Seborrheic Keratosis
Health Benefits

Bandaid Method for Seborrheic Keratosis

| Modified on Jan 28, 2025
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2 User Reviews

Posted by Kelli (Alabama) on 01/24/2014

I'm a 43 yr old female and had a seborrheic keratosis on the left side of my face on my jaw for years. It seemed like it was starting to get larger (about 1/4" - 3/8") so I asked my doc about it. She said there were no home remedies and it would have to be cut off. I read online about the apple cider vinegar, tried it and didn't get any results. Then one day I was watching Dr. Oz and he talked about a home remedy for warts so I decided to try it. It worked! He said all ya had to do was to cover it with something so the air couldn't get to it, like tape or a bandaid. Every morning, I cut the pad off a bandaid and covered my SK with one of the sticky pieces and left it there all day until bedtime, then repeated the next day. I've been doing this for about 6 weeks now and it's practically gone! I noticed a difference after just a couple of days; it felt smooth rather than bumpy. I wish I'd taken pics! Forget all the concoctions; try a plain ol' bandaid! Good luck and I hope you have the same results as I did.

Replied by Florida Girl
(Naples, Fl)

I also tried peroxide then apple cider vinegar and also tea tree oil. Nothing worked. I will try the Bandaid during the night as I have plenty of these little warts all over my face. I cannot go to work with my face covered with Bandaids.

Replied by Barb In Wi
(Eau Claire, Wisconsin)

This method totally works; thank you Kelli. I did add one step; I put a drop of helichrysum essential oil on the spot morning and evening, then put a band aid over it (or just the sticky pieces Kelli describes). I started this on 12/5 and my Seborrheic Keratosis has shrunk from about 1/4 inch diameter, it is not totally gone yet but it is getting smaller and drying up. This works, just be patient and try not to itch it :)