of MTB is 60mcg three times a day. Surely it MUST be 60 mg because they seems to use Uralene Blue tablets at the beginning of the trial and these are 60mg.

I don't understand the reasoning behind the 60mcg beliefs

Fungal Infections

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Joyce (Joellton, Tn) on 01/16/2009

For everyone with fungal infection:

Deirdre, you might want to get Ted's opinion and post it. I just read Ted's methylene blue for Parkinson's disease. What really caught my attention was that methylene blue is sold in aquarium shops to kill fungus in the fish. DING!!!!

The question pops up: Is Parkinson's disease a fungal infection of the brain?

Something else that pop's up is the Italian method of treating cancer patients with baking soda to kill the fungi and the cancer goes away on its own!!!

It would seem that if methylene blue kills fungi in fish, it should also kill fungal infections in most, if not all living creatures, so maybe this should be posted on cancer pages. As I recall the interview with the Italian doctor shown on Dr. Mercola's site, the Italians believe that all cancers are preceded by a fungus. If this is true and methylene blue kills fungal infections, doesn't it follow that maybe all cancer treatment should begin with a substance that wipes out fungi?

Of course common sense tells you to also change the eating habits that caused you to have the fungus problem

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Editor's Choice I used methylene blue to kill fungus infections anyway. A fungus damages sensitive organs, in particular, the brain, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, spleen, thyroid, are some of the things I noticed. A fungus is killed by sodium bicarbonate because of its alkalinity, but more effectively so with potassium, magnesium, for example because it kills alkalinity intracellularly as opposed to extracellularly. This is known for ages and the doctor you have mentioned to me was Dr. Simoncini. However, I have went further to look at fungicides besides methylene blue which are more effective, such as azoxystrobin, afloxystrobin and related strobilurins. Those are much more effective at much lower dose. The depth in which baking soda is limited to extracellular fluids, but are limited in bone cancer and bone marrow where baking soda is neutralized before reaching these areas, hence the necessity to use antifungals methylene blue being one of that. The issue is not well explained at other websites WHY fungus causes cancer, but the cause is not fungus in itself, it's the toxins generated by the fungus, such as mycotoxin and aflaxtoxins are the well known cancer causing substance from fungus and perhaps mycobacterium. Hence, the toxicity of mycotoxins and aflatoxins may be reduced with the BHT, but to eliminate them effectively, a potassium should be added along with baking soda. The only issue is baking soda is not so effective because of its limited alkaline buffering capacity if we compared against the carbicarb plus potassium which goes much more deeper. The Carbicarb is a sodium carbonate plus potassium citrate (e.g. technical name is tripotassium citrate). In fact two major sodium that are more effective is the sodium citrate (e.g. trisodium citrate) and potassium citrate (e.g. tripotassium citrate) and sodium carbonate with equal mix of sodium bicarbonate (commonly called carbicarb). However the current carbicarb remedy in practice isn't that perfect and may cause some kidney pain because of sodium potassium imbalance, and hence, a potassium must be added to the carbicarb remedy to resolve this problem and larger dose can be taken.

It must be noted still that I have noted two kinds of cancer, the fast cancer and the slow cancer. The faster cancer are the metastatic cancer, which are viral in character while the slower cancer are the fungal type cancer which tends to cause bone pain and leads to osteoporosis. Still I haven't even cover how you can eliminate the tumors and this is dealt most effectively with a bloodroot tincture.

I hope this explains just a small portion of my approach to dealing with cancer.


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