Holistic Ear Mite Remedies:
I adopted two kittens in November and both were infested with fleas and ear mites. They were babies, only four weeks old, but the mother stopped producing milk, and the woman who owned the pregnant cat said she'd had enough of the constant bottle feeding.
My key goals became to rid them of the fleas and mites, but the vet I have told me to avoid any medications at their young age, especially since one of them was the runt of the litter and barely weighed 14 ounces. The other was one pound.
Anyway, he suggested I mix 1/4 cup of olive oil with 10 drops of peppermint oil and then store it in a bottle. Every day, I'd put three or four drops of this oil mixture into their ears and then massage it in. I'd follow this with a bath in warm water with baby shampoo to kill off as many fleas as possible. Then I'd use blunt-tipped tweezers to pick off fleas that climbed to the head. Wrap them in a blanket and dry them off some. Then I'd use a flea comb to remove any other fleas that escaped. I was told that by bathing them right after the oil treatment, any mites that escaped the ear were washed away by the shampoo.
After two weeks, I took them back to the vet and heard the words I was waiting for--both kittens were completely flea and ear mite free. They are eight months old and never had fleas or ear mites again. So obviously the olive oil and peppermint oil mix did the trick. Now I have my two boys who weigh 11 and 13 pounds (the runt is 13) and as I've been told they are obviously part Maine Coon, the vet's told me to expect them to be huge. Given the size of their paws, I'd already expected that!
Stomach Ache
Whenever I feel that something hasn't gone down properly, or that I've tried to stuff too much down (I do tend to over-eat sometimes... ) I just have a mint or two. They are strong laxatives, so they basically flush everything through the system. I don't think chewing gum works quite the same (even if it is strongly minty), so there must be something in the extra strong mints...
Maybe it is for this reason that restaurants often give a free mint after a meal?
Body Odor
My armpits smell horrible so I read on net that boiling mint leaves and having bath with it works great and can cure body odor and it was a miracle for me but my problem is, for how much time do I have to continue with mint bathing water?? Is there any permanent cure??
Body Odor
Nishi, extreme body odor is a sign of TOXIC body. Try some detox cures like Charcoal, Bentonite, Chlorella, colon cleanse, Vit-C, Baking soda/epsom salt hot bath etc.
I've had excess facial hair since age 19 (I'm 22). I tried laser hair removal and let me warn all of you LASER MAKES FACIAL HAIR WORSE!! Instead of getting rid of the dark hairs, I now have a peach fuzz, PLUS the darker hair. I've heard of many other woman who have experienced the same thing.
I've been getting electrolysis for almost a year now, on a weekly basis and I'm starting to see results... But it takes a long time!
Anyways, on to mint tea. I read that it helps with excess facial hair, by blocking free testosterone in your body (or something of that nature). I can honestly say that I notice a big difference during the weeks that I drink mint tea daily vs. weeks where I forget. The growth of the dark hair is minimilised considerably.
For anyone battling annoying facial hair, I suggest you try it. You have nothing to lose, as it's delicious and nutritious! I buy plain old peppermint tea bags from the grocery store.
Hope it works for you!
Hi - I have been drinking approx 2 cups of organic spearment tea for about six months now - I have not noticed any difference yet. I would also like to add that my facial hair also got A LOT worse after getting laser treatment. I am now going to try the Alum or go back to electrolysis.
I order my spearmint tea bags off the internet. I live in a rural area and it is hard to find specality items in the local stores. I take 3-4 tea bags and put them in a 10 cup coffee maker. I fill the coffee maker up with water just like I am making a pot of coffee. After the tea is brewed I take a 2 qt pitcher and pour the hot tea in it. I then add some type of sweetner to taste and fill the pitcher up the rest of the way with water. Then I leave it in the refridgerator to cool. I usually make a pot every day. I can tell a big difference in my facial hair if I skip a day or two. If I remember correctly it took a couple of weeks before I could notice a difference when I began using it. Good Luck!
Do you take fresh spearmint and make a tea or just buy the spearmint tea in a box at the store? When you say 1 to 2 quarts a day, how many tea bags or spearmint leaves would that be? Thanks
I had a horrible problem with facial hair for a very long time. I read somewhere that spearmint tea would help reduce facial hair. I began 1-2 quarts of spearmint tea daily. I was so surprised to find that my facial hair disappeared! I am a firm believer in drinking spearmint tea. I also found out that if I skip a day or two of drinking the tea that my facial hair would come back. Spearmint tea along with tumeric has also helped reduce the amout of boils that I have!
Mint tea for Hirsutism : This is not something I have direct experience with, but I have heard of a remedy for women with extra hair growth that is not listed here. It is spearmint tea! Yummy, right? You can probably find more info by googling it but I heard an herbalist talking about how mint tea will lower testosterone in women. Apparently it can start working within a week, drink two cups of mint tea a day. If anyone tries it please share your experience. Sounds like a really easy remedy to try. :-)
Stomach Ache
My family is Greek Cypriot and they use herbal medicine alot. My favorite is Mint Tea for stomach ache. If you have a bad stomach ache, boil some drinking water along with dried mint leaves and add some sugar or honey for taste. Make it in the same way you boil regular tea. Strain the tea leaves and drink it as warm as you can. It usually works on contact. I even used this for my son when he was a baby and had colic...not too hot, though.
Stomach Ache
I use peppermint tea and candied ginger for my stomach aches. I get daily pain due to IBS. These alternative remedies worked 10x better than the Rx meds the Dr's gave me. Ginger helps relieve nausea and will aid in digestion. Peppermint tea works to soothe a sour stomach.
Chewing mint gum significantly reduces my nausea. Usually the nausea is from feeling dizzy or car sickness. It doesn't completely take it away, but it keeps me from feeling worse.
Weight Loss
Mint and green tea: one cup at night and in the morning after breakfast, complete balance for healthy overall feeling, i try and it help me to be able to loose any weight i want. You need to be relax to be able to commit yourself to any endeavor. Add to it yoga or extreching and if you are happy you will do it again and againg. the most important part is to have fun doing it. Since you want to be healthy and because you love yourself. In general once you balance your hormones then you can feel good to do anything and that is what mint tea and green tea do.
Stomach Ache
Stomach Ache Cures: i have found that a simple home rememdy i have been using for years works greatly and i would like to share it with everyone. MINT works great to relieve the pain. chewing minty gum, eating a peppermint pattie, or anything with a minty flavor will help the pain decrease signifigantly.
Acid Reflux
I just did my science fair project on this subject and got a 1st, and Best of Show. I found that peppermint will actually lower the acidity in your stomach. Like a mint (like peppermint candy) or peppermint tea will help lower the acid in your stomach that produces the acid that gives you heartburn.
Acid Reflux
I have heard of mint juice as an Indian remedy. Haven't tried it though.
Acid Reflux
I spent 2 years fighting acid reflux. I ate antacids like candy til the doctor put me on Zantac, then I started taking those like candy. Finally, my pastor gave me some dried mint leaves and told me to steep 1 teaspoon in a cup of water and drink. One cup a day for a week. By the second day I hadn't had an attack. By the end of the week I threw away my Zantac. The tea was only used for a week as it was. After about 1 month the erosion was healed and it would be 4 years before I would have heartburn again. I drink the tea and have no more problems. I use vinegar once or twice a year if I get heartburn again but the tea did a total turn around. None of my doctors believe I used to have acid reflux. Note: the mint used can even be the kind you find on the spice rack at the local grocery store.
For gallbladder attacks, or when you feel it coming, boil water and in a 250ml cup add fresh celery leaves, mint leaves and 1/2 lemon juice and drink it gradually. This may cut down the pain from regularly 3 hours to 1 hour. I have been scheduled for surgery in August and had been using this as backup.