10 Natural Stye Treatments for Fast Relief

Gold Wedding Band

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Posted by Elaine (Thailand) on 09/08/2014

My 11 year old daughter had a sty last week on her upper and lower eye lids. I read on here that many people recommend: Gently rubbing a gold band on it as a cure. We did this for a few minutes 3 times a day for 2 days; within a couple of hours, the stys were less painful and completely gone by day 3. I don't understand how it works, but it does!

Also we've had great results treating warts and verrucas with ACV.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Kathy (Ny) on 05/31/2013

My husband gets stys and we just rub a gold 14 K ring on it a few times and it goes away!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Julia (Gonzales, California) on 11/28/2012

Wow! This is an amazing home remedy. I had the worst sty on my lower lid inside corner of my eye. It was very swolen and red. The whole area under my eye was also swollen and red. I rubbed a gold earing as I did not have a gold ring, for about 5 minutes and an hour later the swelling and redness is about 50% gone! As I was rubbing it, I could actually see the clear liquid draining out of the sty! Thank you!!!

PS: I washed with Green Tea afterwards and felt even more instant relief.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by St (Tokyo, Jp) on 11/22/2012

The gold wedding band cure works. I was developing a painful style where I could even feel the lump rubbing on my eye. My mother had one a while back and tried the baby shampoo and potato cures but neither worked so she had to go to the doctor and have it lanced as well as take antibotics and it took 2 months to fully heal. Therefore, I decided to try something different and went for the gold band method. I had my doubts but I since I had a ring on hand and it would be completely free to try, I thought I would try it. I cleaned my band, pulled up my eyelid (the sty was inside my eyelid), and I rubbed for about 1 minute. The sty had a puss filled yellow tip but the ring did not cause the puss to come out on my eye, thank goodness. The band felt really good and gave a lot of relief, but still I thought "this can`t work". I figured it was just the coolness of the ring that was giving relief. I had to go to a meeting so I stopped rubbing after 1 minute and left. About 2 1/2 hours later I returned home and suddenly realized my eye wasn`t hurting anymore so I checked it and it no longer had the puss tip and it had shrunk and was the color of my skin. That night I rubbed the sty a little more and woke up with no pain. A little of the sty was still there but no pain and no puss. 3 days later it was gone.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Brad (Kansas City, Mo) on 08/10/2012

When we were children, my grandmother would rub her gold ring on our stys. It was pretty amazing how quickly it seemed to work. After about 5 minutes of rubbing the ring on the sty, we were off playing again and never gave it a second thought. As an adult I've had a couple of stys in the past 30 years and I've always gone back to the gold ring remedy. Has never failed.

My partner woke up this morning with a sty. He's flying to Chicago today to speak at a conference. Needless to say he's not happy about the sty. After convincing him to rub my gold class ring (from the 1970's when they were still gold) on the sty, the pain immediately subsided. I'm confident by Saturday morning his sty will be gone and he can enjoy his conference.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Bunny (Ontario, Ca) on 07/24/2012

My husband had the beginnings of a sty a few years ago and we just took a 14 K ring cleaned it and rubbed it on the sty about 3 times a day (just wiped it across about 15 times)and it went away without getting really large. Such a simple thing to do and it saved him alot of pain.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Alexandra (Cheshire, England) on 03/27/2012

My brother, when he was a child, used to often get an eye sty. My mother used to take off her wedding ring and give it to him to rub on the sty for a minute or two. I don't remember her ever sterilizing the ring. The sty would be gone by the next day. I think it is better if the ring has a high gold content, but I did get rid of one myself with a 9ct ring.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Pf (Philly, Pa) on 03/26/2012

I thought this sounded just crazy enough to work. It did!!!! It was sore and hurt to blink. I rubbed one of my gold rings on the inside of my lower lid for a few minutes before bed. When I woke up it was almost gone! It didn't bother me much at all today, but is getting a little sore so I'm going to do it again for longer this evening.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Sly (Philly, Pa ) on 09/29/2011

Wonderful advice. Have to admit I did not think it would work to be honest but I figured what do I have to lose. I took off my ring cleaned it well and started to rub, did for for a hour. My eye went from being red sore and puffy to very little redness Not as sore ( can touch it now) and the puffyness is almost gone, that was for a hour of rubbing. Will keep doing. THANKS AGAIN. Great website.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Jacqui Wiskar (Qld, Australia) on 09/13/2011

Gold ring to fix stye/ sty

Suprisingly... It has worked!! Yesterday I could feel that around my tear duct, it was starting to swell and become painful. It was feeling infected, and I was worried I would get a big sty, and I attempted the tea bag method (placing a tea bag- as hot as you can possibly stand- over the area for 10mins). This morning it was not worse nor better. My mother suggested rubbing a gold ring over the area to which I laughed and rolled my eyes (painfully) thinking she was losing the plot. Desperation got the better of me and I boiled my 14ct ring for a couple mins to steralize it. Once dry and cool enough, I rubbed it gently over the affected area. Did this every half hour for 2 hrs from about 8am this morning- It is now 9:25pm and it has completely gone!!! No pain or swelling and the pain began to subside within about one hour. Im not sure why this works, but it may be due either to the slight heat applied, or due to golds antibacterial properties. Either way, as long as you thoroughly sanitize the item and rub it gently, it may work for you. It may also be dependant on the amount of gold in the item, but would stick to real gold, not plated. I was weary about putting foreign matter in my eye but as long as you don't touch your eyeball, santise it with chemicals or rub too hard, you may also be pleasantly surprised :)

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 06/02/2010

I saw the gold wedding band cure for an eye sty here. My husband had a nasty one. So, he rubbed my 14K, white gold wedding band on the sty for 5 minutes. He said that it instantly stopped hurting. It was gone the next day. Who'd a thought!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Tiana (Flower Mound, Tx) on 12/13/2009

Used gold wedding ring to rub on a sty. Within 1 hour it was feeling better. And after rubbing it about 4 times within 24 hours, it was gone. THANKS!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Barbara (Raleigh, NC) on 12/02/2008

Rubbing my gold wedding ring on my eye actually worked to get rid of my sty. I couldn't believe it. I was very skeptical of this idea but figured I might as well give it a try, and it actually worked. I rubbed it a couple of times a day for maybe two or three days.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Christine (Clifton, NJ) on 10/22/2008

I rubbed my 14 carat white gold ring on my sty (gently!) A couple of times in one day- it's gone! One day later! Amazing !!!!! I love this site!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Texas) on 08/22/2008

I suffered greatly from stys when I was a child in the 50s. People didn't go to doctors then like they do now, you just got over it. I learned to tell my mother as soon as I felt a sty coming, and she would remove her gold wedding ring then rub it across the sty. Relief from pain was immediate and the sty healed quickly. I use this same remedy on my grandchildren. Mom said the ring had to be at least 14K to work properly, and I usually rub their sty a few times throughout day for good measure.

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