Natural Remedies to Treat Kennel Cough in Dogs

Posted by Gemma (Pacnw) on 12/26/2017

Our VET suggested garlic in low doses, as other vets we have seen through the years. High doses are toxic, just like high doses of other meds. But our vet suggested garlic for the dogs and he is not a holistic vet.

Posted by Eve (Ny) on 10/16/2017

My dad gave our dogs a garlic pill per day to keep fleas and mosquitos away. He did this for 13 and 16 yrs...that's how long our dogs lived.

Never had any illnesses.

Posted by Dana (Spartanburg, Sc) on 09/25/2010

I took my St Bernard to the Humane Society to be fixed, when she came, she brought Kennel Cough home with her. Knowing that the rest of my dogs could catch it, I immediately started them all on garlic. I used fresh garlic (about 4 big cloves), some broth, bolied carrot and put it all in a blender. Poured it over their food and they ate it right up. After 2 days of doing this my St's cough was pretty much completly gone. I did this for a week and by the end of the week, she was as good as new. I also put a capful of hydrogen peroxide in their water bowl each time I had to fill it. Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Tucson_arizona (Tucson, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 05/16/2010

Kennal Cough & Garlic Yay

We have a 3 month old mixed breed puppy. I noticed about a week ago he started having a kind of hacking cough.
So that first day I hear it, I gave him a garlic pill. I am giving him 1 500 mg orderless tablet a day. I have used garlic pills in the past, and recommend getting only odorless, other wise the non-oderless have a nasty way of "coming back at ya" if you know what I mean lol.

I also started putting a chewable vitamin C pill on top of his dog food, and he is eating that!

Ever since I start giving him(Magnum) the Garlic,he stopped hacking almost immediately!