Natural Remedies

Effective Solutions for Constipation in Pets

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Glycerin and Water Enema

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Posted by Mike (Kentucky) on 08/04/2015

Glycerine works for constipation in my dog.

My 105lb (intact) kuvasz bitch has problems once or twice a month during the summer. I get a 2qt enema bag, add 6-8oz of liquid glycerin and fill with warm water. Insert the hose a bit, and let it flow for a minute then slowly push the hose deeper. The further in you can get it with gentle pressure, the better. Works ever time, usually before she can finish the bag.

Replied by Csareb

I've done that, and it works well. This is something that should only be considered with larger breeds such as the kuvasz, maremma sheepdogs, and great pyrenees, and any similar sized or larger breeds. Home enemas should never be attempted on a dog smaller than 70 lbs, as it is easy to get the dosage wrong and overfill the colon in smaller breeds, which can cause all sorts of problems as well as perforation.

Large, XL, and giant breeds, tolerate enemas well, and provided you use common sense (never use otc phosphate enemas), it is perfectly safe on these dogs.

Replied by Rob

Constipation in Dogs.

The Spatula, Volume 23, p. 219. 1916

Treatment by means of saline injection and liquid paraffin has proved efficacious with many practitioners. It is a mild and agreeable cure compared with repeated administrations of cathartics and the like, besides being much quicker in action and seldom producing enteritis and gastritis. The mode of application is: get the animal by the hind legs . elevate these, then inject into the rectum from one to two pints of warm salt solution (3ij . to 3 vj. to the pint), and keep the legs elevated for some time after. Vomiting usually occurs then, after which liquid paraffin can be given by the mouth in doses of from 3j. to 3 vj., according to breed, age, size, weight, and condition of the animal. The bowels usually move in the course of a few hours, but if no response, the treatment can be repeated and continued at least twice a day until a result is obtained. Usually no more than twice is necessary, unless it be a very pronounced and obstinate case. Care must be taken in the after-feeding, as a recurrence is easily produced through carelessness. – Chemist and Druggist.

Goat Milk

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Posted by Anonymous (Usa) on 12/16/2010

Goat milk doesn't seem to cure the constipation, but it keeps her hydrated and somewhat nourished when she wouldn't otherwise eat. Goat milk is easier for people to digest than cow milk, so I tried it with her. She also eats raw chicken liver, especially the blood, when she won't otherwise eat. So if your friend is not eating, maybe try that. You might also smear a little glucosamine paste onto the front foot. Mix some CoQ10 into it maybe, I think somewhere I saw 5mg was appropriate for a small cat, but check for yourself. If she tastes the medicine in her food she won't eat, but if it's smeared onto her paw she will lick it off.


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Posted by Ron (USA) on 07/02/2024 29 posts

Magnesium for Constipation in Dogs

Add magnesium chloride crystals to drinking water of the pet. Chances are magnesium levels are low if giving city / tap water. R/O water systems remove any that would be in the water. Remineralization stages do not add nearly enough back in. Fortunately, I innerstand that we along with our animals came from an evolution of drinking water in nature, which naturally has a magnesium salt content. Or eating in the wild, natural magnesium oxide content. Magnesium chloride is a great substitute. Ever since I give it to my dog and cat they both have lost their previous issues with ahrd stool or crystals in their kidneys causing pain when they pee.

I always ask my fellow animal lovers if they're aware there is next to no magnesium in public water, and if they're able to use common sense to connect that with thier animals' issues not being able to poop or pee right. They typically are ignorant to this. And even respond with high skepticism or innocent arrogance. It's simple though. Common sense. Anyways.Magnesium can cause loose stools if given too much. But it can also cause loose stools to go regular in animals and humans .

How much to give?

I go by Ted's recommendations. As practicing tjhem for near a decade, they hold true.

Mix up a dropper bottle with half magnesium chloride crystals, and half pure water. the crystals dissolve instantly.

Add 1 drop for every cup of water in your water jugs you keep at home. Thats about 16 drops.

For initial magnesium repalcement though, I add extra to their water bowls or food. Start low and work up.

a 5 lb cat would need only a single drop of magnesium in it's daily water intake. I may give him 2 drops in his water cup for the day. Adding it to his food sometimes causes GI upset if it isnt thoroughly mixed, so adding half a drop would suffice for food.

a 60 lb dog can have up to 3 drops of magnesium per feeding. 6-8 drops total per day.

a 140 lb human could have 10 drops per day minimum. more if theyre deficient.

Magnesium Citrate

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Posted by Emma (Rockville, Maryland) on 11/30/2012

This is not a permanent remedy, but it works for a blockage or compaction. My cat is 19 years old, and has trouble with constipation. Her stools are often dry and come out in small pieces, and she strains when she needs to eliminate.

Once I had someone else look after her while I went on a trip for a month, and during that time she got compacted to the point that she lost her appetite and stopped eating. When I got back she was very weak and had lost a lot of weight, and she was no longer cleaning herself. Her caretaker thought she was failing because of her age -- in fact, he was scared that she was about to die -- and he had started to forcefeed her with a liquid diet. She wasn't pooping, but she did dribble a little liquid poop. It occurred to me that the small amount of liquidy poop might not be the result of her liquid diet, but instead be coming from a compaction in her colon.

I mixed powdered magnesium citrate in some water and force fed her that with a syringe. Lo and behold, she pooped a lot the very next day, and started to show some interest in eating again. Little by little she started to eat more and poop again, and she became stronger and stronger until she was back to her old self. Occasionally it happens now that she goes a few days without pooping. She usually loses her appetite when that happens. I immediately give her the magnesium citrate, and she is back to normal again. Sometimes I don't give her enough and I have to do it a second time. I wish I could find something to put in her food every day instead -- that would be a lot better, I'm sure, but she is so finicky. Canned pumkin won't do, but I think I will try aloe if it is tasteless. Still, magnesium citrate works when the constipation is so bad that there is a blockage.

Replied by Rubi
(Los Angeles)

How much did you give your cat? I have a 15-20 lb dog that is constipated but I wanna make sure the dosage I give is correct

Replied by Natalie
(Tacoma, Wa)

I have a cat with IBD and constipation. My vet said to give him Miralax daily, but I want to try a more natural approach. Maybe you can use Miralax for your old cat? It's not natural, but I haven't found a natural daily supplement for this issue.

Replied by Cattymom

Read this online.....can't vouch for it as I'm not a vet, just a concerned pet owner like you all...I HATE taking cat to vet as it seems to usually make him 5x worse from stress (might get the initial problem resolved, but then he'll get a URI or UTI or a number of other issues.

Anyway, here's what I'd read elsewhere:

Give your dog or cat 1/4 to 1 tsp of magnesium citrate powder dissolved in some very hot water. Cats small amounts - larger pets higher dosages - Very large dogs can have 2 tsp. After it dissolves you can add a little cooler water so it is easy to drink. It dissolves beautifully and quickly. You can also syringe feed the magnesium citrate to your pet if need be. The magnesium can be given 2 or 3 times the first day.

Replied by Colleen

Hi, how do you mix it up and how can I make it liquid food from hard dog food?


Posted by Minerva (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/08/2015

My cat developed megacolon. We started giving him lacToulouse per our vet's recommendation. Months later he was having difficulty going poop again. We took him to the vet and he changed the meds. The cat has passed some stool but continues to leak some brownish fluid and on a daily basis. How can I stop this without taking him to the vet?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Minerva!

Scroll down and read about others experience with magacolon:

Some find a tweaking of the meds works while others swear by a particular diet.

Others find canned pumpkin and nutritional supplements provides relief:

Another contributor found slippery elm to be very helpful for treating mega colon:

It may help to use the search function on your computer and to spell it both ways 'megacolon' and 'mega colon' to find all the references to it in the replies.

Replied by Dee

I had the same problem with my kitty Max several years ago. After a lot of money spent to have part of his colon removed due to megacolon, a new vet suggested trying a novel protein diet, meaning no chicken, fish, beef - normal meats fed to cats. We changed him to a duck and green pea diet and he got so much better just from a food change. With all the chemical pollutants in our environment that are affecting human's immune system, our pets are going through the same thing. A food change may fix everything!!!!

I realize I am replying to a pretty old question. But I wanted to put this out there in case someone else has the same issue.


Hi. I'm glad you posted. So they're telling me my 3 mo kitten might need surgery. You mentioned you did the surgery and he's still having problems? I ordered duck food in a can and I'll add peas to it once it gets here. Pretty cool website for it I found by accident. I just started trying aloe Vera till food comes. I'm getting desperate. He hasn't pooped in almost a week 😩


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5 star (2) 

Posted by Carol (Florida) on 12/24/2022

Hi. I had a female tabby cat who was fine until she was around 10 years old. Then she suddenly began having constipation issues and would cry and hide under the bed. Her little butt was all red and swollen and she was straining and licking at it. Long story short - after years of help from the vet, which really didn't do much for her at all (pumpkin, laculose, manual extraction - you name it) I read online at a Yahoo forum on the subject, about giving Miralax sprinkled dry on the wet food each day. She never had an issue again unless I stopped. She lived to be almost 20. Now I have a cat who used to be feral and he can go for over a week without pooping. He never drinks water! I tried all the usual remedies listed here, and the aloe juice did nothing! Anyway, I'm back on the Miralax for him which works 100% and there is no taste. I don't want him to end up with megacolon like my little tabby, so if this is what it will take, I guess that's what I will do. I feed him a raw diet which I make myself. I am told he is extremely healthy otherwise. My recommendation - use the Miralax. It seems so unnatural, but if the cat gets megacolon, it's a horrendous situation.

Posted by Bonnie (Sweden) on 01/28/2015

The cat I recently lost after 19 years got diabetes when she was 11 or 12, but it was controlled by using a wet canned food with no sauces, high protein and under 10% carbs. But when she was 17 she got kidney failure. While there is basically no meds in Sweden for treatment for cats with kidney failure I joined an on line group and they helped a lot. These cats often have constipation. Miralax is not sold or allowed in Sweden but I got it into the country. She got about tsp 2 times a day. I began with 1/8th of a tsp and just added to it until her stool was good. It works well. The only thing they have here is a paraffin wax that is liquid and the cat gets it but it coats the stomach so NO food is digested it just passes on through with no nutrition.

Prebiotic Fiber Supplement

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Posted by bodulica (Barrie ON) on 05/13/2019

I have an old cat with constipation problem. Two enemas, drugs, pumpkin... nothing worked. Then I found out about Lax-eze.{prebiotic natural fiber supplement} No problems any more. Sometimes he skips a day, but that's all. Very happy with results.


Posted by Anavic (San José, Costa Rica) on 09/11/2014

Hello earthclinic friends!

One of my cats (10 years old) had constipation some time ago. Problem was solved after I stopped feeding him commercial food (homemade now). Few days ago I fed him a new canned food (supposed high quality) and constipation came back; he is healthy again but I want to have something here for constipation, just in case.

Many recommend Psyllium (Plantago ovata); however, in my country the only good quality product with Psyllium is mixed with Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers (in some countries known as "roselle", used for teas).

I read that some Hibiscus is toxic for cats... does anyone know if Hibiscus sabdariffa is safe for them?

Many thanks, Ana.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Anavic!

Hibiscus sabdariffa is considered a non-toxic plant and its parts have a very low toxicity - so low as to be considered non-toxic.

That said, it will kill a mouse if you fed it 5000mg/kg body weight. It has been used on cats for blood pressure studies with no toxic effects noted in the cats.


Apparently they can cause stomach upset in a cat:

"Hibiscus flowers are non-toxic. They can, however, cause local irritation of the GI tract and mild GI upset ( vomiting, diarrhea) is not uncommon."


You might wish to consider dosing pumpkin for you cat's constipation. Read up on EC's page to get an idea of some nutritional remedies here:

Replied by Anavic
(San JosÃo, Costa Rica)

Thank you, Theresa!

I sometimes mix carrot in his food. Pumpkin is hard to find here, but I can try with squash (same family as pumpkin).

Regards, Ana.


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Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/04/2021

My cat gets constipated. She will not eat pumpkin and other suggestions for dealing with this condition, so I have had her on Royal Canin Gastrointestinal food. This works great and she is actually, finally, losing some weight. The problem? This food is now out of stock everywhere! So, does anyone have a recipe for food for a cat that includes plenty of psyllium that she'll actually eat? Or know of another brand that works well? I've got her on urinary/hairball food now that says it greases the skids, so to say. But she goes outside and I don't see her poops anymore, I just see that she's 'wider' than before, so I know she's backing up. I do feel that losing weight will help with transit issues, but we have to get there first to know.

Any suggestions? so far, she won't eat any wet/canned food, only the dry. She'll eat some yogurt, but dairy isn't good for her. I'm putting miralax in her water, but who knows how much she's actually getting. Thanks

Replied by Nina

Try coconut oil. Just 1/2 tsp per day should help.

Replied by Carol

Sprinkle the Miralax onto the wet food 1-2 times a day every single day. No taste. Start with 1/8 of a teaspoon each time. You can work up with 1/4 teaspoon but may not have to. It's totally foolproof. It's frustrating there seems to be no longterm, foolproof, natural remedy. I have had cats on this for over 10 years with no adverse affects. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

(Alexandria va)

Hi Carol, I have a suggestion. Purchase some Chia seed from Aldie or wherever. Soak it in water about 1 to 4 ratio or chicken broth. It will swell up and look like cells holding all that liquid with the cat will need and its body to prevent constipation. Mix that into the wet cat food daily. I suggest just a couple of teaspoons with each meal & never feed the cat dry food. If you do have to feed the cat dry food food soak that in water or chicken broth also. As the cat ages, it gets more and more constipated. If it really is bad, you can reach a couple inches up above its tail and help to relieve the cat which I used to do with an old cat all the time. Meow mix wet food makes a pate that has extra gravy. I recommend that as well.

Posted by Susanne (Springfield, Illinois) on 11/11/2019

Pumpkin for constipation works wonders in my cat. I buy it by the can and freeze it in ice cube trays. Yadi begs for it every day and dances around meowing until I get it thawed out. He knows the word pumpkin. AND it works! His stools are larger and softer now yet not runny. Finally I am seeing "normal" stools.

Replied by Elaine

How do you get a fussy old cat to eat it?


Mixing a bit of tuna or drizzling the tuna "juice" on almost anything will make it irresistible to most cats. Canned mackerel or salmon or sardines should work just as well. Chicken and/or real chicken broth is another good option. My cat is crazy about chicken in any form!

Posted by Bernie (Chandler, Az) on 09/22/2016

There seems to be some confusion about the use of pumpkin with dogs. Some websites claim that Pumpkin is good for dogs with diarrhea while other websites claim that Pumpkin is good for dogs with constipation.

Pumpkin cannot control both constipation and diarrhea....they are opposites.

Also, is there a toxic amount of pumpkin for Chihuahuas?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Bernie,

There is no conflict in the reports. Pumpkin has fiber which adds bulk to loose stool which firms it up; it also has antimicrobial properties which help fight certain parasites which cause loose stool. The same fiber also works to help with constipation because it retains moisture, which softens the stool and the bulk helps the stool pass quickly. As for toxicity, pumpkin is not toxic but too much will cause large and excessive stool production.

Replied by Katie
(Northport, Ny)

I can attest to the fact that pumpkin works for both constipation and diarrhea. I have used them for both conditions in my dog and it works great.

Posted by Minpig (Ontario) on 04/27/2016

Saw the remedy using pumpkin and I wanna tried .... look at the result! Picture says it all!!! We have our chihuahua some canned pumpkin, took him out to poop and within an hour the big lump was gone!!!

Posted by Stephanie (Oregon) on 02/28/2016

Our poor old, ancient cat was so constipated, he only passed concrete hard poops, a couple of times per week. He is on kidney K D special canned cat food. He ate very little.

I thought one day how unappetizing the cold food was coming out of the fridge so started adding about 50% very hot water and smashing with a fork, I also gave him about 1 level teaspoonful of plain canned pumpkin to a 1/4 can of food. This makes almost a gravy consistency. He just laps it up (has also lost some teeth). He is now eating this 4-5 times per day, and pooping normal, soft poops every day. It took several days to get the hard stuff passed so don't be surprised if you don't get instant results. I also gave only 1/2 teas. pumpkin to start as I didn't want to cause major gas, tummy ache, etc. He seems to be much more active and eating regularly, comes running when he sees his dish. Poor old guy!!!

Posted by Tabatha (Oshawa, Ontario Canada) on 07/15/2013

My 11 yr old male cat has suffered the last 2 yrs with constipation and hard stool. Numerous trips to vet for enemas and disimpacting and over 3 grand in bills he still has problems :( he has been on lactulose 3 times a day and cisapride daily. Won't eat dry food anymore and just licks juice off wet food. Pls help. Will pure pumpkin help?

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh)

Yes, start mixing a tablespoon of pure pumpkin into his food each time you feed him. This is PURE, canned pumpkin, NOT the pumpkin-pie filling which contains sugar.

I regularly add pumpkin to my dog's food each day, and his stools are perfect.

Replied by Judy

I don't believe there is any such thing as pure pumpkin in a can. I can't find pure pumpkin anywhere. I have tried the canned pumpkin that claims to be pure on the outside marketing but in the ingredients there is sugar in it. Could it be the sugar count is natural sugar? I tried the cat food made with pumpkin, and they hate it, won't touch it. They don't always eat the pumpkin I add to their wet food. I make little drops of it on a plate then freeze them and then put them in a baggie for quick pre measured little drops read to microwave one second to defrost then add to their dinner. But as I said they don't always eat it then. Will Baby food sweet potato help with constipation?


Pure canned pumpkin is found in the baking aisle at Walmart.

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