Posted by Megan (Salt Lake City, Ut) on 07/10/2014
These exercises are so great and were so helpful during my last pregnancy. even though minerals helped a lot I still found that I would have bad bouts of RLS. if I did these exercises, even in the middle of the night, I found that I could go right to sleep after that. Thank you again!
Posted by Faye (Odessa, TX) on 06/25/2009
Can say that I was diagnosed with RLS about 2 years ago. One night I was reading online and noticed that I was hurting in my lower back while sitting. I looked to see what would help that problem and found- 3 -simple exercies and when I did those I slept all night long. It seems that the lower back is related to Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I do also believe that a lack of minerals and folic acid and Vitamin D3 are also needed but the exercises doing them 3 to 6 times a day about a minute and I sleep all night long. This works whether I take the vitamins and mineral or not as sometimes I get lazy about taking pills all the time and can go weeks before I take the supplements again. But the exercises are simple: 1-Rotate the Hips as in trying to use a Hula Hoop. 2-Twist the upper body 3-Do squats with the knees as low as possible and do all of this no more that 1 minute for all 3 exercises. Do this a minumin of 3 times or more as needed.