Natural Remedies to Treat Kennel Cough in Dogs

Bee Propolis
Posted by Maggie (Idaho) on 12/03/2019 36 posts

Bee propolis extract / honey paste cured my little dog of what seemed to be a terrible cold with hacking cough, blocked up nose and gagging. She didn't want to eat and kept getting worse and worse. I tried a lot of home remedies but nothing seemed to work. I finally tried the bee propolis / honey paste and within 2 hours she was a lot better. Gave her another dose and after another couple of hours she was running and wanting to eat and had stopped coughing and could breathe easily. I couldn't believe it worked so fast. Every now and then she'd cough so I continued to give her the mixture a few more times and she's well now. What I gave her was between 1/8 -1/4 teaspoon of the bee propolis / honey paste mixed with some water that had been mixed with some canned food that I knew she liked. I strained the water / dog food mixture so I could mix it with the propolis paste and use a syringe without the needle to give it to her. The water with the canned dog food has to be strained or else the syringe will clog up. She was so sick and not wanting to eat that I had to use the syringe to get it in her because I knew she wouldn't take it on her own. After she started feeling better, I just put the propolis in her food and she ate it, didn't have to use the syringe. I was so surprised to see her feel better after only 2 hours after taking the propolis. Now I keep a jar on hand at all times.