Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Lilli (Kenmore, Wa) on 06/13/2013

I had to write and thank everyone on the site for yet another great remedy.

I have several skin tags. Most are flat, but a few were raised and itchy. I have to say that I put off dealing with them for quite awhile, but finally got up the nerve to try the string method.

I cleaned the three tags with alcohol. Then, I used plain white sewing thread to form a loop around each and tightened it as much as I could stand. After a few days I repeated the string because the tags shrink and you want to continue cutting off the blood supply. On the fourth day, one had almost fallen off so I clipped it with sterilized scissors. It bled a tiny bit so I swabbed it with alcohol, dabbed on some anti-bac cream and covered it with a bandaid. I was more patient with the other two and they just fell off with no bleeding.

What a simple solution to an annoying problem.

I would appreciate input on flat skin tags that cannot be tied with string. thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ct (Somewhere in Texas, Usa) on 05/28/2013

I think what I had was a skin tag! The tag was on my back and I could only see it by holding a hand mirror above sholder level and viewing my back in the bathroom mirror. The tag was in the middle of my back, slightly to right (or to the left looking in the mirror! ). It had been there some time, and I paid it little attention. However, as it grew, I could feel it when leaning back in my office chair. It had grown to about the size and shape of a No2 Pencil eraser.

Fortunately, I could just reach it by extending my left arm over my right sholder, and so I taped a cotton ball soaked in ACV over it each night before going to bed. I did this every night for about sixty days (two - thirty band aids - packs) by which time the tag dissolved, leaving just a small spot about the size of a freckle or mole.

I learned early on to sleep on a towel as the Apple Cider Vinegar stained my sheets when I rolled over on my back during sleep. Marvelous stuff this ACV!

Posted by Suzanne (Montreal, Canada) on 05/03/2013

Another home remedy for warts or skin tags is Garlic! A girlfriend of mine told me about the garlic a long time ago for warts. My daughter at that time had a really bad wort on the bottom of her foot. I tried the most popular wart removal agent fromthe pharmacy on it and they still didnt remove wart. I then tried the Garlic. Take a fresh slice of garlic preferably from the middle of the clove. Apply directly onto wart then cover the garlic slice that is on top of wart with bandaide. Making sure no area of wart or garlic is exposed. So put a second bandaide on top in opposite direction of first bandaide to make sure garlic doesnt fall off. Do this at night and leave on overnight. Wart should be gone by next day, if not repeat the following night. Guarentee it will be gone. The same can be done for skin tags! You will notice that it has shrunk in size by the next day. You most lijely need to repeat again until completely gone, depending on size of the skin tag. Hopes this helps others. This has been the most effective and cost efficient and least painful of all options.

Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 01/27/2013

Unfortunately, the best juicer for vegetables are the masticating juicers which are expensive around $250.

Posted by Steve H (San Diego, Ca) on 01/27/2013

I'm 46 and I agree with Glen from NY! I saw Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and immediately started juicing on 12/22. I googled "does juicing remove skin tags" because my skin tags were gone 3 weeks later. I had skin tags on my left eyelid, my armpit, and around my neck were gone! Good job Glen! Thanks for sharing your story so I know I'm not completely crazy!!

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Robert (Eugene, Oregon) on 01/11/2013

I had a sprouting skin tag (looked weird!) between my eyebrow and my eye. I used diluted grapefuit seed extract, using a q-tip (carefully! ). It helped a little bit. After reading this site, I got the nerve to tie a piece of dental floss around it and pulled tight. I didn't use a double knot because I wanted to get it off in the morning. It reduced the size and got got darker. I kept using the GSE, but took a night off before using the string again. This time I pulled really tight. The sharp pain I felt the first time didn't happen this time. In the morning I pulled again, but it wouldn't come off, so I used a razor blade and cut it off, because this time I couldn't get the string off, and didn't want to have a string over my eye all day. No bleeding, no scarring, just a small bump left. My wife was quite impressed.

Posted by Glen (Derby, Ny) on 01/05/2013

I'm 50 and had a rather large skin tag on my bottom eye lid for some time which began looking like a head of cauliflower. I started juicing vegetables several weeks earlier for basic better health reasons and to my amazement the tag is complete gone. I juice carrots, apples, kale, parsley, garlic, ginger and sweet potatoes. If this is the result from juicing I can only imagine what it has done for my insides. This is the only possible reason since I have not made any other changes. Good luck to all.

Posted by Es (New York) on 01/03/2013

I recently noticed a small skin tag on my chest. I'd never had one before. I came right to earthclinic, read about Lugol's and ordered a bottle online for a couple of bucks. I applied it for about 3 days, about 2x a day, I just painted it on with a q-tip. It actually worked, within a few days the thing was gone. It did dry some of the surrounding skin from the breast which flaked off, so perhaps I overdid it a bit. I attempted to put some oil & or vaseline around it as someone here suggested, to prevent the staining etc from the surrounding area, but that didn't work. The skin did come off the area but it wasn't a wound, just a bit raw and sensitive, but it's healing just fine, with a bit of jojoba oil to moisturize and heal the skin. Anyway, the thing may have grown and so I'm really glad this worked, at least I know if I ever get another one (which I hopefully don't) I will know exactly what to do. Thank you for the wonderful solution earthclinic! You rock!!!

Skin Tag Vs Basal Cell Carcinoma
Posted by Wisdom Ace (Port Huron, Michigan) on 12/26/2012

I had a skin tag removed from my eyelid. It was in between eyelashes. After the Dr. removed it with lazer, he sent it away to be tested and it came back as basal cell carcinoma and they did the surgery again to remove more tissue to get back to non-cancerous normal tissue. As a result, I have no eyelashes in that area. So approximately 1/8 inch of my eyelid is bald now but no return of the skin tag. the skin tag was approximately 1/8 in inch long before it was removed. Very small.

The Fingernail Clipper Snipping Method
Posted by Wisdom Ace (Port Huron, Michigan) on 12/26/2012

My doctor used surgical sissors and pulled the tag tight and clipped it off. I felt a momentary small ouch and then it was gone. However: they came back in and in large numbers. I wonder if it's some sort of reaction to certain minerals in our one a day vitamins?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gillyb (London, Greenwich, Uk) on 12/18/2012

I was starting to arrive at my wits end trying to herbally get rid of two large skin tags on my face, the main one being 4mm in size the smaller 3mm. I tried tea tree oil, I tried naturasil (got completely conned out of £25 as it did absolutely nothing but smell to high heaven! ), finally I read the posts on here in relation to ACV. I do have the option of minor surgery but didn't want to go down this route, neither was I brave enough to use the string or just freeze and lop it off with a razor methods.

I am happy to say that after a week of diligently applying the ACV 3 to 4 times a day and sometimes putting some on a small piece of cotton wool and keeping it on over night with a plaster, it has finally turned black. I used an ear bud to apply the ACV trying to keep it as local as possible to the actual skin tag whilst trying to avoid the normal skin around it so as not to cause irritation, I'm so happy it seems to be working, it hasn't fallen off yet but the blackness is starting to cover the whole of the tag now and it's going a crusty, hopefully it will fall off and I won't be walking around with what now appears to be a burnt raisin on my face! GillyB

Posted by Patglad (West Chicago, Il) on 12/16/2012

what is in the plaster that you applied to the area? thanks, pat

Posted by Chuck (London, Uk) on 12/06/2012

I developed skin tags in my armpits some 20 years ago (gawd) and they have always been a source of embarrassment for me. I would say 10-15 on each side; not big and they didn't bother me at all. Actually, I had (hee hee) one big one on each side - big as in 1cm long and thin.

Also, I have (sorry, had :)) one medium one and about 4-6 small ones on my neck.

Anyway, as you might imagine I hated them. I am just remembering now that when I was 29 I went to the GP (Family Doctor) and he pulled a face and said that there were "too many" to do anything with (he should be struck-off - he really failed me; I wonder how many other people he has really failed also. All while taking a big fat salary and pension). If I was embarressed before, I was now mortified... I have been meaning to do something... But what. I have been so busy and they weren't bugging me (until my sister... SISTERS! ... Said on holiday once, in a very loud voice "Ughhhhh... what are those").

Over the years I have tried all sorts - alcohol, Tee Tree Oil, lots. Anyway last week I came across this site (magic! ) and I decided to try the iodine - I had some in the cupboard (I put it on the kids for any scrape / cut). Two days of hiding in my bedroom slathered in iodine... Go on, it is funny (the family were off seeing relatives). They did look a bit bothered, but not anywhere near bothered enough for my liking. Iodine on my shirt, on the floor, pyjamas and the towel... ughhh.

Now, I don't have heaps of time to spend on this. I want them gone, but I can't sit around for hours slathered in this and that; I have kids and a job and a wife etc etc. So, I spied those scissors in a pot in the bathroom... Hmmmmm... These little fellers have bothered me too long. I decided to cut off one of the big boys (1cm, not really big) and see about the pain / blood. I rubbed iodine into the scissors (I am sure that there are better ways - boiling / alcohol, but I was on a roll and there was to be no stopping me) and into/around the skin tag.

'Snip', almost no pain ( not even a pinch's worth) and almost no blood. I put a plaster on it and the.... The mad glint in my eye... this was good, really good (should have done it years ago - silly me).

I snipped all the ones on my neck off (fabidoodah). Yes, a little bit of blood - much less than a cut finger. Probably all amounted to 2 drops. Slapped plasters on. There was one that was half mole and half skin tag... you got it, that came off too (not the mole bit).

Actually, I should have gotten better scissors - I do have some, it's a question of finding them. I had to 'trim' a couple of them back a couple of times to get the whole tag off. And one was a bit tough and needed to be snipped by the sharper bit of the scissor blade. Afterwards I trimmed a bit of my hair... I only mention this (as I had evidently gone mad - joking) as it became about the same level of 'intervention', if you like.

This all happened 10 minutes ago and I am now sitting here with about 10 plasters on and happy, happy, happy.

This is phase 1. The underarmers (phase 2) will go either with scissors (which I am really happy with) or with string (which I am intrigued by).

The big thing is though, I am back in control. And it feels good.

Thank you Earth Clinic - I clearly needed some encouragement.

One last bit of advice - I am an expert now, remember. It would be easier if you could get someone else to do the snipping... I didn't as I am too embarrassed about them and the moment of their demise came and I had to do it then!

Anyway, don't wait - Go for it NOW and in 10 minutes you will be sitting there with a few plasters on and the hugest smile.

Skin Tag Theories
Posted by Dianamarie (Tampa, Florida) on 12/03/2012

im so scared to do it I had a skin tag for 4 years and every summer im embarrassed I cant cut it.... too afraid please can someone tell me what to do after cutting it .??

Posted by Laurie (New York, Ny/usa) on 11/19/2012

I find it fascinating that all of the NAYS are from guys. Maybe it doesn't work on men?

Nail Polish
Posted by Trinity (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/03/2012

Hello, if I use the nail polish method, will it leave a mark, even after the skin tag has fallen off?

Posted by Mmb (Geneva, Il) on 10/29/2012

DID IT!! Read all the posts re: just cutting the darn thing off. Cleaned sharp hair scissors & tweezers w/ alcohol... Husband gripped and pulled tag away from skin w/ tweezers, and he snipped it off w/ the scissors. I used ice on it for about 10 SECONDS before he did this. I am not kidding you, it did not hurt at all... As a matter of fact, I didn't even know he had cut it off.... A little bleeding, but i'm 'neosporined/bandaded' up! I cannot believe I went this long w/ tags.... Don't hesitate trying this method!

Posted by Annette (Branford, Ct) on 10/19/2012

Years ago I used tincture of iodine to remove skin tags.

Nail Polish
Posted by Ashely (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/19/2012

Does the nail polish method leave a mark after it falls off?

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Vicki (Nashville, Tennessee, Usa) on 10/05/2012

I have used this method with sewing thread or even a long hair from your head. It works. It takes several days but it cuts the blood supply and eventually it "dies" and falls off. It will begin looking dried, hard and black and then fall off. Once it starts looking "dead", as described, you could (if urgency is needed) help it along by clipping it off but I prefer to wait until it does it naturally. The problem of course are the ones that don't stick out enough to get thread or hair around the base of it.

Posted by Monica (Houston, Texas) on 09/23/2012

I had one that grew very near the inner corner of my right eye. It became increasingly bothersome, not to mention the embarrassment of having people try to tell me I had an eye-booger and then I would have to explain that it was a skin tag, not eye-crust!?! Super embarrassing! I finally got desperate and decided I would just cut it off myself.... I numbed it with ice and snipped it off with sterilized nail clippers. I didn't feel a thing and it hardly bled at all. My mom was super impressed and grossed out all at the same time! I'll never live with a bothersome skin tag again! I'll just cut the darn thing off!

Skin Tag Theories
Posted by Uncle Albert (Outland, Mn, USA) on 09/23/2012

They occur where the skin has been stretched too thin somehow. This is why they are most common in areas which also have stretch marks. I have use ice, dry ice and cryo-wart freeze products to numb them and prevent bleeding, but I would not use a nail clippers. They may crush the tissue more than cut.

Skin Tag Theories
Posted by Grandmajia (Wellman, Iowa, Usa) on 09/22/2012

I am diabetic and eat absolutely no sugar at all. This is how I control my diabetes. I have never eaten sugar because it makes me sick. However, I DO have skin tags. So how does that fit? Also, my mother-in-law was diabetic and lived on sugar but had no skin tags. Are we just weird?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kitty (Rancho Cordova, Ca, Usa) on 09/18/2012

Tea Tree Oil did NOT work for me! I happened to have some on hand and tried it for over 2 weeks. It was a waste of time. (It stinks, in more than one way... It didn't work for me! )

Salicylic Acid
Posted by Will (Rome, New York) on 09/03/2012

Salicylic Acid is used as a treatment for Plantar Warts and can be purchased at the local pharmacy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Salicylic acid - The treatment of warts by keratolysis involves the peeling away of dead surface skin cells with Keratolytic chemicals such as salicylic acid or trichloroacetic acid. These are available in over-the-counter products or, in higher concentrations, may need to be prescribed in a by a physician.

Safety warning:Topically, as a beta-hydroxy acid (and unlike alpha-hydroxy acids) salicylic acid is capable of penetrating and breaking-down fats and lipids, making it capable of causing moderate chemical burns of the skin if at very high concentrations (such as near or actually the majority ingredient) within a solvent. It is capable of damaging the lining of pores in such cases if the solvent is alcohol, acetone, or an oil. Over-the-counter limits are set at 2% for topical left on the face and 3% for those expected to be washed off, such as acne cleansers or shampoo. Caution should be exercised when handling large volumes of salicylic acid, and protective gloves are recommended for any repeat, prolonged exposure. 17% salicylic acid, which is often sold for wart removal, should not be applied to the face and should not be used for acne treatment. Even for wart removal, such a solution should only be applied twice a day.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Bigmoose (Ocala, Florida) on 08/18/2012


Make sure your oil of oregano is diluted to about 10%. Straight oil of oregano will cause severe chemical burns.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lise877 (Strathmore, Alberta) on 08/18/2012

Since the apple cider vinegar seems to work so well for everyone, I am trying it on a horrible anal tag that I have had for several years now, left over from an external hemmrhoid or anal fissure. I have always been self-conscious about it but since my significant other noticed it, I am too self-conscious to get intimate.

I went to the Dr. to inquire about getting it removed but she said that they won't do it because the healing of the treatment can be worse than the tags themselves. She also said that it will likely return. This information was upsetting to me and I am determined to get rid of it on my own.

This is day 2 of the apple cider vinegar applications. So far, I've noticed that the tag has hardened and shrunk a little bit. I've been soaking a cotton pad and applying it to the area for 15-20 min 2x/day. The vinegar does sting but it's definitely tolerable. I might try to use the [commercial] skin tag remover if the ACV is not successful because I'm too worried about complications to try the tying-off method. I am a little bit worried about trying the freezing method, as the tag is not in an easily accessible spot... Has anyone successfully removed an anal skin tag at home? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks :)

Posted by Cyb34r (Seattle, Washington) on 08/15/2012

How low do you cut the skin tag? Pull it out a bit and cut it at the line where the tag appears to join with the regular skin?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deb (Le Sueur, Mn) on 08/14/2012

Hello, I have a question. When you are talking Apple Cider Vinegar, are you talking about the kind in grocery stores, 5% acidity? Or a special stronger kind?

Posted by Nomoretags! (Washington DC) on 08/12/2012

holy. Crap. I have had one of these in a..... delicate area since I was a kid and as I got older it was always so embarassing in intimate situations. I was too embarassed to go get anything done about it (and to be honest didn't even really know what it was.... I thought it was just some kind of weird mole) and once I found this website within ten minutes it was gone! Ice. Sterlized nail scissors. Neosporin and a bandage. Done. THANK YOU!

Laser Treatment
Posted by Lori (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 08/04/2012

The problem with laser skin tag removal is that they come back. I had mine removed 6 years ago, but after about two or three years they have grown back and now they are worse than before, That is why I am looking for another solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Bloomington, Illinois) on 07/14/2012

Do you have any update on your string method progress?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Manchester, Lancashire) on 07/02/2012

So it's three days into tying the dental floss on the big one and that really isn't too bad on the pain front, quite sore where it is tied, but nothing compared to the agony of the ACV. I have now started painting the tags with nail polish, as this is helping to dry them out and although it stings when you first apply, it's nowhere near as painful as ACV and it settles after a while. At this stage, they are still white and hard, and the tied- off one has gone very hard, and has swollen to much bigger than it was, but they are all tender. It's a case of showering after every toilet trip as it is too painful to touch any of them with tissue. Sitting down is interesting, but is possible on a soft surface. There have been two nights when the pain disturbed my sleep so far, so not that bad.

It's a nightmare really, but it will be worth it if they all come off. Altogether this has been going on for ten days now, but painful though it is , there's no going back, I will see this through to the end however. I have to do it as I am single and I am too embarrassed to have sex with anyone. I did think about cutting the big one off, but I cut a small one under my arm off last night (totally painless by the way, didn't even bleed-just snipped it right near the base with nail clippers -don't go too close to the skin, that will hurt) and decided against it as I know it's going to hurt like hell. Anal tags are not like other tags --they have feeling. The one under my arm didn't. I might cut the big one off if it dries up some more, because I could see what I was doing better with that one out of the way. Update soon.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Mancheter, Lancashire) on 06/29/2012

Update-- a week in and I have had to stop using the cider vinegar, it was just too painful. It was definately working, the tags have gone hard and started going black but have now just gone red. I have now tied off the largest tag wtih dental floss today and it is already turning a darker red --the cider vinegar has helped to dry them out so it's made thme much easier to tie them off. It's very difficult to operate with one hand in that area but I managed after several attempts to make a slipknot and loop the floss over the tag and push it down to the base. I left very long strings so that I could tighten it all up from the front. Seems to be working and not too painful so far, just stinging a little. Will update in a day or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natural Girl (Lagos, Nigeria) on 06/26/2012

Please any update on this? I tried Salicylic Acid on my anal tag yesterday, it hurt like crazy, even though the tip has turned grey, I'm really scared of trying it again because of the pain. I'm thinking of trying the ACV. Is it supposed to hurt?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Mancheter, UK) on 06/24/2012

I am using cider vinegar on anal skin tags. I have one large one, about an inch long, and several smaller ones. They are all on stalks and have been an embaressment for a few years now. I soaked cotton wool in ACV and first night slept with that attached, but the second night it hurt a bit, and the third night it hurt like hell and I had to take it off after about an hour. However, three of the smaller tags have gone a light grey and are very hard, so it is working --just depends whether I can stand the pain until they all fall off. Does anyone know whether it should hurt that much ? It is very painful- can't sit down, and can hardly stand up, have to just lean over something or lie down.

Nail Polish
Posted by Tatyana (Cordova, Tn) on 06/22/2012

I used clear nail polish on 3 skin tags that I have had for several years. 1 was tiny, one a little bigger and the third was the biggest, but still pretty small, The strange thing is that the 1st and the 3rd (the biggest one) fell off within 3 day, but the middle one is being stubborn and won't budge. Wondering why, ideas?

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Lawrence (Richmond, Va ) on 06/20/2012

Has anyone tried using a Boric Acid Solution? I am thinking about trying it. I ordered a bottle of boriac acid from amazon. I know it is a mild acid used for the eyes for pink eye when I was a child.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arlene (Colorado Springs, Colorado, Usa) on 06/18/2012

I had a few skin tags the size of a grain of rice removed from around my eyes when I was a teenager by my doctor using an electric needle that burned them off. Later, when I started getting them on my neck in my 30s/40s, I used nail scissors to cut them off when they get longish. I find that seems to leave scars and does not entirely get rid of them.

For the past few years they have been spreading and now I have dozens and dozens of tiny skin tags on my neck, my collarbone area and down my chest between my breasts and along the bottom of my breasts (where the underwires rub I suppose). They are tiny, maybe 1/4 the size of a grain of rice, and most are flat, but there are so many I hate them. They are too small, flat and numerous to use the string method or to cut off. In fact, there are so many it is next to impossible to isolate them for applying ACV or tea-tree oil only on the skin tags.

After reading these posts I bought some 5% Apple Cider Vinegar, soaked a cotton ball and rubbed it on a 4x2 inch spot at the base of my neck by the collarbone. It did not hurt and seemed to make my skin smoother. So then I decided to rub it all over my neck and down my chest between and under my breasts. I did it again the next morning and this time it burned a little. When I redid it that night it really burned, and now I seem to have a burn on the side of my neck and a bad burn under one of my breasts. The surrounding skin is very red and sore and the tags themselves are quite red and seem to have grown or are standing up staighter or something as it is easier to pinpoint them. This morning I used Q-tips to apply the ACV and tried to apply just to the skin tags with some success.

I am not sure if I should keep trying this or if I am wasting my time since I cannot leave the entire area covered with soaked cotton as it burns too much. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Claire (Williamsburg, Virginia) on 06/13/2012

I had skin tags about three years ago on my inner thigh about three inches away from my private area. Went to the dermatologist and she numbed the area and snipped them off. Got another skin tag around the same area about a year ago. It was getting a little bigger so I knew it was time for it to go. After reading the posts here, I just decided snipping it was the quickest method. I just cleaned the area with rubbing alcohol, pulled the tag away from the skin with twizzers, and cut it off with nail scissors. It did not hurt at all. I dabbed some peroxide on it and applied pressure on the bleeding, then rubbed on some neosporin and put a round band aid on it. Would never hesitate to use this method again-just sorry I waited so long to do it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Geneva, Il) on 06/03/2012

ME TOO... I have been doing the ACV for 2 moles. Yesterday morning the first one just fell off. I applied it twice a day for 4 days. The other one is much bigger so I know it will take longer... BUT, I am such a believer now. I am a holey moley mess... But not for long. I figure 2 per week should be fine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Skin Tag Worrier (LA, CA) on 06/03/2012

Let me start off by saying that I don't usually look to home remedies and don't necessarily believe in all of them. Apple cider vinegar, however, has me totally convinced. Those who are looking for a skin tag remedy, look no more! After reading hundreds of posts on how to get rid of a skin tag without cutting it, I decided to go with the apple cider vinegar method.

Before I actually used the ACV, I played around with the skin tag for a bit, twisting it often. Eventually, the tip of the skin tag turned a little bit black. This was when I decided I really wanted to remove it. So, I took a cotton ball and applied some ACV on it (without diluting it), placed it on the skin tag, and covered it with a bandage. I slept with it on for the first night. After removing it, I began to see the skin tag turning gray. During the day, I covered it with a band-aid. The second day, I only applied the ACV for a few hours since it was irritating my skin. I took a day off from the ACV and applied it the following day for a few hours. During the times the ACV was not on my skin tag, I covered it with a band-aid. Eventually, the skin tag turned completely black and dry and it just fell off! No pain (except soreness from twisting it and the acidity from the ACV which lasts only a second)!

In all, it took me about one week for the skin tag to completely fall off.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Caryn (Schaumburg, Il) on 05/09/2012

OMG.. I tried the nail clipper route on a couple of skin tages... Man that hurt and it didnt get down to the skin without cutting my neck.. They are still there and now sore.. Not a good idea... Trying tea tree oil on one but not liking that much either.. Smells sooooo strong.. Will try the ACV though... See if that works.. Thanks all for the info.

Posted by Kathleen (Merced, Ca) on 05/06/2012

I had a fairly large skin tag right below my eye that had been there for years and years that I did not like at all. Reading these posts I was trying the apple cider vinegar, also tea tree oil for a week or so, and not seeing any results. I also caught the glint of my finger nail clippers and decided I would do it, though I was scared, so I asked my husband do it. I felt almost nothing, and it was gone!! There was a dot of a scab for a few days. It left no mark! I couldn't believe it could be that simple! I've waited a month to write this but my skin is absolutely fine and it shows no sign of returning. Thank you Earth Clinic and everybody who shared their experiences.

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Moon (Miami, Fl) on 05/02/2012

I'm dealing with this problem right now. Yours are the details that I need. I have tried duct tape. That was just bothersome and never stayed on. Wart removing medicine, that just irritated the area. I've tried the dental floss string and it kept falling off the next day and was quite painful. Maybe mine is too big? I have courage to try the string again. I hate this thing!! It affects my life a lot! I shut the lights off when I'm intimate with my husband and hope his hands don't wander too far down to notice. It's all I think.... How can I rid myself of this without causing damage to my privates!? Freezing it off is my next step but the warnings on the package scare me that it will cause problems if it's not done correctly. Please please let this string thing work!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (York County, Southern Maine) on 04/25/2012

Another YEA for ACV.... I had a very small skin tag on my neck - about the size of a grain of rice, if it was even that big.... It itched at times, and just knowing it was there made me a little nuts. I put some ACV w/the Mother on a cotton ball, covered it with a Band-Aid overnight and the next day the tag had turned dark but was still attached. It's been a couple of days and just now I realized the skin tag is gone! I can see the spot, still, where it was.... It's just a bit red, but the fact that it's gone makes me a happy kid!! EC is such a great forum for sharing ideas, I can't imagine not being able to tap the information offered here! Thanks to all who share.... Thanks to all who administer this site!

Posted by Ruffnreddy (Oakland, Ca) on 04/05/2012

Anne-- I used nail clippers with phenomenal success!

I sounded just awful, that little meaty snip but, it's GONE! And only took a split second (plus the hours of nervous deliberation). Relatively painless, a little neosporin, a band-aid and voila!

But, I did it! I cut the darn thing off!

Thanks for the words of "can do! " to everyone!

Posted by Ruffnreddy (Oakland, Ca) on 04/05/2012

ICE! I've been struggling with the removal decision for years but, after having been married for 13 years and now dating... I just HAD to get rid of this thing on my neck! I hate it! It's unsightly and I'm convinced it's a turn off.

I sterilized my nail clippers and decided to read up on others methods and experiences... And ICE, totally forgot that I could numb it. Wow, so simple.

Here's goes nuthin'! (snip! )

Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juli (Cloverdale, Ca) on 03/30/2012

Well, three tags dropped off within a week. No pink on my neck any more. I have been looking at these ugly things for YEARS, not any more!! Very satisfied and convinced.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juli (Cloverdale, Ca) on 03/24/2012

I have read on here so many great things about ACV! I want to explain how ACV worked for me for my skin tags. I have always had small skin tags on my neck and some around the thin skin at my ribs. Lately I noticed a cluster of about 6 tags on the left side of my neck just above my collar bone. Tags have never really bugged me, but this area sort of stuck out and my husband noticed it after I did and kinda wrinkled his nose at them. I remembered reading on here how people wrote how they would apply the ACV three times a day and some had some success, some didn't. I personally don't have the time or memory to make sure I did it throughout the day, plus my clothes would be in the way and wipe it away. So, I tried something different. Two nights ago I purchased large square bandaids. I used organic ACV and two cotton balls. I shook the ACV very well and dabbed the cotton balls and placed them in the center of the bandaide and placed it over the group of tags on my neck and went to bed. In the morning in the shower the bandaide came off without a fight. The first morning I noticed the tags getting darker. I have done this only FOR TWO NIGHTS, this morning in the shower I rubbed my neck just a little with my scrubby. I looked in the mirror and 3 OF THE TAGS WERE GONE! By the way, in this same area is a small mole, it has not been affected at all, only the tags. My skin is only slightly pink for about 30 minutes and then normal. I will continue this for another couple days till this area is clean, then move to the tags on my ribs. I will post again, i'm sure with further success!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Crazymama73 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/27/2012

I just wanted to say thank you soon much for this website. I can't tell you how often I am on here finding answers on ways to help my family out with one ailment or another. I just recently tried tee tree oil on a skin tag and it fell off in 1 1/2 days!

My sister had a red irritated eye and I suggested the steeped green tea remedy and she called me the following day to let me know it worked.

Thank you again for this site, it is very resourceful and allows us to empower ourselves with useful knowledge!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 02/18/2012

I had a skin tag on the inside of my arm, which didn't look that unsightly but I'd keep picking it, it would bleed, scab, etc etc. So I tried some ACV on a cotton wool ball, held it on the skin tag for around 2 mins. That was that. The next day it went darkish red, then it just disappeared. Not even a scar! Thanks EC! :)

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Km (Sacramento, Ca) on 02/07/2012

I have also done this with a mole. The most effective way to do this is to tie it at the base-where the mole meets your skin... Tie it as tight as you can bear... The mole will eventually die (turn black/hard) and fall off... I did not the entire mole.... It reduced it.. and, it never grew back.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bud (Brazil) on 01/06/2012

Yes, this is normal. It means it's working, and soon they will fall off.

What works really well too is Iodine tincture. You can get it decolorized so it doesn't stain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cape0630 (Buffalo, Ny, Usa) on 01/05/2012

Hi, I am trying the ACV on my 10 yr. Old Golden Retreiver who has a skintag on his hind leg. Last year he had one and the vet removed it but it cost 540.00!! I have been soaking a femine pad and then placing it on his skintag with a loose bandage. After about a week of this the top of the skintag is dark black... Is this normal? Please advise!!! Thank you.

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