Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Styes: Fast Relief and Healing

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Gold Wedding Band

26 User Reviews
5 star (25) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Barbara (Raleigh, NC) on 12/02/2008

Rubbing my gold wedding ring on my eye actually worked to get rid of my sty. I couldn't believe it. I was very skeptical of this idea but figured I might as well give it a try, and it actually worked. I rubbed it a couple of times a day for maybe two or three days.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Christine (Clifton, NJ) on 10/22/2008

I rubbed my 14 carat white gold ring on my sty (gently!) A couple of times in one day- it's gone! One day later! Amazing !!!!! I love this site!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Texas) on 08/22/2008

I suffered greatly from stys when I was a child in the 50s. People didn't go to doctors then like they do now, you just got over it. I learned to tell my mother as soon as I felt a sty coming, and she would remove her gold wedding ring then rub it across the sty. Relief from pain was immediate and the sty healed quickly. I use this same remedy on my grandchildren. Mom said the ring had to be at least 14K to work properly, and I usually rub their sty a few times throughout day for good measure.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Anne (Boston, MA) on 06/20/2008

I've had a sty for longer than I care to admit to. I was about to try the potato remedy, but then thought, "Why not give the gold ring a try?" I used a thick, 14k gold ring... and almost immediately, I noticed a difference! It's not completely gone, it could be in the process of still healing, but at least it's not noticeable anymore!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Anna (Winnipeg, canada) on 01/15/2008

rubbing a gold wedding band on my sty got rid of it over night. I read this cure somewhere on the web but i don't remember where. I tried castor oil but it didn't work for me. It could be anything made of gold so long as it is smooth. so you guys with styes give it a try.

Green Tea

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Hessy (atlanta) on 06/15/2022 6 posts

I've had Styes before and had used the baby shampoo, but this time it seemed to make it worse, so I tried the Green Tea Bags - I felt the stye come on that day and by evening was fired up -

Got 3 Green tea bags, warmed them up in boiled water. Got my honey ready. I took the Honey, rubbed a small amount over my eye, where the stye was and also along the eyelashes, grabbed the hot Tea bag and got about 90% of the water out of it - placed it on eye and let it sit for about 3 minutes - repeated same process 3X - went to bed! In the morning about 80% gone, so did the same in the morning - by noon 100% gone!

I believe this was even quicker remedy than the baby shampoo in the past and a lot less toxic! When I take showers now, I always allow hot/warm running water to hit my eyes for 15-20 seconds minimum and wash them out - this has seemed to help limit my styes -also using tea tree oil based shampoo and rub on eyelashes too.

Green Tea
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 08/12/2010

I had noticed last week that I had a sty forming on my left lower lid and after a couple of days it grew to the size of a pin head and under it it was all swollen. I had to go to a party around 3 pm on Saturday and it was Saturday morning when I woke up to this annoying sty!! I immediately cam to EC and looked up the remedies on here. I found that I had some Green Tea bags and decided I would give it a try. This is what I did: I put about a cup of water in the microwave and got it real hot and put in 5 Green Tea bags. I then got out my honey and dabbed honey on the area under my sty and tried to get it as close as possible to the sty - trying to get it in the sty. I then took one of the tea bags and put it on top of my whole eye. I left it there for approx 4-5 minutes - until it cooled off and then repeated the exact same thing for all the tea bags. First the honey, then the next tea bag, etc.. I then showered and went to my party. I did have a little drainage - so I just kept a cloth with me and dabbed my eye corner. After I got home around 7pm - I looked in the mirror and the swelling was gone and the sty was so small! After I woke up the next morning - there was no problem at all! I believe in the Green Tea bags - used with honey for stys!

Replied by leila

what if you don't have honey? Is honey an important part of this remedy?

Green Tea
Posted by Bagpuss (Aydin, Turkey) on 11/26/2009

I totally agree about using Tea Bags for the cure of Stye's!!! A few months ago I had a stye on my left eye that I could do nothing about. Initially (and because I had never had one before) I thought it would go away on it's own - it got bigger. So then I used a diluted version of tea tree oil - no change. Then I went to the chemist and got some chemical drug - it got worse and even got a huge yellow head on it that would not burst. Now we are at the stage of having it for 6 weeks. My whole eye was red, big puss filled spot on lower lid and very very painful. Then someone told me to moisten a tea bag and press it to my eye for about 10 mins a few times a day. I used a normal black tea tea bag. I did this and after 1 try it halved in size and the pain subsided. After three days of this it had gone!!! Totally amazing! I also put honey onto the puss spot. I would suggest combining honey and the tea like another poster has suggested. Please try this for the most effective and naturel treatment for stye's! Thanks for this website:) I have just been diagnosed with a big thyroid problem but I am having trouble getting the right diagnosis. Help!:)

Green Tea
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 11/05/2006

A couple of years ago I was having a problem with styes- those annoying, painful lumps on the eyelid, on or near the lash line. My cousin told me to prepare a green tea bag, make yourself a cup of tea and while the bag is still semi-hot, squeeze out excess water (leave some), and apply to the stye for a minute or so. Be careful it's not too hot (altho I like it that way). Usually there's no sign of them the next morning. Maybe a stubborn one will take another treatment, but that's it! Kills it quickly. I don't use same bag on both eyes, in case of cross-contamination. Last night I felt a severe pain in my lower left eye, but it wasn't a sty. I took out my contacts and used a tea bag on it, and irrigated it with the tea and it began watering. Which felt greatbecause it was so dry and painful!! The pain subsided altho it still stung with whatever it was in my eye. It's fine this morning. I also cured my son's red, inflamed, crusty eyes with both green tea bags and honey a couple months ago. I made the tea, added honey to it and dipped the bags back in, didn't squeeze and used them (2 bags) on each eye. Did this about 3 times in 36 hours and they were healed.

Green Tea
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 11/05/2006

A couple of years ago I was having a problem with styes- those annoying, painful lumps on the eyelid, on or near the lash line. My cousin told me to prepare a green tea bag, make yourself a cup of tea and while the bag is still semi-hot, squeeze out excess water (leave some), and apply to the stye for a minute or so. Be careful it's not too hot (altho I like it that way). Usually there's no sign of them the next morning. Maybe a stubborn one will take another treatment, but that's it! Kills it quickly. I don't use same bag on both eyes, in case of cross-contamination. Last night I felt a severe pain in my lower left eye, but it wasn't a sty. I took out my contacts and used a tea bag on it, and irrigated it with the tea and it began watering. Which felt greatbecause it was so dry and painful!! The pain subsided altho it still stung with whatever it was in my eye. It's fine this morning. I also cured my son's red, inflamed, crusty eyes with both green tea bags and honey a couple months ago. I made the tea, added honey to it and dipped the bags back in, didn't squeeze and used them (2 bags) on each eye. Did this about 3 times in 36 hours and they were healed.

Green Tea
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 11/05/2006

A couple of years ago I was having a problem with styes- those annoying, painful lumps on the eyelid, on or near the lash line. My cousin told me to prepare a green tea bag, make yourself a cup of tea and while the bag is still semi-hot, squeeze out excess water (leave some), and apply to the stye for a minute or so. Be careful it's not too hot (altho I like it that way). Usually there's no sign of them the next morning. Maybe a stubborn one will take another treatment, but that's it! Kills it quickly. I don't use same bag on both eyes, in case of cross-contamination. Last night I felt a severe pain in my lower left eye, but it wasn't a sty. I took out my contacts and used a tea bag on it, and irrigated it with the tea and it began watering. Which felt greatbecause it was so dry and painful!! The pain subsided altho it still stung with whatever it was in my eye. It's fine this morning. I also cured my son's red, inflamed, crusty eyes with both green tea bags and honey a couple months ago. I made the tea, added honey to it and dipped the bags back in, didn't squeeze and used them (2 bags) on each eye. Did this about 3 times in 36 hours and they were healed.

Heated Spoon Method

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stuart (Kamsack, Saskatchewan) on 03/01/2016

A sty developed on a Friday and it was gone by the following Monday morning. I tried a few things: gold ring seemed to offer some relief, but temporary for me. I tried using a spoon, a remedy I found elsewhere, and it worked in combination with black tea bags.

Heat the spoon in a cup of tea and remove. Wave it around until it's not too hot to touch to your hand, then carefully cup over the affected eye, like half of a set of goggles so only the rim of the spoon is touching the skin. Once it cools, reheat in the cup of tea and repeat. Continue repeating until the tea cools and you can no longer heat the spoon to a warm enough temperature.

I guess if the sty is caused by a blockage of a pore or duct, then this therapy is like a mini-sauna for the eye and opens the pores, allowing the built up fluid to drain. I could tell when it was working because my vision became blurry in the affected eye - from the sty draining, I presume - and my vision cleared within 20 minutes or so.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Crystal (Buffalo, WY) on 03/05/2009

I used organic unpasteurized honey from the health food store to cure warts on my son's hands. You take a table spoon twice a day for two weeks. I recommended this to a friend who had warts and it also got rid of her sty she had for years near her eye.

Lavender Oil

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Barbara D. (Idaho) on 04/04/2024

I just want to concur..lavender oil stopped my stye from getting out of control! As soon as I figured out that a stye was forming I flushed it out with an eyewash in an eyecup. Then I put colloidal silver in my eye several times that day. The next day the stye was bigger, so I read on this site to use lavender oil. Yikes it stung! ..but the next day it had shrunk. I did the lavender oil one more time that day and the next day..GONE. Two days total, amazing.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Tawny (Us) on 01/10/2016

Lavender Oil for Sty

This the only thing that worked. I tried ACV, Gold, Puracel, Pomegranate, Triple Antibiotic ointment, Hot Compresses, Baby Shampoo and can't remember what else. This did it. I didn't put it on my eye ball but I did put it on the lower lid. One treatment about 40 percent better and draining. Nothing ever did that. I had it across both lower lids. You are awesome to share this!!!! Thank you.

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