Natural Remedies

Natural Cystitis Remedies for Cats

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Homeopathic Cantharsis
Posted by jnnfr4387 (Green Bay, WI) on 08/15/2023

This site has been so helpful to me numerous times so I wanted to give back and share some information that was incredibly helpful to my cat. I got him when he was about three years old from the humane society. He has always suffered from periodic constipation so when I saw his straining last week that's what I thought he was experiencing. I gave him a supplement that assists with that. But two days later he continued to strain and it was in inappropriate places. Then we saw some very concentrated urine.

He is currently seven and had never had urinary issues so I never suspected it. After I saw the concentrated urine I gave him another supplement I have called Tinkle Tonic made by Animal Essentials. By that time the poor guy was so uncomfortable getting him to eat or drink was challenging. He began to have blood in what little urine he could get out. He loves goats milk so I would place the supplement in that. Money is very tight for me so spending hundreds of dollars at the vet was not my first option.

I got online and started doing some research on different homeopathics that may help. I have always had good results using them. I came across the remedy cantharis which assists with burning and decreased flow. I ordered the 30C strength and also ordered some drops from Homeopet (feline UTI) which had the cantharis in it as well as additional helpful remedies.

The drops state they can be put in food or water. Normally with homeopathic pellets, you wouldn't put them in food or drink because it contaminates them. If you have a docile cat then by all means put them directly in the side of the cat's mouth. My cat however will slash me to pieces. If he even sees a syringe or medicine bottle he runs. So I had no choice but to place both drops and pellets in his food or water. I believe he may have passed a stone.

Within three or four days he was back to his normal self and bouncing off of the walls. He's very high energy and it was all back and then some! No more straining, peeing in inappropriate places, or blood in the urine. I was so relieved for him and me. I felt so helpless knowing my baby was in pain. I just wanted to share with others. Last time I took a cat to the vet for this it was over $700 and that was fourteen years ago so I can only imagine what it would be now. I hope this information can help someone else.