Natural Pet Cancer Remedies: Herbal Treatments for Dogs & Cats

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nora (Acworth, Ga) on 02/23/2017

Editor's Choice I used a multiple cure approach for a 12 year old cat with intestinal tumors; Essiac Tea, Turmeric, ground apricot kernels, baking soda & maple syrup, Astralgus, BioPrep+ (blue/green algae) IP6, DMSO, Neoplasene, Medicinal Mushroom Complex, a powder called NuVet Feline, colloidal silver and Pancreatic Enzymes. Her kidneys were failing, so I got her Astro's CRF oil, Creatinine Scrub, and Astro's predigested fish protein.

I put her on a mostly raw diet of organic chicken & turkey with a custom made vitamin mix with high dose vitamin D, occasionally, cooked wild caught salmon with organic brown rice. She won't eat raw voluntarily, so I made a paste out of it with the food processor and fed it to her with syringes, mixing the various doses into the meat paste. I fed her every two hours with the raw mixture, and gave her a bowl of cooked food overnight so I could sleep a few hours. She had symptoms of diabetes, (excessive urination and thirst) and that turned around in a matter of days with the addition of a concentrated mineral liquid containing chromium and vanadium to her water bowl. There are 74 trace minerals in it, and the results were dramatic. I gave four drops of the 99% pure DMSO mixed with seven drops of colloidal silver and 30 drops of purified water, three times a day. I brush her teeth with Orateen gel, following meals. She is back to eating very well and has gained back over a pound and a half of the weight she lost. The vet only does blood work, nothing else. Numbers for all values have moved toward the normal range. I can still feel the tumors, but they are really small now, and I can tell from the way she's acting that she's much better. The other thing I do every day is take this cat out in full sun. It's been four years since her diagnosis, and despite the bad teeth, she's still doing great.

Most of these things can be given within two hours of each other, the only thing that needs to be given at a four hour interval is the IP6, which interferes with the adsorption of vitamins & minerals. Neoplasene causes nausea, so I mix it with cooked food. Because she is so small, five drops. The manufacturer gives your vet the correct dosage information, so when you pick up the product get a syringe to measure the dose.

I began with one thing--Essiac Tea. Did more research and added a thing at a time until I started to see real results. I'm convinced the organic, grain free, carb free diet, loaded with nutrients is the key.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shirley (Atlanta) on 06/28/2015

Hi, 15months ago, I was told my Havanese of 11 years had a couple of weeks to live, 5 vets. He is a happy little guy with a growing tumor. With the help of a wonderful Holistic vet we changed diet and he is on herbs. Freeze dried "raw" food, turmeric, Six Gentle Pets, stasis breaker, vetasyl, lactulose, and four marvels. I give him organic pumpkin and feed him green beans and apples too. He never had surgery or chemo.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vida (London, Uk) on 08/03/2012

I would like earth clinic readers to know that we have fought off our dog Poppy's soft tissue sarcoma. We were paying vet bills and oncology appointments plus some cancer medication but it did not help.

And its thank you to earth clinic I listed what other people were using and Poppy started : essiac tea, bromelain, astragalus, reishi mushrooms and flack seed oil. Still tumor was not giving up. Lastly we tried BLACK SALVE, it took few weeks to see improvement and after 3 months tumor is almost disappeared.

Thank you very much Earth Clinic. You have saved Poppys life.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Iheartmybabies (Moorestown, Nj) on 07/19/2012

My beagle was diagnosed with Lymphoma and I immediately went to work. I do not believe that anything is incurable. After extensive and exhaustive research, talking with everyone I could find, etc. , etc. , I changed my beagles diet completely and put her on numerous supplements. Cancer cannot survive in certain environments, so my first goal was making my beagles body a difficult environment for cancer to thrive. Without getting into all the "why's", I immediately stopped all commercial dog foods, all charbohydrates, ALL SUGARS, etc.. I switched to bottled water ONLY. I use a crockpot on SLOW cook (you do not want to cook their food on high heat), and toss in chicken, veal, veggies.... Apples are OK too. NO RICE, NO OATMEAL, NO POTATOES.

She's on Essiac tea (2 x per day), cottage cheese w/flaxseed oil (2 x per day), shark cartlidge, coral calcium, milk thistle, and red clay. I also feed her the crockpot mix 2 times a day. All swelling is gone, she's no longer lathargic or in any pain at all, in fact... She's happier, healthier and stronger than I can ever remember. She even looks like she's 5 years younger. Seriously, wow. Regardless of how it all turns out, I will say that TODAY she is happy, healthy and playful and in the big picture, that's really all that matters. I truly believe in my heart that she's going to be just fine.... I urge everyone to do their research, make the changes, don't give up. Oh, we pray a lot too. :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sweets (Sutton, Surrey) on 08/02/2009

2 months ago, we sent our 11.5 year old cat to the vet as he was losing weight, not eating and looking very ill. The vet diagnosed him through x-rays and blood tests (low blood count - putting him under GA twice) as having a fast growing cancer that was stopping him from breathing properly. As this was spreading fast, we were advised to put him down. There was no way I was going to do this without a fight so my wife (who is a GP) and I spent 2 nights researching online and came up with the following treatment:

1) Morning: 1 ml of flaxseed oil, 2 ml of Essiac tea, 4 - 5 ml of a well known brand of chicken essence; 1 pippete (c. 2 ml) of liquid multivitamin (for babies); 1 tablet of transfer factor (we take the powder out of the capsule, put it onto a small spoon drop it into his mouth.
2) Noon: 1 ml of flaxseed oil, 2 ml Essiac tea and 4-5 ml chicken essence
3) 5:30/6pm: As for breakfast PLUS 1 x 5mg prednicare tablet to stimulate his appetite
4) 10:30/11pm: as per his Noon time treatment

We also gave him steamed (I avoid microwaving!) cod or coley fish (which we buy frozen from the supermarkets - so very convenient).

Within a week, he was much better and eating really well. He has put on weight; his coat is glossy; and is pretty sprightly for his age - well enough to get into a fight with our neighbourhood rogue cat which ended with him getting a bitten - and now infected ear which I am treating with tea tree oil.

By the way, we brought him to the vet a fortnight after starting his treatment and the vet sure was shocked by his recovery.

From next week, I intend to reduce his treatment to 3 times a day i.e. leaving out the noon feed.

If your cat (or dog?) is in a similar situation as my cat was, try out the above. Naturally, you may have to up the dose if it is a dog.