Cat Mange Treatment - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Cat Mange Treatment. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment

Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Editor's Choice I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow.

After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!!

This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch!

Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, please email your pics to [email protected] and we will add them to your post. Yay!

Ted's Borax and Peroxide Remedy for Mange

Posted by Tien (California) on 08/26/2019

Editor's Choice I used Ted's recipe and I used a rag to give my poor stray a sponge bath. I put him in a large kennel and was able to wipe him down pretty well with Ted's recipe. My kitty had the mange on his head and most of his back along the spine area. He had lost quite a bit of hair and his skin was red, inflamed and scabby. After 3 days, there was no more redness and hair was beginning to grow. After 1 week, he is 95 percent healed!! This is miracle stuff! He's a completely different cat in just one week! He's actually soft to touch! Thank you so much! I wish I could post pictures of the results after just one week!

EC: Hi Tien, please email your pics to [email protected] and we will add them to your post. Yay!

Coconut Oil, Holistic Grain-Free Diet

Posted by Kelly (Ca) on 03/30/2018

Editor's Choice Just recently, I took in a stray Tuxedo cat, whom I named Max. Max had a nasty case of mange when he first showed up. I wanted to help him get well, and tried a few natural home remedies, none of which he took to. Then I remembered that I had a jar of organic coconut oil in the house. I put on a disposable glove, dipped my fingers into the jar of coconut oil, and rubbed my fingers together to melt the oil. I went outside on the patio where Max was and rubbed the coconut oil onto his mangy spots. I did this twice a day. Within days, the mange began to clear up. I'm telling you, organic coconut oil is a miracle from God!

I also fed Max a diet of holistic, grain-free cat food. He is getting stronger and healthier everyday, and now there is fur where the mange used to be. He is not 100% cured yet, but he is doing so much better than before. I highly recommend this remedy for anybody who has a pet cat with this problem, or anybody who finds and takes in a stray cat with this problem. It's truly a lifesaver.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment

Posted by Rena (Ca) on 06/07/2017

Editor's Choice A cat moved into my walkway and was close to dying . Had what looks like mange from internet pictures that I compare to him. To make a long story short I tried the Borax and hydrogen peroxide 6%, 1 part peroxide to two parts of water. then the Borax. a cup or so. Shake it up and applied to the cat avoiding the eyes . Used vasoline around the eye area to kill the mites. Leave the Borax on the cat do not wash it off. Let it dry . then reapply two days later. THIS IS SOME KIND OF MIRACLE STUFF. The cat had open sores from itching all the hair was gone on its head and neck. The borax didn't burn the cat . The sores all dried up two days later the difference was incredible . I never would have believed it . The Borax WORKS!! I also bought the Nu stock sulfur, But compared to the Borax . The Borax and Peroxide nothing compares to how fast it worked . The cat had instant relief. I came here looking for the website that I had found this information about Borax . I wanted to thank the man that posted using Borax. and everyone for their reviews of it. It is a FIVE star And I'm telling you Some kind of MIRACLE CURE.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Vickie (Uk) on 04/21/2017

Editor's Choice I treated my stray female cat Trixie who had lost all of her fur from her waist to the tip of her tail (from mange) with organic apple cider vinegar. I diluted it to around 1 part ACV to 10 parts water then sprayed her body every other day within 2 days she had stopped itching and within 2 weeks new hair had started to grow back. Six weeks later she had the thickest shiny hair you have ever seen. My neighbours were shocked. 2 years later and still everything is OK. Better than anti-biotic and steroids and a huge vet bill.

I put a half teaspoonful of organic apple cider vinegar in my cat's water fountain every week to prevent cystitis which can be painful and costly.

Diatomaceous Earth

Posted by Pearlie (North Miami Beach, Florida) on 05/26/2014

Editor's Choice Recently a cat that was covered in mange found our house. I feed cats and this cat looked like someone had burnt him with chemicals. I never saw anything so pathetic. He could hardly walk and his ears were covered with thick grey crusts that I thought were burnt skin. I decided to look at skin conditions on cats and discovered he had a severe case of mange. I had food grade diatomaceous earth in the house that I have as a dewormer for my other cats. It was somewhat effective, but being that it kills all types of insects, I decided to try it topically on this new stray. I put one of my gardening gloves on and put some of the DE on the finger tips of the glove and worked that into the sores and crusts on the cat (this poor thing is such a sweety ... he loves to be scratched, even though I cannot touch him without a glove).

I wish I could show you pictures on what he looked like after just a few days. gone were the grey crusts, and all what looked like thick chemically burnt skin turned to clean skin. it was shocking. I am still rubbing the DE on him, as he just came by about 2 weeks ago, but he is definitely a new cat. My kids think I am some kind of a 'cat whisperer' .... all I am is someone who did research on cat mange and discovered diatomaceous earth cures it .....