- I have attempted to treat my hemorrhoids via multiple natural means unsuccessfully for about 10 years. They only gradually became worse over time despite my attempts to treat them on my own. I have spoken to my GP before from time to time about this issue, but I often feel like he doesn't take my hemorrhoid problems seriously (possibly because I look young and healthy). Whenever I do see him about this issue, he just gives me generic advice about adding more fiber to my diet and prescribing ointments or creams that at best only provides temporary relief.
- It is only when I was in ALOT of pain (where I wasn't even able to sit or lie down without crying in pain) that my GP finally referred me to lady doctor to check out the condition of my hemorrhoids, who then referred me to a gastroenterologist. It was then that I was diagnosed with prolapsed thrombosed hemorrhoids. He recommended a colonoscopy and banding surgery to fix the issue.
- The wait in between waiting to see the doctor, then the gastroenterologist and then finally the scheduled surgery was excruciatingly painful. That period lasted for months. During that time, I had to postpone any plans to work or study. All I could do is stay at home, manage my condition via sitz baths, adjust my diet and toilet habits to minimise any pain from doing a no.2 and continue attempting to treat my hemorrhoids during the wait. I had asked why I had to wait such a long time to get my problem sorted. The reason I was given was that hemorrhoids are not a life threatening disease, therefore are not a priority for treatment. Not to mention that I'm fairly healthy otherwise.
- During the wait, I was introduced a acupuncturist who had successfully treated other people to had hemorrhoids. He was able to identify the underlying cause to my condition and used acupuncture to treat it. This, along with adjusting my diet (to include probiotics, fruits and vegetables) and adjusting my toileting position to avoid straining, eventually made my bowel movements easier and painless. I cancelled my scheduled surgery in favor of doing the acupuncture treatment, since waiting for the surgery seems to be taking so long and the acupuncture treatment seems fairly successful.
After the acupuncture treatment, I thought I still had hemorrhoids, despite my bowel movements being a lot easier and painless. I still had flesh coming out of my anus and I still have difficultly cleaning the anal area or sitting comfortably on it. At first, I tried diluted apple cider vinegar to treat the flesh. They did slowly get smaller but I didn't enjoy this treatment and it didn't do much for me aside to giving me an uncomfortable burning sensation. Later, I tried just simply applying castor oil to the flesh after reading the posts about castor oil for hemorrhoids on earth clinic. The castor oil seems like a gentler and more effective treatment than apple cider vinegar. I was able to get rid of more of the extra fleshy part of the anal area over time but I still couldn't get rid of it completely.
It wasn't until later that I worked out that these weren't hemorrhoids anymore, but skin tags in the anal area. Because I already seem to have some success with castor oil for treatment, I decided to so some internet research about using castor oil to treat anal skin tags. I learnt that castor oil has the ability to drain moisture from skin tags, causing it to shrink and die off when it is in contact with it. The internet also mentioned that mixing it with baking soda makes the castor oil more effective.
I did try castor oil and baking soda together once only to get a stinging sensation in the anal area. So I decided to just use castor oil on its own. However, instead of just simply applying it to the anal skin tags, what I decided do recently is get some toilet paper, saturate one side with the castor oil and wrap it around the skin tags to ensure that it is constantly in contact with the castor oil all day and night (and changing the toilet paper and castor oil 3 times per day).
- I've been doing the castor oil with toilet paper treatment for about 10 days now. My skin tags were huge and uncomfortable at the start of those 10 days. Now they're a lot smaller and barely noticeable. I still have some skin tags left over, but castor oil as a treatment for anal skin tag removal has been very successful so far. I'll keep going with this for now and hopefully they will disappear.
Vitamin C
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
It works for getting rid of skin tags because it is so acidic. However, this does mean that it should never be used to eradicate skin tags on or around the eyes. For effective removal, all you have to do is carefully clean the area in question just do this as you usually would, with a mix of mild soap and water.
Once completely dry, dab a cotton ball in a small bowl of apple cider vinegar. Use your fingertips to squeeze out the excess liquid and then hold the cotton ball firm against the skin tag. You need to keep it there for approximately 10-15 minutes, so it could be useful to stick it to the skin with a bandage or plaster and then get on with another task.
To start getting rid of skin tags on your body, you need to do this three times every day for a 1-2 weeks (or until you can see the bit of skin start to darken in color, shrivel, and then fall off. There should be no pain involved with this home remedy, but if you do have any small cuts or scratches around the area which you are treating, you might find that the apple cider vinegar stings a little.
I had this problem in the past and I want to share some of my experiences.
All the best, Andrew
Apple Cider Vinegar
Zinc Sulfate
I believe the skin tags to be caused by a virus because dry ice will remove skin tags. This technique has more risk due to possible freezer burn of the surrounding skin.
Under the thread skin tag theory I found sugar may be the cause. I thought this was important so I'm posting here as well.
It's Dec 29 and I just noticed some new skin tags on my neck. One in particular is large and itchy; it wasn't there last month. The association between sugar and skin tags seems to be true for my body type. During this holiday season, I've been drinking ginger beer soda and eating other foods loaded with sugar.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Castor Oil
When I initially started using the oil, my skin tags shrunk dramatically after just using it for 10 days. However, although the tags continued to gradually shrink as I kept using the castor oil, progress slowed down considerably after those 10 days. During these past four months, there were times when the tags seem stubbornly remained attached to my anal area and refused to go away, despite my efforts to apply the castor oil to them twice/thrice per day everyday. Other times, it seems that the castor oil is having an effect on the tags and is working in dissolving the skin tags as they slowly get smaller and smaller as time goes by.
At the time of writing this post, my tags are now the size of two small grapes, whereas before I started this treatment, they looked like a cluster of grapes.
My current routine now is this: 1) After going to the toilet in morning, I would carefully and throughly wash my tags with water and pat it dry with some toilet paper (then wash my hands with soap). I also have been wiping myself with tissue soaked in a mixture of epsom salt and water 2) I then rub a paper towel against the tags to dry it and remove a layer of skin cells from the surface of the tags 3) Once they're clean and dry, I then massage the castor oil into the tags and cover them with 2 squares of toilet paper (to protect my underwear and pants from being stained with castor oil). When I'm done, I go about my day.
At night before going to bed, I take a sitz bath with epsom salts in water as warm/hot that I could stand for 20 mins. I then pat myself dry, pour the bath down the drain and repeat steps 2 & 3 of the treatment
Pros of using castor oil - It's an easy, comfortable and painless method of removing skin tags. You don't have to go through painful surgery to remove them and it's a remedy you can comfortably do at home. The oil can easily be obtained from a pharmacy, which sells it as a laxative.
Cons of using castor oil - You'd have to be very patient and persistent in your application to remove skin tags with this method. This isn't an overnight miracle cure. In my case, the oil has done an excellent job in making my skin tags much smaller after months of application, but they still remain. Still, I'm optimistic that the skin tags will eventually go away as I continue this treatment.
Also, be mindful that the skin tags will bleed occasionally as the castor oil dissolves the contents of the tags, not to mention that you will also need to carefully wipe away the dead skin cells off before each application. I gave this treat a rating of 5/5 in my last post since it was very effective in shrinking my skin tags. Now, I'm giving it a rating of 4/5 as it's taking ages for the tags to go away.
A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
I have several skin tags. Most are flat, but a few were raised and itchy. I have to say that I put off dealing with them for quite awhile, but finally got up the nerve to try the string method.
I cleaned the three tags with alcohol. Then, I used plain white sewing thread to form a loop around each and tightened it as much as I could stand. After a few days I repeated the string because the tags shrink and you want to continue cutting off the blood supply. On the fourth day, one had almost fallen off so I clipped it with sterilized scissors. It bled a tiny bit so I swabbed it with alcohol, dabbed on some anti-bac cream and covered it with a bandaid. I was more patient with the other two and they just fell off with no bleeding.
What a simple solution to an annoying problem.
I would appreciate input on flat skin tags that cannot be tied with string. thanks.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
After reading about people's experiences on this site and trying several of the remedies, what has been most successful for me, is apple cider vinegar (with the mother). After trying several different methods, I discovered that filling a cylindrical clear top with acv, e.g. top of hair smoother pump bottle, and holding that over the skin tags allowed them to soak in the Apple Cider Vinegar (which worked better than Qtip or cotton balls). I started doing this 2 times a day for about 5-7 mins. I put vaseline around the area first. They started to immediately get smaller. After a week or so, I also started to drink about 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of acv, diluted in a glass of water, once a day. Occasionally I missed a day with my 'treatment' but it didn't seem to set it back at all. It's now about 10-12 days later and the difference is huge. The two are so much smaller and the ones that had started to develop have just disappeared and the surrounding skin looks normal again. I'll keep up with the treatment obviously, which has had fantastic results. I have had no real discomfort - just have to use the vaseline and I feel so much better! The area looks so much more normal now - amazing to see the develping ones disappear. I tried iodine and tea tree oil, but never really saw any noticeable improvement. Thank you so much to all the people who contributed to this site - your help has been life changing!!
I think that applying iodine to skin tags is a great way to introduce iodine into the bloodstream thereby reaching the virus which lives at the base of your spine, manifesting itself as chicken pox, mononucleosis.shingles and in two percent of the population throat cancer.
Be careful with overdosing we all have a "full tank " capacity when it comes to muradic. acid/ iodine. God bless you!
P.s. T he thyroid regulates the level of iodine to cleanse the blood and calcium to provide energy to the body through the blood so get enough calcium or your blood will leach your teeth and bones to get enough.