Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

Posted by Dena Lewis (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/21/2024

Bananas/Avoid Caffeine

I'm currently pain free from sciatica due to me eating bananas smoothies. I add strawberries and peanut butter with dates and a little maple syrup and cocoa powder. I drink this for a week and also did piriformis muscle massage twice a day on buttocks, and back of thigh and the calf. I massage the entire sciatic muscles. You can find videos on YouTube or tic tok. I do it twice a day everyday and I'm pain free. I didn't have to do anything else. I believe sciatica pain is triggered by a potassium deficiency. Caffeine should be avoided because it takes certain vitamins and minerals from the body. I also take a multivitamin, vitamin d, magnesium and eat vitamin b rich vegetables daily along with meat for b12.
