I have been drinking the ACV with BS and honey for a week and feel great...less wrinkles...
Want to know what is oil pulling. More power to Earth Clinic...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Before ACV, I suffered from being over weight and acne prone skin. I discovered ACV from a good read and decided to give it a try due to its many benefits. I drink a tspn before each meal (except breakfast). The results are wonderful! My energy level went up, and I also lost weight. It wasn't an overnight success, but it worked! Just recently my husband suggested I put some on a cotton ball and use it for a couple of flare ups I had. And that was last week. Today, I can stand here and honestly say, my pores shrunk and my face is glowing. Needless to say, I've used it as a toner. I've never felt so confident.
Karen from Frankfort, Ky, ... Was the ACV a success for the wrinkles?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I started using ACV about 2 days back and my skin is so amazing,its glowing and the rushes on my skin are disappearing.
I don't know what your skin problem is, but for me this works wonders:
1. facial STEAMING
2. after steaming, then exfoliate. Glycolic Acid can be purchased on Amazon. I got 35% but next time I'm going for stronger, like 70%.
3. As an alternative to glycolic acid, rub brown sugar and olive oil over your face (also after steaming, which loosens the flaky cells). Wait 15-20 minutes then rinse. Sugar has natural glycolic acid.
4. You could also try yogurt or kefir or buttermilk on face; the lactic acid in these fermented drinks works well too. Always steam, first, whenever possible.
My problem is facial seborrhea; I have the chronic dry flakies. These approaches work.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I use ACV on my skin as a toner. It has worked miracles. My blemishes are gone, and my skin is glowing.
Have been using ACV for a year on my skin (face, neck and hands). Friends have commented that my face looks 'very clean'. Revealed that I use ACV and recommended that they do the same. They have all benefited from it. It is being passed on by word of mouth. I am happy that we are using something very natural and cheap with wonderful result. Thanks.
I have been sipping throughout the day on 16-20oz of water with 1 oz ACV for about 2 weeks now. I could tell a difference on the second day in my energy level. Also after washing my face and prior to using my moisturizer, I dab with a cotton ball ACV on my face and then rinse. It leaves my face glowing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had a similar experience with apple cider vinegar. I didn't have serious acne, but what I first used it straight, no diluting, all the impurities in my skin came to the surface making it look red and rashlike and feeling too dry. That was after 4 days. After two more days my face looked and felt smooth and even toned. My pores also look smaller. Since you seem to have more intense acne, given it another week or more. Also start drinking a teaspoon or two in water. Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have chronic sinusitis, allergies, asthma will this help the sinus are coming once a month now.... Went doctors and ent...... not getting any better so I'm going to try this. I'm very annoyed now.......
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've been using ACV as a toner and following up with tea tree oil. I was wondering if anyone has mixed essential oils such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, etc. right WITH the ACV or should the ACV be used separately? Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks for any input.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Maybe you should start with a diet that will help you with your skin. At this point, after hearing a lot of other suggestions, you must always remember that not everything tried works just for anyone because the symptoms sound relative to your skin condition. You are describing a problem very common to everyone, but now, step out of the box, and think outside the box. You are so busy looking to "put something else" to treat your problem skin, when it looks as if you're "adding" more problems to your current and lasting situation.
This sounds like it's time to change your diet first. Pay attention to your diet instead, and look at what you're eating. Your outer appearance reflects your insides. This may not be an "immediate" solution, but it is rewarding.
Try this:
Avocado is an awesome face food. It is abundant in essential oils and B-complex vitamins that will nourish your skin inside and out. Avocados contain a lot of niacin (vitamin B3) which is especially important for healthier skin. Niacin is anti-inflammatory, soothes irritated, red and blotchy skin. What you can do to intake your daily need is blend half an avocado with yogurt and frozen berries to make a creamy, nutty flavored morning smoothie.
Mangoes contain vitamin A which maintains and repairs skin cells. It is also an antioxidant that fights free radical damage that can prematurely age the skin, which I read in your bio that you have a problem with.
Almonds provide 150% of your daily need for vitamin E, which is great for your complexion.
Cottage Cheese contains selenium which is an essential mineral, and combining it with vitamin E will create a powerful free radical-fighting antioxidant duo.
Acerola cherries supplies 100% of your daily allowance for vitamin C. So, as an antioxidant, vitamin C fights skin damage and wrinkles, producing collagen, the structural protein in your skin.
Oysters fight pimples because they are rich in zinc. The mineral affects sebum production, a deficiency may contribute to acne. Zinc also helps boost elastin (the skin's protein) production with the aid of vitamin C.
Baked potatoes -- Eat one baked potato (w/skin); it is an essential mineral that works with vitamin C and zinc to produce the elastin fibers that support skin structure.
Mushroom is rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2). Riboflavin is involved in tissue maintenance and repair, and improves skin blemishes caused by rosacea.
Flaxseed oil is the best source of essential fatty acid that contains Omega 3s. 1tsp of flaxseed oil per day provides just enough Omega 3s to hydrate the skin. Keep in mind fatty acids also dilute sebum and unclog pores that otherwise leads to acne.
Wheat Germ is a good source of biotin, a B vitamin that is crucial to skin health. Just sprinkle wheat germ on yogurt for a tasty way to get more biotin in your diet.
Apple Cider Vinegar
For about two weeks I watched my dad drink and eat all manner of things he saw on earth clinic. Soon, I saw a difference in him. His face glowed(ACV / Tomato tea), he didnt have acid reflux any more and was the most lively and fun dad I'd ever known in a long time ( compared to tired stressful, busy!).
I've got two q's.
How can I take baking soda as an exfoliator/drink?
Also, I drank ACV and I saw differences such as more energy, and I am not restless at night any more. I then found out ( on E.C.) that i can use it as an exfoliator and tried it. Sadly, on my nose I got burns which my parents describe as 'acid burns'. i also got these on my cheek. For this I used cucumber and variuos face masks.the burns on my cheek dissapeared but because I itched/scratched my nose-burn, the scar remained. It look HORRIBLE. my dad says I put too much AcV, which I now understand I did do. But I only did so because the amount was not stated. Is there anything I can do get rid do get rid of it or do I have to do the hard thing and WAIT for it to heal? It does look VERY awful! Thanx!
Thanks, I will try ACV on my face, it has kept me from the Doctors for 3 months now.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I just want to add more on my testimonial and have some modification, after experimenting on my own face, I noticed that Grapeseed oil alone can be enough as my daily moisturizer since my skin type is moderately oily and I get better results. I am determined to use baking soda as my daily cleanser, then ACV diluted in distilled water as my toner and lastly grapeseed oil as my moisturizer, plus in daytime fluid whitening with suncreen and my super fine NB 23 compact powder. Daily intake of 1000mg Vit C alkaline based, 2tbsp ACV, and oil pulling before going to bed and in the morning after brushing my teeth. Once a week I pamper my body skin with the original moisturizer I mentioned on my first post since my body skin type is not as sensitive as my face. I hope this can help you too if you try it to yourself.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Please tell me how much you use on ur skin for the rashes and how you use it and how often. Thank you
Apple Cider Vinegar
Well I came across this site some months ago. I do modeling, IM 26 years old and when I turned 21 I started to take care of my skin. I tried the cosmetic stuff,cheap and expensive ones. Soon I found out that the natural stuff was cheaper and much better. I use Aloe for cleaning,rosemary oil...but I never thought Vinegar could help me in sch way. i got sensitive skin,large pores and my skin tone wasnt uniform. I just mix it with mineral water and spray it in my face after cleasing. Let it dry and...voila! My line expression look better,my pores smaller,even wirnkles in my forehead disapeared. When i was 20 everybody thought I was 30 and now that iM 26 I look 21. I've told my family,my mother loves it too,sometimes she doesnt use the expnsive stuff she used to. PLus I ahve no knee pain from condromalacia when I take it consistent for days .I tried glucosamine, jello, ibuprofen... nothing works like vinegar. Dont just apply it externally on your face,drink it too an you will tell the difference in your face. and your body skin too. Its just a miracle. Now I'm trying the other wonderful remedies like hydrogen peroxide. keep u up to date. I look like if I had make up on, all day long
You shouldn't have wrinkles in your forehead at only 26 years of age... I am glad however, that ACV helped you!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
A reply to Kat from Australia: Yes, it is possible, not real common, but if you consistently break all the health rules, such as eating bad foods a lot, and not wearing sunscreen, it can easily show up mid-20's. I started getting forehead lines at 25, not real bad then, but by 27, they were pretty deep, 3 rows of them, all the way across. I did break all the health rules, and now I'm trying ACV and some others to try to get rid of them. We'll see how it goes! ~Karen
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've heard that apple cider vinegar was good for overall skin health so i bought a bottle from trader joe's and it's been a couple of days now and my complexion feels and looks much better. i've battled with acne throughout my teen years and have occasional breakouts now, my skin has some acne scarring and looks blotchy, but the past couple of days, i've been diluting a tablespoon or two in water and have been drinking it throughout the day. it really does look and feel better! my skin looks brighter and it almost looked like i had makeup on!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink lots of fruit juices like grapfruit, lemon, lime, sweet lime. take 4 or 5 mint leaves grind it to paste and apply on face for half an hour before your bath. Makes your skin smooth and shiny, clears acne as well. Sweet Lime juice makes your skin soft.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You said "I started the ACV, drinking 2-3 tblspn in a tall container of water. I do this all day long...." Do you mean that you drink 1 container all day or multiple containers with 2-3 tbs. of ACV?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hello, this is Merryanne in FL,,,there was very little information about the way you used the ACV,,I do the following,,in the morning on an empty stomach I take 2 tablespoons of ACV in a large cup or pint size jar and add 1/4 teaspoons of baking soda, let it fizz out and fill the container with cold water, I drink it down befor I have breadfast, some like to use a quart of water and sip over a longer time, but I do not have a lot of time, and I repeat at least one or two more times before bedtime, I do this 4 or 5 days a week., it is good to do before a meal or and hour after.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am sorry to hear it did not work for you. I have developed adult acne and tried so many products--non have worked. I finally tried organic apple cider vinegar. I diluted ACV with water and with a cotton ball I cleaned my face (at night). The following morning my face was soft and the redness of my acne was cleared. I am happy! My daughter had severe sinus during the winter.....she started taking one teaspoon of ACV following one teaspoon of organic local honey and to our amazed her sinus cleared and she has not gotten it since:) This was a remedy her grandpa taught her and she is only ten years old and very commited to taking a teaspoon of ACV and honey everyday. This is the best product ever. We use the "mother" apple cider and local organic honey.
Apple Cider Vinegar
EVCO -Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for your facial "burns". This works great for me. Just put some on your fingertips and spread over your red spots. You can buy at the pharmacy. Perhaps you shouldn't try vinegar again on your face since you had a reaction like that. It will work from the inside out. H202 works well on the face (hydrogen peroxide, 3% that you get from the drug store or grocery), a little on a cotton ball.
To take ACV internally, 2 TBL of ACT, 1/4 tsp of Baking Soda. Let it react then I like to add Cran-Grape juice in a 6 or 8 oz glass. I take twice a day. You can drink with purified water or spring water and add some sweetener (honey) if you need. Drink lots of water too. Restricting sugar and soft drinks works SUPER on acne also. Good Luck.
Apple Cider Vinegar
What is oil pulling?
Apple Cider Vinegar
could you please say which oil you used? I think I'd like to try it too... thank you
Apple Cider Vinegar
I believe the best oil for oil pulling is Sesame oil.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I too was getting stomach aches after the ACV. I once had a duodenal ulcer and my stomach is prone to upsets. I have found that 1/4 teaspoon of powdered magnesium citrate added to 1 TABlsp of ACV excellent for this. I do this first thing in the morning, last drink at night before bed. The baking soda made my teeth feel very rough so I tried the magnesium citrate and I dont get stomach aches at all and my teeth feel fine with it. I also seasame oil pull last thing before brushing teeth at night. I then wet a cotton pad with water then dunk it with ACV and wash my face with it followed by 4 drops of coconut oil. I leave it on overnight until I rinse my face with plain, cold water in the morning. Leaves my skin glowing, smooth, tight and dark spots are totally disappearing. These are the 3 things I am consistent about. Baking soda is way too rough on my skin and hydrogen peroxide left it so dry, I began to get lines. Was taking coconut oil internally but found that I really do have what I always suspected, a nut allergy. The VCO does not seem to affect me externally though, just internally. I get a rashy fungus on my upper lip that spreads to under my chin and the sides of my face and nose and around my elbows. This is not a cleansing as I had hoped. If I eat nuts consistently, I get this plus gouty tweaks in my toes. When I stop eating all nuts, the rash and tweaks goes away. Anyway.. try the magnesium citrate powder and see if it helps. Magnesium is great for women; we dont get enough of it. Zinc as well. My skin looks 100 times better with the regime I now follow for skin that was once so awful when I was young, people would scream when I came around a corner. Hope this helps.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Can someone guide me if ACV or baking soda will help my pigmentation/malasma, it has been there on my cheeks for the last couple of years.
EC: Check the melasma page for remedy feedback!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wanted to clarify do you rinse after application?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had sinusitis for a long time & I also went to Doctors & ent's but it did not help me - However today I no longer have sinusitis because I found the simple natural cure that cured me in 1 week only -- 1st it's important to raise the head of your bed at least 6 inches up higher when you sleep than you normally would -- I put 1 really large pillow between the mattresses at the head of the bed to raise my head 6 inches higher & wow what a difference it made & 2nd I took 100% natural Olive Leaf extract Standarized capsules and today I am 100% cured & it never came back - Olive leaf is a natural antibiotic that worked a miracle for me & my family!! *Make certain the olive leaf capsules you purchase is top quality olive leaf 100 % pure!! Best Wishes
Apple Cider Vinegar
Have had similar problem for 3 yrs from using Apple Cider Vinegar on my face (only I left it on not realising it was too severe for my very slightly dry, sensitive skin) I have been trying all sorts of natural remedies including honey masks, VCO the list is too long.. Anyway I was recently advised to try emu oil.. It has been a miracle for me. I put a little on my fingertip and smooth it over affected area morning and night ( for first 2 weeks I applied 3 to 4 times a day) After every application there has been a small but noticable improvment. After 2 months my skin is almost back to normal, (so don't expect it to work overnight, but you will see an improvement quickly) The emu oil is very fine and is water soluble so doesn't sit on top of the skin but is quickly absorbed. I wish you all the best with it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have applied ACV to my face for a while now and it seems to work well. I am a Southern European so I don't have sensitive skin and I apply it twice a day on a cotton wool pad. For my body (I do it once in a while) I found big baby pads which work better than the white cloth advised by Ted a you can throw them away after each application. So far so good..... I don't dilute it but then I don't apply a lot either!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I noticed hair growing on my chin if I eat non-organic meat or dairy product. Now I buy only organic meat and dairy and I have no more this problem
Apple Cider Vinegar
to help with the healing you can also get a Vitamin E capsule, puncture it and squeeze out the gel and apply it to the affected areas. it is a thick gel and it does soil so you may want to use this at night and put an old shirt or towel over your pillow so it doesn't get stained. if you have any scaring you can also apply Castor Oil to reduce/remove scar tissue.