Seborrheic Keratosis
Health Benefits

Freezing Method for Seborrheic Keratosis

| Modified on Jan 28, 2025
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2 User Reviews

Posted by Dee (North Carolina) on 03/03/2016

I'll start with, I am an RN. Yes, there are different types of keratoses. I am covered with the seborrheic type. My heritage is Irish and Danish(very prone to this condition). It is very rare to have just one or two. Be sure to check with a dermatologist before removing a single lesion. I have had many removed with liquid nitrogen. This gets to be very expensive. Recently, I read about using the can of spray used to clean your computer. If you turn the can upside down and spray, you get a frigid blast, very similar to liquid nitrogen. It works. I have also used dry ice and this is just as successful. I am very skeptical of the potions like ACV and eggplant. Just freeze them and get it over with.

Replied by Chris

I think I would be more nervous about using a chemical for cleaning computer screens on my skin than using ASV which is not a potion but vinegar.

Replied by Linda
(Rio Vista, Ca)

Over the counter wart remover gel, when applied to keratoses, works well. Spots peel off within 5 days. Recommended to me by an RN.

Replied by Sandra

I am a medical doctor. I am also from Arizona where sunburns were routine during the 1970s. My neck, cervical collar, etc. are covered with hundreds. I discovered insurance will not cover their liquid nitrogen removal anymore. Wart remover is recommended as an alternative so I am trying that next. Organic apple cider vinegar was used for weeks, 2x daily and was useless. I may even try that ice cold compressed air for computer keyboard cleaning as suggested. I am desperate to get these things off. After studying it out, I have determined part of my affliction has an endocrine disorder causation. I seriously hate these things and scraping and picking at them make them sore and larger. Yes... as I said above; I'm desperate to get these "barnacles of age" off!

Replied by Htownfarmer
(Houston, Texas)
8 posts

Try Organic ACV with baking soda - paste. Do Apple Cider Vinegar internally.

There is other stuff on this site. Eggplant tonic, Essential oils

I have been butchered many times, frozen also. You have to declare all out war on the "barnacles of age". This site has helped me. Good luck.

Freeze Them Off
Posted by Cathy (St. Louis) on 07/11/2015

The dermatologist sprays something one them to freeze them and they will be gone in a week or so. It kind of burns a little and then scabs but works. No need for surgery!!!!! I've had it done numerous times.

Freeze Them Off
Posted by Joann (Okla) on 05/13/2015

Dry Ice for Seborrheic Keratosis:

If you have a handy spouse or friend you use dry ice and freeze the uglies off. Use a drill to drill plugs of dry ice and hold ice onto ugly for about 13 seconds. Hurts no worsen than having a doctor freeze them off. Hubs does this to me about once a year. Works good.

Replied by Gerald

Your remedy was encouraging! My question is: where do you get "drill to drill" plugs of dry ice?

Replied by Sibyl S
(N. Fl)

There are drill bits that cut cylindrical plugs, called 'plug cutters'. Don't touch the dry ice with fingers - use pliars with insulated handles, or something to protect hands.