Natural Remedies

Natural Pet Cancer Remedies: Herbal Treatments for Dogs & Cats

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Essiac Tea
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 07/11/2023 63 posts

Important Note: Essiac Tea dosing - The MAXimum daily dose is 4 ounces, which is double to quadruple dosing of the standard 1-2 oz and should not be exceeded. Please note that 6 oz is not recommended even for short periods.

Dosing: 1 - 2 oz. per day, all at once or in two divided half-doses. You can take up to 4 oz. per day, for short periods (as necessary).

Taking 2 fl. oz. per day for six days per week should amount to enough for one quart to last for a total of 18 days. 8 x 18 days = at least 20 weeks. If taking less than 2 oz. per day, it is recommended that you use 16 oz. (pint) bottles or jars, so the +- three week shelf life window is not passed.

*When taking large doses of 4 ounces, it is probably best take this high dose for one week (six days on and one day off), then back to 3 weeks at 2 ounces per day, cycling a three week standard 1-2 oz dose with a one week 4 oz. high dosing each month.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 03/17/2022

Editor's Choice

First, I wish to thank each person who has had success with Essiac Tea and reported it here on Earth Clinic. I say that because my little Honey Bee, part Chihuahua, was diagnosed with a malignant mast cell tumor on her left thigh over a month ago. The vet wanted to operate, but said she'd prefer that I take her to the vet school because some of the tumor is inside her thigh muscle. I called the school, and they said they were booked out two months on such surgeries. That's when I turned to Earth Clinic and read about several remedies for cancer.

I decided on Essiac Tea and chaga mushroom. I started her right away and also added something I take to boost my immune system called Epicor. Epicor is fermented brewer's yeast (which sounds weird since I would think all brewer's yeast ends up fermented, doesn't it? :-) I think there is a little more to it, but anyway, it really works! I used to get colds and flus like clockwork every year, about three times and some would last for weeks. I hated being sick and dragging around, which is why I finally discovered Epicor. I have not had one bout of a cold or flu in six or seven years! Yay!! So, I decided if it works by boosting the immune system, why not add it to the mix.

Then, today, I decided to see what I could learn about Essiac and ended up on Wikipedia where, to my alarm, whoever submitted the information Wikipedia has on Essiac Tea couldn't find one good thing to say about it! I could feel myself getting uptight and also confused since I have been pleased with what I am seeing on Honey Bee's leg. I swear it sure looks like the "lump" is smaller and, when I palpate it, I can't even find anything that feels like a lump. It's like the skin was stretched and is sagging a little but there's nothing in there! In addition, Honey Bee has never felt so good! She's running around all happy and just as feisty as ever when another dog has the gall to jump up on "her" couch! But, still, I was really getting worried reading that jive so I came right over to EC and, ahhhh!, here are these wonderful testimonies to the ability of Essiac Tea to reduce or even eliminate cancer!

I just needed to read them again. I plan to take Honey Bee back to my vet at the two month mark and have an x-ray so we can do a legitimate comparison. In the meantime, thank you, thank you for your stories of success with Essiac. I believe them! As for the amounts I am using, I have the Essiac capsules from Canada and I've been giving her, she's about sixteen pounds, half a capsule in the morning and the other half in the evening. I'm giving close to a quarter teaspoon of chaga mushroom a.m. and p.m. and half of a 500 mg capsule of Epicor in the a.m., the rest of the capsule in the p.m.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Woolbaby (New York ) on 02/08/2022

Thank you for your story, my cat also diagnosed with squamous cell tumor in his mouth and wasn't expected to last the week. He's doing well, your story really gives me hope!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Dgjenkins (Maryville, Tn) on 03/07/2018


Osteosarcoma is a terrible diagnosis to hear. Last May, 2017, moms little dog, Homer, developed a limp in his back leg. She took him to the vet and when my mom called me crying, I knew it wasn't good. It was osteosarcoma and Homer only had three months to live!

I reminded her of the essiac tea I had given to my dad when he had cancer. I told her it could be used on pets. And since he also had a limp, I told her that golden paste could help with the inflammation. She really didn't want to have his leg amputated or have chemo. She wanted the time Homer had left to be happy, not sick. So, she decided to try the tea.We made the tea and about a week after his diagnosis he started it and the golden paste.

Since Homer weighs 20 pounds, his dosage is 5 mL (1 teaspoon), once per day. His dosage of golden paste was 1/4 teaspoon, twice per day.

Three weeks later, Homer had his first recheck appointment at the vet. The vet did X-rays and was surprised to discover his cancer was slightly "smaller and smoother". He said he had expected it to be twice the size it was, because osteosarcoma is so aggressive. He also noticed Homer's limp was nearly nonexistent. He told mom to keep doing what she's doing and come back in two months for another recheck.Six weeks after starting the tea and golden paste, mom decided to stop giving him the golden paste simply because he's a VERY picky eater and she got tired of forcing him to eat it. Plus, his limp was virtually gone by this point. She did, however, continue the essiac tea daily.At Homers next appointment, three months after his diagnosis, another set of X-rays were done. This time they showed the cancer was less than half the size it was from the previous visit! And, his limp had completely gone away! The vet was absolutely shocked! It was particularly surprising because, by this point, Homer was suppose to be gone!

Today, it's the end of January, nearly ten months since Homer's diagnosis, and he's doing great! He has no limp whatsoever! You would never know he had been sick. He's not been back to the vet because..he hasn't needed to! It's a REAL success story!


My mother has done no other changes or treatments except for adding the golden paste twice daily for six weeks and essiac tea. She gives Homer the tea every day. She will use a small spoonful of high quality canned food or bone broth and mix the tea with this in order to have something appetizing to entice him to drink the tea. This works very well and she's never had a problem getting him to lap it up. She does it just before feeding him, though, ideally it would be given an hour away from a meal.


Moms tea herbs come from Blue Moon Herbs Rene Caisse Tea. She orders the 15% 4-herb tea blend, because, at the time, they were out of the 25% blend. She uses Blue Moon Herbs because they include the sheep sorrel roots in their mixture, which is essential, and they grow their own organic herbs. There are other reputable companies but be sure to confirm they include the roots of the sheep sorrel plant and not just the top. I would also look for a company who grows their own herbs and is organic.


The brewed tea should be stored in an amber glass bottle or jar. If a clear jar is all you have, simply cover the jar with a brown paper bag or foil to keep the light out. Once made, the tea must be kept refrigerated.


Once brewed, bottled and opened, it lasts 3 weeks in the refrigerator. I find it easiest to brew enough tea for six weeks and bottle it in two bottles. This way you can use one bottle for three weeks, leaving the second bottle sealed. As long as one bottle is left sealed, it will be safe for longer than three weeks. So by bottling the tea in two bottles, it gives you a six week supply.


I can only give you the dosage for Blue Moon Herbs because that is who we've used to buy the tea herbs.

This is their dosage chart for dogs:

5-10 lbs = 1-2 mL

10-20 lbs = 2-4 mL

25-40 lbs = 5-8 mL

40-50 lbs = 8-10 mL

50-75 lbs = 10-15 mL

75-100 lbs = 15-20 mL

100 + lbs = 20-30 mL

Essiac Tea
Posted by Art K. (California) on 04/08/2017

My 12 yr old male cat had lymphoma with a tumor the size of a ping pong ball on his neck. I gave him 2 eyedroppers of Essiac 3 times a day and I also added some tea to the Essiac formula that Echinacea, Chaparral Leaf and Red Clover. And I massaged the tumor with pure, cold pressed Castor Oil twice a day. In 4 weeks it was gone and he"s his old self. Please try it.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Spectrekitty (Dallas, Tx, Usa) on 05/28/2014

Editor's Choice

I know this is late in coming, but I wanted to weigh in on both the Essiac Tea & the shark cartilage.

My 16-yr-old Himalayan (cat) was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma - he had a tumor in his mouth. My vet said it was always fatal, & gave him 6 wks to 6 mos. to live. I was devastated.

I looked into natural rememdies & saw that many holistic vets recommended Essiac Tea, with which I was totally unfamiliar. I bought a bottle of a brand containing 8 herbs - the 4 in the original Essiac formula, plus 4 more. I also put him on shark cartilage.

The mouth tumor immediately started shrinking. I'm convinced it was the combination of the Essiac Tea & the shark cartilage. They both seemed to contribute. And it was 100% safe for him.

Long story short, he lived to be just a little over 19 yrs. old - quite a stretch from the 6 wks to 6 mos. our vet had originally given him!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Susan (Ontario, Canada) on 07/02/2010

Editor's Choice

Our cat, Jacob, was diagnosed with osteocarcoma (bone cancer) in 2000, and was given 3 months to live. We were told the cancer would metasticize and spread to his lungs very quickly, as this was the most aggressive kind of cancer. We started giving him Essiac tea, one teaspoonful in his wet food twice a day, and the cancer did not metasticize. Jacob in fact lived a happy life until November 2005, when he passed from cardiac arrest at age 15. I have always wanted to share this information, but until I found Earth Clinic, I was never sure how to get the message out there! This is an amazing resource tool - thank you for being there!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Kathie (Mesa, AZ) on 03/07/2009

Cancer and Essiac Tea and FOCC (Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese):

My boxer pit bull mix was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of his right shoulder last September. This is extremely metastastic and spreads to the lungs quickly, and in 95% of the cases, by the time of diagnosis it is already in the lungs. I initially did not amputate because he was 12-1/2 years and the vet said the prognosis was so poor. I immediately started him on 1 cup total a day of essiac tea (made by Resperin company, as research on internet said you should buy from the original company) and 1 cup total of cottage cheese a day mixed with 4 - 6 tbsp of fresh cold flaxseed oil a day, divided in 2 doses. He was still alive 5 months later which is almost impossible, but the bone tumor did not disappear and was causing him pain. I decided to amputate but docs wanted x-rays first to see if his lungs were full of cancer. There was NONE. He is a 3 legged, cancer free 13 year old happy dog today. The vets can't even explain it, and will not acknowledge it had anything to do with holistic treatments, only to say it is a fluke that it did not spread. They said he will at this point die of some other old age related dog disorder. :)

Essiac Tea
Posted by Gayle (Tulsa, OK) on 12/31/2006

Over 3 years ago, our cat, Flora, developed a mass (tumour) in her abdomen and lost a significant amount of weight. She was about 12 years old at the time. I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on. She is now 15 years old and doesn't look or act like a 15 year old cat. I've continued to give her the dropper of concentrate at least once a week up to every other day. I've also given the powdered essiac herbs to our dog for allergy eye drainage that would easily get infected. Since we started the dog on this, her allergy eye problem has been gone for over a year now. Again, about 1/2 tsp once a day.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Ran (Charlotte, NC) on 05/25/2006

Editor's Choice

I cooked brown rice, green beans and fresh white fish every day. All was low salt. He ate 6 very small meals instead of one as most dogs eat. I also added Milk Thistle and SAM-E200 from GNC. He took Urdosal (Spelling??) for the gallbladder. This was the only prescription he took. I kept a Scottie alive 10 months longer than the vet ever thought possible. He had liver cancer. His stomach stopped swelling after he ate when he was put on this diet. This lowered his pain. He was still interested in the girl dog next door just 1 day before he passed away. He died with dignity.