The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Beth (Brighton, Mi, Usa) on 11/08/2011
Pedialyte (1/4 teaspoon in water bowl) to return electrolyte balance. Cold pressed virgin coconut oil - about 1/8 of a teaspoon, heated in microwave for 10 seconds, then add wet food on the plate you used in the microwave. My vet put my 16 year old cat on a stool softener, but there was still blood in her stool. After putting her on the coconut oil (2 weeks now-morning and night with her wet food), she's healed internally and only a trace amount of blood in her stool.
I now give all my geriatric cats the 1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil in each (wet) meal. This has been a godsend for their health and well being.
Posted by Lisa (Harrison, Oh) on 10/20/2011
Our Havanese 8 month old puppy was constipated and hadn't gone for 1 ½ days. He had been out walking around the yard extensively but no luck. My daughter stumbled across your website and she had told me pumpkin and I didn't believe her! I had to put my glasses on just to see it for myself!! Luckily last night I happened to make a pumpkin cake and had leftover pumpkin. Within two minutes of licking up a generous teaspoon of pumpkin, he went straight to the laundry room where he rings his bell to go to the bathroom!! It works like magic... Unbelievable!! Thanks so much!!
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/19/2011 2043 posts
Kay, my parents had a kitty that suffered constipation for yrs. Many trips to the vet for enema. Make sure the diet doesn't include too much msg's or nitrites. Most of the canned food labled "with gravy" have way to many additives. Add salmon oil to diet, and occasionaly feed raw, cooked, or canned liver as it contains lots of nutrients needed for health. Also, I occasionaly use only a few sprinkles of milled flaxseed to my kitty's food to clean their colon. Begin w/ only a few grains, and slowly increase until you reach desired effect. Lastly, I have become a big advocate of Magnet therapy as I have personally witnessed its healing effects, so consider a magnet pet pad for your kitty to sleep on, as it can reduce the suffering and promote health. Hope this helps.
Posted by Kay (Columbia City, Indiana) on 10/15/2011
My cat seems to be okay. He is eating and drinking more. He did not like the essaic tea, so I am trying the organic cottage cheese and flax seed oil. The problem is his bowel movement, I have tried the pumpkin for three days and nothing. The vet thinks he is still to weak for a digging out. I don't know what to do, there has to be something else I can try.
Posted by July 1955 (Wildomar, California) on 08/25/2011
My cat suddenly became lethargic and the vet discovered he was badly constipated. Over 2 days the vet gave him 5 enemas and sent him home suggesting pumpkin or a hairball remedy. He hated the hairball stuff so we got some canned pure pumpkin and two days later the cat passed a stool with a piece of plastic wadded up inside it -- that piece that pops out to make the handle in a plastic grocery bag. Poor Boo lost a lot of weight and was very reluctant to eat. We gave him a kitty milk supplement and some canned food but for several days he would only take the milk and lick the gravy off the food. We forced him to eat the pumpkin at first but then he started to like it! It has been several weeks now and we've discovered he gets constipated again if we stop the pumpkin. I assume his intestine is irritated. He's gaining weight now so we keep giving him the pumpkin mixed in his food. One bonus -- our other cat won't eat the food that has the pumpkin mixed in!
Special Food
Posted by Zackey (St George, Ga Usa) on 08/14/2011
why is tuna bad? I give my cat the juice a few times a month.
Posted by Blackkat (San Mateo, Ca) on 08/14/2011
Thank you for this great site! I've use ACV for my cat's UTI the past year and so far so good! But, just these past few days, I noticed my cat did not produce a BM. He had soft, watery stool 4-5 days ago and didnt have a BM for 2 days after. I am very strict in what I feed him, so I did some investigating around the house. Turns out, he was munching on the tips of the leaves of an indoor Palm Tree--6 blade tips to be exact! I believe that this was the reason why he wasn't producing a BM. I was worried that it could also be hair balls blocking him since he is a long haired cat. In any event, because of his watery stool, I decided to boil some organic chicken in filtered water to make some broth for him. I also plain/dry roasted a chicken breast for him as well, hoping that this would calm his tummy troubles. I gave this to him for 1. 5 days. Last night, I started to add his wet food in with the chicken broth and shredded chicken breast meat. BUT I started to worry because he didnt have a and no BM! He normally produces a BM every day! HUGE concern! The vet isn't open on the weekends, so I was desperate to find a holistic solution to "
make" him have a BM. My cat did not show any signs of constipation, but not producing a BM for 2 days going on 3 was not a good sign to me.
I read on this site to give 1 tablespoon of pumpkin to my cat for constipation. I went to Whole Foods and bought a can of organic pumpkin and went home to make his breakfast for him. He was running to the front door to greet me and to tell me he was starving! I put 1 tablespoon of pumpkin (to help him pass his BM), 1 tablespoon of his canned cat food (High quality-grain free poultry diet), 2 tablespoons of boiled filtered water (to add more liquid in his system in case he was dehydrated), 1/4 teaspoon of ACV (to make sure he continued to produce urine and keep his UTI at bay) and 1/2 capsule of fish oil (for his skin, coat and hairballs) in his bowl. At first he backed away from his bowl, then he wanted to "bury" the bowl before walking away altogether. Finally, because he was so darn hungry (He's a 16 pound cat), he had no choice but to eat it. He got at least half of the meal down before walking away. During the day I made sure to exercise and play with him as well as rubbing his tummy in hopes of getting things moving in his intestines. For lunch, I gave him the same thing and he again only ate half of it. Dinner, I backed off the pumpkin and fed him again. I was considering the fact that I would have to take him to the emergency vet hospital the next day. Then, at the stroke of midnight, he walked into his litter box and produced a BIG, firm, perfectly formed, stinky BM! And, yes, I did see the Palm blades in his stool! 15 hours after I gave him the pumpkin did it finally work! I gave him lots of praises and loving after he left his litter box, as well as a midnight snack! Thanks again for this great site! It's helped my cat's health as well as my sanity and pocketbook!
Posted by Tanya (Michigantown, Indiana) on 08/03/2011
My cat has a bad pelvic fracture that I didn't know about until one day I took her in and out of surprise it was found, along with a bullet lodged a few inches from her spine. I had found her as a stray and took her in - She walked fine and acted fine. Her doctor informed me her injuries were done on purpose and we were all shocked that she recovered without any medical attention.
She has chronic constipation and the lactulose was not working, she's had several surgeries and it seemed to really effect her, she's an old lady and I seriously got tired of her going through this every month and having all these surgeries to remove it and started thinking it was finally time to let her go. Out of desperation I went to the store and tried one last thing before I took her in which, I was going to do the following day. I bought some Mineral Oil and gave her an enema - it was so huge, there was no way she'd pass it, and you could see it. I've tried to take it out myself, but it was too painful for her. It was horrible and she got to the point, where she would sleep with her rear in the air. I started the enema of mineral oil, the next day looked at her rear it it was gone. I looked in the litter box and there it was. She had passed it during the night. I was so exstatic I couldn't believe it and still to this day I still use the Mineral Oil and it does work. It lubricates them so they can go easily.
Sunflower Oil
Posted by Shirley (Scotland) on 04/16/2011
Hi there
I noticed my boxer was straining and even after an extended walk nothing had moved. So I got a syringe (without a needle) and filled it with sunflower oil and squirted into his rectum. I left him for 5/10 minutes and then took him for a walk... And everything he had been holding onto came away!
I am not sure it is the right thing to do, but it certainly worked and saved me another visit to the vet. I had been giving him rabbit meat for breakfast and I suspect that might have done it.
I might try using water if it happens again. But I reckoned that a glycerine supposititory is oil... So maybe oil would work for him too!
We don't get tinned pumpkin here and we tend to only get pumpkins at Halloween. But maybe I will try the sweet potatoe someone mentioned.
Goat Milk
Posted by Anonymous (Usa) on 12/16/2010
Goat milk doesn't seem to cure the constipation, but it keeps her hydrated and somewhat nourished when she wouldn't otherwise eat. Goat milk is easier for people to digest than cow milk, so I tried it with her. She also eats raw chicken liver, especially the blood, when she won't otherwise eat. So if your friend is not eating, maybe try that. You might also smear a little glucosamine paste onto the front foot. Mix some CoQ10 into it maybe, I think somewhere I saw 5mg was appropriate for a small cat, but check for yourself. If she tastes the medicine in her food she won't eat, but if it's smeared onto her paw she will lick it off.
Posted by Anonymous (Usa) on 12/16/2010
My cat is a picky eater, so she tasted the pumpkin in her food and would not eat it. Psyllium fibre works, but I have to use a lot of it, maybe 2 teaspoons per serving, and a quarter cup of water stirred into some chunks of wet food. Hairball paste works too. Miralax can't be used often. The psyllium doesn't unblock her, but it keeps her from getting blocked. The hairball paste unblocks. Acai fibre might work, too. Haven't tried it.
Special Food
Posted by Purrrfection (Tampa, Fl) on 10/02/2010
Sounds like a great idea except PLEASE don't give your kitty any "people" Tuna. This even in small doses is bad for your cat. Thanks.
Special Food
Posted by Catherine (Philadelphia, Pa) on 09/28/2010
Hello Earth Clinic,
I'm not sure if this is where I post this, but after trying everything under the sun to help my cat, I know this information can help someone else. My 15-year old cat came down with mega colon about three years ago. He initially spent a week at the vet for many enemas and a big invoice. When I got him home I tried everything to keep him from getting backed up. From pumpkin to a raw chicken diet nothing was working except for the costly medication the vet game me. Even so, we still almost once a month had to go to the vet for an enema. I kept trying different cat foods hoping something or some brand would help. I know I'm not suppose to put brand names or commercial remedies on this site, but there is only one company that I have found that alleviates this problem completely! My cat no longer has to have enemas or take medication. My vet was so impressed she asked for the name of the cat food and is recommending it to all her patients even though they don't carry it in their hospital. I was lucky to find it in my health food store kind of by accident.
I do not work for this company nor do I know anyone who does. If earth clinic allows the name, it's Pet Guard and the flavor is Premium Feast Dinner. The other flavors do not work. Only this one. If you're able to find it be sure to mix it with water. My cat has lost most of his teeth, so the soupier the better. Plus the added water may help him "pass" things easier. I am happy to answer any questions by email if Earth Clinic doesn't post the food name. This is such an upsetting disease for cats and their owners. I want to help as many people as I can with this information. Be well and happy! Catherine
Posted by Ashley (Bellingham, Wa) on 12/10/2009
Here's hoping this works! My male cat has had a hair ball but -refuses- to throw it up, so now its working it's way south. He's been backed up for a day but with this issue I do not want to wait. Well, here is hoping the pumpkin works.
As he did not take the pumpkin straight up, I went food fight style on him. Smudged it down his leg :) he seems to take it well like that.
Posted by Clara (Mississauga, Ontario) on 11/13/2009
Laurie, how old was the Maincoon? Mine is 17.5 years old. How long before the Maincoon did #2? My cat is having big problems. I've tried pumpkin twice yesterday, once, 1 teaspoon and again .5 teaspoon. Today I gave him another 3/4 teaspoon, always mixed in with his wet food. I've also given him water to keep him hydrated, but so far nothing has happened. Today, I believe is the 4th day that he will not have done #2. Please help! Recommend something. Thanks in advance. C from Mississauga
Posted by Gisela (Huntsville, Al, Usa) on 10/23/2009
** Update **
The pumpkin worked twice since posting the above however it isn't working now, I'm up to giving her 1 tsp daily for the last two days and it has not worked. She is an 11 lbs cat so I will try another 1/2 teaspoon or more and go from there. She did have to have her bowels unblocked in March and I'm hoping to avoid another $300 vet visit and more stress on an already anemic cat.
The ACV has completely taken care of her urinary problem and her respiratory infection, took a 5 day treatment and loads of ACV but she's better from those problems.
Posted by Gisela (Huntsville, Alabama, Usa) on 10/17/2009
My 6 year old cat had constipation in March, after 3 days of not going to the bathroom I took her to the vet and got a $300 bill and a sick cat back in return. She came home so sick from the vet that I was up with her for 2 day straight. She had a problem with diarrhea and constipation in August but I looked online and decided to use Pumpkin, it worked great within an hour. I used 1/2 teaspoon once a day for 3 days, had to force feed it and that worked great. I also made sure to take her off of her daily 1/2 a can of a very cheap and well known wet cat food (known to cause cat tummy troubles) and switched her over to a human grade holistic brand (the same brand as her holistic dry cat food).
Here we are in October and the day after coming home from the vet (blood work to discover the cause of her anemia, vet thinking it could be a mosquito caused blood parasite) and again sick for 2 days from the sedatives at the vet and not able to use the bathroom. I also saw what looked like to be pink either urine or diarrhea in the litter box. I called the emergency vet hospital which wanted a lot of money up front, which I just don't have as I've spent $390 at the vet this past month already and I am unemployed. Unsure of what to do and really worried for her I gave her 1/2 teaspoon of 100% pure pumpkin puree thinking it might be constipation since she's only had small amounts of black stool. Within an hour she has already gone to the litter box twice and her feces looks healthy, not black and hard as it had been (from the anemia) and no signs of blood. I mentioned the pumpkin to her vet about using it earlier in the year, who then told me that the fiber in the pumpkin works great for cats with constipation and with diarrhea (he couldn't have told me that before the $300 bill and the undo procedures and stress on the cat???).
FYI: Anemia can cause hard black stools in cats and should be considered as a cause if you notice other symptoms such as pale ears, tongue and paw pads, rapid breathing and lethargy. It's a serious problem which is caused by other diseases, see a vet for a proper diagnosis.
My long term plan for constipation & preventing it long term:
At the first sign, 1/2 teaspoon of 100% Pure Pumpkin Puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling, check that the ingredients list only pumpkin), you can use up to one teaspoon a day though I've always had results with just 1/2 a teaspoon. Use for 2-3 days to make sure your cat gets everything that is backed up, out. After the initial treatment, 1/4 teaspoon daily to keep the stool soft enough to pass.
** She is also getting 1/4 teaspoon organic apple cider vinegar mixed in with her wet food daily to aid with some respiratory problems (allergies and weather changes plus running the heater have left both her and I with dry noses) and for just in case she has a urinary problem since I did see blood in the litter box. I also dip a cotton ball in a solution of 1 part organic apple cider vinegar to 1 part water and apply this to the back of her neck to help her breathe as well as saline nasal spray for babies, one drop in each nostril to induce a good sneeze to help her clear out her nostrils when she has dry breathing sounds.
Posted by Spookie (New York, Ny) on 08/05/2009
Cat Constipation: My male cat was constipated for 4 day and after feeding him some canned pumpkin pie filling i was amazed to find within a 12 hrs he was a very happy cat. He wasnt thrilled with me mixing it with his wet food but after a little coaxing he seemed to like it. Thank you so much for this great idea and I will surely suggest it to anyone with similar problems.
Posted by Lauri (Surprise, AZ) on 07/22/2009
I have a pet sitting business and was looking after a Maine Coon Cat that hadn't had a bowel movement for 3 days. He wasn't eating very much and so didn't go to the bathroom. I gave him 1 teaspoon of pure pumpkin and the very next day he went to the bathroom. I have continued to give it to him and he loves it.
Sweet Potato
Posted by NANLEA (SANTA CRUZ, CA) on 07/02/2009
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by lynn (los angeles, california) on 06/22/2009
how much water and vinegar do i use for a 4 lb dog (yorkie)?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paulette (Sydney, Australia) on 06/03/2009
One cap full to four caps water of apple cider vinegar. When blocked do every 30 mins Put in wet foood-catfood tinned NO flour cereal in it.Human Tuna O.K. too if stuck. Our cat was blocked and it unblocked him 2 and a 1/2 hours later enough to sleep, I can lose sleep but not the cat as I dont have another $1200 straight away Two days out of the vet.