Natural Remedies

Effective Solutions for Constipation in Pets

| Modified on Dec 18, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Aloe Vera
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 03/16/2022

Aloe Vera for Constipation in Pets

Since aloe vera is one of those remedies that can cause some confusion, here is a clear explanation that I find helpful:

"When you open an aloe vera leaf, you will see that it has a clear center which is the aloe gel. The plant also has a white or yellow colored substance located around the edges, beneath the aloe leaf's surface. This portion of the plant is the aloe latex, and the latex contains a natural chemical named aloin. Aloin can be toxic to animals. It has a laxative effect, so it can cause diarrhea and irritate the intestines, leading to electrolyte loss. Also, if an animal has a latex allergy, aloin can cause skin irritation. When this occurs, the skin will turn red after coming into contact with the aloin.

To reap the benefits and avoid any possible toxic effects, pet owners just need to make sure the latex part of the aloe vera plant has been removed during processing. To ensure a product is free of aloin, the label should state that it contains only the gel of the aloe vera plant I.e. the inner fillet. Avoid labels stating “whole leaf” since products would then include the latex substance that contains the aloin. Fortunately, most products on the market have removed the latex part of the plant."


Aloe Vera
Posted by Mary Lou (So Cal) on 11/08/2017

Yes, I have used probiotics on my cats. I rescued a kitten 13 yrs ago and he had the worst poop. Black, tarry and way stinkier than a normal cat and he was so tiny ... I don't know what this poor little guy had been eating but it took about 2 weeks of good food and probiotics to get him back to normal. He grew to be a big, beautiful cat and very healthy too :)

Aloe Vera
Posted by Linda (Ontario, Canada) on 08/23/2014

My Bengal cat chose to eat my large aloe vera plant daily. She never threw up or had loose stools. She's very healthy. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Colleen (Denver Colorado) on 08/23/2013

To Wendy from Ridgecrest - I totally agree wendy - microwaves should be avoided - total crap - and they turn food into crap.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/11/2017

Just an FYI: black, tarry stool is indicative of bleeding farther up in the GI tract. It may be related to parasites and worms or a very upset tummy/distemper. Super stinky stools can indicate poorly digested food and/or bacterial or viral infection. Kudos for nursing your kitten to good health!

Posted by Minpig (Ontario) on 04/27/2016

Saw the remedy using pumpkin and I wanna tried .... look at the result! Picture says it all!!! We have our chihuahua some canned pumpkin, took him out to poop and within an hour the big lump was gone!!!

Posted by Stephanie (Oregon) on 02/28/2016

Our poor old, ancient cat was so constipated, he only passed concrete hard poops, a couple of times per week. He is on kidney K D special canned cat food. He ate very little.

I thought one day how unappetizing the cold food was coming out of the fridge so started adding about 50% very hot water and smashing with a fork, I also gave him about 1 level teaspoonful of plain canned pumpkin to a 1/4 can of food. This makes almost a gravy consistency. He just laps it up (has also lost some teeth). He is now eating this 4-5 times per day, and pooping normal, soft poops every day. It took several days to get the hard stuff passed so don't be surprised if you don't get instant results. I also gave only 1/2 teas. pumpkin to start as I didn't want to cause major gas, tummy ache, etc. He seems to be much more active and eating regularly, comes running when he sees his dish. Poor old guy!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Chriss (Ny) on 02/12/2016

The is is my very first time posting on a site like this but I had to share what I use now. I have 3 cats one kitten. 16 yr, 6yr, 5yr & 3 month year old and the most issues I have had so far has been with my eldest cat. She is just as spry as all my other ones believe it or not but when she began to get constipated I didn't know what to do. It was so bad she had surgery. 8 years later and I swear by this.

I use coconut oil. A little bit on a syringe. All will be fine. Give it a day or two in the beginning they will still strain a bit but when they finally pass the feces they will be fine. Just give it to them every other day. They don't mind the taste. If you can't physically put in your cats mouth put it on the paw and or in the food. It doesn't take much to do the trick. (The olive oil works too. Coconut oil (cosco or bjs) $10 also has positive effects on their body just like ours.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Patricia (Miami, Florida) on 09/10/2013

I once saved a cat's life by giving it aloe vera (the inside of the leaf). The cat was refusing to eat or drink so a friend told me to try aloe vera. I blended it with a little water and forced it with the help of my friend down the sick cat's throat. Miraculously, the cat recovered after 2 days of treatment 2X a day. I have also tried using it to treat other ill cats and it was unsuccessful. Do not continue treatment if you do not see improvement within 2 days.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Roz (Westfield, Nj) on 05/12/2015

The main part of the aloe vera plant may be toxic to a cat, but the inner fillet is not. I have given some to my cats on occasion with no ill effects, but first I researched it very carefully. Let's not have hysterics here, as we all try to help each other. I can appreciate concerns with our pets as they have different systems than ours, especially cats. But as I said the inner fillet is deemed safe for use. Obviously a little bit goes a long way. I take it myself every day and its a really good treatment for many gastro problems.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kerie (Garrison, Nd) on 03/04/2012

Like someone else has suggested for cats with constipation, I would try cocount oil. I am an LMT and I use it home in my diet, on my hair on my skin, I give massages with it and I give it to my animals. Coconut oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral. It doesn't alter when you cook it at low temps, and it is not a toxic fat to your body. It will really help your poor kitty's intenstines. My family makes fun of me because I am ALWAYS preaching the health benefits of the stuff. I also use it in place of deoderant, (what a hippie huh LOL) Because I think it is unsafe. It is THE ONLY deoderant replacement that works. It does also kill fleas and ticks, and helps cats pass hairballs. They like it, too! Hope you kitty is better!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jeb1 (New York City) on 12/04/2016

Recently gave aloe vera from the inner filet to my 16 yr. old female cat who is now having Kidney issues and after the first dose, she had a BM. Very impressed because it had been 3 days since she had a BM. Now if I could find something to reverse her Kidney issues, life would be perfect :)

Aloe Vera
Posted by Mike (N.b.) on 01/30/2018

I've taken aloe every day for years is gods medicine and repairs alot of problems in the body...I cant see why it wont work on a pet as well as it has treated my hepatitis...After 40 years with hep "c" my liver enzymes are still normal..

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/23/2016

Hello Bernie,

There is no conflict in the reports. Pumpkin has fiber which adds bulk to loose stool which firms it up; it also has antimicrobial properties which help fight certain parasites which cause loose stool. The same fiber also works to help with constipation because it retains moisture, which softens the stool and the bulk helps the stool pass quickly. As for toxicity, pumpkin is not toxic but too much will cause large and excessive stool production.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deb (Denver, Co) on 07/10/2012

Editor's Choice

Our cat has been constipated for almost two years. He has had several enemas, has been on lactulose, powdered laxative, wet food, etc. The last time we brought him we thought we would have to say goodbye, it was so bad. I finally looked up constipated cat on line and headed to Vitamin Cottage and got him oat bran, organic pumpkin and organic coconut oil. I mix the coconut oil with all natural wet cat food (with flax & fiber) and organic pumpkin, he loves it! He has gained weight, his coat looks great, his eyes are brighter and he is himself again. We bought him a kitty fountain as well and put water with electrolytes & ice cubes when it's hot, anything to get him to drink and soak up the water. He was doing so well that just this week we slacked on giving him the lactulose and he is backed up again, so keep that up with the new diet. He loves coconut oil, he eats it like ice cream!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paulette (Sydney, Australia) on 06/03/2009

One cap full to four caps water of apple cider vinegar. When blocked do every 30 mins Put in wet foood-catfood tinned NO flour cereal in it.Human Tuna O.K. too if stuck. Our cat was blocked and it unblocked him 2 and a 1/2 hours later enough to sleep, I can lose sleep but not the cat as I dont have another $1200 straight away Two days out of the vet.

Cat Grass
Posted by D.A. Daly (Jacksonville Beach, FL) on 04/18/2022

I grow organic cat grass in a pot outside for my cat and bring it inside and she loves it. Begs for it. But need to know does it help with constipation or make worse? She was just diagnosed with constipation for the first time and Nosey is 4 yrs old. Currently giving Miralax but looking for something more natural.

Posted by Katie (Northport, Ny) on 09/23/2016

I can attest to the fact that pumpkin works for both constipation and diarrhea. I have used them for both conditions in my dog and it works great.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Bw (Bellevue, Wa) on 01/22/2013

I have given my cats aloe juice daily for weeks without any problems. It is the outer leaf of the plant which apparently is toxic, not the inner "fillet" (as they call it). My vet prescribed a product, which is distilled from the plant, to give to one of my cats (for a skin allergy problem). Very expensive, though, so I bought the juice which does not have any of the outer leaf.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dianne (Fl) on 11/24/2016

I can tell you the inner part of Aloe contains a latex and we use it in Chinese medicine to aid in constipation. It works fast but I would not recommend it long term and while degreed in Chinese medicine I am not a Vet. That said, if it is safe for pets, as some have tried, just be careful as long term can lead to electrolyte imbalances and irritation of the GI at least in humans.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cheekygrrl (Burbank, Ca) on 04/27/2017

ABOVE ALL...find yourself a good holistic vet. You don't want to manage kitty's symptoms with toxic drugs in the cut, poison, burn method. You want to get to the root of the problem and help the kitty regain good health.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dorrie (Austin, Texas) on 03/19/2012

My very old cat started getting constipated about three years ago. Firstly, you do have to switch to all wet food. Then I added canned pumpkin which worked until she started rejecting the food because she didn't like the taste. Then I switched to psyllium based human laxative which worked very well- but beware- this is not recommended for long term usage. It draws too much water away from the rest of their system. Then I read about aloe vera juice. Big bottle is around $8 at a health food store- buy the one that starts with G. Not too much- a teaspoon in the morning and one at night is plenty. Too much and they will throw up. But it really works and they have no idea it's there. Also love ACV- after two days they really poo but you have to give it orally and my cat hates it. Aloe has proven to be the best solution by far, and I also add a little bit to the water bowl.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Beth (Brighton, Mi, Usa) on 11/08/2011

Pedialyte (1/4 teaspoon in water bowl) to return electrolyte balance. Cold pressed virgin coconut oil - about 1/8 of a teaspoon, heated in microwave for 10 seconds, then add wet food on the plate you used in the microwave. My vet put my 16 year old cat on a stool softener, but there was still blood in her stool. After putting her on the coconut oil (2 weeks now-morning and night with her wet food), she's healed internally and only a trace amount of blood in her stool.

I now give all my geriatric cats the 1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil in each (wet) meal. This has been a godsend for their health and well being.

Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 07/23/2021

Try coconut oil. Just 1/2 tsp per day should help.

Posted by Susanne (Springfield, Illinois) on 11/11/2019

Pumpkin for constipation works wonders in my cat. I buy it by the can and freeze it in ice cube trays. Yadi begs for it every day and dances around meowing until I get it thawed out. He knows the word pumpkin. AND it works! His stools are larger and softer now yet not runny. Finally I am seeing "normal" stools.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/22/2017

Has anyone tried probiotics for their cat's constipation?

Posted by Dee (Missouri) on 10/02/2022

I had the same problem with my kitty Max several years ago. After a lot of money spent to have part of his colon removed due to megacolon, a new vet suggested trying a novel protein diet, meaning no chicken, fish, beef - normal meats fed to cats. We changed him to a duck and green pea diet and he got so much better just from a food change. With all the chemical pollutants in our environment that are affecting human's immune system, our pets are going through the same thing. A food change may fix everything!!!!

I realize I am replying to a pretty old question. But I wanted to put this out there in case someone else has the same issue.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angeleyes (Birmingham, Alabama) on 12/17/2014

1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar added to the pets water or food daily can help your pets with constipation.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 05/15/2014

Hey Karina!

My first thought at reading your post is to advise you to bring your kitten to the vet. A blast of diarrhea followed up with two days of no stool = bigger problem than not pooping - JMHO. A vet visit ASAP might be cheaper than waiting it out and then having to bring your kitten to the far more expensive emergency vet.

That said - in the post on 11/08/2011, Beth from Brighton, Mi, Usa offered this advice that may be useful to you: "Pedialyte (1/4 teaspoon in water bowl) to return electrolyte balance. Cold pressed virgin coconut oil - about 1/8 of a teaspoon, heated in microwave for 10 seconds, then add wet food on the plate you used in the microwave."

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jan (Nc) on 08/22/2017

A 3 week old kitten should still be nursing. That would fix any constipation.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Katylucyb (Wichita, Kansas, Usa) on 01/14/2013

To Debi from Pace, Florida: ,Cats should not be given Aloe vera in any form! It is lethal for cats. Please do NOT give your cat Aloe vera. Go back to that link and you will see that the article is for DOGS! The reason cats will throw up if you give them too much is because it is poisonous to cats, in any dosage.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Pam E. (SW California) on 12/18/2024 153 posts

It also lists Garlic as toxic (assuming it is just as toxic as onions), but Garlic has only a very tiny amount of the toxic substance that onions have ... and it would take a HUGE amount to cause any trouble! DVM Doctors Andrew Jones and Karen Becker both wrote articles that explain where the erroneous idea that it is toxic came from, and why we should not believe it ...

Garlic for Dogs and Cats: Good or Bad? Unveiling the Truth!
- Veterinary Secrets with Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

Garlic - Contrary to Common Misconceptions, Garlic Is GOOD for Pets!
- by, Karen Shaw Becker (Integrative Wellness DVM)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mangomumma (Here) on 05/02/2016

What did you do with the oatbran? What measurements did you use for the pumpkin, coconut oil and oat bran to their wet food?

Posted by Tanya (Michigantown, Indiana) on 08/03/2011

My cat has a bad pelvic fracture that I didn't know about until one day I took her in and out of surprise it was found, along with a bullet lodged a few inches from her spine. I had found her as a stray and took her in - She walked fine and acted fine. Her doctor informed me her injuries were done on purpose and we were all shocked that she recovered without any medical attention.

She has chronic constipation and the lactulose was not working, she's had several surgeries and it seemed to really effect her, she's an old lady and I seriously got tired of her going through this every month and having all these surgeries to remove it and started thinking it was finally time to let her go. Out of desperation I went to the store and tried one last thing before I took her in which, I was going to do the following day. I bought some Mineral Oil and gave her an enema - it was so huge, there was no way she'd pass it, and you could see it. I've tried to take it out myself, but it was too painful for her. It was horrible and she got to the point, where she would sleep with her rear in the air. I started the enema of mineral oil, the next day looked at her rear it it was gone. I looked in the litter box and there it was. She had passed it during the night. I was so exstatic I couldn't believe it and still to this day I still use the Mineral Oil and it does work. It lubricates them so they can go easily.


Special Food
Posted by Regina (Sandusky, Ohio) on 01/14/2014

Hi Barbara,

My cat Diesel has mega colon, she quit eating, lost 7 pounds, she was fur and bones, I had to force feed her for about 2 1/2 months, sub-que fluids every other day, and I told the vet that the food is going in but nothing is coming out, and that when they realized she had mega colon, I was taking her to the vet every week to have het colon cleaned out. I just couldn't afford $70 every week, so I search the web for answers. I came a crossed a web site call and read the reviews on Lax-eze so I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I received the product Monday 1/13/14 and she had a movement that night, and today 1/14/14 she had another one. This is the first time in 6 months that she had a moment two days in a row. With the meds the vet gave me, she would have a pebble about every week, her poor butt was protruding just for that pebble to come out. Again I'm so happy that I ordered it, an an answer to my prayers... Read the reviews your self, then decide. Good Luck and God Bless!!! Regina

Posted by Carol (Florida) on 12/24/2022

Sprinkle the Miralax onto the wet food 1-2 times a day every single day. No taste. Start with 1/8 of a teaspoon each time. You can work up with 1/4 teaspoon but may not have to. It's totally foolproof. It's frustrating there seems to be no longterm, foolproof, natural remedy. I have had cats on this for over 10 years with no adverse affects. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Posted by Diane (Florida) on 05/20/2023

Mixing a bit of tuna or drizzling the tuna "juice" on almost anything will make it irresistible to most cats. Canned mackerel or salmon or sardines should work just as well. Chicken and/or real chicken broth is another good option. My cat is crazy about chicken in any form!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lindsey (Ontario) on 11/26/2016

Hi there do u still give it to her when she is not constipated n doing fine pooping? My cat won't eat wet food at all... I started putting it on my finger n he licks it off... How much do u out in a syringe? Tx

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