Effective Natural Treatments for Vertigo & Meniere's Disease

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dianac (Ca) on 01/15/2018

Editor's Choice I recently experienced Vertigo at the start of the holidays and remembered what I read here that Colloidal Silver helped. I drove slowly (because of dizziness) to the closest Whole Foods and bought a bottle. Five drops in each ear for a couple of weeks and it's gone.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Wil S. (Kentwood, Louisiana ) on 04/23/2017

Editor's Choice For several years, I have fought vertigo intermittently. Two of the 3 ENT's I went to were only interested in selling me a hearing aid. They did me absolutely no good -- weren't interested in healing me, to my notion, or even in really diagnosing the problem. This last bout got no better for 4 days. My husband insisted on getting fresh eyes on the problem in the form of a local NP, who might try to actually find the problem rather than having a diagnosis in mind before seeing me and trying to make the problem fit his diagnosis rather than the other way around. He immediately saw (by looking in my ears -- what a novel idea) that I had a terrible infection. Two rounds of antibiotics helped a lot, but apparently the sinus behind the maxillary bone had been infected, perhaps for years. The NP sent me to yet another ENT, and I was once again disappointed. I thought my own way through the problem and I believe a cure is at hand.

For years I have made my own colloidal silver. I have no idea how many ppm it is, but I make it with our well water, which is from an aquifer that is mined by a local company which bottles and sells it as "spring water." My colloidal silver is lavender-colored. To get rid of the infection in my maxillary sinus, I lie on the bed with my head hanging over the side (upside down, face up) and use a large eye dropper to fill my left nostril with colloidal silver until I feel it coming into my throat through the eustachian tube. By turning my head to one side (left), I am able to fill the infected sinus without swallowing liquid. The first application burned like the mischief. When I am regimented in doing this 3 or 4 times a day, I experience great relief. The dizziness, while not completely gone, is almost gone. I figure it took years of negligence to get to this point; it may take awhile to completely cure.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Sim (Calgary , Alberta, Canada) on 01/24/2013

I had ear ache and my ear were plugged and balance was quite off. I was skeptical about putting Colloidal Silver (CS) in my ear. But didn't want to take antibiotics either. So I put 3 drops of CS 10 ppm last night. My balance has been restored and my ear doesn't feel plugged up. I just couldn't believe how fast CS healed my ear. I will be using 3 drops for rest of the week and post my progress here! :)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Joleneal (Phenix City, Al) on 06/06/2012

I tried 2 oz of CS last night in desperation to remove my vertigo/dizziness after 2 sugar crashes I missed because of it.

I woke this morning with no dizziness at all. Nothing came back all day. I took 2 more oz of CS this morning also. Lady at the nature store said "10 days only, then take a break". It says it on the bottle too.

I am going to try 3 drops in my ear tonight before going to bed to see if it will work on what is causing my ringing.

But not being dizzy all day has been great.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jeanenne (Prescott, Az) on 01/31/2011

Colloidal silver is excellent for vertigo. Whether the problem is fungal, viral, bacterial or allergic, try Colloidal silver. My left ear kept feeling plugged up and it was causing vertigo and nausea. I did some research on the internet and was reminded how well colloidal silver works. I put three drops (only use 3) in my ear and by the second dose my ear completely opened up and all vertigo and nausea are gone. I feel better than I have in a long time. I also took some orally. Remember, with CS, less is more. Don't overdo it.

I tried Tad's recommendation of the lysine but it seemed to give me a headache and I didn't feel good about loading my body with so many pills (and they're giant sized and very difficult to swallow). Do yourself a favor and try colloidal silver first - mine is 15ppm.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Andrea (Ventnor City, NJ) on 05/06/2009

Quite recently I was suffering from a bout of Vertigo. I tried cleansing my ears with peroxide but that did not do the trick. I was out of the Colloidal Silver so went to my local health food store and picked it up. When I got home I took the first dose as recommended on the bottle... 2 tsp. on an empty stomach... and within 1/2 of an hour I could feel the pressure in my ears start to equalize. My ears started popping and slowly my Vertigo started to subside.

I have also used Colloidal Silver for sore throats... the recommended dose on the bottle... as some brands have different recommended doses depending on the suspension. It works very well.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Beaver (Frigid North, Alaska) on 01/09/2009

Editor's Choice my mom had a severe case of vertigo and the doctor told her it was because of her blood pressure.we had it checked a number of times and it was always normal, but the dizziness kept coming back. One day i was reading an article that said that vertigo was not an ailment, but a symptom, most likely of an inner ear infection, and they recommended colloidal silver.i went straight to the store and bought a bottle of 10ppm (parts per million) and had her take the recommended dosage on the bottle(i think it was a teaspoon).her vertigo was gone the next day!i hope this can help someone because i have seen how terrible the effects of vertigo can be, especially the not knowing of the cause.great website! keep up the good work! beaver
