Constipation Remedies for Pets

| Modified on Aug 16, 2023
Posted by Carol (Florida) on 12/24/2022

Hi. I had a female tabby cat who was fine until she was around 10 years old. Then she suddenly began having constipation issues and would cry and hide under the bed. Her little butt was all red and swollen and she was straining and licking at it. Long story short - after years of help from the vet, which really didn't do much for her at all (pumpkin, laculose, manual extraction - you name it) I read online at a Yahoo forum on the subject, about giving Miralax sprinkled dry on the wet food each day. She never had an issue again unless I stopped. She lived to be almost 20. Now I have a cat who used to be feral and he can go for over a week without pooping. He never drinks water! I tried all the usual remedies listed here, and the aloe juice did nothing! Anyway, I'm back on the Miralax for him which works 100% and there is no taste. I don't want him to end up with megacolon like my little tabby, so if this is what it will take, I guess that's what I will do. I feed him a raw diet which I make myself. I am told he is extremely healthy otherwise. My recommendation - use the Miralax. It seems so unnatural, but if the cat gets megacolon, it's a horrendous situation.

Posted by Peggy (California ) on 11/01/2022

Hi. I'm glad you posted. So they're telling me my 3 mo kitten might need surgery. You mentioned you did the surgery and he's still having problems? I ordered duck food in a can and I'll add peas to it once it gets here. Pretty cool website for it I found by accident. I just started trying aloe Vera till food comes. I'm getting desperate. He hasn't pooped in almost a week 😩

Special Food
Posted by Peggy (California ) on 10/30/2022

Hi Catherine. Are you still getting the same food? I tried to buy for my kitty but some of the reviews were saying they changed the formula. Do you know if that's true? Thank you for your time

Posted by Dee (Missouri) on 10/02/2022

I had the same problem with my kitty Max several years ago. After a lot of money spent to have part of his colon removed due to megacolon, a new vet suggested trying a novel protein diet, meaning no chicken, fish, beef - normal meats fed to cats. We changed him to a duck and green pea diet and he got so much better just from a food change. With all the chemical pollutants in our environment that are affecting human's immune system, our pets are going through the same thing. A food change may fix everything!!!!

I realize I am replying to a pretty old question. But I wanted to put this out there in case someone else has the same issue.

Cat Grass
Posted by D.A. Daly (Jacksonville Beach, FL) on 04/18/2022

I grow organic cat grass in a pot outside for my cat and bring it inside and she loves it. Begs for it. But need to know does it help with constipation or make worse? She was just diagnosed with constipation for the first time and Nosey is 4 yrs old. Currently giving Miralax but looking for something more natural.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 03/16/2022

Aloe Vera for Constipation in Pets

Since aloe vera is one of those remedies that can cause some confusion, here is a clear explanation that I find helpful:

"When you open an aloe vera leaf, you will see that it has a clear center which is the aloe gel. The plant also has a white or yellow colored substance located around the edges, beneath the aloe leaf's surface. This portion of the plant is the aloe latex, and the latex contains a natural chemical named aloin. Aloin can be toxic to animals. It has a laxative effect, so it can cause diarrhea and irritate the intestines, leading to electrolyte loss. Also, if an animal has a latex allergy, aloin can cause skin irritation. When this occurs, the skin will turn red after coming into contact with the aloin.

To reap the benefits and avoid any possible toxic effects, pet owners just need to make sure the latex part of the aloe vera plant has been removed during processing. To ensure a product is free of aloin, the label should state that it contains only the gel of the aloe vera plant I.e. the inner fillet. Avoid labels stating “whole leaf” since products would then include the latex substance that contains the aloin. Fortunately, most products on the market have removed the latex part of the plant."


Special Food
Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 02/01/2022

Look into giving your cat Triphala. It is an Ayurvedic combination of herbs that can be used long term safely for digestive, colon, and bowel issues. Dosage is between 100-250 milligrams twice a day for cats.

Special Food
Posted by karla (Minnesota) on 02/01/2022

I am aware this is an old post, but hoping someone see it anyway. My 10 yr old cat is suffering from Megacolon and she is in the throws of a severe constipation issue. Your Diesel sounds just like my cat's story, exactly. I just ordered Lax Eze in hopes that this may save her.

Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 07/23/2021

Try coconut oil. Just 1/2 tsp per day should help.

Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/04/2021

My cat gets constipated. She will not eat pumpkin and other suggestions for dealing with this condition, so I have had her on Royal Canin Gastrointestinal food. This works great and she is actually, finally, losing some weight. The problem? This food is now out of stock everywhere! So, does anyone have a recipe for food for a cat that includes plenty of psyllium that she'll actually eat? Or know of another brand that works well? I've got her on urinary/hairball food now that says it greases the skids, so to say. But she goes outside and I don't see her poops anymore, I just see that she's 'wider' than before, so I know she's backing up. I do feel that losing weight will help with transit issues, but we have to get there first to know.

Any suggestions? so far, she won't eat any wet/canned food, only the dry. She'll eat some yogurt, but dairy isn't good for her. I'm putting miralax in her water, but who knows how much she's actually getting. Thanks

Prebiotic Fiber Supplement
Posted by bodulica (Barrie ON) on 05/13/2019

I have an old cat with constipation problem. Two enemas, drugs, pumpkin... nothing worked. Then I found out about Lax-eze.{prebiotic natural fiber supplement} No problems any more. Sometimes he skips a day, but that's all. Very happy with results.

Posted by Elaine (Canada ) on 03/07/2020

How do you get a fussy old cat to eat it?

Posted by Susanne (Springfield, Illinois) on 11/11/2019

Pumpkin for constipation works wonders in my cat. I buy it by the can and freeze it in ice cube trays. Yadi begs for it every day and dances around meowing until I get it thawed out. He knows the word pumpkin. AND it works! His stools are larger and softer now yet not runny. Finally I am seeing "normal" stools.

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Colleen (Missouri) on 11/14/2018

Hi, how do you mix it up and how can I make it liquid food from hard dog food?

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Jackie (Nm) on 06/14/2018

Great Idea... Thanks Theresa!

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 06/14/2018

Hey Jackie,

Re: getting your cat to take coconut oil, you might try slathering it on her front leg - she will have no choice but to lick it off and consume it while grooming.

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Jackie (Nm) on 06/13/2018

Thank you for your reply Wendy. I have tried the pumpkin and the coconut oil and cannot get her to eat them in her food. As I said, she is a picky eater. I have been able to get her to eat her food with olive oil in it but the olive oil is not giving her any relief. I'll go back to the coconut oil and try it again. She 'sneeks up' on her food now like she's saying "OK, what is Mom putting in my food today! " Thanks again Wendy.

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Bw (Bellevue, Wa) on 06/13/2018

As someone else posted, add melted coconut oil to about 2 - 3 teaspoons of pumpkin and also add some ground-up flax seeds (about 1/4 tsp). The flax seed is to add fiber, which will help to clean out the intestines.

Warm up a Tablespoon of water to the mix in as well; the pumpkin is more appealing when it has been warmed. You can also add about 1/4 teaspoon of ground Slippery Elm instead of, or along with, the flax seed. It supplies mucilage which is soothing to the intestines and will help push things along. If she still won't eat the mix, try pouring 1 tsp or so of tuna fish liquid over the top of it.

Give the oil/pumpkin/flax/Slipper Elm mix to your cat 3 - 4 times a day until she poops. If she is an indoor/outdoor cat, keep her inside so you can see when she has pooped.

My cat was having constipation and would only eat only tiny amounts for 4 days. It took that long of me giving her this same mixture to her before she finally let out a long, dry turd.

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 06/12/2018

Others may have suggestions, too, but in the meantime add a 1/4 teaspoon organic UNrefined virgin coconut oil to her food. Do not microwave coconut oil! To easily melt it, put the entire glass jar into a saucepan filled with hot tap water. In about 5-10 mins enough of the oil will melt so that you can spoon out a 1/4 teaspoon. Then, just mix it into your cat's food.

Pumpkin, Coconut Oil
Posted by Jackie (Nm) on 06/05/2018

Feline Constipation

I just found this site today and have read, read, read the posts until I'm 'post crazy'! I have a 9 year old rescue cat who is obese and is having big problems with constipation. The vet has her on Lactulose and Cisapride but it is not working. Since I am a natural healer with my own body I decided to look into natural healing for my cats.

Has anyone had a cat who is obese (need to lose a cat still) and has had problems with the intestinal system? The meds worked for about 9 months but are no longer working. I am thinking about trying the pumpkin and the coconut oil. Whatever I do, I have to put it in her food but she is a picky eater and I don't know if she'll like the taste of pumpkin. She will not take it from a 'tube'! I tried that and it was like fighting a lion or a cougar!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Anne (Tucson) on 04/16/2018

We do every day....the food we eat is poisoned now due to the approval of the FDA...monsonto is the king of culprits and even the Organic in grocery stores has been labeled safe, yet all they did was lower the regulations to put the label "Organic " on foods....lets not EVEN get into the chemical sprays Roundup....on food

Posted by Ann (P.S. Ca) on 04/01/2018

Hi Ron, please do not use castor oil or molasses on/for your cat (or any animal). Cats are missing an important enzyme for detoxification, Glucuronosyltransferase (sp?) it is a major phenol detoxification enzyme. Most cats become lactose (dairy) intolerant when they have stopped nursing. Things given may seem fine at the time however down the road you end up with your cat in renal failure, a build up of toxins in their kidneys. Molasses has lots of sugar and that is bad for cats & dogs. Most of the OTC hairball treatments have petroleum jelly used in it, would you eat petroleum jelly? Milk of magnesia is not safe as you need be extremely careful with magnesium and cats, very low dose can be helpful but more could be toxic, how would you know how much to give.

Mama to Many, I like much of the advice you give, however I just had to step in (respectfully) this time. I do work with cats and I keep learning so much as time goes on. Please do much needed research before giving anything to your pets.

With that all said, coconut oil (1/4 - 1/2 tsp.) is safe and for most also effective, give it time, also pumpkin (for both constipation and diarrhea) work for most (1/4 -1 tsp.) and plain, no sugar added or anything else not needed in plain yogurt (organic) in small does (upto 1 tsp.) a few times a week to help gut flora. Yogurt when cultured has broken down the lactose and is fermented and full of good enzymes for the intestinal flora. Always start low dose. Hope this helps you Ron and anyone else in need. Keep up your good work Mama to Many.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Mike (N.b.) on 01/30/2018

I've taken aloe every day for years is gods medicine and repairs alot of problems in the body...I cant see why it wont work on a pet as well as it has treated my hepatitis...After 40 years with hep "c" my liver enzymes are still normal..

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 01/05/2018

Dear Ron,

Constipation is a potential side effect of turmeric in people and pets. It is a remedy for diarrhea in the same. When there is constipation in someone/pet in my house, I do tend to avoid turmeric for that reason. In general though we don't find it causes constipation when taken with adequate water.

How about milk of magnesia or pumpkin? Is kitty getting enough water? Cats who eat dry cat food rarely get enough water, which can cause bladder stones and constipation.

Is it possible your cat has a hairball? My cats and pet rabbits both had trouble with this. We used an OTC hairball gel for that.

Blackstrap molasses and slippery elm are also good for constipation.

What about massaging kitty's abdomen with castor oil? It absorbs through the skin and helps the bowels to move.

I hope kitty feels better soon - please keep us posted....

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Ron (Madera, Ca) on 01/05/2018

I've read many times Tumeric is good for peristalisis, and indeed it has helped me. Hence I was stopped short when I read on your site that it causes cats to be constipated. I was going to give it to my constipated cat. Just 10 days ago, I took her to the vet for being unable to have a bowel movement, and now she's constipated and suffering again. I give her cisapride, lactulose, and miralax, right now every day, and am afraid I'm going to hurt her, especially with too much cisapride. Are you sure Turmeric causes constipation rather than relieving it? Very important, as I seem to be running out of options for her. I hate that I might have to euthanize her because of this.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/11/2017

Just an FYI: black, tarry stool is indicative of bleeding farther up in the GI tract. It may be related to parasites and worms or a very upset tummy/distemper. Super stinky stools can indicate poorly digested food and/or bacterial or viral infection. Kudos for nursing your kitten to good health!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Mary Lou (So Cal) on 11/08/2017

Yes, I have used probiotics on my cats. I rescued a kitten 13 yrs ago and he had the worst poop. Black, tarry and way stinkier than a normal cat and he was so tiny ... I don't know what this poor little guy had been eating but it took about 2 weeks of good food and probiotics to get him back to normal. He grew to be a big, beautiful cat and very healthy too :)

Aloe Vera
Posted by Pam (Fl) on 10/26/2017

Double Helix - friend said it saved her dog with kidney failure 3 1/2 yrs ago. She uses it as well - Got it from: Pure Earth Products (FL) 352-459-4178

Aloe Vera
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/22/2017

Has anyone tried probiotics for their cat's constipation?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jan (Nc) on 08/22/2017

A 3 week old kitten should still be nursing. That would fix any constipation.

Winter Squash
Posted by Maggie (Idaho) on 06/13/2017 36 posts

I'd read that pumpkin is good for constipation in pets but I don't usually have pumpkin on hand. I do however always have frozen winter squash. I tried the winter squash and it works. I think pumpkin, sweet potato and the winter squashes are high in fiber which is what's needed for constipation.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Lorri Kindor (Az) on 06/09/2017

Agree, need to find something to feed a cat with kidney failure and my vet said to use miralax for constipation?

Pumpkin or Slippery Elm
Posted by Sandra (Seattle, Wa) on 05/22/2017

My elderly cat suffered from extreme constipation. She would strain and nothing would pass. I found two things that worked well. Canned pumpkin - 1/2 teaspoon each day. It takes a couple of days to work through the system, but it did the trick. Also, my holistic vet recommended slippery elm. I opened a capsule and put about 1/4 capsule in some liquid, dissolved it, then gave it in a syringe. This also worked very well.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cheekygrrl (Tucson, Az) on 05/06/2017

Doctors prescribe toxic things all the time. That is why there are so many lawsuits against the companies who make the poisons.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cheekygrrl (Burbank, Ca) on 04/27/2017

ABOVE ALL...find yourself a good holistic vet. You don't want to manage kitty's symptoms with toxic drugs in the cut, poison, burn method. You want to get to the root of the problem and help the kitty regain good health.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Denise (Massachusetts) on 04/24/2017 24 posts

Yes. Doctors are so ready to stuff pharmaceuticals into you. I would rather listen to people's actual experiences like here on earthclinic than go to any vet or doctor who has a vested interest in getting you onto their drugs.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Selina Bishop (Canada) on 01/04/2017

You are correct. The ASPCA lists aloe as toxic to cats.[]=02&=Apply

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jeb1 (New York City) on 12/04/2016

Recently gave aloe vera from the inner filet to my 16 yr. old female cat who is now having Kidney issues and after the first dose, she had a BM. Very impressed because it had been 3 days since she had a BM. Now if I could find something to reverse her Kidney issues, life would be perfect :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lindsey (Ontario) on 11/26/2016

Hi there do u still give it to her when she is not constipated n doing fine pooping? My cat won't eat wet food at all... I started putting it on my finger n he licks it off... How much do u out in a syringe? Tx

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dianne (Fl) on 11/24/2016

I can tell you the inner part of Aloe contains a latex and we use it in Chinese medicine to aid in constipation. It works fast but I would not recommend it long term and while degreed in Chinese medicine I am not a Vet. That said, if it is safe for pets, as some have tried, just be careful as long term can lead to electrolyte imbalances and irritation of the GI at least in humans.

Posted by Katie (Northport, Ny) on 09/23/2016

I can attest to the fact that pumpkin works for both constipation and diarrhea. I have used them for both conditions in my dog and it works great.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/23/2016

Hello Bernie,

There is no conflict in the reports. Pumpkin has fiber which adds bulk to loose stool which firms it up; it also has antimicrobial properties which help fight certain parasites which cause loose stool. The same fiber also works to help with constipation because it retains moisture, which softens the stool and the bulk helps the stool pass quickly. As for toxicity, pumpkin is not toxic but too much will cause large and excessive stool production.

Posted by Bernie (Chandler, Az) on 09/22/2016

There seems to be some confusion about the use of pumpkin with dogs. Some websites claim that Pumpkin is good for dogs with diarrhea while other websites claim that Pumpkin is good for dogs with constipation.

Pumpkin cannot control both constipation and diarrhea....they are opposites.

Also, is there a toxic amount of pumpkin for Chihuahuas?

Posted by Judy (Usa) on 09/18/2016

I don't believe there is any such thing as pure pumpkin in a can. I can't find pure pumpkin anywhere. I have tried the canned pumpkin that claims to be pure on the outside marketing but in the ingredients there is sugar in it. Could it be the sugar count is natural sugar? I tried the cat food made with pumpkin, and they hate it, won't touch it. They don't always eat the pumpkin I add to their wet food. I make little drops of it on a plate then freeze them and then put them in a baggie for quick pre measured little drops read to microwave one second to defrost then add to their dinner. But as I said they don't always eat it then. Will Baby food sweet potato help with constipation?

Aloe Vera
Posted by Tabby (Usa) on 05/10/2016

The part of the aloe vera plant that is toxic to cats is in the fibers of the plant. If it is juice fit for human consumption it should be fiber free and ok for pets. Or so I was told. Always good to double check any information from a stranger!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mangomumma (Here) on 05/02/2016

What did you do with the oatbran? What measurements did you use for the pumpkin, coconut oil and oat bran to their wet food?

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Cattymom (Usa) on 05/01/2016

Read this online.....can't vouch for it as I'm not a vet, just a concerned pet owner like you all...I HATE taking cat to vet as it seems to usually make him 5x worse from stress (might get the initial problem resolved, but then he'll get a URI or UTI or a number of other issues.

Anyway, here's what I'd read elsewhere:

Give your dog or cat 1/4 to 1 tsp of magnesium citrate powder dissolved in some very hot water. Cats small amounts - larger pets higher dosages - Very large dogs can have 2 tsp. After it dissolves you can add a little cooler water so it is easy to drink. It dissolves beautifully and quickly. You can also syringe feed the magnesium citrate to your pet if need be. The magnesium can be given 2 or 3 times the first day.

Posted by Minpig (Ontario) on 04/27/2016

Saw the remedy using pumpkin and I wanna tried .... look at the result! Picture says it all!!! We have our chihuahua some canned pumpkin, took him out to poop and within an hour the big lump was gone!!!

Glycerin and Water Enema
Posted by Csareb (Dixie) on 04/04/2016

I've done that, and it works well. This is something that should only be considered with larger breeds such as the kuvasz, maremma sheepdogs, and great pyrenees, and any similar sized or larger breeds. Home enemas should never be attempted on a dog smaller than 70 lbs, as it is easy to get the dosage wrong and overfill the colon in smaller breeds, which can cause all sorts of problems as well as perforation.

Large, XL, and giant breeds, tolerate enemas well, and provided you use common sense (never use otc phosphate enemas), it is perfectly safe on these dogs.

Posted by Stephanie (Oregon) on 02/28/2016

Our poor old, ancient cat was so constipated, he only passed concrete hard poops, a couple of times per week. He is on kidney K D special canned cat food. He ate very little.

I thought one day how unappetizing the cold food was coming out of the fridge so started adding about 50% very hot water and smashing with a fork, I also gave him about 1 level teaspoonful of plain canned pumpkin to a 1/4 can of food. This makes almost a gravy consistency. He just laps it up (has also lost some teeth). He is now eating this 4-5 times per day, and pooping normal, soft poops every day. It took several days to get the hard stuff passed so don't be surprised if you don't get instant results. I also gave only 1/2 teas. pumpkin to start as I didn't want to cause major gas, tummy ache, etc. He seems to be much more active and eating regularly, comes running when he sees his dish. Poor old guy!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Chriss (Ny) on 02/12/2016

The is is my very first time posting on a site like this but I had to share what I use now. I have 3 cats one kitten. 16 yr, 6yr, 5yr & 3 month year old and the most issues I have had so far has been with my eldest cat. She is just as spry as all my other ones believe it or not but when she began to get constipated I didn't know what to do. It was so bad she had surgery. 8 years later and I swear by this.

I use coconut oil. A little bit on a syringe. All will be fine. Give it a day or two in the beginning they will still strain a bit but when they finally pass the feces they will be fine. Just give it to them every other day. They don't mind the taste. If you can't physically put in your cats mouth put it on the paw and or in the food. It doesn't take much to do the trick. (The olive oil works too. Coconut oil (cosco or bjs) $10 also has positive effects on their body just like ours.

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