Health Benefits of Honey

Broad Benefits
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 10/08/2008

Honey is Great. Yeah, Honey works. I make a tea of 1 tsp ginger, and a tbsp of raw honey. Works for illness, Colds, etc. Store bought Honey is not the same as Raw. Even though Raw is a little more expensive, it's worth it. Tastes better too.

Posted by Eben (Lagos, Ikorodu, Nigeria) on 10/08/2008

Kindly give me information on how honey can cure, reduce or eradicate diabetics.

EC: Hi Eben,

Honey is not a cure for diabetes! A topical application can help heal skin ulcers associated with diabetes, however.

More info on honey and diabetes here:

Chicken Pox Blisters
Posted by Teresa (Lehigh Acres, Fl) on 09/19/2009


Chicken Pox Blisters

Chicken Pox Blisters
Posted by Tj (New York, Ny) on 09/22/2009

Yes, What you really need is a humidifier in your home during winter months to put some moisture back in the air...

Posted by Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca Usa) on 07/26/2010

Hello! I hope that you can avoid cataract surgery. Here is what I know: B2 (riboflavin), large amount: 2 to 3 times 100 mg per day. (urine gets yellow it is normal because the body doesn't use all but we don't know how much it really need; everybody is different) is helping for cataract as per Adele Davis, but a multi B must be taken too for balance of B. Also Similasan's 'cataract care' from Switzerland are homeopathic drops 800 240 9780 in the U. S. Also beside fish and carots, lutein zeaxanthin and bilberry are well known supplements for eyes. Good luck!

Posted by Al (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 05/09/2011

I just mixed local raw but filtered honey with water, about 2 teaspoons honey to about 2 ounces of warm filtered water. I rinsed out the eye dropper from a bottle of ginseng tincture very thoroughly. I dropped the solution of honey water in my eyes. There was very minor burning, similar to using visine for the first time. It went away in seconds. Upon relief from the initial irritation my eyes felt better than they have felt in years. I will continue to use this solution for eye irritation in future.

Also, my eyes are grey/green with brown staining causing them to appear hazel in all but direct bright light. This brown staining is slightly fainter, which was why I had resolved to try honey in the eyes in the first place. Coming days should hopefully show whether or not the lightening of my irises shall continue, as this was my initial purpose.

Posted by Trina (St. Helens, OR) on 04/26/2008

My mother has psoriasis on her feet - i talked her into using Honey to stop the bad itch. I worked instantly. the itch was gone. She reports that she dont like the sticky tacky feel of the honey but it worx. And she will use it more in the future when in a pinch.

General Feedback
Posted by Katy (Alexandria, Va) on 11/22/2011

When I was growing up I would get a really bad cough in the fall from allergies. I would be up all night from coughing. My dad was talking to his granny about it and she said before I go to bed take a tbsp of honey with black pepper mixed in it. Swallow slowly and do not drink any water. The idea is that the honey coats and soothes the throat and the black pepper would kill any bacteria in my throat.

I still do this whenever I get a sore throat or cough and have had my boyfriend do it several times with beautiful results. Being able to sleep through the night with a bad cough is tough, but this definitely gave relief. Knowing what I know now about honey's antibacterial benefits and everything I'm sure honey with out the pepper would be effective also. But I continue to use the black pepper with my honey when called for by my body. When my throat is sore or I have a cough I almost crave the honey/black pepper mixture.

Posted by Michelle (Portland, US) on 03/20/2008

...I have been eating raw organic honey and honeycomb which I swallow. I often swallow a couple of tablespoon fulls of organic molassas. Usually, I stay pretty healthy. When stressed or feel a cold coming on, I usually realize that I have forgotten one of the 3 above mentions items in my diet. I eat the honey straight from the jar or in Raspberry leaf tea or African Roobis.

The more raw food that I have in my diet the better. I am a pre-naturopathic med student and have learned non of this in school, just in books written by doctors. I look forward to helping others find nature's remedies that God has given us. Look in the Bible for honey, vinegar, pomegranate, almonds... When head fills with mucous, it often happens after eating non-whole grain breads and cheese, such as a non-health food pizza. I get sore throats a few times a year... I gargle with cider vinegar diluted with bottled spring water.

Tooth Abscess
Posted by Jarrod (Fillmore, CA) on 01/18/2008

Apparently, there are three types of sugar. Glucose, fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is the only kind of sugar which is detrimental to the strength of your teeth. The other two turn out to be good. They trap bacteria and do other good stuff. I don't know all of the technical, scientifical (I know it's not a word, but it should be) theory behind it all, but I have tried this remedy myself and it works! I had a sore tooth for months. I had to stop rinsing my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide because the pain was unbearable. I bought some local honey and started eating a lot (two tablespoons with my coffee in the morning and more here and there when I had the time. Up to probably 10 tablespoons a day. I like honey, so this was easy. I don't think you need that much though. I also chewed on some honey comb that was in the jar. Not sure if that helped either, but it was a good gum substitute. Anyway, my pain is completely gone now and I can rinse with hydrogen peroxide! God bless!

Posted by Peter (Paris, France) on 06/13/2007

I have been under treatment for years for Herpes Whitlow on my right hand, which occasionally manifests itself on my pallette and genitals. I have always tested negative for herpes 2, and assumed my outbreaks are weird manifestations. Doctors here have never seen this combination of symptoms. They were debilitating until I started self imumnizing my cat and pollen allergies with daily dose of different honeys, and cutting out practically all refined sugars in my diet. Whereas I would have an outbreak every twelve months on a maintenance dose of 500mg of Zelitrex daily (quadrupled during outbreaks) the last two outbreaks have been restricted to my finger and palette - a great improvement over previous ones. I feel the honey is helping my immune system suppress the virus, perhaps by keeping my immune system on alert all the time. I hvae upped my daily dosage of Zeleitrex to 15 mg, and would appreciate any comments from others who have found Honey a satisfactory paliative.

Posted by Ommanipadmeom (Nashville, Tn) on 02/15/2011

Try Watercress Tea and Olive oil for STD's Miracle Healing foods of the Bible--its a book with alot of helpful remedies that ppl tend to suffer with

Posted by Anonymous (Northern Cali, CA) on 04/07/2007

The honey cure did work to dry up my eczema blisters on my hands. Probably because of the potassium explained in the other entries. After it dries, the skin just turns dry, so I think it's best to use lotion or even better Aloe Vera onto the eczema area. If you are able to get the actual Aloe Vera plant, then cut off the skin and just rub the natural pulp onto your dry skin to heal faster. Alrighty, hope that helps. *Also, Does anybody know any cures or home remedies to get rid or fade away the ECZEMA SCARS? Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by S (Atlanta) on 02/19/2007

In the article about honey it has been mentioned multiple times that honey should not be given to infants since it can have a toxic reaction in them. I think that's untrue since in India, honey is the very first thing that we give kids after they are born. That is to enable them to excrete the first time without any problem. Also we feed the babies with honey quite often in their first year to soothe their upset tummies or to cure cough/cold. For very little infants (less than 4 months old), like everything else, honey is also given in very small portions...2 drops at a time and not more than 2 doses a day, and it really helps them. I think it's only a myth that honey affects infants. But I do agree that honey should not be heated or added to very hot liquids since it'll become toxic.

General Feedback
Posted by Raquel (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 07/19/2009

I'm sorry but I don't agree that the reason why Indians (or people from other ethnicities) may get allergies here in the U.S. is the one given, it may be the opposite. I believe there are many (and probably different...) types of environmental molds/fungi here in the U.S. and those are the real reasons for most allergies. A lot of fungi produce mycotoxins that have immuno-suppresive properties, that goes also for anti-biotics which ARE mycotoxins and they are prescribed much too liberally.

I am originally from the Dominican Republic and have had more problems in FL due to fungi, especially in recent years because of 3 hurricanes we had in this area, than I actually did where I grew up. My best friend, a Dominican also who moved to Delaware in 1991, recently told me that she began suffering from allergies, sinus (and other fungi-related) problems AFTER she moved there.

General Feedback
Posted by Android (Davis, California Usa) on 06/08/2011


Hello to everyone... I am a Microbiologist. Honey is not given to infants or recommended for the aged (70 ) as they do not have sufficient stomach acid to prevent the botulism spores from breaking out of spore and developing into the bacteria that produce botulin toxin.

General Feedback
Posted by Suelr (Syracuse, Ny) on 11/27/2012

If low stomach acid is cause to not eat honey, then people who take antacids like Prevacid should not eat honey either.

Posted by Djuana (Brooklyn, NY) on 01/23/2007

Honey cures for acne and irritated skin on the face. My face is clear now.

Posted by Chris (Knoxville, TN) on 11/14/2006

I tried the honey for a hangover after discovering your website by chance last week. I am not a heavy drinker but last night had a little too much red-wine. I woke up this morning with a slight hangover so I took two tbsp. of local raw honey I keep in my pantry; at first I had heartburn and a burning sensation in my throat but then after about an hour I felt much better. I hope to use this site for more often for insight on natural cures than taking the usual Tylenol or asprins I usually take for just too much of a good thing. Thanks for our Global friends who want to share natures remedies.

Posted by Jen (Bedford, NH) on 11/13/2006

After several months dealing with a painful abscess on my bottom, I was desperate. I'd had it opened and drained by a surgeon, and had to have it packed every day for weeks. I took antibiotics, which gave me a massive allergic reaction. It was not healing. Finally the opening the surgeon had made became too small to insert the packing gauze, and I just set a gauze square on the outside. It flared up again almost imediately. While looking for any alternative to "modern" medicine, I first tried a sliced red beet. It did seem to draw out some pus, but it was still not healing. Then, I read a large study that had been posted on the internet dealing with the curative effects of honey vs. standard medical therapies. The results were so dramatic, I had to try it. within five days, the abscess has fully drained! No more pus is coming out, it has NOT swollen up again, and doesn't hurt anymore. I used organic honey on a gauze square, and will continue to do so until it is fully closed and healed. I am also going to start trying it internally for acid reflux (just diagnosed), as I cannot take the prescribed pills (excruciating abdominal/colon spasms!). Thanks for a wonderful website!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 10/06/2006

I cut myself while preparing dinner one night and found that I had very little Neosporin. I used what I had on the small cut and the next night did nothing. The day after that it was red and swollen, meaning a small infection, so I applied some honey to it before bed. The next morning the redness and swelling were gone. I applied more twice that day and by the next day it was completely healed. So now I use honey right away on any cut and it heals within a day or two at the most. Honey applied to a pimple makes it go away fairly quickly.

It is also great for BURNS. The other night we were burning some brush in the fire pit and being stupid I grabbed for a stick that wasn't in the fire, but instead grabbed a red-hot end of a burnt stick. OUCH. I ran to the house and put my fingers in ice water. I could tell I burned it deeply (the finger-pad of my forefinger) the other was small burn on the side of my thumb. Then I thought about what I had seen about burns and honey, so I put honey in a measuring cup and dipped my fingers in that. It took the pain right away, but it came back again quickly. So I alternated for an hour and a half between the ice water and honey. The next morning the blisters were unbelievably small and did not hurt AT ALL. In fact the burn felt less deep than it had the night before. Just the surrounding skin looked a little dry. The one on the thumb was completely healed. I have no doubt the forefinger would have been semi-serious if I had not applied the honey. Today (2 days later) you can barely see the blister, as it is flush with the skin and the skin all around the burn looks completely normal again. In fact I can see my fingerprint! I first found this website looking for honey cures and found a wealth of other things too. I love this place!

Posted by Kabita (Kolkata and West Bengal) on 04/25/2006

I take honey -- it makes my skin glow. Your site is really very helpful to the people like me who always want to make the skin more radiant by intaking home made substances. THANK U.

Posted by Connie (HoHoKus, NJ) on 03/16/2006

I had a kind of eczema in the corner upper eye lid which refused to go away for months. After trying many different remedies, I decided to try honey after reading about its healing properties. One application did it, it was amazing!!!!

Dry and Cracked Lips
Posted by Brooke (CO) on 04/18/2022

My lips get so dry, they crack and bleed and swell and nothing topically helped until I tried the honey. It is a miracle and helped the dryness go away in two days they looked almost normal again. It's 100% stronger than regular raw honey, made from bees in New Zealand from the tea tree. Look online and see all the benefits. Find some at your local health food store.

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