Tea tree oil was a godsend for me in treating a bad case of oral thrush I had after taking antibiotics for strep throat. My thrush was so bad that I had a sore throat for weeks, large bumps at the back of my tongue (as well as a thick white coating) and I had even begun to have chest pain and difficulty swallowing (I can only think that the thrush must have traveled down my esophagus, as I read this can happen).
The doctor prescribed liquid Nystatin and after 10 days it had helped with the chest pain and difficulty swallowing (the instructions were to swish and then swallow the Nystatin liquid) but I still had a sore throat that was not going away. My mum came across the idea of gargling with tea tree oil so I tried 5 drops tea tree in about a 1/4 cup of water, gargled a few minutes and swished around my mouth, then spit and did not rinse my mouth. Within hours my sore throat was so much better and within a couple days of doing the gargle and swishing in my mouth twice a day, all traces of the thrush were gone! I also had to cut out all sugar while doing this as each time I ate sugar it seemed to make the symptoms start to return. I hope this will help anyone suffering as I was.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
We are taking GSE to improve immune system. It sure clears up constipation quick. I once read a man comment if he could take one thing onto a deserted island, what would it be. He said Grapefruit Seed Extract. It kills bacteria, fungus, and viral and is a great disinfectant.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar? When my last child was born, he had thrush in his mouth. I was nursing him at the time and got a cracked nipple. The Dr. told me I had to quit nursing as the baby and I would just pass the condition back and forth. An old woman told me that was nonsense and to dilute apple cider vinegar with a little water and put it on a q-tip and rub it around in the baby's mouth and to rub soome on my nipple as well. She told me it would be gone in a couple of days at the most. I tried it and it worked. I have since passed this information on many times and it always seems to work. So, it's a cheap and easy thing for you to try if you haven't tried it already.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is excellent. I have what may be thrush and I'm concerned because I've read that healthy adults normally do not get thrush. As far as mold going through your system. I've read that only Borax tablets (ingestible) can rid the body of mold. Also I would do an anti-parasitic and toxic cleanse for a month. I do the colonix (Dr Natura) cleanse every year on my birthday, sometimes twice a year to maintain my health. You may want to do 3 months.
Gentian Violet
Gentian Violet is AMAZING! When my son was 2 months old he came down with thrush due to some antibiotics I was taking for complications of my C-section. Our lactation consultant said to use GENTIAN VIOLET 3 times a day and in about 2-3 days the baby's Thrush should be gone. It worked. just don't plan on going out for about a week. It stains the skin for several days. Your baby's face will be purple everywhere depending on how messy of an eater they are and the size of your nipples.
I would think a 'serving' is a cup of water. I also would like to say I love earthclinic. com what a great resource.
For thrush or a white coating on the tongue:
Go to a Natural Food store and buy ground Fennel seed (Much cheaper than a grocery store).
My daughter use to get thrush all the time as a baby; a Dr. recommended this:
*Use 1 tbs of ground fennel in a coffee maker.
*Use one cup of water.
*Put it in a bottle warm or cold doesn't matter.
Should clear the babies tongue in a couple of days. I used this the entire time my daughter was drinking formula.
Hi, i have a remedy for vaginal thrush and am not sure if it's included coz it seems like you're talking about mouth thrush only. I had vaginal thrush about 8 years ago. I used plain yogurt for cleaning- make sure you wash off real good. I also started eating a lot of yogurt and its been gone for the past 8 years.
When my brother was a baby he had thrush of the mouth so bad he could barely suck on a bottle.No matter what the doctor did it would not go away, A elderly lady at our church told my mother to use plain yogurt and dilute it with water until you are able to get it out of the nipple. About a week later it was gone.Yes yougurt does work really well!!!
You can treat thrush with natural yoghurt ... I have loads thrush when I was actually pregnant a real pain! I used natural yoghurt, which I bought Sainsburys and helps ... I would say reduce the sex until it is investigated otherwise ur partner gets it and just keep pests and vice versa!
Coconut Oil
I suffered with thrush for 9 mos. Tried Nystatin and several other RX meds. Tried all of the popular probiotics and even tried the expensive Three-Lac. Three-Lac did offer some relief but could not completely get rid of the problem. One week of extra Virgin coconut oil from GNC, Emerald labs did the trick. I had several days of pure hell from upset stomach, loose bowels stomach pain and so on. This eventually subsided and the benefits have been nothing short of miraculous. I wish I had known of this product earlier, it would have saved me a ton of misery and saved me a boat load of cash.
Vitamin B6 has cured Thrush in people I have known.
Vitamin E stabilized my low BP.
Comfrey compresses healed not only the deep bruising (in 3 days), resulting from a stubbed, broken toe but also, bone -- after all, the common name for comfrey is "knit bone". Raspberry tea healed my indigestion after I was forced to eat "junk food" for 3 days whilst staying with my husband's cousin.
Cayenne pepper is awesome! My husband used it to reduce his weight. 1 tspn cayenne pepper in a 1/2 cup of hot water, 3 times a day. It speeds up the metabolism.
Milk of Magnesia
Thrush is fungus. Borax kills fungus, you might dip your toothbrush in borax powder and scrub your tongue if its not to painful. Borax is cheaper than MOM.
Cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, etc in chai tea might be a nice addition to your day, too.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Yes years ago when I was in my forties, a doctor suggested that a daily tampon dipped in plain yoghurt would clear up my problem with yeast in the vagina and it worked. However; I'm now eighty, have been given three different broad spectrum antibiotics by my well-meaning doctor and painful swelling and itching in the vagina and anus is the result. All the good bacteria were wiped out leaving me with thrush. I douched with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water with a half teaspoon of bi-carbonate of soda dissolved in it. Had trouble inserting the douche, so used lots of aloe vera gel from the chemist and after I'd finished I dried off, washed my hands thoroughly then massaged the whole area with virgin coconut oil then last, I inserted some into the anus. Relief rather than a cure perhaps but I was very comfortable straight away.
Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil
Thank you for your post. I've been going thru same thing for 5 months I'm like help, my gums red or raw, thanks so much docs think it's my brushing or something else I had surgery I had it in my esophagus was in diflucan 21 days it helped the burning in my esophagus but my mouth never stopped, hope this helps.
Colloidal Silver
Swishing Colloidal Silver around in my mouth a couple of times helps clear up thrush instantly. Taking some orally could help as well.
Coconut Oil
While I was nursing my baby we both got thrush. It was very painful to nurse. I started just pumping and bottle feeding. A friend of mine said thrush is a fungus and to try extra virgin coconut oil. I put it on as a topical on my affected area. And after a few minutes I would nurse. Not only did the oil add more relief than the lanolin during the actual nursing, but within days the thrush was gone. I continued to use it for my mosturizer and we never had thrush again.
Since it helped there I suggested my husband use it on his toe nails. He had 2 that I was guessing were infected with fungus. They grew so thick I would file the tops of them so they looked less gross. It took awhile because the nails had to grow out. One was completely healed and one still looks a little funky but is half the size. I think he stopped using it too early on that toe (it was worse than the other to start with).
I have also used it on diaper rashes as sometimes those are caused by fungus. It had helped several times on those.
I have not had thrush in my mouth but a friend gets it regularly. I finally persuaded her to begin an Acidopholis Therapy. Go to your local Healthfood Shop and look in the Refrigerated Section for a good Prebiotic/Probiotic/Acidopholis. Take twice the dose for about a week then follow dose on bottle, forever! You can change brands to get different strands. I use only one, but you have to get it from the company online. It is superior IMO. Caprylic Acid is also helpful. For quick relief you can find Candida drops in your Healthfood Shop. Also, White Oak Bark can be found in a Tincture or open the capsule and mix in distilled water to rinse the mouth. If you can get Raw Milk, rinsing with that will help as well. Good Luck!
I breastfed my son until he was 16 months old and we encountered thrush twice. The second time it actually gave him a diaper rash of yeast! My naturopath gave me a special blend of Acidophilus from the refridgerated section. It's a loose powder and I would cover my nipple in it before AND after breastfeeding. Before ensured he would get a dose of it into his mouth and after to ensure he didn't give the yeast back to me, and create a vicious cycle of cross contamination. I also dusted his bum with it at diaper changes. I am not exxagarating when I tell you he was cured of all symptoms of thrush within 2 days.
To encourage both our healing, I let him stay out of a diaper for a good 20 or 30 minutes at each diaper change ( the air helps dry and heal the yeast). I also avoided all processed sugar foods for myself as to starve the yeasties living in my body.
Good luck to you! Most health food stores have naturopaths or naturopathic students on staff. Please take their advice more seriously than any doctor's!!! Don't put scary chemicals/medicines into your tiny babies!
Gentian Violet
I delt with thrush and yeast rashes with both of my babies. I found the best thing to use was gentian violet. It was the only remidy that consistantly worked. The prescriptions and OTC's never even put a dent in clearing the problem yet, with gentian violet we saw results immediatly.
I've just been reminded of a remedy for vaginal thrush that my doctor recommended many years ago (he was into alternative remedies). It worked then and it works now as I can attest, having had another bout of thrush recently. The remedy is plain LIVE yogurt. Dip a tampon into the yogurt and insert into the vagina. For outside irritation place yogurt on a pad. It is so cooling and the relief is tremendous. It really does work especially when you are feeling raw and bleeding.
Thanks for posting this. I always use natural/home remedies for myself (i.e. An adult) when possible, but have trouble finding them for our children (5mo & 1.5yrs). Our 5 mo old daughter has already had thrush 3 times and I just noticed it again this morning. Giving the BSW a try! Will post a follow up with results.
Baking Soda
If baby is nursing, it's important that mom treat herself and clean breasts before and after.
Lemon Juice
BV and Lemon Juice:
I've suffered with intermittent thrush in my teens and 20's. It would be brought on by:
i) non condom sex with some men. not all.
ii) using soap, bath oils etc.
I switched to pH balanced soap and discoverd that dilute lemon juice poured over my vulva would get rid of any little flare ups. The earlier you catch it (at the first sign of a prickle or an itch) the faster it disappears!
I'm 48 now haven't needed to buy an over the counter remedy for thrush (which I hardly ever get now due to soap avoidance) since I started using dilute lemon juice.
I started HRT about 3 months ago and to my horror my vulva started reeking of fish. Just looked it up and found out about BV.
I'm assuming that this is another "upset pH" problem which causes the wrong type of bacteria to flourish, so I have just started the lemon juice routine to see if it will also deal with BV as well as thrush.
Please try lemon juice (I use Jif diluted with equal water), girls - it might work!
Best wishes...
Gentian Violet
Natural Breastfeeding Thrush Remedy
In response to the issue of persistent thrush while breastfeeding, I would strongly recommend Gentian Violet. You can pick it up at most drugstores for a couple dollars and it's one of the most effective remedies in my own (frustrating and painful) personal experience with thrush. My daughter and I passed it back and forth for a while and Gentian Violet was the thing that cured it most efficiently.
You paint your nipples and the inside of the baby's mouth three times a day for three days. It's safe to use frequently. Be forewarned-- your nipples (and your baby's mouth) will be a very bright purple so plan to wear breast pads or an old t-shirt during the treatment. Also, I found that once my daughter was older-- over a year, I believe-- she wouldn't nurse from my breasts if they were purple. She didn't seem to be bothered by it when she was younger.
Whenever I have used this remedy, I have had relief from thrush and the accompanying nipple soreness.
Good luck!