Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for Glowing, Youthful Skin!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jaimi (Orlando, FL ) on 06/06/2008

WOW! I have come to love the wonderful product of ACV. I have had severe allergies and sinus problems since I could walk. Chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsilitis (they have lonce since been removed), rhinitis, etc... I have always taken prescription medication. However I am 8 mos pregnant and have not been able to take anything but over the counter Tylenol products. For the past 3 days I have been down and out with a severe sinus migraine, congestion and pressure. Nothing worked and I am sleep deprived! Adding these symptoms to 8mos of pregnancy spells MISERY for sure. I was desperate so I hopped online and what do you know? I found the same product that cured my husband of his pesky wart will also clear my sinuses. I only wished I found this info sooner! I took 1 tbsp of ACV with 8oz of water and downed. Then I made a mixture and put it in my veggie steamer (ACV is also a great residue cleaner) and sat over it for about 5mins. Everything started to clear up within the hour. I then rinsed with saline solution and I can breathe out of both nostrils! My headache is almost gone and the pressure almost nil! Oh and by the way the ACV steam bath is great for oily skin. I noticed a difference immediately after the face bath. I was then curious to see if this was a known rememdy for acne/skin problems and sure enough it is!!! In fact, Earth Clinic was the first hit.
I am amazed that such a simple, inexpensive product can do so much. Thank you dearly for this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (A Nice Place, Florida) on 06/05/2008

ACV cured my bladder infection! I drink two tabelspoons in 80z of water. The worse I feel the more I take. Thanks!! It also is a great exfoliator for my face. I just put it on a cotton ball and rub all over my face.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by shelly (Taipei City at present, Philippines) on 05/06/2008

I just want to add more on my testimonial and have some modification, after experimenting on my own face, I noticed that Grapeseed oil alone can be enough as my daily moisturizer since my skin type is moderately oily and I get better results. I am determined to use baking soda as my daily cleanser, then ACV diluted in distilled water as my toner and lastly grapeseed oil as my moisturizer, plus in daytime fluid whitening with suncreen and my super fine NB 23 compact powder. Daily intake of 1000mg Vit C alkaline based, 2tbsp ACV, and oil pulling before going to bed and in the morning after brushing my teeth. Once a week I pamper my body skin with the original moisturizer I mentioned on my first post since my body skin type is not as sensitive as my face. I hope this can help you too if you try it to yourself.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Kansas City, MO) on 05/02/2008

i am sixty-one years ol and i use acv,blackstrap molasses for years.i just started using coconut oil.i get comments on my looks everyday.great great.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelly (Taipei City at present, Philippines) on 05/01/2008

After reading this website I tried intake of ACV with water only, diluted ACV as face toner, baking soda as facial cleanser, oil pulling and making my homemade moisturizer! Too much at a time but no regrets since its the best ever regimen I have done for myself. Right away many benefits I have felt as follows: energized, more focus (I am a graduate student), not sluggish in the morning and late night, radiant face and no break outs, smaller pores and very light feeling on my face, smooth,supple and babyface, not oily but moisturized skin, am proud to tell that genital areas becomes amazingly moisturized and felt so clean (never felt moisturized this way before), more confidence and it feels great! Thanks to all this amazing testimonials and natural products we have around! HOwever, I am still tryin to experiment on the best way of taking in ACV without sore throat and stomach pain. My Vit C intake once a day after ACV helps to ease the acidic feeling on my stomach since my natural Vit C (1000mg) is basic-based product. Try my moisturizer mix: 5ml glycerin (make sure high grade quality) 5ml grapeseed oil 5ml sesame oil 5ml honey at night use this moisturizer mix after toning (ACV diluted in distilled water) baking soda as cleanser can be 3x a week, then use papaya soap as intervals, in the morning use very small amt of moisturizer mix after facial cleansing, let it subsides for at least 3mins then apply your regular foundation with sunscreen and pressed/loosed powder preferably with sunscreen also. If you want to become more fairer use fluid whitening (no to cream since it can clog pores based on my experience) use it in the daytime only since at night all natural should be use,in this way you avoid using commercially available products with added chemicals while at your most serene time of boosting radiance and youthfulness on your face. This can make you confident and radiant all day long! Have a nice try! Godbless you all!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Francoise (USA)

When my skin looks "sad" and needs to be revitalized, I put 3 drops of apple cider vinegar on a clean face and pat it for 30 seconds or so. The next morning, I glow!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K.D. (Canada)

I used to take honey @ ACV years ago but for whatever reason, quit doing so. People used to remark how clear and glowing my skin was.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carol (USA)

Fill a basin with warm water add half cup Apple Cider Vinegar, splash several times on face after washing your face. Do this twice a day and you will have ph balanced healthy skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Charlotte, NC)

I have been sipping throughout the day on 16-20oz of water with 1 oz ACV for about 2 weeks now. I could tell a difference on the second day in my energy level. Also after washing my face and prior to using my moisturizer, I dab with a cotton ball ACV on my face and then rinse. It leaves my face glowing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Laguna Hills, CA) on 04/16/2006

I've heard that apple cider vinegar was good for overall skin health so i bought a bottle from trader joe's and it's been a couple of days now and my complexion feels and looks much better. i've battled with acne throughout my teen years and have occasional breakouts now, my skin has some acne scarring and looks blotchy, but the past couple of days, i've been diluting a tablespoon or two in water and have been drinking it throughout the day. it really does look and feel better! my skin looks brighter and it almost looked like i had makeup on!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tmduke (Atlanta, GA) on 05/20/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured the acne beneath the skin and made pores appear smaller, also added a glow to skin. WONDERFUL! I used ACV as a toner to my face twice daily for beneath the skin acne and enlarged facial pores and I saw a fantastic difference in 3 days. There are only a few visible pores left, only seen when I stand close enough to the mirror to see my breathe. I also have a glow to my skin that is unbelievable. I've always loved my skin but didn't always treat it with love an care--but now seeing it glowing and healthy I am intent to add ACV to my diet for internal cleansing too. Thank you God for ACV!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (Canon City, CO) on 08/31/2006

External use of ACV cured sun spots. Some spots form a scale and after a few weeks fall off. Another use, wish had known sixty years ago, a few minutes before shaving, apply apple cider vinegar to the whiskers, then apply the shaving cream and the whiskers are softened, really makes a difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Low (USA) on 09/05/2006

Have been using ACV for a year on my skin (face, neck and hands). Friends have commented that my face looks 'very clean'. Revealed that I use ACV and recommended that they do the same. They have all benefited from it. It is being passed on by word of mouth. I am happy that we are using something very natural and cheap with wonderful result. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Columbus, OH) on 12/10/2006

I use ACV on my skin as a toner. It has worked miracles. My blemishes are gone, and my skin is glowing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LEILA (Gaborone, Botswana) on 04/25/2007

I started using ACV about 2 days back and my skin is so amazing,its glowing and the rushes on my skin are disappearing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Freyja (SLO, CA) on 12/17/2007

Hello. I have been taking ACV that I purchased at the health food store for over a month now. I take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with an airborne tablet. I have not noticed ANY weight loss whatsoever, in fact, I have noticed a slight weight gain. I have not had a decrease in my appetite. I have noticed an INCREASE in my appetite. However, people have started commenting on how young I look; just yesterday I was telling someone that I had a 12 year old son (I am 35) they were generally shocked and they asked me if I was 9 years old when I had him! That was nice to hear. I have also been called a "young lady" and "girl" quite a bit now as opposed to "lady" or "maam" which was happening quite a bit prior. I also noticed that I was catching a terrible bug that was going around, but, I just increased my ACV for a day and rested for one day and I did NOT catch it! I thought I was gonna get it back because I catch everything and am always sick. I have not been full blown sick since taking it. I am going to continue taking it for my health because I feel in my heart that it is good for me, however, I have not noticed weight loss (or loss of cellulite.... sigh :( for that I think I have to combine the ACV with periodic fasting and giving up my chocolate and substituting green tea for coffee. Also, I have been exercising less since taking the ACV due to scheduling. But like I said before, if it makes me look younger, than I'll keep taking it!

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