Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Urine Therapy
Posted by Shirty (Beverly, MA, USA) on 04/22/2009

Re the comments about urine for the complexion: A Russian nurse told me about a middle aged woman who had the most beautiful, clear ski. Apparently, she applied her own urine to her skin. When you think of it, it is not that strange. The most expensive facial creams contain uremia, basically urine. So, why not give it a try.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Minian (New Delhi, India) on 02/08/2007

Dear Sir, Nothing more than our own water (urine therapy). Thanks for your web site. I have understood that there is nothing in the world like our own water which is only the solution to cure all kinds of physical and mental sufferings of the people. The remedy lies in the nature. For your kind information, I have been using the gift of nature for all purposes since 1995. God Bless Everyone!
