Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Albemarle, NC) on 12/30/2006

My mom told me about it, I tried it on warts and skin tags, put it on a piece of cotton ball and soak it with ACV and put a band aid on it over night, refresh it in the morning and it will turn it dark. Give it a couple of days and it will disappear. Believe it or not.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rhonda (Morton, PA) on 05/15/2007

I began taking 2 TBSP organic ACV, 1 TBSP organic Honey and 8oz. Distilled Water 1X per day and my skin tags are going away. I noticed they started drying up and after only 4 days after taking this drink daily and it was totally unexpected. I also have more energy and my face looks clearer. I am going to continue this 5 days on and 2 days off and see what else happens! I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who contributes to this website it's got a ton of great info. I could get lost on this site for days!

Bacitracin Ointment
Posted by C (PD, USA) on 04/20/2007

I had wrote you earlier: e-mail: BACITRACIN OINTMENT... update on the above progress, I ordered the Lugol's Iodine and started putting in on my melonoma looking thing, I started putting the Lugol's iodine and bacitration alternating and the spot is almost gone, Lugol's apprantly works faster, I know it is a lot thicker and it does seem to irritate it more, but I think that is just part of the process, because it started flaking off more and more each day

Bacitracin Ointment
Posted by C (PDL, USA) on 01/31/2007

I had a (not sure what to call it) wasn't exactly a mole or skin tag looked more like a melanoma, come up on my hand a couple of months ago, anyway I started the iodine remedy (couldn't find lugols so using Iodine Tincture, going to keep looking for Lugol's) about 5 days ago and since one of your feedback people said his got infected I decided to every couple of days put Bacitracin Ointment, before I started the Bacitration, I noticed the thing already getting smaller, I am going to continue this experiment and occasionally use bacitration ointment to see if it goes totally away, I will keep you informed of my progress.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park,CA) on 03/31/2007

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.

The Rip It Off Method
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 02/19/2007

I had a skin tag on my arm. My regular doctor saw it and asked me "shall we remove this thing?" I answered with a blank stare, in an instant he took hold of it and yanked it off. It didn't hurt, and he laughed and said "that'll be $75." Of course he didn't charge me. It didn't bleed, or hurt, just a pinch for a moment.

The Rip It Off Method
Posted by Lori (France) on 09/09/2007

I agree with the rip it off method. I have been doing that and it works. They itch like crazy when they first start growing in. I was told by a doctor that they are caused by friction. (Is that true?)The ones around a neck could be cause by constant rubbing of a neckline or a necklace. They are easier for me to rip them off then to cut them off. Even if I accidentally rip off only part of it, the leftover stub will dry up and fall off the next day or so. That has always been my experience. I appreciate this site and all the wonderful information.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Christine (Tulsa, OK) on 09/26/2006

My friend had a skin tag on her neck. A mutual friend tied a string tightly around the tag and in less than 3 days it fell off. No blood or scar. He said it only works on skin tags.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Silvia (Wiltshire, England) on 04/01/2007

I had a skin tag on my underarm, i tied a bit of white cotton round it tightly, left it a few days then tied another bit of cotton and left it for a few more days, it started to get red and go darker, i put some antiseptic cream to soothe it, a few days later it got darker and fell off, it worked with my sister too, very effective.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 05/28/2007

I've had two skin tags in which I treated them myself. I twisted them as much as I could stand and then tied them off with thread, tightening once or twice. The tag turned a dead grayish color and no longer had feeling... (no blood circulating through it) then I sliced them off. They have not returned - one gone for years and the other for over 6 months already.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Joyyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 11/10/2007

To the lady with skin tag on 10 yr. old dog: I recently removed large black, mushroom shaped mole off edge of upper eyelid of a little older dog with some old folks surgery, and it should work on a skin tag. Have someone the dog knows and trust to pull it gently away from the attached area while you tie a short piece of sewing thread tightly around the base of it. This cuts off its circu-lation & it drops off 3-4 days later. Our little doggie sure looked better and happier without that ugly thing that looked like a big blood-filled tick hanging down over her eye and interfering with her vision.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by N.M.T. (Florida USA) on 07/12/2007

Just wanted to note that I had a skin tag in my armpit for about two years and decided to put tea tree oil on it. I moderated soaked a cotton ball and did it two days in a row. The second day it turned black and a bit later with some coaxing, it fell off. That same week another popped up on my abdomen and I repeated the procedure and got the same exact results. There are no marks left behind, nothing!

Posted by Rose Marie (Cottonwood, AZ) on 08/09/2007

I use bloodroot paste on moles and skin tags. As everyone says, it does cause moderate pain and redness. I apply it for 3 days with a bandaid over it and then I apply neosporn or bag balm for 3 days with a bandaid and the mole or tag falls off by itself at the root level. The area then heals and within a few weeks there is no sign of damage.

Posted by Gina (Lakewood, CO) on 10/12/2007

I make a bloodroot salve that is great on skin tags if you catch them when they first pop up. As far as getting rid of older ones, I'm not so sure. It may work, but the friend who is trying it has been at it awhile with no noticable difference.

Posted by Andre (Waterbury, CT) on 11/08/2007

yes i have tried the bloodroot paste on many things. i 1st used it on a weird lump i had on my doctor had told me it was just fibers under my skin and not to worry, but i had to get rid of it, it just nagged me to be there. so i did a search and thought bloodroot paste might work. and guess what it did. it also got rid of my skin tags. and 1 time out of 5 it left a scar. i think its because i bandaged it with, because the other times i didn't and it left nothing..

Posted by Debbie (NA, CA) on 02/04/2008

You can still buy it at: !! But it comes in 2 parts and you have to mix it yourself. Very helpful also. I don't think I read this source here, but I didn't read every single post either. Just in case:

My husband did try it on a rather large skin tag. It was difficult to cover w/bandaid. It got really gross also but one day it turned BLACK!! and eventually fell off. I guess the tag was too large (about 1/2 inch long???) so he had to do it again. Both time it definitely was painful. But it now is just a little bump but always pink. I don't think he wants to try it anymore. He cut off another one that was smaller and that was the easier way to go.

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