Cat Mange Natural Treatment

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Glenda (Trinity, TX) on 01/20/2022

According to "Ted's Mange Cure Directions" (NOT the testimonials), you ONLY use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide - Do NOT use stronger Peroxide like one testimonial said! Use 2 cups of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 cups warm water, & 3 heaping Tablespoons of Borax. Mix it together & bathe your cat in it. Personally, I would use a rag dipped in the solution to bathe your cat, instead of dipping the cat & soaking it. You let the cat air dry with the solution on it, & apparently do NOT wash it off! I wouldn't soak the cat in water & let it airdry, as it could make the cat sick, & some have gotten sick, & died (from what I heard years ago - NOT from this solution, but from being all wet! ). So as one person said, they soak a rag in the solution & bathe the cat that way ( it may still be soaking wet though), but try to keep a heater near the cat, or in the room to keep it warm until it dries completely (especially in winter time! ). You should bathe your cat with this solution TWICE A WEEK.

Use this same mixture to spray down the pets sleeping area & other areas where it spends time. Wash the bedding frequently as well. I would say to use this same treatment on your own body where you have mange, or bathe in it by soaking a rag in the solution & washing up with it. Use it on your bedfing too. It says to spray it down with the solution. You can wash laundry in Borax, I don't know how you'd use enough peroxide in the washing machine! Probably could just wash bedding in Borax. OR spray it with the solution, let it dry (maybe) then wash in just Borax.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 09/10/2019

Hello, this is Tien from California. I posted about my results on the Natural Treatments for Cat Mange and these are the pictures showing the amazing results in just one week! Thank you so much!! Ted's Borax and Peroxide Treatment for Cat Mange.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Editor's Choice I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow.

After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!!

This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch!

Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, please email your pics to [email protected] and we will add them to your post. Yay!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Update. I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow. After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!! This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch! Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, feel free to email your pics to us and we'll attach them to your post!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by JJ (Bremerton, WA) on 03/04/2019

Please post this awesome website where we can find it easier. It took me two hours to find a recipe for cat mange and this website is the only place I could find directions on how to use Ted's recipe. Product advertisers are getting tricky. Last month, the recipes were everywhere! Now all you can find is another search engine. I will tell everyone about EARTHCLINIC.COM Thank you

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Carol (Palacios, Texas 77465) on 10/22/2018

Cat Mange: Spent nearly 300 bucks at vet. Still not resolved and tried your borax remedy. OMG. Within 2 weeks, completely gone. She's back to normal. Thank you so very much. Thank you, thank you. She was miserable. Back to her silly self now.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Rena (Ca) on 06/07/2017

Editor's Choice A cat moved into my walkway and was close to dying . Had what looks like mange from internet pictures that I compare to him. To make a long story short I tried the Borax and hydrogen peroxide 6%, 1 part peroxide to two parts of water. then the Borax. a cup or so. Shake it up and applied to the cat avoiding the eyes . Used vasoline around the eye area to kill the mites. Leave the Borax on the cat do not wash it off. Let it dry . then reapply two days later. THIS IS SOME KIND OF MIRACLE STUFF. The cat had open sores from itching all the hair was gone on its head and neck. The borax didn't burn the cat . The sores all dried up two days later the difference was incredible . I never would have believed it . The Borax WORKS!! I also bought the Nu stock sulfur, But compared to the Borax . The Borax and Peroxide nothing compares to how fast it worked . The cat had instant relief. I came here looking for the website that I had found this information about Borax . I wanted to thank the man that posted using Borax. and everyone for their reviews of it. It is a FIVE star And I'm telling you Some kind of MIRACLE CURE.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Kat (Fremantle Western Australia) on 02/16/2014

Just been using Ted Mange Remedy that I added a dash of tea tree oil to for good luck. My 16 year old burmeseX has been plagued with mange every summer for half his life. I take him to the vet once a year at that time and he gets a jab for infection plus a cortizone one, they worked to a small degree. This year his mange is rampant over whole body, his skin like chronic exema. I have used Ted's remedy 3 times over the last couple of weeks. The improvement is amazing even in such a short space of time. The first time I sprayed it on using a spray bottle, the second time I tried tipping over in sink and third time just using a small face cloth soaked in solution on the bathroom floor next to drain hole. It seemed the easiest method to date. My cat is savage even in his debilitated state. I recommend this treatment.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Jen (Toronto, Canada) on 05/26/2008

Just wanted to say that I tried the borax treatment on my cats tail (he's got what is called a 'stud tail) and it worked wonders. He always had an oily tail and I tried everything even professional grooming and nothing helped before! So at least that problem is out of the way for now. But he has another problem - a hernia. Does anyone know of any treatment methods for a cat hernia? I really don't want to opt for surgery.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Marsha (Nashville, TN) on 03/23/2008

Cat mange cure with hydrogen peroxide, borax, and warm water. My 10 year old lynx/siamese /himalayan cat developed intense itching with loss of hair and redness around the neck recently. I thought it was hair mats at first. I called to schedule a shave for her but the vet said they would have to sedate her and get blood work first to see if it was safe to sedate her. Total price, $300! I said "never mind". I began to feel that her condition was more than hair mats. I thought it resembled the mange in dogs I'd seen. I research the net for cat mange and the symptoms matched perfectly. I found Ted's peroxide,borax,water concoction and immediately fixed up a small amount. About 3TBS borax, 2 cups warm water, and 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide. I took a small rag and soaked it and rubbed it around her neck. She was suspcious at first of the wet rag but she was enjoying the rub to much to care for long. Before I started the application her neck was red and hairless. Within 1 hour her skin color on her neck was a light pink. I checked her the next day and the area was flesh colored and she wasn't scratching so much. I did another treatment that day for a added kill of the mites and let it rest the 3rd day. On the 4th day her hair is regrowing about an inch and she has more energy. I treated her again and rewarded her with fresh catnip. My cat never goes outside and there are no more animals around. Although on pretty days I open her window so she can perch there and watch the outside. I was thinking maybe bird mites blew on her if thats possible. Anyway the remedy works on cats too! Thankyou for saving me lots of $$$ and the unknown chemicals and added stress of going to the vet on her. Her name by the way, is Whisper and she says "Meow meow" (thats thankyou Ted)