Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Cotton String and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tanja (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/30/2020

I have had this large hanging skin tag in the front of my shoulder for at least a decade and I tried removing it several times in the past years with iodine, apple cider vinegar and even 35% hydrogen peroxide and a tooth floss tied around it. I tried all the remedies from here and I could not get it to work.

Last week I got so sick of it I tied floss around it - soaked it in iodine and apple cider vinegar alternating the two and it just got irritated and got bigger - DAAAMN. Clearly the floss was not cutting off the blood circulation to the tag (and I knew that since I had tried it before....).

BUT THEN I took REGULAR COTTON STRING (like the kind you sew clothes with) and tied that underneath the floss closest to the root of the tag and THAT was the thing that changed everything.

I tied it tight and within 12 hours the tag had started to turn black.

In order to speed up the process. I also soaked a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and taped it on the skin tag for several hours each day and TODAY, THREE DAYS AFTER TYING THE STRING THE SKIN TAG FELL OFF.

I AM SO HAPPY IT IS GONE OMG! . So USE REGULAR COTTON STRING TO CUT OFF THE BLOOD SUPPLY AND SOAK THE TAG IN APPLE CIDER VINEGAR SEVERAL TIMES A DAY AND SAY BYE BYE TO BIG SKIN TAGS. My skin did get red from the apple cider vinegar but it will heal but you definitely can use vaseline to protect the base of the skin if you have irritated skin.


Vitamin C
Posted by Jean J. (Wheeling, Il) on 10/19/2018

Mix the contents of 2 1,000mg capsules of vitamin C with a drop or two of water. Apply to skin tag 3 times a day. Skin tags will be gone within a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 04/13/2018

I would like to encourage you. I burned my hand last week and I'm using a drop of lugol's iodine on it at bedtime. It has an ugly scab on it and is red all around it. You have an acid burn from the vinegar. Keep any infection at bay and have faith your body will eventually replace your entire skin surface with a new one . The under layer may need some collagen type things. Like horsetail for silica, gelatin, msm, vitamin c and other things for youthful skin. Vit D with k2 and vitamin A and E to you, love, Charity

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katzie (Alberta) on 04/13/2018

Unfortunately, the ACV was pressed up against very delicate skin for way too long. ACV on a q-tip for a few minutes would have been better. The skin will heal, but you could help it along with some soothing, healing Castor Oil. Rub a small drop or two on the area 2x/day and you should be feeling better soon. Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thursthroughtues (Los Angeles ) on 04/11/2018


first time poster. I used ACV to remove a minuscule skin tag that was on my scrotum. I've had it for years, and I only recently thought about removing it.

So I soaked a cotton ball with Braggs ACV and taped it over the skin tag over night. I may think I applied far too much.

the next day the skin tag was practically gone, but unaffected areas on my scrotum turned black, under the skin. I think I severely burned parts of my penis. Healthy skin is now a black color. Is this permenant? I immediately started to apply neosporin, and have been for the last two days (these burns only showed up yesterday). Haven't noticed much improvement.

The irony is, these black burn marks are very noticible, compared to the skin tag which was the size of a pin-head. Did I permanently damage healthy skin? What should I do besides use neosporin? It really does look like the burns aren't on the surface, they look like they're below a layer of skin. They're not all together, sort of spread out with reddish irritation on the skin between burns.

its only been one full day since I noticed the burns and two since removing the skin tag.

Any responses would help. Thank you!

A String Tied Around the Skin Tag
Posted by Janis (Mn) on 02/08/2018

I realized I had a white skin tag on the front of my tongue. I had read that using a tied string wouldn't work because of the skin tag being on the tongue, but I thought "What do I have to lose?" It took a little patience because the string (dental floss) wanted to slip right off. But I got it on and kept it on for about an hour, giving the ends of the floss a little tug occasionally to keep the knot tight. I didn't think it had helped, but the next day, the skin tag looked a little bit different. So I repeated the dental floss knot and after about an hour, the whole thing fell right off!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Suzanne (Norman, Ok) on 09/04/2017

Rub skin tags with tiny amount coconut oil twice a day. It works slowly but it does get rid of them.

Avoid Sugar
Posted by Ckeller (Lake Placid) on 09/02/2017

I think you maybe right about the sugar and skin tags. I used to have some and they were itchy. I cut out using any sugar because of cancer and since then the skin tags have all gone away.

Zinc Sulfate
Posted by Cdawson (Sc) on 08/25/2017

When my son had a wart that wouldn't go away through over the counter meds and then freezing, I went to a dermatologist. She suggested Zinc Sulfate. In two day his wart of 4 years was gone. I began taking the supplement to see if it would boost my immunity, I have Crohns and Arthritis. A surprise! After a few weeks, the several skin tags around my eyes were gone!!! I looked one day, and they were not there!!! I continue to take this supplement because skin tags run rampent in my family. I do have one very tiny one on my eyelids that is not noticable unless you really look and I'm wearing eyeliner. Zinc Sulfate tablets have worked for me!!!

Oregano Essential Oils
Posted by Faye (Cambridge, Ontario, Canada) on 05/14/2017

I would like to ask for info on removing flat skin tags, the ones that can't be tied off. The tag is nearly 1/4" across and almost the shape of a circle. Unfortunately the tag is on a very obvious place on my face. I have oregano oil on hand that I have been applying for two days. I am wondering if it would be more effective to peel back the top layer of skin so that the oregano oil can soak in faster. I'd appreciate some feedback about this. Thank you!

Dry Ice
Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

Dry ice is effective for removal of skin tags. When applied, I crack the larger piece of dry ice to make a pointed piece that I can hold in a towel. I touch the dry ice to the skin tag until it becomes white and frozen - about 3-5 seconds. The skin tags usually fall off within the week.

This technique has risks for freezer burn of the surrounding skin.

Under the thread skin tag theory I found sugar may be the cause. I thought this was important so I'm posting here as well.

It's Dec 29 and I just noticed some new skin tags on my neck. One in particular is large and itchy; it wasn't there last month. The association between sugar and skin tags seems to be true for my body type. During this holiday season, I've been drinking ginger beer which has a lot of sugar.

Skin Tag Theories
Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

It's Dec 29 and I just noticed some new skin tags on my neck. One in particular is large and itchy; it wasn't there last month. The association between sugar and skin tags seems to be true for my body type. During this holiday season, I've been drinking ginger beer which has a lot of sugar.

On another note, Lugol's iodine does remove the skin tags but it takes over a week of daily application for them to fall off.

Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

Lugol's iodine 5% does remove the skin tags but for me it took over a week of daily application for them to fall off. I put a mini-drop on each skin tag and let it dry to allow the iodine to concentrate on the skin tag. Sometimes the iodine burns but not always.

I believe the skin tags to be caused by a virus because dry ice will remove skin tags. This technique has more risk due to possible freezer burn of the surrounding skin.

Under the thread skin tag theory I found sugar may be the cause. I thought this was important so I'm posting here as well.

It's Dec 29 and I just noticed some new skin tags on my neck. One in particular is large and itchy; it wasn't there last month. The association between sugar and skin tags seems to be true for my body type. During this holiday season, I've been drinking ginger beer soda and eating other foods loaded with sugar.

Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

When I apply lugols iodine 5% near my eyes, the vapors cause a slight burning sensation. When iodine is applied to an open wound it causes a severe burning sensation.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 10/25/2016

Here is a photo of my second big skin tag, removed with black salve. The dead cells of the tag have become a scab which have fallen about the 10th day after applycation.

I tried to overdo with the application the second time so I did put much greater quantity of the salve and bondage it for 24 hours instead of 12-14. It wasn't a good idea. The surrounding area got a small surrounding scab too but came of in just a few days. With carefull small application there is much smaller side effects.

Bloodroot is great and kills the bad tissue more easily than hurting the healthy surrounding tissue.

EC: So sorry, your photo didn't upload.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 09/26/2016

I had a skin tag about the size of a corn's kernel. I used thuja but the tag was too big. Thuja only removed 1/3 of the tag and nothing from its root. After a month I tried again thuja and ACV but the big tag had become immune!

In just 13 hours of applying bloodroot (or better black salve) the huge tag had withered completely and started forming into a scab. I put a small quantity on the tag and also on the cotton above. Then put some pressure also with a bondage above. I also had filed the tag with a nail's file and did 0.5mm dermarolling on the tag in order to make the skin more permeable for the black salve to penetrate.

For 13 years I had this big annoying tag and now I removed it only in few days with black salve! I didn't pull the scub. Somehow the immune system removes the tag slowly after the application. Not much scarring and burning as some people in youtube make people afraid of bloodroot. Just scarring on the tag. My hair protected the surrounding tissue also from becoming red. No pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mo (Valencia) on 09/01/2016

I have two skin tags near my anus, after using Apple Cider Vinegar for 5 days, one has turned to gray but other one has become twice as big as before I applied acv,

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bummedout (Ca) on 08/23/2016

Did you ever get an answer? Do anal skin tags turn grey/white before they turn blackish and fall off?

Posted by Nancy (Buena Vista, Co) on 06/26/2016 1 posts

Suffering from skin tags over my life, I thought I would add what I think on the subject. They are caused by the herpes virus in your body, which is in 98 percent of the population. Always use Vaseline to protect your good skin underneath. Once I tried to remove a lump of skin that was in my mouth, pressurized there from wearing braces, detached the corner of my mouth which has been very disfiguring and impossible to fix so far. I try to plump that area with glycerin and exercise. Viruses travel in one direction in the body and you will notice that oftentimes skin tags lean also in one common direction.

I think that applying iodine to skin tags is a great way to introduce iodine into the bloodstream thereby reaching the virus which lives at the base of your spine, manifesting itself as chicken pox, mononucleosis.shingles and in two percent of the population throat cancer.

Be careful with overdosing we all have a "full tank " capacity when it comes to muradic. acid/ iodine. God bless you!

P.s. T he thyroid regulates the level of iodine to cleanse the blood and calcium to provide energy to the body through the blood so get enough calcium or your blood will leach your teeth and bones to get enough.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Cristy (Wisconsin) on 05/18/2016

I am having a hard time getting rid of a skin tag that is on my eye lid. It is directly on top of my lower eye lashes. I do not want to go to the eye doctor and have them cut it out, (which is what they want to do). I have been using rubbing alcohol on it for a couple days and it has shrunk. I am fearful of freezing it and cutting it just because it's so close to my eye. Any other suggestions on what I can do?

In the picture, it appears that one is already turning black, the other one is slowly getting there.

Lavender or Garlic Oil
Posted by Eva (Chicago) on 04/21/2016

For skin tags, use Lavender 100% essential oil or 100% garlic oil. The skin tags have roots, feeding off of your capillary blood. These oils kill the roots. Garlic is stronger then Lavender both they both work. Google : what essentials oils remove skin tags?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jaja (Chicago) on 03/20/2016

I had a cluster of skin tags in my armpit where the skin becomes irritated from my bra. The largest one was about the size a 2 grains of rice. I tried tea tree oil and it was 100% successful.

Because I'm impatient, I went with undiluted tea tree oil. I put some on a cotton ball and then taped the cotton ball to the armpit and wore it all day. (At first I used a band-aid, but the tea tree oil literally dissolved the band-aid. Then I switched to a cotton ball secured with the white medical tape.)

Two drawbacks in doing it this way - it irritates your skin badly and you smell strongly of tea tree oil. Under the cottonball, the skin area became red and scaly and raw, and of course so did the skin tags. After 4-7 days of this, they all basically dissolved. However it was a little painful due to the irritation, especially the skin tags themselves were painful during treatment as the outer layers of skin just basically peeled away. Months later, they are starting to come back, so to manage them I will now use a q-tip and apply the tea tree oil just to the skin tag each night before bed. This way I avoid smelling too much like tea tree oil during the day and it is not as painful as the extreme cotton ball method.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cassie (Houston) on 12/08/2015

Have a dog that has one, it has gotten very large in the last few years and now worried she will snag it. Wondering if this method worked for you on your dog? Thanks!

Oregano Essential Oils
Posted by Specialkincha (Chattanooga, Tn) on 10/05/2015

Essential Oils can remove skin tags in no time. Best results I have had are with undiluted organic essential Oregano Oil, dab on tag only trying not to get on healthy tissue twice a day. Tags will turn black and fall off within a week to 10 days. Some people's bodies do not react well to Oregano oil, then I suggest Lemon Oil but it takes 5 weeks sometimes for the skin tags to fall off.

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