10 Natural Stye Treatments for Fast Relief

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Sly (Philly, Pa ) on 09/29/2011

Wonderful advice. Have to admit I did not think it would work to be honest but I figured what do I have to lose. I took off my ring cleaned it well and started to rub, did for for a hour. My eye went from being red sore and puffy to very little redness Not as sore ( can touch it now) and the puffyness is almost gone, that was for a hour of rubbing. Will keep doing. THANKS AGAIN. Great website.

Posted by Di (New York, Ny) on 09/16/2011

I woke up with a stye this morning. Urine has helped in the past to get rid of it within the same day. I'm going to try that again... It takes a few applications but I remember it worked in the past.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Jacqui Wiskar (Qld, Australia) on 09/13/2011

Gold ring to fix stye/ sty

Suprisingly... It has worked!! Yesterday I could feel that around my tear duct, it was starting to swell and become painful. It was feeling infected, and I was worried I would get a big sty, and I attempted the tea bag method (placing a tea bag- as hot as you can possibly stand- over the area for 10mins). This morning it was not worse nor better. My mother suggested rubbing a gold ring over the area to which I laughed and rolled my eyes (painfully) thinking she was losing the plot. Desperation got the better of me and I boiled my 14ct ring for a couple mins to steralize it. Once dry and cool enough, I rubbed it gently over the affected area. Did this every half hour for 2 hrs from about 8am this morning- It is now 9:25pm and it has completely gone!!! No pain or swelling and the pain began to subside within about one hour. Im not sure why this works, but it may be due either to the slight heat applied, or due to golds antibacterial properties. Either way, as long as you thoroughly sanitize the item and rub it gently, it may work for you. It may also be dependant on the amount of gold in the item, but would stick to real gold, not plated. I was weary about putting foreign matter in my eye but as long as you don't touch your eyeball, santise it with chemicals or rub too hard, you may also be pleasantly surprised :)

Lavender Oil
Posted by Saritalove (Brighton, England, Uk) on 05/19/2011

Lavender Oil for Styes

It is super effective! New sty under eyelid gone in 2 applications (well I can't feel it anymore - haven't looked yet, but it hadn't swollen up when I started zapping it). The oil stung though, even in very tiny quantities! But it was worth it. thank you!!

Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 04/19/2011

I am glad that worked for you. I remember as a child when we had any eye problem my mother would send us to her cousin who was breast feeding and she would squeeze her breast milk into our eyes. That worked and we did not have to go to the doctor.

Posted by Jessica (Dallas, Tx) on 04/19/2011

After learning so much from this site, I felt compelled to share my $.02 in hopes of maybe helping someone else! About 4 months ago, I started having issues with my right eye. It started out innocently enough (itchy and watery) - chalked it up to TX allergies. It would go away for a few days, then I'd wake up some mornings with the same eye red, swollen, and itchy. Not currently having medical insurance, I didn't feel this was q big enough issue to make a costly doctor's visit.

Over the course of the last few months, the condition would come and go - vacillating between symptoms of eye stye and pink eye. I tried many of the remedies I read about and had varying levels of success. ACV (diluted) by far was the most painful, I love ACV but my eyeball does not... I ingested ACV.. In addition to a plethora of vitamins I was taking at the time. I slept with hot tea bag compresses on my eye.. Washed all makeup brushes.. Tried many many things! Noticing last weekend that the little stye bump was smaller than I had seen it in months, I decided to return to this thread on EC to see if there was any stone I'd left unturned.. I felt like I was really close to kicking this thing!!

2 words. EVAPORATED MILK. Oh my goodness. I washed/rinsed both my eyes with this before I got in the shower a couple days ago. Showered, got teary as usual and to be honest, I really didn't notice any big difference. Yet lo and behold, as I was washing my face this morning, I realized the little red pinpoint sty that has haunted me the past couple months is NOT THERE... I have to attribute this to the evaporated milk - none of the other remedies tried provided such quick and painless relief!

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Sjaan (Slc, Ut, Usa) on 11/03/2010

Last night I noticed a Sty starting on the edge of my eyelid. I have been reading this site for another ailment so decided what you guys would have for a fast growing sty, this thing was getting big and painful in a hurry. I tried the baby shampoo this morning and after 3 applications within 2 hours of each other... It's gone! Thank you soooo much! I really didn't need yet another ailment on my face. (I will explain further in a comment on dermatitis and ACV... Another big hit with me. ) I so appreciate all of you.

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Joanne (Battle Ground, Wa) on 09/27/2010

I too started getting a sty yesterday. I got on my favorite website, (earthclinic.com) and read about the baby shampoo, fortunately I had some.. I had a function to go to, my eye was hurting everytime I blinked, was red and swollen. I applied the baby shampoo with a Q-tip and almost instantly the pain went away, it stung for 15 seconds at the most. I used the baby shampoo several times yesterday and evening, before bed and this morning, it's almost gone. Who would of thot?? Love Love Love Earthclinic! :)

Eye Drops Containing Boric Acid
Posted by Cab (Sharon, Sc) on 09/19/2010

Sty relief.. With onset of sty irrogate eye 3 to 4 times daily with eyedrops that have boric acid in ingredients. Irrogating eye removes debris and opens ducts. I woke up on a Friday sore. Friday night worse. 2 days pain almost gone. Sty never developed and head never formed. Do everyday until redness is gone. Try it.. It worked for me. I have low immune system and it gave my eye the edge to heal itself. Of course keep hands very clean as not to reinfect or spread to other eye. I know these things hurt.. But this is the fastest and most reliable healing I have found!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vee (Ft. Hood, Texas) on 09/11/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sty! I was taking it for another issue I was having, and soon after starting, I noticed that a sty that had been on my eyelid for over a year was getting smaller! I didn't use anything different so I am contributing this to the apple cider vinegar. Now it is completely gone and my eye isn't puffy anymore.

Green Tea
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 08/12/2010

I had noticed last week that I had a sty forming on my left lower lid and after a couple of days it grew to the size of a pin head and under it it was all swollen. I had to go to a party around 3 pm on Saturday and it was Saturday morning when I woke up to this annoying sty!! I immediately cam to EC and looked up the remedies on here. I found that I had some Green Tea bags and decided I would give it a try. This is what I did: I put about a cup of water in the microwave and got it real hot and put in 5 Green Tea bags. I then got out my honey and dabbed honey on the area under my sty and tried to get it as close as possible to the sty - trying to get it in the sty. I then took one of the tea bags and put it on top of my whole eye. I left it there for approx 4-5 minutes - until it cooled off and then repeated the exact same thing for all the tea bags. First the honey, then the next tea bag, etc.. I then showered and went to my party. I did have a little drainage - so I just kept a cloth with me and dabbed my eye corner. After I got home around 7pm - I looked in the mirror and the swelling was gone and the sty was so small! After I woke up the next morning - there was no problem at all! I believe in the Green Tea bags - used with honey for stys!

Posted by Taylor (Columbia, S.C. USA) on 06/16/2010

The Urine does work. This is my 2nd sty. My Grandmother told my mother about this because i had never gotten one before.... this does work, by the next morninq the sty had shrunk so much...

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 06/02/2010

I saw the gold wedding band cure for an eye sty here. My husband had a nasty one. So, he rubbed my 14K, white gold wedding band on the sty for 5 minutes. He said that it instantly stopped hurting. It was gone the next day. Who'd a thought!

Gold Jewelry
Posted by Erin (Tuttle, Ok, Usa) on 04/08/2010

My boyfriend had a pretty nasty sty pop up so I ran to earthclinic for the cure. I was floored when I saw that a popular cure was rubbing a gold wedding band on it! The only thing I had that was gold was a tiny 14k earring. I didn't think it was large enough to work, but he was desperate so we gave it a shot. We sanitized the earring with rubbing alcohol, he rubbed it on his sty, and we went to bed. In the morning we couldn't believe his eye (ha)! The sty was completely gone. Thanks again to earthclinic and all the fine folks that post here!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Tiana (Flower Mound, Tx) on 12/13/2009

Used gold wedding ring to rub on a sty. Within 1 hour it was feeling better. And after rubbing it about 4 times within 24 hours, it was gone. THANKS!

Green Tea
Posted by Bagpuss (Aydin, Turkey) on 11/26/2009

I totally agree about using Tea Bags for the cure of Stye's!!! A few months ago I had a stye on my left eye that I could do nothing about. Initially (and because I had never had one before) I thought it would go away on it's own - it got bigger. So then I used a diluted version of tea tree oil - no change. Then I went to the chemist and got some chemical drug - it got worse and even got a huge yellow head on it that would not burst. Now we are at the stage of having it for 6 weeks. My whole eye was red, big puss filled spot on lower lid and very very painful. Then someone told me to moisten a tea bag and press it to my eye for about 10 mins a few times a day. I used a normal black tea tea bag. I did this and after 1 try it halved in size and the pain subsided. After three days of this it had gone!!! Totally amazing! I also put honey onto the puss spot. I would suggest combining honey and the tea like another poster has suggested. Please try this for the most effective and naturel treatment for stye's! Thanks for this website:) I have just been diagnosed with a big thyroid problem but I am having trouble getting the right diagnosis. Help!:)

Green Tea
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 11/05/2006

A couple of years ago I was having a problem with styes- those annoying, painful lumps on the eyelid, on or near the lash line. My cousin told me to prepare a green tea bag, make yourself a cup of tea and while the bag is still semi-hot, squeeze out excess water (leave some), and apply to the stye for a minute or so. Be careful it's not too hot (altho I like it that way). Usually there's no sign of them the next morning. Maybe a stubborn one will take another treatment, but that's it! Kills it quickly. I don't use same bag on both eyes, in case of cross-contamination. Last night I felt a severe pain in my lower left eye, but it wasn't a sty. I took out my contacts and used a tea bag on it, and irrigated it with the tea and it began watering. Which felt greatbecause it was so dry and painful!! The pain subsided altho it still stung with whatever it was in my eye. It's fine this morning. I also cured my son's red, inflamed, crusty eyes with both green tea bags and honey a couple months ago. I made the tea, added honey to it and dipped the bags back in, didn't squeeze and used them (2 bags) on each eye. Did this about 3 times in 36 hours and they were healed.

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