Apple Cider Vinegar
I've been using ACV to treat sties for years. Bent over the sink, I put a large spoon with ACV in it, up against my CLOSED eye. I'll tilt it a bit making sure I've covered entire eye. I'll hold it there as long as I can-at least a minute. Then rinse my eyes thoroughly with water afterwards. Be careful not to get in the eye because it stings like the dickens, making you literally cry! But, as soon as you flush it out with water, the sting will be gone. To my knowledge, nothing over the counter will heal those sties that fast! Within the day, my eyes feel better. Since using this method, my sty has never gone beyond a day or grown larger! And yes, I learned to use ACV from Earth Clinic. Thank you Earth Clinic, I come to your site often! You've been my faithful doctor for years!!
(Pasadena, CA)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I noticed a red rash above my eye yesterday morning and as the morning went on it got puffier & puffier (suspecting it may turn into a sty) so I put 2 Tablespoons of ACV in a cup of water and each hour bathed my eye with cotton wool and the ACV solution. It was alot bettter by nighttime. My eye was still abit puffy when I awoke this morning, so kept bathing my eye every hour for the next 5 hours and its great. Cured. Fantastic site for solutions to problems.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar, White Potato
You have to try the combination of the apple cidar vinegar and white potato because I tried just apple cidar vinegar and it did not go away.
Avoid Aluminum Deodorants
The following day I would get a sty in one of my eyes - always the same eye but I have forgotten which one. Took me a while to join the dots as it were but I would normally NEVER get an eye sty. What was going on? Dashed uncomfortable - felt like a rock in the eye.
Someone alerted me to the fact that there was aluminium (or 'a-luminum' as you say over there) listed in the fine print on the back of said container.
I kicked the thing into touch and have never looked back as it were. Smelly dates were better than styed eyes.
Hope this major scientific discovery of mine helps some other folks as well!
Cheers from Down Under
Baby Shampoo
I use a cotton bud to apply it and repeat as often as I can - it really works.
Redness reduced and swelling going down already - Thank goodness.
Baby Shampoo
Baby Shampoo
First, I removed my contacts completely and went to glasses for the last 2 weeks. My eyes are breathing better and just feel better in general.
Second, I began using warm washcloths multiple times a day and lightly massaging the sty.
Third, I have been taking echinacea capsules for 2 weeks now.
Fourth, I applied a drop or two of apple cider vinegar directly to the sty (daily).
Fifth, I washed my eyes gently with baby shampoo at least 2 times daily.
Sixth, I made sure I stayed hydrated with spring water.
Seventh, I tried to get extra rest when I could for my eyes.
I don't know exactly which one of these things specifically led to the turning point to start healing this problem, but I just wanted to share all of the things I could think of just in case someone else is just starting to tackle their sty. I think one important factor is to begin treating this immediately! Start right away with the warm washcloths on the sty. I didn't start immediately and it didn't go away on its on for me. I think the most important things are the following: warm washcloth with light massage on sty, wash the eye area with baby shampoo, don't keep touching the area. Only touch it when you are cleaning it or using a washcloth.
My sty is now going down and healing hopefully! Thank you Earth Clinic members for sharing your tips because you helped me a ton!
Baby Shampoo

hi, did you apply baby baby shampoo directly on the sty or dilute it. I tried both, but the area got redder n more swollen. Am I doing something wrong?
Are you using a branded baby shampoo? It likely contains chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate. That could cause irritation. Major brand baby shampoo is not safe for anything.
Baby Shampoo
Baby Shampoo
Baby Shampoo
Baby Shampoo
Baby Shampoo
(Cary, Nc)
No, you wash the eye thoroughly inside and out for at least two minutes. Try to do this at least three times a day. It helps believe me. It will sting a bit but the relief is worth it once you start soaping it up. Be sure to wash your hands anytime you come in contact with your eye and hot compresses are a good relief as well. Good luck!