The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue

Posted by Daboo (Amherst, MA) on 02/27/2014

I was taking Methylene Blue (12-13 drops in 8 ounces of water) with a thousand milligrams of vitamin C for about a week & I noticed the severity of my candida related itchy skin was reduced, I then upped my dosage by a few more drops per day (14-15 drops) in about 9-10 ounces of water, and a few hours later my stool was loaded with dead candida overgrowth! I normally have bad constipation but this time my "relief" was smooth and easy I was amazed. Also, I use the Methylene blue stain directly on my skin where I have itchy candida rashes, yes it stains! But only for a few days & most of it will wash off with soap and water, so use it where it cannot be seen, and it will take you itchy rash away with relief within 10-15 minutes and the relief will last for like a week, until the bugs send out a new invading force! I have also use Methylene Blue in more diluted parts for itchy skin in more visible areas with relief & I found it is also good for tooth aches.

P.S when I take it in strong doses your urine turns blue for about a day, but when you stop taking it it turns back to normal & I take vit C 500-1000 mill and have had no problems with my eye coloring, which I also heard is reversible if you should happen to have that happen to you.