Natural Cures for Blepharitis

Bees Wax Cuticle Cream
Posted by Barefoot (OR) on 02/01/2023

Over the last few months I have tried the benzalkonium chloride wipes and the hydrogen peroxide/borax mix, and they both dried my eyes out horribly and made them super raw. My blepharitis may be too advanced for such harsh treatment. I also tried blephagel, and same thing... made my eyes dry and raw. But I just posted about the ecoessence lotion I discovered. With the lotion, the olive oil, and beexwax salve (I also posted about) once in a while, I have my blepharitis very much under control, finally. I also cut up dozens of microfiber cloths so I can easily do my hygeiene routine. I no longer sit with a giant washcloth on my face for minutes, or facemasks you put in the microwave. I fold up a tiny piece of my microfiber and run it under a stream of very hot water and press it into my eye over and over and gently vibrate my hand. In 1 minute I get better results than if I tried to lay down with a cloth on my face for 10 min. I hope this is helpful:)
