Natural Remedies

Natural Pet Cancer Remedies: Herbal Treatments for Dogs & Cats

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Essiac Tea
Posted by Jeff (Nj) on 11/04/2016 5 posts

Hi Nicole,

I have been treating my 9yr old dog with it, about 5oz. a day along with Avemar 1 pck a day, and 6 caps of Transfer Factor Plus. My pup is 9yr old male bull mastiff weighing 185lbs. We did not go thru a bone marrow test so don't know for sure, but they said its either Leukemia or Lymphoma. He is doing ok for now but his lymph nodes are still enlarged. He has been on it for about 5 weeks now. I have been hoping for better but if I can help him kick it, I am in it for the long haul no matter what.

As for your cat, I think if you search around either further up or on this site, I saw at least one person that was giving some via a dropper bottle and it worked for them. Also another that was mixing a small amount of the dry herbs and I think that also worked. I never heard of doing it that way. I know some people keep the sludge and use that to mix in with the food. Good luck with your kitty!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Shankari47 (Yelm, Wa, Usa) on 03/13/2012

I took my cat to the Vet about seven months ago and they removed a large mass. She had a very aggressive cancer. Unfortunately, it came back. I really cannot afford to slam down nearly a thousand dollars for another surgery or chemo which is more expensive.

I began giving my cat the 8 herb Essaic tea remedy. After four months most of the cancer was liquefied, but as it began to drain I was worried about infection. I put a saline compress on the open area. One teaspoon salt and one cup of warm water. Now I have begun giving my cat turmeric milk. One sixteen teaspoon of turmeric with one fourth cup of milk or half and half and a sprinkle of black pepper (helps with absorption). She seems better today. The fluid pouch is down, but her appetite is still bad.