ACV and Baking Soda, Cayenne, Glutamine
I had an ulcer and was prescribed Nexium. The side effects were worse then the masked symptoms, so I never finished a full 8-week coarse and battled with the ulcer for 5 months.Finally I went searching for a natural cure, found Earth Clinic and decided to try a combination of things with a twist.
I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar (2 Tbsp) in about 2 cups of water with a 1/4 tsp. of baking soda. I drank that 3 times a day in the beginning. I also took 500mg of cayenne in a capsule 3 x a day and 500mg of glutamine 3x a day (also in a capsule form). I stopped all prescribed medications and only took an occasional TUM's when I felt I needed some extra relief.
After 1 week I was greatly relieved with only occasional flare ups but nothing that couldn't be helped with the ACV and baking soda. The glutamine is what is the active ingredient in cabbage juice which is also helpful for an ulcer, but it's hard to drink 4 cups of raw cabbage juice a day so I went for the capsules. At three weeks I was 90% there, at 5 weeks 100% better. I also think it is important to cut out all caffeine and alcohol during your healing period.
I hope that those of you suffering find some relief like I did, and thank you to all of the Earth Clinic contributors for sharing your information.
(Lancaster, Wisconsin)
ok,so i have over 25 stomach ulcer and i dont have insurance , and im deciding to try the apple cider vineger to heal these and i pray for these ulcers to vanish, iv had them for over 2 years now and im 19 .. i need help people.. so pleasae could u write to me on this.. will this veneger take them away? and how should i take this. can i take it straight? thanks alot and god bless.. my email is [email protected]
(Oregon City, Oregon)
I have had stomach issues since childhood. Last year I got to where I had acid reflux daily, so bad I could not sleep lying down. Then a few months a go it changed. My food was slow to digest and I felt like I had some sort of virus. I could only eat cereal and yogurt. It got to the point to where I could not eat without getting major cramps. I went to the doctor. After X-rays and blood test (all my test were clean) he prescribed Prilosec and Reglan. I tried them for a week and had some relief, but was not getting better. I was up one night or early morning, searching the net for any information. I found earthclinic and started my ACV and cayenne regiment (I did not have Glutamine at the time). After my first drink I could tell a difference. After 4 days, I was able to eat and sleep better. That weekend I purchased Glutamine and have been doing the ACV and cayenne drink with the glutamine capsule 3 times a day for a week. I feel normal most of the time, eat regular and sleep much better. I intend to stay on the regiment until I have fully recovered and cut back to once a day to stay that way. I have another doctors appointment in a week. From my research I believe I have a bacterial infection or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). I intend on asking for the breath test to know for sure.
(Geneva, Oh)
(Norwalk, Ct, Usa)
(Hartford, Ct)
Tilmer ,
Here what I am doing and this might help you....
In the morning ( Empty stomach )
2 tbsp ACV in 8 ounces of water
2 (500 mg) Mastic gum - Solarray brand.
1 cup of melon ( Red , Green or cantaloupe )
3 (500 mg) L Glutamine capsules (Solgar brand)
1 500 mg Cayenne capsules (Vitamin shoppee brand)
1/2 cup of melon.
30 Mins before lunch:
2 tbsp ACV in 8 ounces of water
1 medium sized backed sweet potato
3 (500 mg) L Glutamine capsules (Solgar brand)
1 500 mg Cayenne capsules (Vitamin shoppee brand)
1/2 cup of melon.
30 Mins before dinner:
2 tbsp ACV in 8 ounces of water
1 medium sized backed sweet potato
3 (500 mg) L Glutamine capsules (Solgar brand)
1 500 mg Cayenne capsules (Vitamin shoppee brand)
Before going to bed:
2 (500 mg) Mastic gum - Solarray brand.
Intended to stay on this for a week and then slowly introduce proteins a little ....
Hope this helps - Pratt
(Hartford, Ct)
Just to post on my progress , today is my second day , my ulcers are healed... For the first time I felt hungry and my digestion was better... I will continue this process for a month. I will keep you all posted on my weekly progress. Thanks to everyone for posting on earth clinic and healing me - Pratt
(Fernandina, Florida)
This is Rooster from Fla. I have been battling ulcers for 10 months. 5 days ago I started the cayenne pepper and glutamine 500mg of both 3 times a day before meals 5 days and the result is incredible. Still having a few aches and pains after meals and first thing in the morning, but no more blood and vomit and laying in the bed with pain. What a great web site I am so much better thanks to Ya'll gracious, Rooster
(Charlottetown, Pei, Canada)
(Baguio, Philippines)
Hi, I'm just 20 but I have ulcer.
In short, the prefered actual remedy is eating foods with lots of carbohydrates and fats like flour based foods (breads, cakes and cookies)?
(Lindside, Wv)
Wow, I had 4 ulcers 3 years ago. One bleeding in the esophagus. Went straight to gastro. Did the upper scope to diagnose me. Sent me home with double the prilosec pill prescription. Looked over the internet, probably found it here. Juice your raw cabbage. I bought a juicer. Juiced about 10 ounces each morning. Drank that in 3 portions, 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Not tasty by any means. I did that for 2 weeks and then off and on a few days at a time for 3 months. Went back to gastro and he said the stomach looked new. He said the meds did work well for you. I said they went in the trash, raw cabbage juice. He grinned and said see ya later. I think people on this website says it healed them in 10 days. God bless you.
Melting: I am no big fan of pharmaceuticals or doctors, but I take as much advantage I can from what they have to offer. Of course they want me taking many prescriptions meds, and not let my health improve by treating only my symptoms. It's really like Paul McCartney described in the song Tug-Of-War.
Rule-of-thumb to maintain friendly relations in the medical community is "try and meet them halfway". Give them the benefit they deserve. In your case I would have done the acid reducers for a few weeks then on to the cabbage cure. In returning to the dr say "the acid reducers pills worked real well and I read about eating cabbage and that was the icing on the cake. "
Remember, dr's have the legal clout. Acid reducing pharmaceuticals heal gastric or esophageal ulcers, cabbage does not (as according to scientific demonstration by studies and trials and approved by the FDA).
I have to speak up! Neither drugs or cabbage juice does the healing! The body does the healing!!! Your body is always healing itself the best it can with the conditions you provide!!! Cabbage juice gives the body more of the nutrients it needs to actually heal the ulcers. Drugs just mask your symptoms so you may feel better for a while (and sometimes drugs are needed in acute situations to supply something the body needs), but drugs do not supply the raw materials that the body needs for healing. Also removing stressers helps give the body more favorable conditions, such as no alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten! It doesn't mean you can never have these again, it is just helpful to abstain during healing! What is the most important part of living and healing for your body? It is the part that is missing!!! For you it may be not enough real sleep, movement, joy, emotional calm, love and laughter starting with yourself, sunshine, fresh air, hydration with pure water, real food without GMOs, pesticides, you know the rest! Always look at the big picture to give your body and yourself the best chance at vibrant living with health and not learning to manage your disease as doctors like to say.
(Nyc, Ny)
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Dee, I used ACV for acid reflux during pregnancy and I agree, it didn't make sense that it would help, but it was amazing how much it helped. (Prveviously, I had been on prescription meds for reflux. I didn't even need Tums the whole pregnancy I took the ACV. ) It also helped my gall bladder problem. You could start with a small amount 1/2 t. or 1 t. in an 8 oz glass of water and sip it and see how you do.
If you take the cayenne, you could take it with something like ginger. Don't get something with tons of Heat Units. (90HU would be too strong.) Again, start out small. Even just a few grains in juice. And it is better for digestion to let you mouth get used to it before it gets to the stomach. (Stomach's don't like surprises! ) Apparently, when cayenne or chili powder etc. Are heated and cooked that is when they cause trouble. Work up to 1/4 t. cayenne in juice. In Lalitha Thomas' book, Ten Essential Herbs, she tells about a man who had bleeding ulcers that were healed with cayenne. You should be able to tolerate more and more.
Slippery Elm is also wonderful for digestive trouble and so very gentle and highly nutritous. You can mix a teaspoon of it with warm water, like porridge, and a little honey if you like. It is kind of slimy, so if textures bother you it might not work well. Hope you get some relief soon!
(Ipswich, Queensland, Australia)
Hi, So I'm up trying to get ready for work and My Ulcers are playing up. I have had these for years. But the last 6 months or so, they have been unbareable, so much so I just can't make it too work. My Hubby, was searching through sites to see if he could find anything to help as the meds that I have from My Dr are just not working.
So this morning he was off to buy the ACV, Cayenne Tablets and Glutamine tabs- I had my first dose this morning and another around 30 mins ago. I do wish I had emptied my stomuch of that bloating yucky feeling that we all know well, as this may have helped it kick in faster? ANYWAY, I really hope this works! It has far too much affect on my life, can barely work, I don't want to do anything, I use to be such a get up and go type of energitic person, but now, All I do is stick to my bed, most times curled up in a ball.
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)
Are you talking about stomach ulcer?
The juice from fresh cabbage will heal your ulcer - I think is killing also the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. There is at least one post on Earthclinic about how to take the juice.
Manuka honey (factor 16 ) is also good to clear the bacterial infection and heal the ulcer. You have to think of the honey as an antibiotic. Take one tsp every 2 hours (morning to night) for two weeks at least. After that reduce the quantity to one tsp, three times a day for a couple of weeks.
Your medication not working could be because you have stomach cancer. If that is the case start drinking 1. 5 to 2 liters/ day of a infusion made from equal parts of Stinging Nettle and Calendula (small sips spread throughout the day). Use one heaped tsp from each plant for 1/4 liter, infuse the plants for 3 to 4 minutes.
Gina: Someone reported excellent results from drinking raw Cabbage juice. From my understanding, the phytochemicals in Cabbage both kill ulcer causing bacteria like h pylori, and promote healing of epithelial tissues.
If no parasites or pathogens are present, the combination of DGL and Allantoin will quickly heal the intestinal tract. Glucosamine Sulfate is another good healer. The amino acid Glycine may prove as effective for healing as Glutamine (Glutamine fuels immune cells located in the intestines which results in indirect healing).
(Ipswich, Australia)
Hey everyone! So it has been a week since I began taking the Glutamine and Cayenne tablets, while drinking the ACV. I must say that, trying to cut corners and not using the raw cabbage juice STRAIGHT away(instead of replacing them with the Glutamine Tabs) was a mistake!! I began the Raw Cab juice 3 days later and OMG the improvement in myself and my stomach is AMAZING. I have been doing the whole regime now since Tues or Weds-This includes around 4 cups of Cab Juice daily, 6 Glutamine per day & 4 Cayenne per day-I found the ACV a bit too strong, so discontinued that for now, but I have tablets now instead ) From the start date though, I haven't HAD to vomit AT ALL. Although, I still feel seriously bloated if I eat a little too much and have made myself vomit, it is NOTHING like it has been for the last long time. I get sometimes sharp stomach pain, but usually now, not so sharp and much less than before. I am so happy to report this back to you all and I thank you ALL for the imput you have put into this site. ANYONE, with those nasty Ulcers, no matter how you got them. TRY THE RAW CABBAGE JUICE ASAP, I bought a new decent sized juicer which was an awesome investment. YES, I still have a ways to go, but I know by this time next week, continuing what I am taking of course, that my life WILL begin again - Although, it is feeling alot better now as it is, For me, thanks to the great advice My Future isn't so grim anymore and counting on what the Dr CAN'T seem to fix is no longer scaring the heck out of me. I do apologise if this doesn't make sense, but I just had to give someone :) an update.
I am just wondering how Gina (post from 2013) got four cups of cabbage juice every day. I just juiced almost an entire head of cabbage and maybe got an ounce of juice out of it. I had to add celery juice to get more liquid. Did she add other produce or water to juice?
(Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa)
Hey Gina, I'm doing a similar protocol to yours with my boyfriend. He has lots of ulcers, so we're going on 2 months of treatment, but we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Before he could only eat like a bird- very small amounts before he got full, and now he can actually eat normally. I think what really helped was 2 weeks ago he started drinking a ton of kefir, like one store bought bottle every 2-3 days (we buy it on clearance but it would obviously be cheaper homemade), and adding a lot more digestive enzymes. We already did betaine and pepsin, so I added "super enzymes" to our mealtimes. He does the glutamine, cayenne, cabbage juice, and aloe juice as well. Hope this helps you on your journey!
(Northwoods, Mn)
Just a little FYI - when an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) are combined they produce water as a byproduct and are neutral. Taking the vinegar and baking soda in this situation would not have helped with the stomach ulcer. Look to the other aspects of the "treatment" as potential "cures" for the ulcer.
I am 21 and I got serious stomach pains back 7 months ago I was diagnosed with a hiectius hernia eight years ago but all the doctors won't help me keep giving me medication for inflamed stomach and ulcers I have tried holistic therapy, Chinese therapy, anti biotics and nothing works. Please help. I can't take any more pain I am in pain all the time and I can't even eat!!! Does this work?
(Woodbury, NJ)
The best rule-of-thumb is to be more interested in your health and well being than maintaining friendly relations with a doctor. Remember, you are responsible for your health, and your relationship with your doctor is a business one; if it's a friendly one all the better, but it's not a requirement. You are not obligated to meet anyone halfway (if you have doubts) when your health is at stake, that's just massaging their ego at your expense. We should all seek out medical opinions when we deem it necessary, and take it into account. However, remember, there is a reason medicine is called a practice, and what doctors tell you is their opinion (that's why people often get more than one).
First off, medical studies are funded by Big Pharma and they get the results they pay for or the researcher is never funded again. That is reality: Money talks and it tells them what to find and what to ignore in the research...relative vs objective study results...that is where they can fudge the final report...
Next; All proton pump inhibitors cause serious side effects, one of which is that after 2 weeks on those meds your body needs them (even if you had no gastric issues prior). I am a Registered Nurse, I have watched patients with no prior gastric issues be placed on PPI drugs "standard hospital medication lists" MDs put every patient on... Most Doctors are good people, but they are most often ignorant of the healing process, they are taught to treat patients by medicating symptoms, they match your symptoms to the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) drug list... they are not taught to treat causes...quite the contrary. It is a serious problem when Big Pharma is on the board of directors of all the medical schools...they are.
As an RN I had to choose a different path after trying 6 different medications on my ulcers... I searched desperately online for help and found Raw cabbage juice. It stopped my horrible pain in 10 minutes and after a year of pain it healed me in less than 2 weeks. Occasionally I would go back on the juice when I was exposed to aspirin or other NSAIDS as they cause my stomach to start burning and hurting within 20 minutes. The cabbage juice has always saved me, every time for the last 17 years.
Dear Elke:
What an inspirational and insightful post - thank you very, very much. For once, I can almost see the scope and magnitude of my challenges - and that is such a rare glimmer of light in what is mostly a brain-fogged reality for me. God Bless You and All Who Share here.
The responsibility for my moment-to-moment choices fits squarely on my own shoulders and undoing the unfortunate results of a lifetime of ill-informed, poor selections on my part is clearly why I am on this site, seeking answers and like minded people. And owning this gives me a sense of empowerment - "Own the problem, own the solution". I am profoundly grateful to all who post - sometimes the insights from another's casual sharing is infinitely helpful.
On one hand, I am like a kid (albeit 67 yrs old) in a candy store, due to the enriching and wonderfully hopeful stories and remedies being offered here.
On the other hand, I am a lot like Becky's post suggests - overwhelmed by the myriad of issues I face in my body and mind. The discomfort of the moment, the level of pain I feel tends to localize my priorities, and in fact, blinds me to the bigger picture to a degree that frightens and leaves me totally overwhelmed.
If I list the issues facing me (and I am unreasonably proud to actually have the cognition and brain-power to make this list right now), in order of most worrying -
1. Loss of brain power/cognition/memory/mind-fog.
2. I am 85% deaf (hereditary, I think?)
3. Bone loss and bone infection with ongoing tooth decay. (Pending surgery is terrifying).
4. Systemic Candida, which of course may well be a driving factor in all of the above. This would be number one on the list, if I had not already begun treatment. (Treatment underway for this).
5. Gut pain and permability issues.
6. Obesity (5'8" - 200lbs)
7. Low energy and concentration deficit.
8. I may well be forgetting something....
I am sporadic still in my candida treatment - trying to listen to my body, not overdo it, and skipping days of remediation when I start to have too strong a cleansing reaction. The deep hope that Bill Thompson's (and Bangkok Ted's) information, posts and book offer are the first real glimmer of light I have found in moving towards a complete removal of the toxic mold/fungus invasions of my body. Sincere thanks to them and all who post on here.
God, now I am exhausted - but you know what - 2 months ago I could not have compiled this email, so I must be doing something right!
Blessings and Healing to all,
Love and Thanks,
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Juice is a miracle remedy for stomach ulcers.
I was diagnosed with multiple (3) peptic ulcers which were confirmed by biopsy not to be from H-pylori (they were actually from unripe tropical fruit I had eaten). When the prescribed medication didn't work and gave me side effects after one week I discontinued used and searched, painfully and desperately, for something to relieve the pain and help my stomach to heal. Milk and food neutralized immediately but then made it worse as it caused more stomach acid to be produced; water diluted but then irritated; juices irritated; anti-acid stuff worked instantly but for only a short time after which the pain got much worse. When a friend suggested Aloe Vera juice, I tried it and was pleased.
So for about 5 months I abstained from citrus and tomatoes (and tropical fruit) and kept an 8oz bottle of pure Aloe Vera juice with me, sipping anytime during day or night I had pain, whether with meals or without. Usually I only needed about 8oz-12oz per day and it tapered off as time went on and I had less pain.
At the end of 5 months, they scoped my stomach again and all the ulcers had healed completely. The doctor (a very competent gastroenterologist) was surprised it happened without any prescription medication.
I've since had another peptic ulcer due to use of aspirin and the aloe vera worked again. I consider aloe vera juice a miracle cure for stomach ulcers not caused by H. Pylori.
(Los Angeles, Ca)
(Fort Worth, Texas)
(Somewhere In Europe)
Kathy, get a plant.
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
Just want to share that I've got an ulcer, too. I had been using aloe vera straight from the leaf. Just cut off 2 inches, (the leaves are big!) peel it down to just the clear gel inside, pop it in a blender with the juice of a lime or lemon, 5 times the amount of juice in water, some sweetener and drink it down first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It worked great! Until I ran out of aloe vera! :( you can sometimes find it fresh like that in international grocery stores for quite a good price - in the produce section.
(Phoenix, Az)
Aloe Vera works only if the ulcer are not caused from H Pylori?
I was diagnosed with H Pylori, already took a treatment of two antibiotics but now I have pain and must symptoms of ulcers, I do not want to go back to the Doctor, you think Aloe Vera will help? Do you have any brand that you prefer?
Please answer, Thank you!
(Ten Mile, Tn)
CRISTINA, don't have your problem, but have researched and ozonated water is reported to cure your problem. You don't need a high dollar medical oxygen system like I have to make ozonated water. You can make it from the air around you with a simple system. Quit messin around with folks pissin in the wind. If you can't find a system on the internet, holler back and I will find one for you.
I wish you well. =====ORH======
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thought I was having a heart attack but, after endoscopy, they say I have gastritis & gastric ulcer & stomach polyp & hiatal hernia. The dr put me on protonix, which I am resistant to try but will if I have to. So, I've started 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar in juice 3x per day. I also take a dg licorice tablet several times per day. What else should I do? I can reactivate my dairy kefir grains and drink that, sorta got away from it recently.
My main issue is ibs-d and I rarely feel heartburn or reflux, but get spasms where the hernia is. Could the ulcer make my ibsd worse? The Apple Cider Vinegar sure does, so now I'm in a catch 22 position--take the Apple Cider Vinegar and fix the ulcer or don't and control the diarrhea.
Also, I wonder if I just don't recognize the ulcer/hernia pain. I've always just ignored pain and discomfort. But, I'll do what I must to avoid protonix. Thanks.
Missal to solve these issues I found the answers were ... 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 glass of water drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food 5 days out of 7. I think the baking soda is the thing your missing. This alone can relieve pain correct digestion solve the runs. Due to removal of my lower intestine I went a few steps further under teds recommendations. I take 100mg of dhea in the morning and 5mg. Of melatonin at night. This is 25 to 50 mg per 130lbs body weight. So I started at a higher dose as I do not have the storage aspect of my intestine. It has helped my whole health picture. I was exhausted from the runs themselves. Digestion a full spectrum multi enzyme including hcl is critical to gain the nutrient from your food. Then your body has nutrients every meal to heal bromelain too. Taking a dose at the first bite of every meal. Many take additional hcl with their meals. Your sphincters within your body and the ducts that release bile for digestion need magnesium. This can be an issue for us. Magnesium malate is the easiest solution as it is mag reacted with malic acid to prevent the runs. 250mg 1x a day for a week. Then am and pm the second week and on. I find I must use topical magnesium oil to further uptake more mag.
Ted also recommend a b50 vitamin but it is difficult to find the correct type of the seperate bs in one capsule. B1 thiamine mononitrate B2 riboflavin B3 niacinamide not niacin for optimizing digestion is critical and taking 500 mg 2 or 3x a day can help. B5 panthine B6 p5p Choline inositol Paba The only correct one that I can find is Swansons activated b I buy the higher dose one and take 3x a week. Plus extra niacinamide 3x a day. Thiamine mononitrate and ribofavin in the am 5x a week. To further your healing you might consider d3 10,000iu Selenium yeast 200 mcg K2 200 mg 5 days out of 7 This is how I finally solved the pain and bathroom issues and can rejoin the world.
I am not sure it is wise to recommend to people with sensitive stomachs to take 20 different supplements. Moderation! So many supplements can damage your liver.
Lili Our family has found that a multivitamin to be counterproductive in any healing method.
Ted here on Earth Clinic, has said that calcium is counterproductive to healing method. We have found this to be true.
The benefits of avoiding calcium are endless. As adults. Because there are very few multis without it. We make our multivitamins. This involves expense and effort. As we have finally healed most of the issues the 6 of us have had.
I have yet to see a vitamin supplement without some form of a vitamin that is less than desirable. Herbals are different. All supplements are to be scrutinized.
Excess calcium forms calcium shells in the blood to hide viruses and mycoplasma. It is unhealthy for your heart and builds up in joints. Creating pain.
Our food is full of added calcium. Our doctors hand out calcium like candy. When in truth we need magnesium and a full spectrum of minerals. Totally unavailable today. Modern farming practices virtually eliminate them.
As to liver. The bs can be the devil or the savior. We only take the 2 to 3 days a week.
There are caveats to this as thiamine pathways are often and commonly destroyed by diet, vaccines and medications. The old disease, beri beri, is the underlaying cause of much mystery.
Learning about this pathway and the detriment to our health is critical to those of us with gut issues (everyone)
Look up Dr.Lonsdale, Chandler Marrs PHD. Hormones Matter, online blog or on Facebook.
I seldom use information aside from Teds remedies here on Earth Clinic. Thiamine Mononitrate pops up quite often in his emails. When I began reading Dr. Lonsdales articles I saw a continuation of good solid health information that is not available anywhere else. They have just published the textbook that backs up his great results from this one vitamin and understanding what you are up against, autoimmunity, environmental poisoning, over medication, deadly fluoride, vaccines, depression, exhaustion.
As I embark on the liposomal thiamine. It has been remarkable the progress I am making. I thought I had solved most of my issues. But also thought some were not solvable as I am older. Apparently I have a greater capacity for wellness than I could imagine. Penetrating that interrupted pathway, after 1 week, the benefits are there.
As to the amount of supplements suggested many are needed by the gut to power your hormone health and your brain your sleep cycle.
As I spent 5 years unable to leave my house or bathroom some days. The release from ibs d is a miracle. If your intestine does not have the correct amounts of melatonin and dhea. It will not work. It will be wonky. Your sleep and your basic humanity deteriorates.
Supplements and diet are and should be reassessed periodically. We find it important as the symptoms and illnesses themselves disappear. Our modern diet and healthy food availability is so limited that one really has no choice but to supplement. Do we believe that foods are organic? Do we believe the label. Corporations rename poisons and sugars at will. The first ingredient in many classes of pharma. Is fluoride. A poison in any amount.
As I went to the co op today and looked at supplements the multis each had detrimental ingredients. I am a firm believer in targeted therapy. I am tired of being the target of Big Food, Pharma, Environmental Poisoners. Janet
Janet, I'm interested in your ibs-d getting cured, but I'm having a hard time following your post. Can you tell me, in a nutshell, what you did? It sounds like you're saying stay away from the calcium/multivitamin. But what, exactly, should I take? I cannot take magnesium due to the ibs, although I do apply magnesium oil in the morning after my shower and again before bed. I'd love to get the ibs-d and insomnia fixed!!!
Sallyann. I had ibs d from surgery to remove my lower intestine...emergency. As my surgery was open as much of my body as possible and several surgeons I suspect a host of pathogens were introduced. But the lower intestine is the storage and forming of waste area my ibs was twofold.
My husband on the other hand lost his small intestine to RnY weight loss surgery. He has no digestion of his own. His duodenum was gone.
We both have issues. My Mom had constipation. Ulcer. Chemo damage. Then she would get the runs, uncontrolable.
So we had to solve it all. Constipation to the runs and everything in between.
Here is the list we used to correct all of our problems.
DHEA..100mg in the am
3.5 to 5 mg melatonin at bedtime.
This worked the first day but I stayed on it for 3. If it starts again I take 1 dose each for 1 day.
It usually is something I ate or drink on the road for a trip.
Before this. I could not take vitamin c or magnesium. Or take any coconut oil.
Things our family does to help...
1 whole lime squeezed...6 to 8 tsp or 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water and drink 1/2 hour after food 2x a day 5 days out of 7. This is Teds alkalizing drink. Corrects digestion.circulation. stops pain.cleans up gallbladder kidney and bladder. A host of wellness in every glass.
Borax 1/8 tsp of 20 mule team borax in 1 liter of clean water. Use this water through the day. In beverages. Add lemon squeeze or ice it to improve taste. Look up on E.C. search box, ted bangkok borax, it will bring up all the uses for this miracle. The most important being removing fluoride from your body.
The thiamine pathway and thiamine mononitrate. I mentioned my sources in previous note. Dr Derek e, Hormone Matters, Chandler Marrs PHD.
B2 in am 200mg restores energy lost from IBS
Dr. Michael Holick, Grassroots Health on facebook to learn about vitamin d3. I take 10,000iu a day. Solgar, 10,000iu in coconut oil
NAC n acetyl cystene a precursor to glutathione for its sulfur content and reducing mucus. 500mg 2 or 3x a day.
We take no calcium. We take magnesium instead. 250 mg of mag citrate or malate or 5 drops of mag oil in water. The malate is for those with runny stools. But after a while I find I can use them all.
Bulletproof coffee, Dave Asprys way or make your own. I do. This really helps digestion.
The elimination list
Vegetable oils. Use only butter or coconut oil
Organics as much as possible
Insomnia tips.
Keep taking the melatonin.
Make your last meal before 5 pm
My husband needs extra help with his 3rd shift job. At bedtime
2.5 to5 mg lithium orate. This helps displace heavy metals and promotes sleep. Borax really helped our daughters with narcolepsy. Waking nightmares. Sleep paralysis.
GABA 500mg
500 to 1000mg niacinamide
For some people.homeopathic mag phos is enough.
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV has lots of benefits. I even cured myself of a mild ulcer using ACV. Just drink one 20ml shot of ACV before each meal and enjoy the healing to many parts of the body.
Apple Cider Vinegar
PLEASE, if you use apple cider vinegar for your ulcer, it MUST BE RAW UNCOOKED vinegar. Otherwise it will just make your ulcer worse. You can put a bunch of good water in a blender and for each cup put in at least one teaspoon of the raw vinegar and also the same amount of raw honey for each cup of water. Blend it. It comes out nice and frothy. Drink it all day long. I put the left overs in the fridge so it gets nice and cold. It is a miracle drink for ulcers. It may feel like it is burning but that is to be expected. Ulcers are usually like an open wound. At least that is what it feels like to me. I get this ulcerated problem on and off but am always able to heal it on my own. My issue is stress. I also have a tendency to eat too much salsa and other hot foods and sometimes coffee. If I am stressed and have these things, oh boy watch out.
I also find that just spoons of raw honey give me a lot of relief. I may have 3 or 4 a day. The other thing is aloe vera juice. I buy it in liquid form at a place like whole Foods. It is usually uncooked. It really gives me a lot of relief. Tonight I took a clove of garlic and a chunk of fresh ginger, chopped it up, put in a peppermint tea bag, then poured hot water over that in a cup. After it cooled a bit, I put a spoon of raw honey. I then ate some of the garlic and ginger chunks. It really helped. I am afraid to try cabbage juice because I am an A blood type and if this is really scientific (eat right for your blood type) I feel that it may make me worse. The book says vinegar is not for A blood types either but since it is raw, I figure it is ok. Especially since I get such relief from it especially when mixed with raw honey. Happy healing to us all. I hope.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi there, is it really advisable for an apple cider vinegar regimen with other natural products to be recommended for a patient with possible symptoms of stomach or any type of ulcer?. Considering the acid nature of the vinegar? What type of fruits, food & vegetables will you also recommend for such a person? Thanks so very much.
Apple Cider Vinegar
When I was only 16, I was in hte hospital with 3 bleeding ulcers. I learned I have to much acid in my system. My husband on the other hand did not have enough.
The easiest test is the Apple Cider Vinegar. Thru much research & reading we found that he had great releif with this, as for my it made me much sicker. Hope you find your answer & it helps you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
sir is that true apple cider vinegar can heal ucler? sorry if my english bad
reply me please tq
(Cincinnati, Oh)
My question for all you people with ulcers and have been helped by ACV. Doesn't it kill your stomach?? I know ACV is considered allakine in the body but it sure FEELS like acid going down. Didn't you have pain??
(Glendale, Az)
(Haverford, Pa)
When I first took ACV I felt the burn. I took 1 tablespoon. I decided to try it again at another time but I decided to try to take two tablespoons and sure enough it did the trick. I also eat red delicious apples to help my stomach.
(Ebony, Virginia)
I have recently developed a bleeding ulcer characterized by burning pain after eating and black stools. I also have had a problem for several years with food sometimes feeling like it was stuck in my esophagus, a sign of acid reflux, which I ignored until this week when the black stools showed up. The pain was horrific during these episodes, but eating a dab of pure butter would help lubricate the food and let it go down. The black stools were scary, and I knew that I couldn't ignore this problem any longer. I began to research natural remedies and found this website.
I would have never believed that apple cider vinegar could possibly help, but today is my second day of this simple treatment. I mixed 1 tablespoon of ACV with 2 cups of cold water and sipped it. For the second dose, I added a packet of stevia and a packet of orange-flavored Emergen-C. I couldn't taste the vinegar.
On Day 1, I could feel relief after the first dose. I have combined this treatment with 2 500-mg capsules of L-Glutamine which I already had on hand. I did both remedies twice yesterday. I had started Zantac yesterday, also, (all bases covered), but had not felt relief until I started the ACV. Today (Day 2), I am feeling fine and am very energetic. I still had a black stool this morning, but it was not as dark as it has been. Also, my bloating and gas are both completely gone. I have ordered several other products from VitaminShoppe. Com: PB8 (friendly bacteria--14 million per capsule), _____'s organic ACV, and Lily of the Desert aloe vera juice, all of which I will start using next week when my order comes. I want these ulcers gone!
This morning, I also juiced carrots and cabbage because I read years ago in Prevention magazine that cabbage juice would heal an ulcer. To make it tastier, as it tastes quite bad by itself, I added 4 oz. of canned pineapple juice. Over ice, the combination of carrot, cabbage, and pineapple juices made a very refreshing drink.
I can't say enough "THANK YOUs" to this wonderful website and to all of the contributors who take the time to share what works for them.
(Leland, Nc)
To Janice of Ebony, be careful of the Lilly of the Desert aloe vera, it has carrageen in it which is toxic to some folks, like me.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the advice I've found on this forum. I was diagnosed in January with suspected ulcers. The symptoms started in August with extreme stomach bloating after eating anything, and grawing stomach pains accompanied with constant stomach growling (even immediately after eating) and occasional heartburn and nausea.
In September, I upped my Probiotics and started on digestive enzymes along with daily Prilosec. None of this helped so my doctor put me on a prescription ulcer medicine to coat my stomach and Protonix. We I asked for a h pylori test she told me she couldn't do one until I had not been taking any acid reflux medicine for at least 60 days. (??)
These medicines weren't helping either so my next step was an endoscopy which they wanted to do right away. I have a huge insurance deductible so I decided to try this instead.
Last week started taking the 1/4 tsp of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of organic ACV 3 times a day. Three times a day I also take a cayenne pepper capsule and a glutamine capsule (per another post on here). By day 2 my stomach stopped bloating. By day 5 my stomach feels normal again and my appetite has returned. This is the first time since August I could eat without my stomach appearing to be 6 months pregnant.
I believe the regiment is killing the h pylori in my stomach. I really don't care what it's doing because it works!
(Atlanta, Ga)
(Quantico, Va, Usa)
(Columbia, Sc)
You may have food allergies that can be attributed to your stomach problems. So while you may be helping any ulcers or too high or low acidity in the stomach with these remedies, you will probably continue to have problems if you are eating foods that you are allergic to. I would start by eliminating all dairy from your diet for 2 weeks and see if stomach issues improve. I would also eliminate gluten, soy and corn. Elimination diets show you how your body responds to certain foods. Good luck
I was reading about you having h pylori and how you continue to get it after having antibiotics. I am 25 and all of a sudden have horrible pain, we believe is an ulcer, I am wondering what has worked for you as far as the natural remedies?
I am a new mom and nursing so I will not take any medications until I am done nursing, I am currently taking Apple Cider Vinegar and eating a strict anti-ulcer diet. The past two days have been good, however I am constantly scared to eat not knowing if the severe pain will come. Please let me know how your home remedies have been going, the only reason I am tempted to do the antibiotics and all that is because the stomach cancer bein related to h pylori makes me nervous. Thank you!
To the person asking if her doctor is right about apple cider vinegar causing ulcers, I am shocked at the ignorance of your doctor. To the contrary I took apple cider vinegar (organic, raw) to cure acid reflux and indigestion. Without it I don't know where I would be today. As an added benefit, my blood pressure went way down. I am a firm believer in raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar and would never stop taking it.
(Grover Beach, California)
Important news for those who suffer from ulcers: what you should know is that ulcers are caused by bacteria called h. pylori. Most doctors do not know that h. pylori lives in the stomach lining, and it does not live in the bloodstream. Therefore blood tests to detect h. pylori are useless, and a waste of your money. A breath test to detect h. pylori IS effective, most doctors do not know this test exists, and will not use the effective breath test. In the absence of a "positive test result", many doctors will fail to treat the cause.
With this in mind, please read the info from the CDC website:
When treated with the correct combination of two antibiotics, 98% of ulcers can be cured in two weeks or less! However, most doctors do not know or prescribe the correct antibiotics.
And then again, some individuals (like myself) do not have immunity to h. pylori and will become re-infected after a short period of time.
Which leads to the conclusion that treatments such as cabbage juice, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, cloves, turmeric, etc...may very well be worth a try due to the action of either creating an environment in which h. pylori cannot live, OR boosting the immune response to the h. pylori infection.
Although the CAUSE of ulcers is now well known, effective treatment and effectively training doctors remains elusive. So then, thank you for your kind recommendations which may indeed prove just as effective as antibiotics, or MORE effective! I hope to report back to you that one or more of these natural treatments IS effective.
To the one who thinks H Pylori may cause another ulcer. Getting rid of bleached flour got rid of all my stomach problems years before the medical field discovered H Pylori as the cause. It still works for me - Anytime I want the misery, all I have to do is eat a couple of bites of anything made with bleached flour. Usually this occurs when I eat something that I didn't know was made with bleached flour. My stomach tells me about it in a hurry.
(grover beach, CA)
Yes, I can wholly agree. many individuals report sensitivity to bleached flour, also butter and dairy products. Others will have difficulty with fried foods or beer. But the ulcer is already there- the flour merely sets off the bleeding and irritation. Avoiding the target food is by far the best strategy, and this is an excellent point of fact... As far as my own recent experiment with cayenne pepper capsules, 450 mg, one every other day(after the initial burn)there is no question in my case that relief from reflex and pain was obtained. The active ingredient in cayenne being capsaicin, and is indeed medically documented to shrink and destroy cancer cells (among other benefits)including prostate and lung cancer cells, yes folks it's a fact. Many doctors have been treating reflux with Nexium or Prilosec but this shuts down your digestive system and overloads the kidneys. This is treating the symptoms, not the actual cause. It's far better to restore normal digestive function than to shut off the acid in your stomach. Once again thanks to all who have shared experiences, this has been most helpful.
(Lander, United States)
(Friesland, Netherlands)
Turmeric was mentioned, and I tried this twice as per suggestion. The next morning I had a strange rash on my back (red and sore) but thought I had been bitten by a flea (I have cats who are treated and therefore new 'guests' jump off my cats because they are not palatable). The next evening I took turmeric again and the rash became much, much worse. I even thought it was shingles - never had this in my life. Then a voice in my head said - because I have been my own healer for a long time - turmeric and after googling this it was confirmed as a possibility. So beware, turmeric can cause a rash!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I took aspirin for years for chronic pain and developed a gastric ulcer. It's better now, after several months of Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda and watching what I eat, but I still have the pain. It prevents me from sleeping, so I really need something for this pain. Any suggestions? I already take magnesium daily as well as D3 and a good quality multivitamin.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
My fiancee' suffers from ulcers and started doing the ACV and Baking soda mixture 3 x per day with moderate relief. Can someone answer me the question of what role does the baking soda play in the mixture? Does it take the edge off the vinegar or does it play another role in the stomach? Thanks folks!
(Usa Wv)
(Phoenix, Az)
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Hi Just want to report I have been suffering from the effects of terrible acid reflux and an ulcer for years now until I discovered this site. I would be up all night vomiting 20 or 30 times and ended up in the ER several times a year. I have been to numerous doctors and have taken all kinds of drugs with nothing working. Who would think something as simple as ACV would cure me! I also test my PH every day as per Ted's advice. I have been using ACV. baking soda, and collidal minerals mixed with apple juice and filtered water 5 days a week. I feel so good! Thank You So Much Marguerite
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
Hello Ted, I came across this site and I thought it be helpful, I'm suffering from ulcers. I have about 6 of them in my stomach, I love eating spices and its hard to control when my mom makes my favourites, but each time I eat I develop a very sharp pain in my stomach, absolutely unbearable it feels like I have various wounds inside me. Pls help! Will this ACV with baking soda help me? I'm not constipated, and I don't have diarrhoea. I fart a lot :( and the days I over eat I belch all day! My bowels r highly acidic.. Pls pls help!!
Hi Aching Angel, Cabbage juice will help you for your ulcers. But you have to change your life style and eating habits at least till you are cured of the ulcers. You say that you are not constipated but at the same time you pass lot of wind which indicates that the system is not cleaned up. Avoid sugar, fried things and you can take sodium bi carbonate 1/4 tea spoon in water 30--45 mts after the meals. Good Luck.
(Madera, California)
Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera Juice
I've been having stomach problems for a while now. Symptoms started with heartburn, acid reflux, and such and then went on to burning in my stomach and bouts of neusea that would come on out of the blue and last for hours. After researching it I deduced that it was an ulcer probably caused by H. Pylori. I started with ACV, 1 Tbs. 2-4 times a day in juice or water and raw honey for a couple of weeks which provided temporary relief and controlled the acid reflux but I was still having stomach pains and neusea.
When I had stomach pain I mixed cayenne pepper in hot water and that would provide me with relief of the pain for a while. Then a friend told me about Aloe Vera juice and how it would kill H. Pylori. I bought the whole leaf version and started drinking 4 oz. with grape juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I sip it until it's gone, I don't guzzle it. I'm amazed that after day one of taking it and now 2 weeks later I have not had one symptom of the ulcer or acid reflux. I have more energy and I'm losing some weight to boot. I did have one day a couple of days after starting the aloe that I felt really crappy, like I was coming down with a bad cold or flu but no one I knew, including my wife and kids, was sick. I think it was the detox effect of the Aloe and ACV. It lasted about 12 hours then went away as quickly as it came on.
To be fair I must say that I was not diagnosed by any doctor and I should list everything I'm taking because it might be different things that are curing me. Every day I take a multi-vitamin, about 400-800 IUs of extra vitamin D, 1000-2000 mg. Flaxseed oil, 1200-2400 mg. Fish oil with omegas 3 and 6, 1200 mg. of red yeast rice and 50 mg. of C0Q10 for high cholesterol, 50 mg. 5-HTP and 500 mg. Acetyl-L Carnitine for anxiety, and I also take, like I said earlier, several Tbs. of ACV. I also drink a yogurt drink for the probiotics. I started taking a couple of Tbs. of local raw honey and then switched to Manuka honey which also kills H. Pylori. I haven't felt this good in years so I must be doing something right. I owe it all to researching everything here on EC. Thank you guys so much for being here and spreading the knowledge of natural remedies.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Cayenne
I've been diagnosed with H.Pylori a while ago and refused to see the doctor after one round of unhelpful antibiotics. My stomach would sometimes bleed a little. I could detect it from my saliva and stools. But it wasn't a big deal. Last week, I was trying to finish my dissertation and was really stressed. My stomach started bleeding constantly so I figured it probably turned into an ulcer, though I don't know the exact diagnosis. I started using ACV+baking soda (which had cured my acid reflux and stomach problems previously for 8 months but had then stopped working) along with Cayenne Pepper. I mix all of them in a bit of water and take it on an empty stomach. Within a day or two my bleeding stopped and I generally feel an increased sense of well-being. Thank you EC, and thank God for natural remedies.
(Kingston, Jamaica)
(Miami, Florida)