Appetite Suppressant
Yesterday I noticed that I haven't had the afternoon munchies all week! Most afternoons I get serious cravings for sweet or salty things. I will have popcorn or nuts or a muffin or something.
I think it is from the coconut milk. Even if I only have coconut milk in the morning, and a normal lunch (salad and chicken or something similarly light) I will be making dinner and realize I never had a snack or even thought to have one.
Because of my Alpha Gal allergy I consume very little animal fat. (Only the bit that would be in lean chicken or fish.) So maybe my body was needing saturated fat. Or maybe it is that my body just needed more fat in general since the only oil I tend to use it olive oil. Fat makes you feel satisfied and maybe the satiation lasts longer than just for the hours following its consumption.
Then I thought that maybe I was getting more calories and was at risk of gaining weight. My weight is in the healthy range, but since menopause I have had to work very hard to keep it there.
I stepped on the scale this morning and was surprised to find I am down a few pounds. (I realize weight can fluctuate a lot, but this is a number I haven't seen in a very long time.)
It is early to tell what the long term effect of coconut milk to help with chronic UTI's or to reducing cravings, but I am encouraged.
I have used coconut oil medicinally for years but never considered coconut milk use much beyond using it for curries. :)
~Mama to Many~
(Princeton, NJ)
Hi Mama to Many,
When I add coconut milk to my daily smoothie, I've noticed that I can go the whole day without wanting to eat. You're on to something. It is the fat. Thanks for sharing your discovery.
(New York)
Mama To Many, Season's Greeting to you and all.
How is your experiment with Coconut Milk coming along? Did you find any definite benefits? About how much coconut milk do you drink each day?
I am asking because I had some kind of a summer. I had to double up on the prayer. I had so many cysts and bumps this summer, I was like the poster that said, "And they all have different names." Who knows what kind of cysts they were. All I know is they kept coming and going until the hot weather changed to fall weather, and now they have dried up, well, all but one. I used so many different supplements, ointments and oils, but I think the weather change is what sealed the deal.
I don't want to have to deal with that next summer so I trying to fix the problem. I am on day 2 drinking a little coconut milk in the morning and evening. I love to hear your updated review of Coconut Milk. You are Highly Appreciated.
Dear HisJewel,
Good to hear from you!
I had been trying to consume most of a can of coconut milk a day. I did that for a few weeks. However, when my supply of coconut milk was depleted (I had a case or two of it that I had gotten on a really good deal) I stopped using it due to the expense. I went on to use homemade colloidal silver for my UTI's with excellent results and fewer reoccurrences.
I do, however, continue to use 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in my oatmeal each morning. I am wondering if this is why I have not gotten any of the viruses that have been circulating for many weeks. (Coconut oil is an amazing anti-viral.) I have helped take care of kids and grandkids with covid and Hand Food and Mouth disease and stayed well, thank God.
For your difficulty with cysts, winter might be a good time to do a slow and gentle detox like daily use of dandelion and nettle tea?
~Mama to Many~
(New York)
Thank You so much.
Balance Electrolytes and Lower Beats Per Minute
(Newcastle, Nsw Australia)
I'm obsessed with coconut water. I regularly go to (and now work at- yay! ) an organic cafe that sells 'Dr. Martin's coco juice', which is just the raw coconut water from young (green) coconuts. It is so refreshing, helps with sugar cravings and just makes you feel so good. The only downside is that I spend lots of money on it - I like to have it at least every other day, and preferably every day. Yummm. I'll have to invest in a coconut plantation one day.
I wonder about the coconut milk people are talking about - do you drink canned coconut milk? I've read that canned coconut milk is contaminated with BPA because of the canning process. I tried drinking a glass of it once and it made me feel sick. Although, knowing my body that could have been a sign my digestive system was getting a kick start. I have however had coconut milk (canned) in hot chocolate. Oh it was amazing. So creamy and so gooood. I recommend it to anyone!
(Kendal, U.k)
I did a youtube search on how to make your own coconut milk, came up with two alternative methods. BEWARE so moreish once you've tried.
You can use either fresh coconut or desicated, depending on availability. Also if you google search health benefits it does give you added reasons to indulge yourself. ENJOY.!!!
Beautiful Skin
Bladder Infection

hi, I had the same symptoms as you especially night time, very difficult to hold urine, frequent visits to the toilet...
Bladder Infection
Bladder Infection
(Sandusky, Ohio)
Coconut milk does appear to work for a bladder infection, or UTI.
Ever since I had my daughter 4 years ago, I get chronic bladder infections, I'm prone to them. I get one about every six months. I've tried everything from the over the counter medications to cranberry supplements, syrups, and juices, Uva Ursi(which has worked for me a couple of times), and Apple cider vinegar(which is sometimes effective at getting rid of minor bladder infections in the early stages).
Last year, it went to my kidneys, and I became very ill. I had a full blown kidney infection. At that time I was on the apple cider vinegar trip, ( I was stubborn, my Mom kept telling me to just go to the doctor and get antibiotics, and I didn't listen till the last minute)and that did nothing for my kidney/bladder infection. When I finnaly broke down and went, they put me on STRONG antibiotics I was amazed at how effective they were at curing me, and within a week, my infection was gone, but then I got the worst yeast infection I've ever had in my life, and so I spent another week battling that, LOL!!!
Sometimes you need to break down and get antibiotics.
However...this time, although I did not have a kidney infection, just a bladder infection, and the antibiotics they put me on, weren't as strong, they really weren't working for me and I was getting frustrated, so I decided to try coconut milk.
The day I decided to try the coconut milk thing, I woke up with a nasty cold. I kid you not, within three days of drinking a can of coconut milk a day, the cold was COMPLETELY gone, and the bladder infection much, much better!!!
I've always had techniques to shorten the duration of my colds, like vitamins and teas and stuff, but I've never had a cold just be gone, in three days.
I've been having to deal with this painful bladder infection for 3 weeks now, and now it seems to be gone.
I drank about 5 cans of coconut milk in a three day period. Also, at first I didn't like the taste so I sweetened it with ice and sugar and it tasted awesome. By about the second day I didn't mind the taste so much so I just made sure to chill the can in the fridge before opening it. works!!! I'm amazed.
(Miami, Florida)
it sounds to me that you need to boost your immune system. drinking coconut milk is ok but coconut water is better. they both contain natural antiviral and antibiotic elements. stay away from sugar though .it will encourage the growth of bacteria and so will drinking alcohol. as a mom you are vulnerable to exhaustion...get some sleep whenever you can and eat natural foods and take supplements. eat yogart and drink the coconut water 2 or 3 times a day. you will feel better and your nail and hair and skin will look amazing!
(Cancun, Mexico)
What a relief to have found Coconut Milk! After only 2 cups I was feeling some relief and 1 1/2 days later the urge to pee every hour, w/pain like I'd been holding it overnight, finally went away! My relief is great! Thank you, E.C. Still have 1 1/2cartons to finish, but I will be done in a day or two!
(Ny, Ny)
Umm, why is coconut water better than coconut milk? Coconut water is simply the latest craze to hit the beverage market at the moment. Needless to say I am a little skeptical of this post. Coconut milk has been around for a long time but you should find one without additives.
(Manhattan, New York)
I have never heard of Coconut Water for bladder infections. Though I do like it for a natural sport
electrolyte drink. Especially in the hotter days of summer. It is very high in Potassium and has saved me a couple times in 100 degree weather from falling over.
(Newark, Nj)
Is coconut water healthier than coconut milk?
To answer Terisha's question:
Coconut water is not "the latest craze". Coconut water is the clear juice that comes out of young coconuts. And coconut milk is a thick white fluid pressed from a mixture of a mature coconut's meat (flesh) and water. Both are fat free and have a good source of potassium and other nutrients. The big difference is that the water, obviously, has fewer calories than the milk. But the milk offers less sodium than the water. So it really depends on what your body needs. If you look up coconut water, research shows that drinking it might reduce high cholesterol but because of the high sodium content, it might increase high blood pressure....
From the Caribbean island that my family is from, coconut water is used quite frequently in cleansing the urinary tract and aiding in symptom relief. I have also drank the pure coconut water (along with a cranberry pill) to help with my UTI and in the matter of 2-3 days my UTI was gone!!
(Vancouver, Canada)
D Mannose way less calories then cans of coconut milk. Gets rid of a bladder infection in days and the pain in hours. If you take oil of oregano 2 a day (it eats the bacteria) Thats my cure I used to get bladder infections 2 times a month. Also it gets rid of kidney infections. Google it I keep it as a staple in my house. Also if you have an IUD after having ur daughter that may be the cause of your bladder infections. I don't know if you do but it seems once you get any infection bladder or otherwise they come back. Anyways food for thought. and after getting rif of my iud and taking dmannose I no longer get bladder infections.
To Debbie from Melbourne.. You are incorrect regarding being able to eat cholesterol from coconuts because they are plants. Coconut oil is a saturated fat and for many it does raise bad cholesterol. On the positive side, however, it always raises the good cholesterol. I had to go off the oil as it raised my cholesterol through the roof. I would assume the milk has cholesterol too but I don't know. I don't know about coconut water.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Ladyliza, please do some research - you are not correct. Cholesterol is only found in animal products like milk, eggs, cheese, meat etc. Plants do not contain cholesterol, nor do fruits and grains. You are not correct. Refined coconut oil has NO cholesterol. It cannot lower or raise good or bad cholesterol at all. If your cholesterol was raised when you took it, it must have come from an animal source or it was your own body producing the cholesterol by itself. Do a search on why cholesterol is good for you. It may save you or a family member's life.
On the other hand cholesterol is good for the body in fact it is needed by the body and in particular the brain.
Please watch this video by Dr. Natasha McBride (a Neurosurgeon) on why cholesterol is good for you. Research "cholesterol found in animal food sources" only
(Honiara, Solomon Islands)
Actually you're both right. Coconut does not have cholesterol in it, thats true - only things that have a face or a mother have cholesterol. BUT, coconut is a saturated fat and therefore encourages the liver to produce more cholesterol - so consuming it will in fact raise your levels. Having said that, there is certainly a place for it in a healthy diet!
My dear. I gave coconut milk to my mum because she hae a uti. Then I read your comment. thank you very much. Please write if you wish
Coconut Milk Vs. Coconut Water
(Melbourne, Australia)
Nm coconut milk or coconut water cannot raise cholesterol levels because you only get cholesterol from animal products (butter, meat, cheese etc).
Anyway cholesterol is needed for the functioning of the brain and should not be avoided. The brain is made up of saturated fat.
Here is a vide on why you need cholesterol.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Hi Nm, maybe you could consider to read a couple of books about cholesterol and the fact that the cholesterol you eat has hardly any effect on the total cholesterol in your body. Don't believe everything you are told because a lot of it is just misinformation! If the subject interests you you can also watch the video Debbie from Melbourne posted. Anyway, I reviewd some excellent books on the book section in case you are interested! It is quite fascinating information..... And you can also find quite a bit of information on this site too!
(Haledon, Nj)
Just a clarification. Coconut milk cannot be drank the way one would drink the juice extracted from an orange or an apple. Coconut milk is made by extracting the juice from the white meat of a mature coconut. The left over is called a mash. The mash is then thrown away. You can eat the white meat of a mature coconut, but most of the meat of a mature coconut is tough/hard. Coconut milk is added in food preparation or cooking. You are not supposed to drink coconut milk by itself unless you want to have frequent visits to the john. Besides, coconut milk if drank in its extracted liquid form will make you hurl! It is not sweet.
Coconut water is actually coconut juice. Coconut juice is present in almost all young coconuts. You may drink the juice directly from the coconut. The juice may be a bit cloudier compared to clear water. The white flesh inside the young coconut is edible. Both the juice and the flesh inside may be sweet.
How do you know if the coconut is mature or young? This takes a bit of experience. However, as a guide line, an unhusked coconut that is green in color is a young coconut. An unhusked coconut that is brown in color is matured or even aged. As a added tip, coconut oil is made by drying up the white meat (now called copra) and then pressing it in a process where the oil is produced.
How do I know this... because I grew up in a tropical country where coconut is in abundance and is also a means of livelihood by the locals.
(Birmingham, Uk)
There is available now, Coconut Milk that one can drink or use on cereal or in smoothies, etc. It is different from the milk or cream used in the islands for cooking, so it is appropriate for drinking. I use it instead of Soy Milk.... and most healthfood stores and supermarkets sell it now.
(Tampa, Florida)
I've been making my own coconut milk at home, and it's the best milk you can make in my opinion (if you like coconuts). It's even good in coffee.
Sometimes I get 3 quarts from one coconut if it's large. It does have a natural sweetness to it if the coconut is fresh. It's tough to find fresh coconuts in grocery stores or health food stores. You have to find a fresh farmer's market or an importer if you're far away from the tropics. With store bought coconuts; even in Florida I only get around 40% success rates with freshness. At the farmer's market, I get around 80%. Fresh coconut water will smell nice and have a slight sweetness. Old coconut water will smell not so nice and taste bad, and have "floaters" in it (slimy looking particles).
I just empty the coconut water into a (heavy-duty) blender, and then add the coconut meat after removing the shell. Add water to 3/4 or so full and blend, strain through a nut-milk bag, put pulp back in blender, add water again to about 3/4 full and blend again, strain this and compost the pulp or use for recipes. I add a bit of sea salt, and you can add some sweetener if it's not sweet enough for you. It will usually separate overnight in the fridge and the cream on top is better than whipped cream. You can shake it up again if you want to keep the cream in the milk. This beats any store bought canned or carton coconut milk. The stuff in the cartons is watered down, so they have to add thickeners, usually cheap chalky calcium, or starch and it doesn't taste nearly as good as homemade.
I hope this helps those of you who want to make fresh coconut milk.
Crohn's Disease
Fiberglass Inhalation
If anyone has any knowledge of detoxing from fiberglass inhalation and can offer some suggestions, would be appreciated. I am drinking more coconut milk in the hopes that if I have anything left, it will get coughed up again. Yucky!!!
(Falling Pines, America)
Check this out about FIBERGLASS and ASBESTOS clean up.
General Feedback
General Feedback
Sincerely, Jenny
THE CURES: Coconut. Yep, another vote for that one. I recently discovered Thai food, and they put coconut milk in just about everything. Taking special care to eat Tom Kha Gai (Food of the gods!) or Thai curry dishes several times a week, I've discovered that I have no need for my previous supplement: Gigartina Red Marine Algae, 1000mg (4 capsules) per day. And it's a lot more fun! To be fair, though, the Red Marine Algae works just as well.
If I want to cause an outbreak within an hour, all I have to do is not eat any coconut products for a few days, and then have a Diet Red Bull. Chock full of both Aspartame and arginine, if your doctor needs you to have an outbreak for testing purposes, this will do the trick. Drinking two of these per day sent me to the emergency room with horrible sores, and was how I discovered I had herpes. Other energy drinks (containing arginine) kept me having sores for the next few months until I realized the connection.
(Naples, Fl)
Red Algae is supposed to CURE Herpes, help Shingles, for Weight Loss, and Cholesterol. Do Some research on the net. I love the internet & Earthclinic, what a great resource!
How to Make Coconut Milk
This is how I make my coconut milk:
Buy regular sweetened shredded coconut in the baking aisle. Measure out 1 cup of shredded coconut into to a blender. Add 2 cups of warm water. Blend briefly and let sit for 30-45 mins. Strain through a fine cloth (cheese cloth or similar) into a glass bowl and put in the fridge until cool. (Recipe easily doubles, but then I extend the sitting time to 60 mins.)
Now here's where it gets interesting (and economical): The oil will rise to the top of your milk. Skim this off and place in a sauce pan. Simmer the oil and stir until the curds "fall out" of the oil, about 5 mins. Filter this oil through a coffee filter into a clean glass jar. You have now made coconut oil good for cooking with. I keep mine in the refrigerator to maintain utmost freshness.
And you can take the shredded coconut you strained, spread it in a baking pan and toast in the oven at 250F for 25 mins. You can now use this coconut in your regular baking.
Ha, ha! Three products in one and no messing with whole coconuts!
(Sydney, NSW)
Very smart, im impressed. you can use it in many recipes too.
(Toronto, On)
I couldn't find coconut oil. The health food store in China town I bought it at before has closed. I decided to try to make my own. Bought two coconuts. On the internet I saw that you could open with a hammer and a nail, but I used a wine corkscrew and it worked just fine. For cracking, others used a hammer with coconut in a towel. I used a cast iron pan, with coconut in towel against a stone paver. The meat needs to have the brown husk taken off, which I used a cheese grater. Then I put in the food processor to chop finely. Put on the stove and simmered at a low heat, then pour liquid through a sieve, and place in fridge. The oil solidifies on top, so you scoop off and put in a container and the rest is coconut milk. It creates a lot of milk but not a lot of oil.
How to Make Coconut Milk
COCONUT MILK - HOW TO MAKE IT (Recipe Courtesy of )
Coconut milk is not the liquid inside a coconut, although this liquid does make a satisfying drink. Rather, coconut milk is made by squeezing the grated flesh of a coconut with some hot water resulting in a rich white liquid that looks very much like cow's milk.
Coconut milk should be distinguished from coconut cream. Fresh coconut milk, when refrigerated, and canned coconut milk, if not shaken, separates into two layers, with the thick (upper) layer being the coconut cream and the thinner (bottom) layer constituting the milk. The top layer can be skimmed off with a spoon and used for recipes requiring coconut cream (usually desserts) with the bottom layer being reserved for recipes specifying coconut milk.
Canned, frozen and powdered coconut milk are widely available, convenient to use and generally of acceptable quality. However, they do not generally achieve quite the quality of coconut milk prepared at home from fresh or desiccated coconut.
For those who might want to try preparing coconut milk at home, the following provides instructions for doing so.
A: Preparing Coconut Milk from Fresh Coconuts
Pierce the eyes of a fresh coconut, drain the liquid inside and place the coconut on a rack and bake in a 325F pre-heated oven for about 30 minutes. Remove the coconut from the oven, let it cool a bit and crack it with a hammer so that the shell breaks into several pieces. Remove all the coconut meat from the shell, peel off the brown skin and cut the meat into very small cubes. Place the meat in a blender, add hot water to just cover all of the meat and blend until finely grated. Place a sieve covered with cheese cloth over a bowl and pour the coconut meat and water into the sieve squeezing handfuls of the coconut meat to extract as much liquid as possible into the bowl. Discard the squeezed coconut meat and refrigerate the coconut milk that has been extracted into the bowl. Refrigerate the milk and use within 1 or 2 days. B: Preparing Coconut Milk from Desiccated coconut.
Empty an 8 oz package of unsweetened desiccated coconut into a blender and add 1 cup boiling water. Blend for about 30 seconds and allow the mixture to cool a bit. Place a sieve over a bowl lined with cheese cloth. Ladle the mixture into the cheese cloth, fold the edges over the coconut meat and twist the ends to extract as much milk as you can into the bowl. Discard the squeezed coconut meat and refrigerate the coconut milk that has been extracted into the bowl. Refrigerate the milk and use within 1 or 2 days.