10 Natural Remedies for Spider Bites

Baking Soda, Salt, and Garlic
Posted by Shelley7 (Tampa, Fl) on 03/24/2016

Thank You so much for having this site available! I was bitten 5 days ago the area has been very sore and itchy. I did go to a walk in clinic and they basically said ice, Tylenol, antihistamine cream which none helped:( I have been miserable knowing there must be something more I could do! I made my poultice of baking soda, pink Himalayan salt, crushed garlic covered it with large gauze bandaid! Wow instant relief:) It's midnight it's all I had in the house. I saw active charcoal mentioned too.I'm going to have this on hand in the future as well! This is my first time bitten by a spider! Not fun, it's very painful and scary! Hopefully it heals up nicely soon and doesn't get worse:(
