Pet Medication Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Pet Medication Side Effects & Drug Detox

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Jilbert57 (Brinnon, Wa, Usa) on 03/03/2012


I have a 5 year old aussie/heeler who I give Interceptor to monthly for heartworm prevention. I was told by two different vets not to use a medicine with Ivermectin in it as the herding breeds are subject to seizures from it.

Posted by Cheryl (Fort Worth, Texas) on 08/28/2011


I have used Iverectin for over 20 years from Mastiffs to Mini Schnauzers, Am Staffs, Jack Russels.. One of my Am Staffs is solid white and she has done great on it, I have never had a problem with it at all, but I was warned years ago, NEVER give to them while they are hot.. So I dose mine early morning.. That may be part of the problem with some of the effects some have seen using it.

Posted by Itsytexan (Houston, Tx) on 04/29/2011


The rule is "White Feet Don't Treat", which I have recently learned the hard way. My vet gave my dog heartworm preventative with Ivermectin in it and she almost died. I have since learned that some dogs, often the ones with tan or brown bodies and white feet (hence the rule) have a gene mutation that makes then sensitive to Ivermectin. It basically goes straight to their brain. It's ugly. The vet never should have given this dog, that was a stray with 4 white paws and looks like an aussie/lab mix (aussies, collies, and a few other breeds are more likely to have the sensitivity). And when she saw that my dog could barely walk, she should have known what was happening. Please spread the word about this.

Posted by Karen (Idaho Falls, Id) on 10/25/2010


My sister-in-law raises show shelties and has done so for at least 20 years. She informed me that it is a known fact that shepherd breed dogs are highly allergic to ivermectin- it should NEVER be prescribed for herding dogs as it is known to be fatal to them. That vet should never have given it to a shepherd mix.