Hallo my son has been nattling this for 2 months, not knowing what his Rash was. Im grateful to find your website. He had in 1998 also when he was 5 yrd old. I was uneducated then & he had on his lower back. We had multiple cats since he was 1 yrs old. Niw, I am current a student at the school of Vedic Astrology/Sanskrit. @ the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science. I also study Ayurveda & illness including Rashes of the body. I know cayenne pepper purifies the body and will help with rashes by making a paste and orally drinking with detoxify the lymph nodes and our blood system, also including a paste homemade of mustard seeds. Ayurveda has ringworm remedies as well. Also I am giving him herb pills - Wormwood Combination> with clove, wormwood, black walnut, Quassia, and Male Fern Root. All Vegetarian source capsules. I hope this helps others as well. I appreciate your website very much. I wish all peace :) Linette
I get ringworm on the tops of my feet and have tried soaking them in bleach and water many times. It does not make the ringworm go away in my case.
Bleach Bath
I had ringworm on and off for over 40 years. When it started it would appear once or twice a year. As I got older it got worse. In a hot and humid climate, I was getting it every couple of weeks. I found a liquid fungicide that would knock it out pretty well and I tried many home remedies but it always came back. Then around a year ago I heard how a bleach bath would cure 'old timers' disease. So I added 2 cups of ordinary liquid bleach to a hot bath and gave it a try. Don't know if it did anything for the old timer coz I just realized that I haven't had any ringworm now for over a year. I'm surprised no one has tried this before. I think it is a good cure for ringworm.
You should see a doctor if you have had this for this long & have had little relief. I have dermatitis on my hands. You can get it many places on your body & have it not spread to other areas. It can easily be controled, but it is not a fungus. They gave me steroid cream for my hands.. & without it I don't know what I would do! Nothing else will take it away! Please see a doctor.. & good luck!
Aloe Vera
I started with a small circle on my right groin about 3 months months ago. I used virtually all OTC antifungals, none worked at all, which was very strange as previous experiences with fungus lasted 2 weeks at most and didn't have any problem clearing, they were a matter of put on the cream and forget, pretty much. This time it's been different from the start. One night, about 2 weeks ago, I even applied ACV like mad, till it bled, only to see a large rash on my corresponding thigh the morning afterwards; I reckon spores were released in huge amounts and all went to what was closest to them. Slowly but steadily that creepy thing is spreading on my two thighs and about 2 days ago on my left forearm. Now I've very very concerned, I don't want to have ringworm on my torso, face, etc. I've also tried several home remedies such as coconut oil (seemed to work but it's way too oily), Absorbing Jr Extra Strength (didn't work at all), Vicks Vaporub (same, didn't work), soaps with tea tree oil (apart from the nice smell, nothing), antidandruff shampoo (nothing either).
What does seem to work for me is Aloe Vera. After only 2 days on my forearm and that thing seems completely controlled, if not gone already. After the first application it stopped spreading; I reckon in the same way as clear nail polish seems to work, Aloe Vera suffocates ringworm and eventually kills it. Caveat: the infection on my forearm was very very recent, I've also applied generous amounts of AV to my groins and legs but probably because it's quite worse there it's taking way longer to see results.
Something very important to take into account is that ringworm may seem and act different depending on the part of the body affected. On my forearm I mostly saw circular shapes with borders of slightly darker, reddish skin, whereas on my thighs and groins it's slightly thickened skin in circular shapes, sometimes with several pustules (which I am yet to see on my forearm).
Tinea can get stubborn depending on the fungal strain and the site of infection.
Had a Tinea for 12 years. Had tried all possible solutions/ointments/natural remedies, some of them at full strength and also the liver damaging oral anti-fungals. Want to share the simplest remedy that healed me.
Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant contains the active ingredient CHLOROXYLENOL 4.8 % w/v and this is also called PCMX which is recommended at 1 % for hand sanitation.
So, about 1% or 1/5th dilution should help if applied thrice a day. Higher concentrations 1/4 or 1/3 or 1/2 is more effective but stings a lot and dries the infection faster and use your judgement while applying in the sensitive areas.
The first application makes the skin dark and dries the outer infected layers and this will fall off within 3-7 days. This can be hastened by the use of salicylic acid soap or ointment that sheds the old skin.
Then target the next layer.
Continue daily or bi-weekly application of the diluted Dettol Antiseptic solution even after cure to ensure continued protection. This is very easy.
Sceptics can google "Gordochom Topical Antifungal" to know how this works.
Among those affected by chloroxylenol are candida albicans, aspergillus niger, aspergillus flavus, trichophyton rubrum, trichophyton mentagrophytes, penicillum luteum and epidermophyton floccosum.
One MUST discuss with the health care practitioner before attempting any treatment.
Urine cures lots of ailments... Its natures golden medicine... Its free.
Green Walnuts
This is a seasonal cure for ringworm, but it has worked every time I have seen it tried!!! You take a walnut with the green shell still on it and peal off a thin layer to expose the " what I call husk meat" and rub the juice oozing from it on the affected area.? It will burn a bit and stain the skin, but IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
I have suffered a terrible bout with ring worm I have tried many many things such as tea tree, wormwood, coconut oil, act. it is on my back and my arms; nothing worked until I ground to a paste garlic and ginger and a dab of water. Put it on for about one hour and removed it. Kicked the life out of it in one session but I now am continuing it. But it is definitely under controll. Two words of caution: only put it on affected area as it will make skin freakish red. And it is not comfortable for about 15 minutes
Oregano Oil
Re the question of applying oregano oil directly to skin. I've only used infused oregano oil topically and by mouth... Meaning I use a carrier oil like olive oil etc and dilute with that. Hope that helps! Katy
Ringworm Remedies
(Mpls., Mn) on 10/08/2013
Hey there!
I am sorry you are going through this process.
I have not had ringworm myself, but I did manage to rescue a kitten from a goat shed on a farm and sucessfully infect my pack of 6 dogs with ringworm that came from the kitten. The kitten went on to a rescue group and my dogs were left with these funny spots! The first veterinarian wanted to culture the spots for a definitive diagnosis, stating the Wood's lamp only flouresced 50% of the time; the second vet used the Wood's lamp and viola! We saw bright apple green spots flowing under the light. How silly; while only 50% of ringworm species glow under a Wood's lamp or black light, a remarkable 50% DO. I suggest a first step for you would be to see if the species you have glows under the black light - if you can spot the color your species glows you are that much ahead in removing the spores from your home and stopping any reinfection from occuring.
What I did to contain a potentially massive outbreak in my house was to paint all the ringworm spots on the dogs with fingernail polish; some folks suggested liquid bandage but that is a breathing membrane: what you want to do is suffocate the fungus and clear fingernail polish does a good job. So, I painted clear fingernail polish on all the dogs spots daily - this for 7-10 days.
I then got all the dog bedding, and since I sleep with my dogs, my bedding too, and washed in bleach; I washed my pajamas and bedding on a daily basis for the next 10 days.
Next, since the species of fungus my dogs had glowed green, I got a black light and some duct tape. I waited until night, turned out all the lights so I was in pitch black, and then went over all the areas in my house the dogs had access to; anything that glowed green I stickied up with the duct tape. Some people purchase high power vacuum cleaners such as Dirt Devil's and then once they vacuum the beejeezus out of their homes discard the unit; I found that duct tape had all the sticking power I needed and did not resort to infecting and discarding a vacuum unit. Once I was certain my furniture was clean and floors were good, I turned on the lights and then put sheets and covers on the furniture that I could easily wash on a daily basis; if its just you infected and no pets, you may not need to go to the extremes of covering your furniture and washing sheets daily. I did a quick nightly inspection with the black light the first week to ensure any spores that were shed from any critter were promptly removed.
Then, on a nightly basis I would take each dog into the hallway and close the doors and turn off the lights - and then go over the dog with the black light. Areas that were about to 'bloom' glowed faintly, while active open sores glowed brightly. I painted each area with the fingernail polish daily - this quickly quashed any new sores and stopped the open sores from shedding spores.
Given that I had 6 dogs at the time that all got infected from the rescue kitten, I was looking at a potential nightmare with no end in sight. But being able to see the spores with the black light saved me time, money, and aggravation and quickly nipped my dogs ringworm infections in the bud and successfully avoided getting contaminated myself.
I have used Lugol's Iodine for ringworm. My nephew had it in his thigh. I had him apply Iodine to the area twice a day and it cleared in about a week. I googled how to use it, I used 4% Iodine.
Ringworm Remedies
Hello again Naturalrush: In re Ringworm; you let the Epsom compress (just a thick mix of a tablespoon of epsom salts with enough water to disolve... But expect it to be a bit lumpy. Now apply as a compress, just spoon it onto the rash site and let dry for twenty minutes. You can leave longer until completely dry and then wash off. Hours later repeat as described in prior post.
Best to you,
Ringworm Remedies
When my daughter had one, a nurse practitioner told me to use some miconazole cream. I don't remember how long I kept applying it but it worked. She only had the one.
Ringworm Remedies
Thank you for your reply! When you say let the epsom salt dry do you mean for a few minutes then wash off? I cant imagine just leaving it on lol. I have no clue what the heck borax is, will look into it. Will taking ACV orally help kill the fungus internally? I already have it at home (with 'the mother') Have you gotten rid of your ringworm successfully?
Ringworm Remedies
To Natural rush in Canada re ringworm (fungus) cures:
I posted about using "clay" and incorrectly said you can take that by capsule... and was talking also about charcoal. NO. The clay you mix in water and disolve and drink or make a more solid paste to apply topically. Over the years I've used CHARCOAL in pill form not clay in pill form. You can also make a paste out of charcoal and apply topically.
So sorry. And I do proof my posts three times before sending. I'll have to start proofing four times. (Or stop writing in the middle of the night... Which is when I am most alert... I thought.)
Ringworm Remedies
To Naturalrush/ Canada:
Greetings...the joys of killing a fungus. Not.
Know what you're going thru. Ringworm is persistent and I've used a lot of different things to counter attack: Success with Epsom Salts... Disolve the mag sulfate in water leaving it graney and take the paste and rub vigorously if you like on the infected spot. It sure feels good too if itching. Just let it dry. Again a few hours later. Then apply borax; as in 20 Mule Team Borax, which has boron in it. Let dry. Again apply an hour later and let dry.
That is a three day protocol. If the fungus is in the system then you'll see the infection re emerge at different skin locations as ringworm seeks the skin and I'm thinking (maybe wrong but I think not) that the fungus if in the blood stream will seek out its favorite "home" which is the skin.
So to kill it system wide; colloidal silver taken daily over a two month period with alternating doses of bentonite clay or charcoal... You can get the clay in health food stores in pill form and also the charcoal in powder form. I know charcoal is in powder canisters also but I've only used it to take internally by pill. Either way, powder disolved in water or in pill form it's a good cleanser.
By the way, you might try using charcoal and clay... Either one... Topically too if the epsom salts/boron aren't doing the trick. CS also topically might work. I'd combine CS with DMSO if you are going to use topically to get it deep into the skin layers to the root system of the fungus.
Ringworm Remedies
Ringworm help please. I have what the doctor says is ringworm. It seems to be fading (slowwwly) with clotrimazole. However after reading everyone's posts here it seems it always comes back or becomes resistant? What can I do right now to aid the healing process. I am going crazy with this, afraid to touch my own face etc. I have three spots, all on my legs.
Also, if you see a pimple like bump what can you do right away to keep it from developing/getting worse?
Can anyone speak to there being any truth that you need to take on an anti candida like diet :S seems extreme
Clear Nail Polish really works miracle for ringworm, saw some testimonies and tried it and I was surprised. It really work.
Oregano Oil
Your comment is amazing. I see no other recommendation that even comes close to this. You can drink the essential oil? I know this oil is powerful and you apply it directly to your skin undiluted?
Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Thank you so much for sharing! I too had a nasty patch as I didn't know what it was for about a week. I first tried OTC but they weren't controlling itch, nor did they seem to help with spreading. So I found this and I'm so glad I did. The tea tree helped with the itch right away. When I was able to do the ACV application, I cleaned the area (my neck! ) thoroughly. Because it was on an add location, I couldn't let the ACV sit, so I applied it with a cotton round every 10 mins or so for an hour. Then washed again and did tea tree immediately and as necessary. Did the ACV 2x/day. In one day, the difference was dramatic and I can tell its not spreading. Thank you again!!!
Paper or Wood Ash
Ringworm was treated with ashes from burned paper and/or hard wood ashes from the fire place, both seemed to work very good and fast. Rub on morning and night and every time we thought about it in between. It also worked on our cats, we put it on their skin and their bedding.
I had a fungus on my face in two places for years. The fungus appeared to be ringworm. Had a doctor look at it but wasn't a dermatitis doc. I found a prescription creme that made it go away but never killed it. It makes it go away for weeks then comes back "Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate Creme USP", which has steroids in it, so I didn't want to take it if I didn't have to. Around May 2013 I was in Natural Grocery Store and bought a product that since I started applying it, has made my fungus completely go away for months now. It is a product made by NoMiss LTD, which the main ingredient is "IODINE". It is a miracle cure! I want to thank EarthClinic for all of the info I have used for years with natural cures!
Rubbing Alcohol
I also used rubbing alcohol on a ringworm patch I had on my arm some years ago. I applied alcohol everytime I could think to. I think it just dried it up and it went away. I never had that problem again.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I got a ringworm spot, I believe from a used clothing store. Initially I thought it's psoriasis I suffer from, but it was developing tiny liquid pustules and a dark pink redish ring, well defined round shape and was increasing in size daily.
What I used to treat it was a combination of natural remedies iodine 5%, some VCO, 3 garlic heads taken internally for 3 days, but what I think worked the best was hydrogen peroxide 3%; I freak out a bit after couple of days, painted Iodine and Virgin Coconut Oil was not helping much so I taped over it a face cotton pad with H2o2 overnight which was incredible itchy and painful at the same time but you could see the spot was drying completely.
Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Mataravj, I believe you may be wrong about not using Absorbine Jr. It says directly on the label it is meant to treat fungal infections such as jock itch or athletes foot. So I would definitely get Absorbine Jr over the arthritis treatment...
False Ringworm
I went through such a horrible experience with what I thought was ringworm, that I wanted to share my story in hopes to save people from what I went through:
My first spot appeared in August 2012 on my stomach, at first I thought it was a bad insect bite that just wasn't subsiding, but it slowly grew and started to look like ringworm. I had had ringworm earlier in my life from playing with barn kittens, and showed to the spot to my parents, who confirmed it was ringworm. I went to a CVS and purchased some lotrimin, as directed by the internet. a month in the lotrimin did nothing, new spots were apearing, on my upper thigh, back, but and 1 behind the knee.
When the over the counter meds weren't working, I finally decided to go to a doctor, who after a quick visual inspection confirmed it was ringworm, sent me off with a topical and oral fluconizole because it was so wide spread. No results after three weeks, so I went to another physician.
This doctor took scrapings to do a KOH test, and a live culture. Perscribed me oral lamisil (TERRIBLE for your liver) and another stronger anti fungal topical. 3 weeks later, the spots grew larger, continued to flake and occasionally itch. Both tests came back negative.
I decided to take the matters to a learned dermatologist- a supposed expert on skin conditions. Once again, diagnosed as ringworm, with a positive KOH test ON SITE. I was distraught- ready to try ANYTHING. She prescribed me "the strongest topical antifungal there is, there is no way this won't work- naftin cream"
Naturally I went on EC and read positive reviews for nail polish, bleach and ACV. I even started going to an accupuncturist. Bleach and ACV did nothing... I used 1:3, 1:1 or straight bleach on one spot behind my knee (it actually worked! ), but it was really painful, and I was afraid to use iton the larger, more sensitive areas affected.
Two weeks later I was back in her office, in tears, they had only gotten worse, the strongest cream in the world had not worked, I was ready to take a bleach bath. The doctor was puzzled and I ended up getting a biopsy. 7 days later the results were in - ECZEMA.
She prescribed me a strong steroid cream. the spots were 90% better OVERNIGHT, and 100%, with the exception of some minor skin discoloration in 1 week.
Prior to seeing all three doctors, I informed them that my mother has eczema, and if there was anyway this was some type of eczema, they all dismissed me.
I went through 3.5 months of absolute hell thinking I had incurable ringworm. I couldn't focus on anything buy ringworm, I tried naturasil, and neem products (all of which I was refunded for :) ). and spend hundreds of dollars on other remedys, creams etc etc.
If after a month, your "ringworm" isn't responding to anything, ask your doctor to "try" a steroid cream. They are often hesitant to perscribe them, because if it was actually ringworm, it makes it even worse.
Good Luck!
Menthol and Wormwood Oil
was wondering why I don't see any more posts about using absorbine jr. for ringworm.
EC: Hi Candy, Yes we've moved all of those posts to a MENTHOL AND WORMWOOD OIL heading. We love how well this ringworm treatment seems to work, but EC would like to focus on the natural ingredients rather than the specific brand!
Shampoo Brush, Coconut Oil
Try N___ shampoo containing ketoconazole. I heard they have taken it out of a lot of pharmacies, not sure why. I've been using it as by accident I found on a forum looking for tinea versicolor sures that it has a side affect of growing hair, and then found on hairloss forums a LOT off comments (and some research) that it can make hair thicker. I had dandruff for years, and also my hair grows so slow and it's so thin you can see my scalp right though my hair. Anyway: though it stings a bit, and you should look out for any side effects, it IS an antifungal also prescribed for ringworm! And so I reccomend trying it. For me: I got rid of my dandruff! My theory: some fungussus can just live there for years in your hair and in my case make my hair quality worse... Now I feel much better, even if I don't use it anymore for a while now.
Menthol and Wormwood Oil
For about a month and a half I had a rash that started mysteriously around Xmas, and I wasn't sure what it was or how I got it. At first it started as bumps then the bumps turned into rings... And then I knew it was ringworm. And it covered my arms, torso, and legs. Pretty much I was devestated. The first rememdy of coconut oil and lavendar oil didn't do too much. It seemed to dry out the parts of the rash which wasn't but didn't do too much to help kill it. I then went on to use Lotrimin which was fine, but something told me to search for more. I then found this site and saw the information on Menthol and Wormwood Oil ... Needless to say its been a day and I'm already seeing results as well as using tea tree oil on the affected areas. I'm amazed this is working so well, plus it seems to help with the itching which has been a huge bane. THANK YOU For this information. Ringworm on this level is very harsh to deal with and effects self esteem... I'm very certain this method will kill this issue. :)
I had a spreading ringworm rash that lasted for 6 months--between Oct. 2011 and April 2012. During that time, I tried lotions from the doctor, Diflucan, Absorbine Jr., garlic, apple cider vinegar, and a very low-sugar diet. Nothing worked!
I was really frustrated, but then I found this website and decided to try iodine. I started applying iodine once a day to the ringworm patches, and within 2 weeks, all of my spots were gone. A few came back, but the iodine quickly knocked them out again. I haven't had any troubles with ringworm for the past 8+ months!
Thanks everyone for suggesting cures for ringworm. I knew I needed to come back and add my story once I was sure the ringworm was gone for good!
When I was growing up whenever we kids got ringworm our mom or grandmother, whoever we were around at the time, would break off a leaf from a fig tree and apply the milky sap coming from the stem of the leaf to the lesion which would cause a temporary mild increase in the itching and it would be reapplied once or twice a day until the lesion dissapeared in a few days. Of course this only works during the part of the year when the fig trees have leaves on them. These are the kind of fig trees that have the edible fruit on them.
Yes your own urine does in fact get rid of "Athletes foot" at no cost and a limitless supply... It will get rid of it in less than a week...
I recently caught the ringworm. Unfortunately, it spread to other places on my skin because I did not treat it immediately. A friend recommended that I put my own urine on the ringworm. I used a plastic cup to pee in. I dipped tissue in the cup and put it on my skin. I rinsed it off with warm water and then I took my hands and scrubbed some hand soap on it. I let it air dry. I saw results less than a hr. The fungus was killed but the patch was still there. The urine will kill the ringworm but the patch may still be noticeable on your skin so continue to use your urine until the patch is no longer visible. I used urine on my skin twice a day for 3 days and it is GONE. I put the urine on my skin when I woke up in the morning and at night. I am sure if you apply urine to your skin more throughout the day the patch will disappear quicker. Make sure you keep the ringworm covered with a Band-Aid or it will spread on your skin if you make a mistake and rub other parts of your skin on the infected area.
I did not use any cream only my own urine.
This is my first time creating a post on this site. I wanted to create this post because when I googled how to heal a ringworm people talked about how they used CREAM for a few wks to get rid of their ringworm. I needed a quick remedy because ringworms are a nuisance and I am thankful that my own urine worked. Urine is free so I wanted to share this home remedy with everybody. I also heard that you could use urine on your feet to cure athlete's feet.
I hope this post has helped you.
Each is there own but I will share what finally worked for me. I had a bad case of ringworm. All over my legs and arms and wherever else. Before I realized what it was it had spread quite a bit and nothing was working to get rid of it. I tried this cream, that cream... I even tried bleach, nail polish and I swear I almost considered burning it off one day. Long story short I ended up juicing some ginger and mixing in a little vinegar. I would apply this directly to the ringworm and let it dry up. Then I applied the shea butter mixture I made. (Shea butter, sea salt, tea tree oil) The ginger and vinegar really started nuetralizing the fungus and the shea butter mixture kept it clean and hydrated. Plus when it itched really bad I could rub the very course shea butter mixture on it and it would help a lot. The only helpful product I found was the naturasil ringworm stuff. I think if I hadn't let it go for so long this product may have worked completely but it didn't fully treat what I was dealing with. Just thought I would pass this along in case someone else is as desperate as I was for something that will help.
Yes Garlic definitely works to get rid of ringworm. I slice a clove into slivers and rub the juice into the fungal spot. Though its easier to get liquid garlic capsules — pierce them to rub the oil directly on the spot. Gone in less than a week. Garlic is so good for so many things its a staple to have in the house.