Cat Mange Natural Treatment

| Modified on Jul 16, 2024
Silver Sol Gel, Ivermectin
Posted by Seamore (Christiansted, VI) on 05/30/2024

I've successfully treated our cat with about 1inch of silver sol gel mixed with an ivermectin solution (1%) 0.1ml. Mixed in organic coconut oil 30 ml. Shaked up well and adding 7 drops to the silver sol gel and then just rubbing on the cat where they lick the most apply every day for month once a day if problem returns continue 1 X day for month and so on this will also help to prevent parasites, infections etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, CA) on 01/31/2024

My cat had mange too. He was always biting and scratching himself had bald spots all over. He was also FIV too. What cured his mange was Turmeric oil. He hated the taste of it and finally left his fur alone. I used to rub it all over his spots. He passed away but had all his fur again. Hope this helps you.


Mary Martinez

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, CA) on 01/31/2024

Please try Organic Turmeric oil. My cat had scabs and pulled most of his hair off. He would constantly scratch and lick his hair. He had bald spots all over his body.

I used Organic Turmeric oil. He hated the taste of it and left his fur alone. Got all his hair back. Good luck


Mary Martinez

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Dalsan (Aloha, Or Usa) on 01/02/2012

I wanted to pass on something mentioned on Curezone that can help those using Ted's mange cure on cats or pets that lick themselves repeatedly.

My cat has a sacroptic mange re-infection and I'm again treating her with Ted's cure.

The very first time I bathed Kat with the borax/ peroxide mix I kept her in my warmed up bathroom and sat with her until she was almost dry. I didn't have a collar to keep her from licking, so I tried to keep her distracted. She still licked enough off to end up vomiting. The thought of doing this again several times made me heartsick.

I was reading up sometime later when someone mentioned Activated Charcoal. It's what they use in hospitals to adsorb (not absorb) poisons that have been ingested. It's saved many a life- yet is very inexpensive and available over the counter at most health food stores.

Most households that have kids- have AC in their medicine cabinet- just in case. I even had some on hand - but had long forgotten about it.

Anyway, just before the next bath I mixed a 1/2 tsp. of the AC powder into 1/2 oz of water and put some into a 1. 0mm syringe then squirted the syringe-full into Kat's mouth. Her eyes got big- she expected it to taste bad like her other meds I guess- but there's no taste to it and she didn't mind it at all.

The second bath was a bit more of a struggle- she Hates baths- but this time she didn't get sick, nor the 3rd one either.

Now the family uses it regularly again for an upset stomach and/or occasional diarrhea and I'm going to use it as part of a colon cleanse. It works fast and is virtually non-toxic.

Unfortunately, most stores only sell Activated Charcoal in capsules now. But in a pinch you can open one or two and get the powder that way (I couldn't get the tiniest capsule down my Kat on a bet. LOL)

We prefer to keep the powder on hand- it's way cheaper in the long run- and there are so many other ways to use it. The cheapest site I've found sells a 10oz can for under $12 shipped that will last us for several months.

Hope those with mange cats will give the AC a try.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Debra (Florida) on 10/18/2023

I get food grade diatomaceous earth on Amazon. I am also from Florida.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Staci (Philippi WV ) on 02/03/2023

My cats got fleas and mites from a cat tree that the lady I adopted them from gave me about 3 months after I adopted them. They had no issues prior and are indoor so I am positive that's what happened. I have just started using this remedy. I am so stressed watching my long hair cat be miserable and she looks awful. I dipped them both last night and used Vetericyn on her bad places. My husband also made a cone to keep her from biting and itching ( she hates it). I will take photos and post after a week or two. Can you dip a q-tip in the solution and clean the ears as well? Any other suggestions would be awesome. Thank you!!!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Staci (Philippi WV ) on 01/21/2023


My cats were adopted from a foster home. A couple of months later they gave us the cat tree they used to at on....then....the mites showed up. Started the bath tonight on one and the other kitty doesn't seem to have it, but I suppose we should give her the bath too. The second kitty is a lot smaller than the infected cat. Should I be worried about that?
I'll keep y'all posted. Thank you!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Halean (California) on 04/08/2022

This in infuriating! No pet/baby ever deserves to be abandoned, especially when sick. They need the one they love to comfort them when sick and when dying. Do the right thing for your soul and theirs by putting them down at home. If you don't love an animal that much then you shouldn't have one. I know you meal well to avoid the suffering but there is a more humane way of doing it.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Connie (White bear, MN usa) on 03/30/2022

I agree with all you say except my (and most cats) are not going to put up with that length of time :45 minutes! ; But the longer the better with that solution is the key words. Even ppl can't usually stay in a bathtub that long lol. So don't be surprised if just 10-15 or twenty minutes of pouring over Ted's solution will be just fine. The more you work w/ kitty the longer they'll put up with it in my opinion. May have to have more frequent treatments- that's all. They're paws will for sure be saturated well if "standing" in the dishpan. Your welcome 🐈 Help those itchy kitties!

*Deirdre Layne of earth clinic gives a detailed video but it is with her dog, which is Very cooperative & would sit there all day I imagine; but than again a lot more dogs seem to get the mange is what ppl say. I know of one friend who just went to a veterinarian w Dog & their poor dog died from mange. (I don't think that lime sulphur dips work always)

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Connie (Usa) on 03/30/2022


You do Not use a cup of the 20 mule team borax. 3 T (tablespoons) big difference!

My cat is a long hair orange&white big but sensitive cat. And I've used just 2 Tablespoons and had great results. A cup-8ounces; that's way too much fyi Read up for Ted's recipe. 4 c. Water/ 2 c. Hydrogen 3% peroxide/ 3 T. Borax (from laundry aisle).

You really should watch Deirdre's mange video on it ( because the water should be warm & borax dissolves only in very warm or hot water so you dissolve it first in that & let cool slightly while getting the rest of things together.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Karen (NY) on 02/27/2022

Glenda, its true what you are describing, although I want you to realize a person can use any strength peroxide as long as they <> dilute it to 3%. The post that said 6% also said she diluted it by half, so she WAS using 3%. It's probably what she could get her hands on, easily. It was a bit confusing. Maybe tmi, but I suppose she was just running her process by the community.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by ~ 2BeFearless (NY) on 02/27/2022

Essential oils which can be applied to a cat's skin are few. Vet's Best, Tropiclean, the cedar company and a few others have created cat specific flea and tick sprays using mint, clove, cedar, in safe amounts or processed so they can be used on cats. There are a very few more essential oils cats can tolerate in small amounts, but they aren't effective with these pests.

Mites are in the tick family or in the tick & spider family. They are an arthropod. Effectiveness varies for many ingredients, but borax works pretty much across the board with most of this type pests.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (NY) on 02/27/2022

Hi Karin,

could you be a bit more specific about what you did with raw egg yolk and what it was helping with? I would like to improve my pets' immune systems as well as cure them of demodex. We're going to do borax in our water, and I am working up the guts to at least sponge/ sop Teds bath solution on my cat in 1-2 areas at a time. He already doesn't know whether to avoid me or not, as I might be trying to 'help' him, resulting in wet and smelly fur.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Gulfport gyrl (SC) on 01/24/2022


Please NEVER put fingernail polish on any animal for any reason! It is nothing but toxic chemicals!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Glenda (Trinity, TX) on 01/20/2022

According to "Ted's Mange Cure Directions" (NOT the testimonials), you ONLY use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide - Do NOT use stronger Peroxide like one testimonial said! Use 2 cups of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 cups warm water, & 3 heaping Tablespoons of Borax. Mix it together & bathe your cat in it. Personally, I would use a rag dipped in the solution to bathe your cat, instead of dipping the cat & soaking it. You let the cat air dry with the solution on it, & apparently do NOT wash it off! I wouldn't soak the cat in water & let it airdry, as it could make the cat sick, & some have gotten sick, & died (from what I heard years ago - NOT from this solution, but from being all wet! ). So as one person said, they soak a rag in the solution & bathe the cat that way ( it may still be soaking wet though), but try to keep a heater near the cat, or in the room to keep it warm until it dries completely (especially in winter time! ). You should bathe your cat with this solution TWICE A WEEK.

Use this same mixture to spray down the pets sleeping area & other areas where it spends time. Wash the bedding frequently as well. I would say to use this same treatment on your own body where you have mange, or bathe in it by soaking a rag in the solution & washing up with it. Use it on your bedfing too. It says to spray it down with the solution. You can wash laundry in Borax, I don't know how you'd use enough peroxide in the washing machine! Probably could just wash bedding in Borax. OR spray it with the solution, let it dry (maybe) then wash in just Borax.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by karin (indianapolis) on 08/04/2021

My cat did act like it burned! But it really helped.

Now a couple years later don't know if I can bring myself to use it again... What really helps is raw egg yolk

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by May (PA) on 06/06/2021

ACV for Cat Mange

I tried the Organic Apple Cider (Bragg) and when my cat would keep chewing and biting and eating off her fur, I would soak her down with the ACV and it didn't seem to help much. She would just keep eating and biting and going at it. I tried the ACV for a good week straight, every time I would see her licking and biting I would soak her, but it didn't help! :(

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Terri (Indiana ) on 03/28/2021

I also just spent almost $250 at vet and the treatment they gave isn't even working. Instead it is spreading. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar sponge bath a couple days ago. And I just did the borax/peroxide bath last night. I will do another borax/peroxide bath this week and see if it's helping before I take her back to the vet.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Terri (Indiana) on 03/24/2021

Please don't use tea tree oil on cats. I believe it is toxic, as most essential oils are toxic to cats and they also will ingest when grooming!

Immune Boosting Remedies
Posted by Gertjr (Madison) on 10/07/2020

Immune Boosting Remedies for Cat with Scabies/Mites

I'm thinking this rescue cat of mine has scabies/mange, even tho the vet didn't seem to think so. She scratches spots raw and has little scabbies. I started doing the ACV last night and today will start the borax treatment. But how do I boost her immune system? How do I reduce her anxiety? I got Feliway that is supposed to calm them, but it's pricy for me. And now I'll have to treat the other cat, too. I use Frontline on the original cat and gave a dose of Bravecto to the rescue cat (we have huge flea and tick issue in our area), do you know if these will kill the mange/scabie mites?

Ted's Borax and Peroxide Remedy for Mange
Posted by Eva (United States) on 12/01/2019

My cats mange just began! He only has one spot right at the edge of his eye! How do I treat this area since it's right next to the eye?

Ted's Borax and Peroxide Remedy for Mange
Posted by Tien (California) on 09/10/2019

Hello, this is Tien from California. I posted about my results on the Natural Treatments for Cat Mange and these are the pictures showing the amazing results in just one week! Thank you so much!! Ted's Borax and Peroxide Treatment for Cat Mange.

Ted's Borax and Peroxide Remedy for Mange
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Editor's Choice I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow. After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!! This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch! Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, please email your pics to [email protected] and we will add them to your post. Yay!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Update. I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow. After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!! This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch! Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, feel free to email your pics to us and we'll attach them to your post!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Caei (Phoenix) on 07/03/2020

Bird Mites transfer to humans, cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, et al... You should use this on your cat and yourself. You also should send in a vetDNA test to see what kinds of mites you two have.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by JJ (Bremerton, WA) on 03/04/2019

Please post this awesome website where we can find it easier. It took me two hours to find a recipe for cat mange and this website is the only place I could find directions on how to use Ted's recipe. Product advertisers are getting tricky. Last month, the recipes were everywhere! Now all you can find is another search engine. I will tell everyone about EARTHCLINIC.COM Thank you

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019


I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow. After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!! This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch! Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, feel free to email your pics to us and we'll attach them to your post!

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 09/10/2019

Hello, this is Tien from California. I posted about my results on the Natural Treatments for Cat Mange and these are the pictures showing the amazing results in just one week! Thank you so much!! Ted's Borax and Peroxide Treatment for Cat Mange.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Editor's Choice I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow.

After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!!

This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch!

Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, please email your pics to [email protected] and we will add them to your post. Yay!

Eye Area Remedies
Posted by Eva (United States) on 12/01/2019

Hello, my cat just started having a small patch of mange right at the edge of his eye? What remedies are safe to use right next to the eye?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Merry (Tn) on 06/09/2020

ONLY use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth! The other kind is made for pool filters and is very dangerous to use around pets. Food grade is completely safe and even helpful to add to their food. It helps to eliminate internal parasites. One teaspoon in the food per day for a grown cat.

Keep studying - there is a lot of information on the web.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Carol (Palacios, Texas 77465) on 10/22/2018

Cat Mange: Spent nearly 300 bucks at vet. Still not resolved and tried your borax remedy. OMG. Within 2 weeks, completely gone. She's back to normal. Thank you so very much. Thank you, thank you. She was miserable. Back to her silly self now.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Amber (San Pedro Ca) on 09/23/2018


It's highly toxic to cats, even a little bit could shut down their liver and kidneys. Research ANYTHING you intend to feed/treat/medicate your pet with before doing so. Please, it could be a matter of life and death for your beloved pet.

Posted by Katydid (Katy) on 08/30/2018

Ivomec/Ivermectin for mange, mites, and heartworm prevention

Ivermectin is such a common thing around here that I never for a moment stopped to think others may not know about it, but I just read it as a cure here and wanted to say it works, and it works fast. I live in the south and all the rescues use it. It is not a 'natural' cure. But it is an OTC one anyone can buy. You'll have to ask at your local feed or farm store. It is an injectable liquid; but you will give it orally instead for heartworm prevention, and it can be used topically for mites. No need to mess with needles. Dosage will depend on your cat or dog's weight and what you're treating or preventing; look it up online.

The bottle is mildly expensive but keeps a LONG time because you need so little of it. I've had mine ten years, it still works. When it doesn't I'll replace it. I use it monthly on the dogs for heartworm treatment. SUPER CHEAP. Takes literally a few drops to treat them and prevent heartworms. Yes, it can also be used for other things like mange/mites. I prefer to use borax for mites, but honestly the ivermectin works faster. However, it is not by any means a natural cure. And I don't care if the cure you want to use is natural or man-made; you should always test a little bit first and see to make sure your pet doesn't have a reaction.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorothy (Escondido, Ca) on 07/05/2018

Did your cat have soars or scabs or problems around her face and spine? Are you sure it was feline scabies? My stray cats are in such bad shape I need to catch them and help them, but I don't know which treatment (home remedy) to use. They have soars and bloody skin and loss of most of their hair. It is so sad. I wonder if vinegar, or Ted's Remedy will sting their bloody soars. It just makes me sick - the poor kitties. They will be hard to handle - I am thinking about dunking them into a small tub of solution.

Did your cat act like she was in pain from the vinegar?

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 06/14/2018

You can find the measurements at the top of the page.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Karen (Phoenix Az) on 06/14/2018

What are the measurements for this treatment?

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Cheryl G (Ontario, Canada) on 06/04/2018

oh no!!! Please NEVER use tea tree on cats! It's a neuro toxin to them! I made that mistake as I've always used it on my dogs.. cat injested some and went into seizure .. almost lost her

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 05/17/2018

Hey Marsha,

The remedy is non-toxic. If your cat ingests a lot of it, you might see a couple loose stools. What I have done is made up a large batch of the solution - enough to fill a small dish pan or tub. Then place your pet in the bath of solution and keep pouring solution over the pet so the pet is constantly wetted by the solution as well as soaking in it. Keep this up for a half hour or 45 minutes -make sure the room you are working in is warm and the solution is warm so your pet does not take a chill. After 45 minutes let your pet out, let him shake off and then towel dry and air dry from there. What you are doing is compensating for the shortened drip dry process by soaking your pet longer in the solution. I find crystals of borax in my pet's coat so I brush them out; if I am worried about my pet taking a chill I blow dry as I brush out. The key is to leave the active, working solution on the pet as long as possible, half hour at least - and soaking in the solution accommodates that need.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Masha (London) on 05/16/2018


I would appreciate your help with understanding the Ted's remedy.

Once the remedy is applied and the cat is completely wet, we should leave it until he air dries, right? With a cone so that he cannot lick the remedy?But what happens afterwards? Once I remove the cone he will most certainly start licking and ingest the borax+hydrogen peroxide solution. Should I give him another bath or is this non-toxic once it dries?

Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linnea (Westminster, Ca) on 05/10/2018

Thank you SO very much for your wisdom. I've been trying to figure out how to treat my massive feral colony. This mange has gotten out of control here. I think they now have a fighting chance at survival.
Ty again 😻

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 04/23/2018

Hey Susan,

Google "Frontline Plus side effects" and you will have your answer as to why so many here refuse to use products like these.

Posted by Susan E. (Pennsylvania) on 04/21/2018

Why would all of you go to such lengths, when Frontline Plus pour-on (or a more generic "Fipronil" product will do), is simply a pour-on, right on the neck of the animal like most flea treatment (and kills fleas also) & poof, problem solved, PLUS you are mange free for a month, sooooo no possible reinfection from surfaces, wild animals. My Mom & I went through this GIANT ridiculous month-long treatment duo with 7 cats & I found out later how easy it could've been from my VET-TECH. Now the only thing everyone needs to be sure of is NEVER NEVER EVER use Permethrin on CATS!!!! Its killing so many Cats that they have asked Veterinarians all across the United States to put up their laminated poster in every office. It will kill them in a pour-on, or make them very very sick; if accidental, quickly wash them with only mild soap (especially on the neck), preferably Baby Shampoo (tried & true), force-feed w/a syringe (no needle) water & a little bit of activated charcoal (don't give them any where near a full capsule) & then run them just as fast as your GPS & car can get you to an animal emergency clinic or open veterinarian, even if you didn't call ahead. You can get activated charcoal at Wal-Mart near the Beano capsules in the gas relief medicine section & the capsules are bright pink. Or you can get some at, I think its called Kaolin Suspension. I'm not sure that this works for a pesticide though and Permey=thrin "IS" a pesticide. All of those pour-ons are, however I understand Brewers Yeast can help alot with fleas and ticks, probably on, who also carry some kick-butt tinctures that are herbs, etc. to calm cats down so you can treat them, for thunderstorms, constipation, the works (God I love this site). They can at least tell you the closest hospital. However, always know what the best Animal Hospital is near you & have directions right there. Been there, done that, and you poor people (like me) will quickly realize how much cost doesn't matter when your love is looking bad, but try not to go to a big fancy pants shiny new machines free food place. They'll treat you real good, but not even rich people should pay those prices (as did I recently), but I was a butt-head, but I got back on the Facebook with the owner, I explained & she wants me to call her. The only time it is ever ok to say cats & Permethrin in the same sentence is if it is ear mite drops. Don't get them on their skin, but if you do, have a warm soapy rag ready to wipe it off - - twice.

Coconut Oil, Holistic Grain-Free Diet
Posted by Kelly (Ca) on 03/30/2018

Editor's Choice Just recently, I took in a stray Tuxedo cat, whom I named Max. Max had a nasty case of mange when he first showed up. I wanted to help him get well, and tried a few natural home remedies, none of which he took to. Then I remembered that I had a jar of organic coconut oil in the house. I put on a disposable glove, dipped my fingers into the jar of coconut oil, and rubbed my fingers together to melt the oil. I went outside on the patio where Max was and rubbed the coconut oil onto his mangy spots. I did this twice a day. Within days, the mange began to clear up. I'm telling you, organic coconut oil is a miracle from God!

I also fed Max a diet of holistic, grain-free cat food. He is getting stronger and healthier everyday, and now there is fur where the mange used to be. He is not 100% cured yet, but he is doing so much better than before. I highly recommend this remedy for anybody who has a pet cat with this problem, or anybody who finds and takes in a stray cat with this problem. It's truly a lifesaver.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Qwondre Smith (Co) on 03/31/2018

DE (diatomaceous earth) Diatomaceous Earth (often referred to as "DE") is an off white talc-like powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. When sprinkled on a bug that has an exoskeleton (such as bed bugs, ants or fleas) it compromises their waxy coating so that their innards turn into teeny tiny bug jerky. But it doesn't hurt mammals. We can eat it. We do eat it! It's in lots of grain based foods because lots of grains are stored with diatomaceous earth to keep the bugs from eating the grain! IT MUST BE FOOD GRADE.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Teresa (Illinois) on 03/21/2018

My cat seems like he has the mange..which DE fomula do I try...there's a bunch of different kinds

Sea Salt, Hydrogen Peroxide, Olive Oil
Posted by Bertha (El Monte, Ca) on 03/01/2018

How do you mix it, and place it on cat's skin??

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Jms (Indiana) on 02/06/2018

No it will not harm them from licking it. It's a natural substance that is edible in limited amounts and is actually beneficial.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Shannon (Wi) on 01/22/2018

Will the borax treatment beharmful when they lick it off their fur?

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 12/09/2017

Hello Mel,

Any bathing will wash off the Advantage. Read the information on the Advantage product label or ask your vet to find out when you can bath your kitten without interfering with the Advantage.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Mel (Houma, La) on 12/07/2017

My rescued kitten was treated w/ Advantage for skin rash d/t Mange, mites & fleas. Does anyone know if Ted's Borax Remedy will wash off the Advantage & if so should the Advantage be reapplied?

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Pauline (Maine) on 11/11/2017

Can the borax hurt my cat when he licks himself?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Pam (South Texas) on 10/21/2017

I have used the light for a flea trap for years. Works very well. I also use DE on the cats and dog, and use nematodes sprayed in the yard. If I have an infestation (like I did in the garage this spring, from a mama cat and kittens) I sprayed a heavy peppermint essential oil (80 drops)/vinegar/soapy water in a 32 oz spray bottle, spray down on the floor in the garage and did the light/soapy water thing, and dusted the cats. Gone in a few days.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Tina (Port Richey, Florida) on 10/19/2017

mange mites ARE scabies! Same thing and yes you can pass them from animal to person.. for a person, if you dont want to go to a doctor for medicine, cover the rash area with clear nail polish, it suffocates the mites. and should clear up the problem

Posted by Jeff (Il) on 09/16/2017

I used it on my 2 dogs and it worked amazingly well and now I'm treating the cats who I am unsure if they have it. It can't hurt them either way. Will keep fleas off too.

I put it on their faces with a washcloth. That is the only place I saw some mites afterwards. You really have to saturate everywhere even the face. But put in eye drops first from GENTEAL tears lubricant eye gel. Protects their eyes more because its thicker than regular drops. Do for dogs as well.

Use the microfiber towels from Costco in the car section, soak in bucket with product and put on the cats-these hold a lot of the solution and you can wring it out around their necks and legs. For cats I feel its easier to just dip them in a laundry sink or pail outside and wash them with long leather gloves if they have claws with a leash.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Marina (Texas) on 08/31/2017

Borax on the washing powder aisle is what I got.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Betty (1603 Charles ) on 08/09/2017

Borax on washing power aisle, at Publix? Or Boric acid that kills roaches? Please I have a stray kitten in despite need of treatment

EC: 20 Mule Team Borax from laundry aisle.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Marina (Texas) on 07/20/2017

My 16 year old diabetic, stomatitis cat was diagnosed by her veterinarian with demodectic mange. Will Ted's solution work on this type mange? I don't want to traumatize her with a bath unless I know it's going to work. We did the lime sulfur dips the last time she had this and it was VERY traumatic for her so will only do that again as a last resort. Any other tried and true treatments for this type of mange? Thanks for your help!

Posted by Jj (Crystal River Florida) on 06/27/2017

Re: Mites in Cat

I used a brand of ivermectin it was a 1% sterile solution on a stray that couldn't be trapped, the mange covered his eyes, they were almost crusted over. I used approx. 1 to two drops in some fishy food -cat weight about 9lbs. The cat hid and I didn't see him for a little while but when he showed up he was beautiful. I read they should get another dose after the first- so he had only one more drop in fishy cat food. He still looks great. Go very easy if using. Some cats may not tolerate, but as a last resort saved this cat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shanarose (North Miami Beach, Florida) on 06/11/2017

I've treated many strays with everything from starvation to mange to respiratory and eye infections - and not having the funds to bring them to the vet has often been a blessing for me - I am able to see first hand how accurate all the courses in nutrition I took in college really are ( my Bachelors is in Public Health/Nutrition) - first of all, knowing what vitamins help the eyes is very beneficial in treating animal/cat eye diseases - if the feral cat cannot be touched you can empty a capsule of vitamin A and D into their food (5,000 IU A / 400 IU D) and the eye issue clears up within three days - this also helps with mange and respiratory infections - as vitamin A is crucial for eyes, skin, and respiratory health - don't overdo - these vitamins are very inexpensive but one a day at that dosage is all that is needed ..... - also lightly applied topical DE and diluted ACV (if you can spray it on the cat - not near the eyes) also helps. And NEVER shave a cat - I started using nutrition and natural cure exclusively since a vet shaved my cat with ringworm and she almost died from the medication that was applied on the shaved skin - I brought her back with ACV on the ringworm - you don't need vets when you know how to care for the cats on your own .....

Borax and Peroxide Treatment
Posted by Rena (Ca) on 06/07/2017

Editor's Choice A cat moved into my walkway and was close to dying . Had what looks like mange from internet pictures that I compare to him. To make a long story short I tried the Borax and hydrogen peroxide 6%, 1 part peroxide to two parts of water. then the Borax. a cup or so. Shake it up and applied to the cat avoiding the eyes . Used vasoline around the eye area to kill the mites. Leave the Borax on the cat do not wash it off. Let it dry . then reapply two days later. THIS IS SOME KIND OF MIRACLE STUFF. The cat had open sores from itching all the hair was gone on its head and neck. The borax didn't burn the cat . The sores all dried up two days later the difference was incredible . I never would have believed it . The Borax WORKS!! I also bought the Nu stock sulfur, But compared to the Borax . The Borax and Peroxide nothing compares to how fast it worked . The cat had instant relief. I came here looking for the website that I had found this information about Borax . I wanted to thank the man that posted using Borax. and everyone for their reviews of it. It is a FIVE star And I'm telling you Some kind of MIRACLE CURE.

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