Seborrheic Keratosis
Health Benefits

Causes of Seborrheic Keratosis

| Modified on Jan 28, 2025
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Posted by Joanne (Ohio) on 10/07/2015

Yes I'm seeing a lot of external type treatments when Seborrheic Keratosis is something being caused by INTERNAL gut problems. I've suffered KP from a kid till still now (53) I did a whole body cleanse and they finally started going away and my skin felt so absolutely smooth. Then they came back... Well I can't stay on a forever cleanse. So I'm seeing a link between eating certain foods. I did eliminate as much wheat as possible during that cleanse and shortly after. I have introduced in back in my diet (mistake) and other bad crap to eat. Thus KP has now returned with a vengeance!!! I also was taking a good probiotic and food enzyme and fail to remember now. All of this plays a role and if I can break down supplements, there's a good connection between vitamin A and C. At least for my body. I'm still investigating what I did wrong but it's definitely in the gut and foods you're eating!

Cause of Seborrheic Keratosis
Posted by Susan (Amherst, Nh) on 06/28/2013

My dermatologist said that seborrheic keratosis is caused by sun damage suffered in earlier years. You don't have to burn to be subject to it, especially with multiple years of exposure. She said as earth's ozone layer becomes thinner (because of pollution), that the rate of pre- and non-cancerous growths has increased dramatically, and that it's best not to avoid the sun and outdoor activities all together, but to always wear hats, sunglasses, and full body covering when outside, even on overcast days. Ten minutes a day of sun exposure is all we need to meet Vitamin D requirements.

Replied by Tasha

I disagree... I'm am as pale as the driven snow and stay out of the sun because I burn if I don't. And I have it. I did not sun bathe or sun bed ever.

Replied by Linda
(Tempe, Az)

My dermatologist told me that my seborrheic keratosis is inherited (both my parents had it), and it does not turn into cancer. My dermatologist also said that I have no sun damage to my skin on either my face or body.

Replied by Susan
(Boston, Ma)

My dermatologist told me these nasty things are inherited. My Dad had them. They are flat and scaly and I have them on my stomach (I don't have a 'bikini body' so the sun never touched this area! ). I'm going to try the ACV treatment. Thanks for this information.

Replied by Sue J
(Western Australia)

Seborrheic Keratosis is more of an age thing due to an icrease in the body's production of keratin. Solar Keratosis is a result of sun damage.

Replied by Noelani
(Utah, US)

They are definitely caused by aging and not by sun damage. I have them in places that I've never had uncovered in the sun. When I was young, I took care of a little old lady, who had quite a few on her back. I helped her with her bath every day, so I saw them. She was born in 1883. She was a Mormon, married in 1902 and had 12 babies. I can't imagine that she would have ever gone sunbathing with her back uncovered. I remember thinking "I sure hope I don't get those". Mine are as bad as hers were and I'm still 30 years younger than she was!

Replied by Katherine
(Lehi, Utah)

I haven't tried ACV yet. I'm 27 and pregnant with my first and I started growing a couple of these little buggers on my breasts (obviously NOT from sun exposure). I worked at a Derm office and SK's are competely benign but annoying as heck! There can be several different reasons for their growth. Sun exposure, genetics, friction, age, etc. A lot of older women get them along their bra straps and under their breasts. They can be quite unsightly. I've had a hard time finding a good treatment for them. I know liquid nitrogen works great but I ain't spraying my breasts! That stuff hurts! I'm going to try to ACV and see if it helps. They aren't huge or thick, but their presence bothers me, and I plan on breast feeding. I was using frankincense oil but didn't see much improvement at all. I've been using it twice a day for over a month. *fingers crossed*

Replied by Nan

Dermotologists call these "solar" keratosis, but nearly all I have developed the last few years are around my bra line where no sun ever gets. So much for the sun damage theory. I have been using salicylic acid with some results. I dab it on with a cotton swab. The crusty part comes off, but the brown area remains. I will try the Apple Cider Vinegar next.