Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

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Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marykaylady (Tempe, Az, Usa) on 01/18/2011

You are right on about this being from a potassium deficiency. Some drugs like Metformin or Lisinipril cause a potassium deficiency then we get sciatica pain. Molasses is high in potassium and it is easier than all the others to incorporate into one's diet daily but you didn't say how much you take? I will probably do this remedy because it is so easy and quick to take.

I was eating avocado, peanuts, potatoes, lima's, apricots and pears and a lot of other things that have potassium but the avocado gave me more relief than anything within 1 hour--(1 whole avocado). Also B Complex.... Like breads and Brewers yeast etc. Brewers yeast is the best one in the B's. So for me it is potassium and B complex. These are the two that I work on. May my prayers be with all sciatica pain sufferers. By the way Ibuprofin 800 mg is the only thing that will eliminate the pain completely temporarily while nothing else really will. Icy Hot spray and stick (both) work pretty good. I use them both at the same time.... Spray and then stick. I also take baths with Epsom and Lavender, I buy it at Walgreens in a bag. I get the water very hot or sit in it before the tub fills up because I want it very hot. Then when I am done I drain the tub and turn on the cold water. So it is a hot and cold bath... This works for me. I think that is about my take on this mess and I just wonder if I will ever! Get rid of this without surgery. Anyone ever used a Ten's unit? JO in Phoenix
