
I had been researching cures for cancer.. A scientist told me the bakingsoda/maple syrup cure would be problematic.. & I quote his e-mail exactly below: (please help me know what is true.. The bsoda cure sounded quite hopeful.. I don't have cancer but I like answers & prevention)
"1. Maple Syrup, especially grade c or b is definitely a high nutrition product, however, the volume of sugar still has to be considered and as a short term blood cleansing like the cayenne pepper and lemon / lime and maple syrup cool aid drink, which is commonly known as the Mexican blood cleanser is a fantastically good formula. On the other hand, baking soda to chemically force the body to become alkaline is not at all the same as using lemons or limes, which go in acid and covert into alkaline. The baking soda technology is bunk, junk science. This is the typical, vicious medical powers to be who make money on cancer would suggest such a formula because initially, the baking soda would dilute the stomach acids, make the person less acid and then of course, they don't want you to look at what else happens, which is because the stomach acids have been diluted, the body now utilizes fungus to create sulfuric acid in the lower intestines to complete the digestion that should have been done in the stomach. As a result, the entire body becomes severely acid, the problems of asthma, mucus, and a variety of other lung issues will also develop from this problem, so in the long and short, I think this maple syrup baking soda is a harmful therapy. "
So what do you think Ted?
Angela.. Thank you :)
I have a cat who has incurable cancer. We are going to inject it into the site. I will print here how it goes.I myself have just started doing the ACV and honey with Baking Soda I may try also adding the Coconut oil. I would be interested in hearing from others, but don't want my email address hooked to a spider. Cheers.
(Schenectady, NY)
Baking Soda ACV etc... Could you share w/me your outcome thus far w/your feline companion and that of yourself. My little girl of the canine species. Researching and exhausting every avenue. I would appreciate you sharing your experience.TY
After looking at the details, it appears they go to the extreme to claim the using of just baking soda alone would work. Citrates are actually more effective, e.g. baking soda and lemon (e.g. citrates in form of sodium & potassium). Metabolism needed to be raised to fight against sickness, e.g. acv baking soda (it's the acetate and malates)
The problem is the issue is about balance where the body's sodium: potassium ratio is held in balance.
Also the most effective form of alkalizing is actually the citrates, which is actually found as a reaction from the baking soda and citric acid (sodium bicarbonate citric acid = sodium citrate), that effectively raises the pH with any degree enough to kill of fungus or infection. This is why the lemon bicarbonate formula is recommended for cancer (prostrate, leukemia, etc. that I got a good feedback).
An ideal alkalization is whatever you are taking should be in a proper portion to the body's fluids, much like Ringer's solution or Mammalian solution. It is not just the use of baking soda, more importantly it is also citrate, malates, acetates, that the website completely misses on.
(Bombay, India)
I totally agree! Lemon (citric acid) are vital for the Krebs cycle and oxygenation as well as oxygenation. Lemon/Bicarb formula seems to be more affective than Bicarb alone!
(Palmdale, California)
For DrJ, India My friend is poor. She has basosquamous CA, left cheek area. Already had a 10 hour surgery. They took part of her nose and did not get all of the cancer. Now docs want to completely take her nose and left cheek bone to get at rest of cancer. What combination can work for her. Need help fast. Can't afford to buy books. Going broke trying remedies in health food stores. Help!!
(Sidney, British Columbia, Canada)
I came across Dr. Tullio Simoncini's website http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/index.php that espouses the use of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate to treat various cases/forms of cancer, which to him is a fungus. Have a look at this website http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/emails-to-simoncini.html to read emails to Dr. Simoncini, this one http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/cancer-therapy-video.html on patient testimonials, and this http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/treatment-simoncini-protocol.html on cancer treatment protocols.
Canker Sores
Canker Sores
Canker Sores
Canker Sores
Canker Sores
Cleaning Teeth
I seem to have read in places that baking soda may be hard on the teeth. I asked my dentist his opinion of baking soda instead of toothpaste. He said that it is what people used to use and that he thinks it is a good thing to do. He said that he does not think it is too abrasive for the teeth. He also said that since cavities form in an acid environment and that the baking soda will create a more alkaline environment, that baking soda should be helpful in avoiding cavities.
My mother used baking soda and peroxide for years as her only "toothpaste" at the recommendation of her periodontist! Mom had problems with her teeth for years and worked hard to keep them. (She was in a car accident when she was 6 that seemed to affect her teeth her whole life.)
Perhaps some will find baking soda to not work well for them. I am not suggesting this is the best thing for everyone. It has just worked well for me and I thought my dentist's opinion made sense.
This is a pretty neat dentist, by the way. He is not a natural or biological dentist. He is in a very small town often serving the poor. By what he charges he is obviously not in this for the money. Though my children have had well water since we started going to him, he never suggests flouride for them. He seems to just want to help people keep their teeth healthy. He has really been a blessing to our family when we have needed dental help or advice.
~Mama to Many~
Colds and Flu
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Susan... BS should not be taken if the body is in a state of alkalosis (too alkaline) as occurs in many end stage autoimmune diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, HIV AIDS. BS should also not be taken if you have a malfunctioning kidney.
As Paracelsus, a famous medievil Swiss physician said: "Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."
For a reasonable account of warnings and contraindications for BS, see this link.
For further evidence of the usefulness of BS to the body (other than just for alkalizing) see this link.
I've been using SB against candida in high dosages and on a regular basis since then for many years and have noticed no adverse effects.
(Phoenix AZ)
Cyanide Poisoning Antidote