Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate Crean 1%/0.05% has CURED my blepharitis! I've waited a couple months to post this because I wanted to be 100% sure it was not going to come back, and I can confidently say I am completely CURED. I wanted to make a fresh post so it could be seen clearly, because this is really really important for anyone looking for a cure. Not just a treatment of symptoms, but a real CURE! It is possible your blepharitis could also be caused by the same fungus. It is a fungus we all have on our skin but it can get out of balance. My husbands ear infections were caused by this same fungus imbalance, and this cream has cured his ear infections also. It seems doctors always think "bacteria", and only one doctor has ever considered "fungus". Thank goodness he did, because now we are both cured of our chronic infections. Please do yourself a favor and try this if you are fighting blepharitis, or other infections. This cream is also treating the crusting and cracking behind my ears, and inside my nose. I use the tiniest tiniest amount on a qtip and the results are so rapid and major even after the first use. I also put on lotion or my homemade olive oil beeswax salve afterwards to keep the skin moist and aid in the healing process. It also seems to help spread the medication. I hope this cures someone else! Not helps, but cures! If it works for you too spread the word, I couldn't be a happier person. Blepharitis is torture. If by chance it stops working for me, I will be sure to delete this and update, but as long as this post is up with no update, you know I am doing fine:)!
I see the first medicine can be bought at the store. And how did you treat yourself with the second one? Were you alternating them?
thank you,
Antifungal Cream
I've suffered for a decade with chronic severe blepharitis. 4 doctors in a row just believing that was so. 5 different prescription antibiotic creams tried, worked for short times, but failed and even made it worse long term. 50 different home remedies, you name it, I've probably tried it, bought it, or made it. The last 2 years I settled on using my homemade beeswax and essential oil salve for the most relief I could get. I gave up on everything else. All my eyelashes are gone, and I'm always miserable, wearing sunglasses. My "blepharitis" is not only in my eyes but also gets in my eyebrows and a new but similar issue began behind my ears a few months ago.
My husband has had recurring ear infections most of his life and crusting around ears and nose. He keeps going to the doc, getting antibiotics, and the ear infections just keep coming back, sometimes worse than before. But, this time he went to a new doctor, and this doctor had a new diagnosis. He said it's not a bacteria infection, but an overgrowth of a fungus that is already naturally on our skin. He and sent him home with Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Cream USP 1%/0.05% and Ketoconazole shampoo. I watched my husband's ear infections and skin issues disappear in just a few days and then I tried some of the prescription cream for myself.
I put on an extremely thin application of the cream behind my ears, in my eyebrows, and then just barely wiped my eyes with what was left on my fingers. I felt a deep itching and slight burning for the next several hours behind my ears. The next day, already feeling much less inflammation, I did a 2nd application the same way, and I felt layers of skin rubbing off behind my ears, but it was not painful and the skin underneath was not inflamed. That night I did a 3rd application and the peeling was done, the skin felt clean, and the healing was remarkable! I no longer felt any new crusts and goops developing in my eyes either. The thick leathery feeling skin started to feel softer and today I woke up and did not even feel a need to wash my eyes. The skin feels completely clean and new. My husband keeps remarking about how my eyes don't look red or puffy anymore.
This anti-fungal prescription cream has cleared up everything and put healing in turbo mode! For real!? Even the "blepharitis" I've been suffering with for a decade!? Have I been misdiagnosed with blepharitis all this time? Have I been treated for bacteria growth when it was fungus this entire time? It seems like once one doctor told me I had blepharitis, every doctor after that just believed it and didn't consider anything else. I've never even heard a doctor consider fungus as a cause. I believe I have found my answer to my "blepharitis". They say they don't know what causes blepharitis, they just think it's bacteria. Well, it appears to be a fungus in my case.
I pray this continues to work. I've had products help for a time and then stop working. This time it seems to be doing more than just helping though. It seems to be actually curing. If this does stop working I will be sure to come on here and update this. But for right now, I had to let you all know. Ask your doctor about the possibility of fungus overgrowth. I have suffered for way too long, tried way too many medications, and spent way too much time and money trying to figure this out. I hope this can help someone else.
I am happy to report I HAVE BEEN CURED!!! Please share and tell everyone and every doctor. My blepharitis has been cured by using the anti fungal cream clotrimazole and betamethasone dipropionate 1%-0.05%. It is 100% GONE! My eyelashes are growing back!! I only had to use the cream for about a week, and in such tiny tiny amounts. The crusting behind my ears is still very slightly resurfacing and I have needed to reapply it a few times but it is definitely working and keeping whatever this fungus is in check. Please give this a try if you suffer from blepharitis. Everything else I have posted on here has only helped the symptoms, but this was my CURE!
(Tyler, TX)
Betamethazone should not be used near the eyes. Look up what betamethazone is used for and read the warnings.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Okay guys just want you to know I've done this treatment with ACV and distilled water now for 3 days. Scrubbing my lashes with a Q Tip on my eyes and my eyes have not felt this good in almost a year. This is definitely working for me. Thank you all.
Did you just use equal parts of ACV and distilled water?
Apple Cider Vinegar
How are your eyes doing now? Has anyone heard of wet ones to use for blepharitis? Also, my eyelashes are falling out. Has this happened to anyone else?
I bought a bunch of benzalkonium chloride mini wipes, which is the ingredient in wet ones. I can see how it could help some people but it dried my eyes out way too much. The skin around my eyes peels and gets raw too easily now. It took years but yes, every thick dark eyelash has now fallen out and all I have is the thin lighter lashes. I believe this is permanent at this point. I bought lots of cool tinted glasses to help me feel better. It sucks but at the same time, along with losing the thick lashes I've also experienced way less of the painful infections and inflammation.
Apple Cider Vinegar
10 min ACV EYE BATH 3x/day for 3 days: Submersion: 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar in one large salad bowl of warm water.
Put side of face in water bowl to keep breathing through corner of mouth, submerse eye, blink open while looking different directions to cover all areas.
Cured red bug eye with pussy node at bottom of eyelash sandy feel at tear duct. Eye was glued shut in AM from crust.
Note: Wore eyepatch to alleviate nocturnal scratching.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had blepharitis in both eyes, with painful ulcerations on my eyelids. It was like I had toxic tears. Dr. said to use a 10% solution of baby shampoo in water and use it to scrub eyelashes with cotton swab. Condition worsened.
Mixe together 5 parts distilled water, 2 parts organic honey, and 1 part ACV. One drop in each eye 2x each day. The solution does not need to be refrigerated. I made it in a clean liquid measuring cup, then transferred it to a droppper bottle. The solution packs quite a sting. More if the inflammation is more severe. It is important to get the solution all over the eye by moving the eye left, right, up and down while closed. It will sting each time, but IT WORKS!!! For me after 2 weeks the inflammation was completely gone. I'm thinking of trying it once a week for maintainance.
Found this receipe in a book: Healing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs.
Baby Shampoo

Dear Gert,
I guess it isn't known if the baby shampoo or tea tree oil are causing the reaction. It could be the chemicals in the baby shampoo. My daughter has skin outbreaks if she uses the wrong shampoo. For that reason, I would hesitate to use baby wipes which often have chemicals in them which can cause skin reactions. (I had to make home made baby wipes for one of my children because of sensitive skin issues.)
Perhaps you would consider the honey? It is healing to skin and 100% pure. A local honey in a glass jar would be ideal.
I also really like castor oil for skin issues. It is quite nourishing to dry skin.
You might check out Earth Clinic's pages on perioral dermatitis, as perhaps that is what you are dealing with and the remedies may be helpful either way.
~Mama to Many~
(Tyler, TX)
I was thinking manuka honey would work well because sometimes it is caused by a staph infection.
Also, I use baby shampoo and not the typical brand. I make sure it is free of red dye. BB's.
(Fairfax Va)
(New York)
Blepharitis, if you are older, is often caused by demodex mites. Baby shampoo will not stop them, only wash them away temporarily.
You can use sulphur soap - Mites hate sulphur. Mind you it's sulphur and has some smell. But not horrible.
Braunfels Labs SAL3 is also commonly used as a calming sulphur face wash for relief from demodex mites, and acarid.
What I used -
Pet MD Benzoyl Peroxide Dog & Cat Shampoo.
This is HIGHLY effective. It does not smell. I use as a facewash and shampoo.
You can add a couple drops of teatree oil. Teatree oil is the most effective essential oil again demodex mites.
You must stop consumption of dairy as this is mite food.
You need to change your bed linens as often as possible washed in detergent and borax. Dry at high heat.
I had a severe case on eyes and head. And though above was very good, I finally got prescription for Ivermectin two weeks apart and it stopped the mites.
FYI Mite irritation comes in two week episodes so you have to be vigilant in eradication.
Many doctors don't even know about this as cause for blepharitis!
If you feel your eyes get bad in the evening then its most likely demodex mites! I know! Yuck but everyone has these but if your immune system is down or if you are older they turn into an issue.
Keep your face clean, demodex love face oils.
Also you makeup feeds mites. If you want to get rid of them ditch eyemakeup. Use only aloe gel on your face.
These can be extremely hard to get rid of.
(Fairfax Va)
Thank you, Missm, what great information!
(New York)
You are welcome!
Additionally if you have a mild case, you can try this if its demodex.
Tea tree oil dilute one part tea tree five parts fracionated coconut oil (this oil is odorless, and available on Amazon. Its also called MCT oil) in dropper bottle. Tea tree oil kills demodex it's the number one solution unless you cant get rid of them and need ivermection. Tea tree oil is quite strong and you need to dilute. If unfamiliar with it, it has a bit of a gasoline terpentine smell. You either love it or hate it.
Other oils are lavender, but tea tree most effective.
You will take a q tip and put some of the tea tree solution at the base of your eye lashes, after washing face.
At night if your eyes are making you crazy from demodex, get unscented baby wipes and put a splash of 70/30 alcohol in package. Alcohol kills them too. And if you're groggy a quick wipe to the eyes will allow you to sleep.
How can you tell its demodex? If you take a 10x mirror and look at the base of your eyelashes and see those eyelashes coated with white spots those are an indicator. If you wake up with gunk in your eyes, if your eyes bother you especially at night and early morning. If your eyes are itchy.
Demodex are a BIG PAIN. I had no idea they existed except all of a sudden I got monster chalazion eye styes which started my adventure with them. After that the blepharitis, and then the discovery about demodex!!
Baby Shampoo
I found this tedious. My symptoms have worsened. The burning is like strong soap in my eyes. Running eyes and a lot of pain in the night. I can't open my eyes and they are very sticky and stuck together. I am now going to try Bhephasol (multi buy ) through Amazon, and eye gel (also multi buy) 3 in all and try this. Consistency is the key to any successful treatment. And then I will tailor down what I do to see how manageable my condition is. Cleansing the eyelids is the key to treatment.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Doreen, read up on Castor Oil for the eyes (some people just put it on the eyelid, not into the eye).
And some people are helped by applying honey.
(New York)
Please read about démodéx mites and blepharitis.
Another easy solution instead of baby shampoo and a lot cheaper than climates products.
Purchase Garnier Micellar water from drugstore, you cannot remove the top FYI. Add two drops of lavender essential oil, two drops tea tea oil at the top dispensing hole. Close top and shake to disperse. Use with cotton pads several times a day and especially at night time.
This will cleanse the eyelids and lash line and it's easier than baby shampoo.
Older people get demodex mites. Everyone has them by the way!
You must be religious keeping eye are clean with above for at least 6 weeks as there is a life cycle with the eye mites.
See post regarding washing laundry with borax.
Diet! Eliminate dairy. I was using heavy cream for coffee and this made the eye mites happy.
Baking Soda
From Book – Merck's 1899 Manual of the Materia Medica page 94. Sodium Bicarbonate is listed as one of the remedies used to treat Blepharitis by Doctor's at the turn of the 1900's. It is an Old – Folk remedy for the eyes.
Take a 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) and mix with small glass of boiled water that has recently cooled. Dip a cottonwool bud into the solution and scrub the edges of both upper and lower lids. This should be done at least once, at night-time and if possible, in the morning too. Remember treatment can sometimes take 2 or 3 weeks to work, so perservere!!
Bees Wax Cuticle Cream
Over the last few months I have tried the benzalkonium chloride wipes and the hydrogen peroxide/borax mix, and they both dried my eyes out horribly and made them super raw. My blepharitis may be too advanced for such harsh treatment. I also tried blephagel, and same thing... made my eyes dry and raw. But I just posted about the ecoessence lotion I discovered. With the lotion, the olive oil, and beexwax salve (I also posted about) once in a while, I have my blepharitis very much under control, finally. I also cut up dozens of microfiber cloths so I can easily do my hygeiene routine. I no longer sit with a giant washcloth on my face for minutes, or facemasks you put in the microwave. I fold up a tiny piece of my microfiber and run it under a stream of very hot water and press it into my eye over and over and gently vibrate my hand. In 1 minute I get better results than if I tried to lay down with a cloth on my face for 10 min. I hope this is helpful:)
Benzalkonium Chloride
Benzalkonium chloride is the active ingredient in some antibacterial wipes.
Blepharitis Prevention Remedies
(Phoenix, Arizona)
What a frustrating condition! I was a fool when I was younger and used an incredibly strong product to remove my eye makeup and oh, it did the job! As well as beginning the onset of my insanely frustrating issues with blepharitis! For at least 3 years I struggled with this condition and the only thing that I could find to clear it up was a prescribed topical, but it would only last for a short while before coming back full force. I tried everything! It wasn't until I was doing research and saw some info about baby shampoo being gentle and helping out people with this condition. I had already tried everything and was willing to try anything else, so I gave it a go and it was wonderful! I not only washed my eyelids with baby shampoo daily, but I moisturized my eyelids and the skin under my eyes with baby lotion right afterward. Sometimes I use different variations of the lotion, like the night-time baby lotion or I'll mix the creamy baby oil with the baby lotion and use that.. But I always make sure to use a baby lotion product and it's absolutely fabulous! It has been at least 5 years since I've had to deal with blepharitis! I continue to incorporate the baby shampoo (which removes eye makeup like a charm by the way! ) and lotion into my daily regimen. Other than it keeping that horrible condition away (which is enough reason in itself to use the baby products) - I attribute it to my lack wrinkles around my eyes when all of my friends my age have them. I hope this combination helps someone else out there as it has me! :)
(Mesa, Az)
I completely back up the baby shampoo comment. I use coconut oil, though, and take particular care to not put any of my other skin regimen on my eyelids. Before the shampoo, coconut oil, hot compresses, and occasionally topical antibiotic mixed with cetaphil soap- my eye-lid was SO bad that even philosophy miracle worker burned it. I remember a scab on my eyelid. It was so bad that I had to stop my latisse. Any one with this problem should try any and all of the above remedies, along with the other posters suggestions.
(Warwick, R.i.)
I have been dealing with this since October. I had it years ago and it never got past redness part. I felt like I had something in my eyes, they burned, when I cry it makes it worse so I don't cry and believe me I would like to! It started in one eye, then went to the other and now both. Some days it feels like it is going away and the next its back.
I have oily eyelids, flaking and then peeling gross skin off my eye area, redness, soreness, itchiness, eyelashes here and there fall out and an ache or pain in my eye.
My Dr. gave me at first eye drops, ointment, but it didn't seem to clear and then I went on an oral antibiotic and just did the ointment and I have OTC drops. I went back 2 days before Christmas and he said looks good, the next day I started getting tough skin in the eye area and then it flaked and peeled off and it was gross. I am on a new eye ointment and one oral antibiotic a day.
I have too much going on I don't need another issue. I think that is all for now. I know now I am not alone, but it still stinks.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Warwick, RI)
I use an eye ointment at night now. How am I supposed to use the castor oil or the honey? I just find it strange putting honey there. How do you do it and how much? I am fed up with everything. The other day I thought it was clearing and then bam! It is back. My skin is tight again and it is going to start to peel. This isn't a way to start the New Year off.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Warwick, R.I.)
(Warwick, R.i.)
Okay I saw my eye Dr. again the other day. I was told that this blepharitis has to do with the weather and that it is common. Why do I get all this crappy stuff? I was told to use the Systane drops a few times a day and to use the Tobramax (I think I spelled it right) all around my eyes. This thing has got me so irritable and moody and I can't cry because it hurts! I don't know if I can post pics here or not and don't see a link. I told someone I feel like/look like a reptile zombie. It is all red, sore, peely/blistery and I look horrible! I want it to ease already. :-(
(Wb, Nj)
Hi Kerri, I don't know if your medication has steroids in it, but if it does or if you have ever used a product with steroids in it please do a search for "international topical steroid awareness network", their forum has a section on steroid induced eye irritations, or "topical steroid addiction", or "topical steroid withdrawal". Good luck.
(Warwick, R.i.)
This is what I am on; TOBRADEX? (tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension) is a sterile, multiple dose antibiotic and steroid combination for topical ophthalmic use.
Between what I read online and what dr's say or don't say I get scared. I am not feeling good on top of this today. I am beginning to think my obgyn could help me better!
I don't see the email to send photos.
EC: It's on the contact us page: ec1(at)earthclinic(dot)com
(Wb, Nj)
Hi Kerri, can your doctor offer you a non-steroid medication? Some people are very sensitive to steroids and have a very bad reaction. Unfortunately, most doctors will not acknowledge that steroids are not a wonder drug for everyone. Please search and read about other people's eye experiences with steroids. You may or may not identify with what you read, but if it is a bad reaction steroids it will only get worse as long as you use the steroids. Think back to what ointment you have used around your eyes - did it have a steroid in it? From what you posted it sounds like a bad reaction to steroids. I think you should look into this possibility. There is a usually a long healing period with multiple flares where you get worse again before you get better. Good luck!
I have read in one of the books that using steroids near the eyes can cause catarach so be careful, instead I am using the coconut oil around my eyelids at night before I go to bed, it helps some.
(Lexington, Ky)
I have been suffering from blepharitis for years and finally there is a professional in-office treatment for it. It is called Bleph EX, the doctor cleans your lids under microscope with a special tool. You will get your before and after pictures, the difference is astonishing. I am symptoms free and finally not embarrassed by my appearance.
(United Kingdom)
Dear Priya,
I think raw honey or manuka honey would be safer than baby shampoo. Many have found it cures blepharitis.
~Mama to Many~
(West Hollywood)
BlephX treatment is a gimmic, I know, I work with my doctor that does it, They are all shocked. How patients even pay for this treatment. But these patients are suffering so they would do anything to help them feel better, this treatment uses saline and some tea tree oil with a rotating brush to clean the lids, that's all but they charge a LOT of money for it you can do yourself at home.
Blepharitis Triggers
(Mpls, Mn)
I agree. I never had any eyelid swelling or eyelash loss, nada, zip. The dr convinced me I had to put plugs in to be prescribed a dry eye medication as he insisted I had (which I don't believe I did have because I never had any indication or symptoms). I was there for a regular exam! Turned out my insurance did not require this to decide whether I needed dry eye formula or not. I was furious because my eyes were a complete mess with a lot of swelling under and upper lids both. This was five years ago and to this day I have nothing but misery with my eyes. I have some days they are symptom free but this is short lived. I have tried everything and whenever I've went in for advice on this they get worse. I'm completely done with that and refuse any treatments, just check my eyes and let me go! I insist they wipe off all of the equipment before exams.
I put a gate on my bedroom door to keep my dog out and this has been helpful somewhat. I will say that we have had dogs for 35+ years and I never reacted to them, they are a hypo allergenic breed. I was just reading a gal insisted to try borax for eyelash loss as she explains it is a mite. This is what the eye clinic did say and that some people are "just allergic" to it. Well I highly doubt some are just allergic to it after getting an exam and turning up with it. I am going to try the borax and see how that works. Right now I use a clean warm washcloth on them at least 3 times a day and wash them with a gentle cleanser.
(Tyler, TX)
I swear I would have mine under control and we would go back to this one eye doctor who had geriatric patients and I would get it again right away. I found that spraying the house with Lysol disinfecting spray helps fight it. I am going to try Borax and manuka honey separately. I believe this will cure it.
Borax and Peroxide
Major Pending Breakthrough: H202+Borax misted directly into eyes... Thanks to Earth Clinic I basically cured my 20 year long Rosacea thanks to this remedy. Strongly about 3 years ago I discovered it was re-manifesting even after treatments. This really upset me and I expanded my research and somehow amazingly stumbled upon Zinc Pyrithione by considering DErmitis as another option maybe intermingled with the Demodex Mite based Rosacea that was clear after my initial success.
Anyway recently I felt it time for a Zinc Pyrithione touch-up after some allergy symptoms hitting my eyes and upper cheek (which I have also considered as a possible side-effect to sinus allergy trying to purge through the face) All of a sudden a day later my eyes got worse and for the first time in my life I became convinced I was having severe EYE allergy. I do have three cats and am in the end of our long Vermont winter not cleaning enough with closed windows etc...
Since I have always freely sprayed h2o2+borax onto my face, head and neck with eyes closed; and then opened my eyes after under a minute and endured the sting, dabbed the corners of my eyes, and was fine 1 minutes later: I decided to make absolutely sure I got my eyelids this time and actually opened my eyes briefly during the misting. This time the sting lasted a bit longer but I was fine in 3-5 minutes, no burning at all just a slightly residual sting and watering eyes... This morning NO itchy burning eyes at ALL. Wow, I might be premature here with this excitement but right now I am thinking since the Zinc Pyrithione is so irritating to my eyes -- I never get closer than eye brows under-eye bag area and bridge of nose -- that maybe the mites migrated up tiny my eyes after the last Zinc treatment. My next move is to find the right amount of borax (no h202) to add to my Neti Pot instead of Salt!
Part of this testimonial is with in mind Ted's mention (I'm sure for good reason) of avoiding the yes by wearing Goggles. I say no need to avoid the eyes. If anything my vision is usually better in the morning after a misting -face Borax treatment. The sting spraying heavily with closed eyes after opening them last about a minute maximum -- and about 3-5 if done with eyes open. No other side effects here to report except like I said: Improved Vision...
Update I almost can not believe it.
I did another treatment to make sure last night. Borax H202 Misted directly into eyes...
Major eye irritation of a week completely gone instantly. Reminds me of my first discovery of this Rosacea Cure.
The crazy thing is when you read about Tea Tree Oil taking three weeks?
Borax/H202 seems immediate!
I am going to start taking baths with this combo.
And I'll try and wash my pillow cases more often too.
I guess I had mites in my eyes...
Bye Bye mites.
I'm starting to think the Dry skin side effect is totally worth it.
But of course one can always use their favorite moisturizer..
But here's the irony: Too much Coconut, Jojoba, Squalene, Argon -- you-name-it oil -- TOO close to the eyes creates day long irritation. Borax H202 solution misted straight to the EYES stings for maximum 5 -- but last night less than 3 minutes. I think I killed the mites around my eyes and I am very happy!
I usually just saturate 3% H2O2 with Borax. Even with eyes closed -- when opened after misting the corners of the eyes and eyelids get a pretty good treatment. I consider it safe myself and like I said I can even open my eyes and allow a little solution to get in while misting with no side effects other than a couple of minutes of sting which goes away after you blink a couple dozen times...
Can you please explain what you mean by 'just saturate 3% H2O2 with Borax'? I'd like to try this. Having problems with blepharitis for a while now.
(Madera, Ca)
To make a saturated solution of H202: Add borax to the 3% hydrogen peroxide until you see that no more borax will dissolve. If your hydrogen peroxide comes in a dark or opaque bottle, you'll want to mix it with the borax in a clear glass or plastic container (preferably glass). After adding enough borax you'll notice the additional borax will no longer dissolve in the solution, but instead remain un-dissolved at the bottom of the container. At that point you've got a saturated solution. You can pour off the solution and separate from the un-dissolved borax. It's not necessary but will prevent your spray bottle from clogging. Cheers!
(Alberta, Canada)
Borax & Peroxide spray is working really well for me. Thank you Devon!
I added borax to peroxide until saturated and added to a spray bottle.
I kept my eyes closed when misting and, after waiting a minute or two, blinked to just let the tiniest amount into my eyes. It stung a lot! Even more than diluted tea tree oil or ACV. I repeated the misting several times on the first day.
By the second day the red, rough eczema I had around my eyes was healing. It was lighter in color and no longer scaly. My eyes didn't itch, so I used the Borax & Peroxide spray 2 or 3 times but avoided getting any in my eyes.
Today is the third day since I started the Borax & Peroxide spray and I haven't felt the need to use it at all today. There is no itching and my skin is continuing to heal. I'm using a salve (cocoa butter & beeswax) to help heal my skin and wiping my lash line with micellar water with a few drops of tea tree oil added.
So, I would say this is very effective but if your blepharitis is severe like mine was, it is also very intense! It stung my skin where I had eczema and it stung my eyes so much that I made sure I was sitting down and had a towel handy in case I couldn't handle it.
I wonder if it would work just as well if you could keep your eye closed tight or add a lesser amount of borax to peroxide. I would recommend being gentle and taking it slow, especially if your blepharitis is severe.
Well from my memory I always closed my eyes and sprayed with Eyes Closed! Then tried not to open my eyes until necessary or Solution dried!
Update after many years I moved through Zinc Pyrithione as an adjunct realizing that my Rosacea was also Dermatisis of sorts.
However now I have discovered the ultimate maintenence Treatment: Zinc Oxide applied at night as a Face Cream. I get the most 'natural' without any addition ingredients that you can find highest SPF Sun Screen. I discovered this accidentally during tha pandemic when the Mask would cover my face so I left a layer of Beach Clown Zinc Oxide on my Face all day. I find this so amazingly soothing for my Skin. I haven't used Cortisone even as an emergency in years. I do try to get it out of my eyes though. IT does tend to migrate while sleeping!
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used for eyelid trauma debridement and can effectively inhibit bacteria, especially anaerobic bacteria. Contaminated and infected wounds should be flushed using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution before eluting with saline to thoroughly remove dirt and foreign bodies from the wound. Hydrogen peroxide can cause keratoconjunctival injury; thus, it should be avoided on entering the ocular surface during use.
Eyelid cleaning: Methods, tools, and clinical applications Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 71(12):p 3607-3614, December 2023.
Source:, _tools, _and_clinical.7.aspx
Calendula, Baby Wash
(Sydney, NSW)