DMSO, Oregano Oil
Working at the farm in the dew and heat, we stay wet from head to toe and working with mushroom compost doesn't help. Anyways, I think DMSO enhances the properties of essential oils, etc. Her next project is to use Frankincense and DMSO to address a skin tag that her bra is keeping irritated. Her Dermatologist said to leave it alone. That does not make sense. I had her read the archives on EC about this and turned her loose. We'll see what she comes up with.
Oregano Oil
This time, after much prayer, I turned to essential oils. I used undiluted drops of turmeric essential oil which slowed it down, and lemon essential oil and geranium eo which helped to shrink down the rash, followed by unrefined coconut oil which also helped to keep back new spreading but upon washing my hand or bathing it would spread again. These oils were good but could not totally knock it down. I did all I could to keep it dry and to quickly dry it and reapply the oils but I was losing this battle because it was still spreading a little everyday on my finger.
Then I read about Oil of Oregano's use against ringworm in animals and thought to try it since I always keep a bottle of it in the house. There I found a most powerful tool against this severely irritating foe. Oil of Oregano knocked this fungus out like David did to Goliath. Bam! The first application of the Oil of Oregano caused immediate results! The raised rash deflated, the angry itch died hope was regained. Sure it burned and yeah the cracked skin oozed but the most importantly the beast is either dead or dying. No itch at all now. The skin on my finger was damaged by the ringworm so the color is dark and the surface is rough and flaky. Large dead pieces of skin were able to be removed yeah, it wasn't pretty...but time and the body's natural healing mechanisms will have to be depended on to regain full normalcy of the skin and that is fine by me. I'm patient and very ever so thankful and grateful that I tried the oil of oregano. It is for me a total game changer.
Oregano Oil can be taken internally. I usually take a few drops by mouth with water already in my mouth to avoid the burn from this potent oil. Once I took it by mouth during flu season to avoid sickness and it has kept me well when everyone in the house including my nursing baby was sick a few years ago. Thankfully it even helped the nursing baby to more quickly overcome her cold symptoms and she was most mildly affected than the other children. It's also good for stopping the pain caused by crohn's.
One of my family members took it during a bout with pain caused by an intestinal ulcer and within minutes felt no pain to our great surprise and relief. I suggest keeping this precious oil in your home and looking deeply into how it can help you and those for whom you have influence.
Tinea Capitis
Rinse you hair with 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts water.
If your hair comes out anything less than fabulous this is because you have been using shampoos or treatments or coloring with sulfates. It is important to eliminate those. I never put anything on my skin that I couldn't eat.
It may take a half dozen washes but once the sulfates are out you will be thrilled.
When not fighting fungus I use organic castle soap. You will love the ACV rinse so alkalizing and healthy!! Consider switching to henna for color but know you can''t switch back again to commercial coloring.
I am in my late 50s and without sulfates and with henna my hair is thicker and more lustrous than when I was in my 20s!!!
Thieves Oil and Castor Oil
As soon as you feel it spreading (for me that is it starts to itch), treat the spot with full strength Thieves essential oil. I keep rubbing in until the itch stops. May burn slightly but you can tell this is a good burn:) Then I cover the area with castor oil. It seems to prevent the spores from coming back immediately.
Repeat as necessary but for me a few applications even for the largest new spots seemed to work.
Aloe Vera
I used ACV and everything else under the sun but nothing would get it off my right leg. Having looked at some electron mocroscope pictures of dermatophytes I just went to war. I discovered that clove bud oil seemed to bring one of the new spreading patches to the surface and dry it out. I researched clove bud oil and sure enough it turns out to be one of the best fungus killers available. Result!
OK so far but leg and old infection must be dealt with. The skin had built layers and layers of protective covering and lumps so no wonder nothing would reach it. It had also been in a constant state of inflammation. I sandpapered in the bath before filling it with water which removed a few dusty layers but not enough.
So I got some bentonite clay and made a paste with ACV. Painted the complete leg thickly with this mix, wrapped it in cling film and left on for 24 hours. Stung like hell but I dealt with that by imagining each sting as a dermatophyte screaming and fighting for its life. Another one bites the dust. Fantastic result. All I had to do was take a smooth knife and scrape the skin off revealing for the first time the extent of the fungus. Oh boy! ACV soaked cotton wool rubbed in vigorously seems to have killed it off. The spots are dark red brownish so it looks pretty dead.
Back to the other leg and thighs! Tried rubbing clove oil all over instead of just on the outbreaks. That was a revelation. They are literally covered in fungus. The clove oil seems to bring to the surface fungus you don't know is there so you can see the extent of the actual infection. It seems to pretty much kill it as the rash it creates is rough to the touch and red at first.
Clove doesn't sting unless the skin is broken and then it's mild compared to ACV. When clove oil is absorbed after an hour or two I smother everything with Aloe Vera Gel. That is one of the only substances which penetrates to the hypodermis and so carries the clove oil with it. Fungus doesn't stand a chance LOL! When I can take more stinging I alternate with ACV spray just to keep things going! All out attack! To help the skin along I occasionally mix the aloe vera with coconut oil.
For the final stage I have ordered colloidal silver spray. Salt and vinegar in the bath first of course. Forever!!
I feel great because I know I have it licked. The inflammation in the leg has cooled off which means the skin's immune system doesn't have living fungus to deal with. Skin is gradually looking healthier.
Still a way to go but at least when I do get rid of it, it will be ALL of it with nothing left hidden and I will have new skin. I am 70 years old so that can't be bad.
The only thing I didn't learn here was the clove bud oil trick. I just happened to have some on hand and tried it. So thank you everybody for all the input and maybe my method might just help somebody else.
You are all terrific!
Ps I think I picked this up from a friend's dog who was chewing at his paw forever! He would leap into bed with me in the morning for a play session while I was on a three month visit a couple of years ago.
Maureen (London UK)
Swimming in the Ocean
Oregano Oil
(**WARNING** It will burn your skin a little bit, but it actually felt good because of the itch.)
Aloe Vera
The second bout happened about 2 years after on my lower back, timodine did a little but it seemed they were more resistant. I remembered when I had the first bout I started drinking home made garlic and onion soup, this may have helped get rid of it internally.
It is slowly going away, ACV can sting but the sting soon goes away. Soak a face cloth (to only be used for this purpose) in a slightly diluted mixed of water and ACV and allow to soak for at least 20 mins. One big tip is to have a hot bath first, open the pores of the skin to allow the Apple Cider Vinegar to get right into the skin. This approach is working better than any OTC or prescription I have had for this bout.
I have also started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar as mentioned in the replies. Remember to continue the process well after you think it has disappeared, because it is basically waiting to come back again if you don't.
Good luck.
Paleo Diet
Remedies That Didn't Work
Oregano Oil
Aloe Vera
I have used Turmeric powder for many years for ringworm on cats. It disappears within days. The area must be dry (on human skin) and the powder applied gently. Repeat during the day and wear clothes that can be washed and are not the best ones. When washing with laundry soap, there will be a deep pink which disappears with time or when exposed to the sun.
Doesn't even cost pennies. Namaste, Om
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
I am new to this site. I was recommended to try Apple Cider Vinegar by my nurse practitioner for ringworm I have under my arm. I did some research on this site, and everyone says they rub the site very hard until they bleed. Is this necessary to get the ringworm to go away or can I just hold a cotton ball soaked with ACV over the spot briefly?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
Multiple Remedies
N1. Applied 'tincture of Iodine' with a q-tip one a day and the ringworm was gone in a week. This may tint the skin and clothes.
N2. Application of Dettol antiseptic (the original old formula) stopped the fungal growth.
N3. Slightly warmed 100 ML mustard oil, added a teaspoon each of Turmeric powder and a red chilli powder. Mixed well and Stored in a bottle. Applied twice daily to stop fungus. This may tint the clothes.
S1. Lugol's solution: Washed the affected area with mild shampoo and applied twice daily to stop the fungal growth.
S2. If I wanted to avoid tinting or sensitivity, applied Tamarind extract 1:5 which is a potent fungicide and bactericide. Soaked 20 grams of Tamarind in 100 ML warm water, mashed and squashed, filtered and stored in the fridge for daily use.
S3. Slightly warmed 100 ML mustard oil, added a teaspoon of Turmeric and mixed well. Applied twice daily for fungus control. This may tint the clothes.
A couple of days later, I had a tiny cut on my face between my eye and nose. The fungus spread to my face, then the inside crook of my arm, then the back of my neck. All these were exposed areas, so I started covering the rest of my body with clothes and socks to protect it.
I didn't try ACV again, because it brought the skin to pustules and I read that once they burst, it spreads like wildfire. I think that's what happened to me. So I figured the slow and patient approach best.
I'm a big proponent of natural remedies, and made myself a balm of coconut oil/olive oil/vit e oil/tea tree oil/lavender essential oil. This was soothing, took the itch away for a period of time, but did not stop the spreading (or subsequent reinfections of the same site).
I am currently on the anti-fungal meds from the doc (works ever so slowly and doesn't seem to get rid of it quickly) and tried the steroid cream he gave. Package said to use that for 7 days only so I've stopped that, but that's not enough time to heal this issue.
I turned to online remedies. I tried Blue Star ointment. That seemed to help for a day, but after that it burned my skin and gave me welts, and I couldn't use it anymore.
What does work for me is:
* Selsun Blue shampoo with the scrubbing beads. Great for the lower scalp and back of the neck. Takes away the itching for some time, and is relieving. You can put it on the other sides too but don't scrub too much, since the beads cut the skin (my right hand is super dry due to this shampoo).
* Lamasil. This took away the itching all day for me, and calmed the areas. It doesn't seem to be killing the fungus though. 1x a day after shower.
* Black Walnut tincture. Day one of this and a lot of the redness was gone. Today is day three and I can see my skin color through the ringworm. I can still see redness under the skin so it's still there, but seems to be slowly fading. 3x a day, or dab on if there are small areas that itch/sting after application.
*Dr. Bronner's castille soap with tea tree oil - I use this to cleanse the site between applications. Foam it up and rinse in cool water. I use it at least 3-4 times a day, even on my face. Pat dry with clean towel, and let area completely air dry for a bit. The apply your black walnut tincture.
Internally, I saw a site that said to drink ACV (1.5 tsp to half glass water). So I'm having that daily, along with a teaspoon of Carlson's cod liver oil (the lemon-flavored one).
I also don't let clothing touch the sites (crook of my arm - roll up sleeve or wear really short sleeve shirt that doesn't touch the site) because clothing seems to irritate it, help it to spread and keep in the moisture. I have been sleeping on the couch with towels laid out under me. I sleep on my back with the crook of the arm facing up, so that the air can get to the site. If I bend my arm, within minutes moisture and warmth builds up, and the site reddens and stings. Wash all towels and clothes daily with plenty of vinegar in the rinse.
I'm definitely not scared/panic-y anymore. I was extremely concerned about it spreading more, or me having it forever. I'm not going to say that it isn't going to happen, but at least I feel a little more at ease, seeing it slowly get better daily.
If you have it bad, I think you have to be patient with the remedy that seems to calmly heal this issue. I don't see how these folks can put something on and in two days it's totally gone. Maybe that works for someone who recognizes it when they get it, and they catch it small. However, for those of us who have had it longer, or have larger areas, patience and diligence seem to be key. It seems that different things work for different folks, so try and find what works for you.
I've also seen that gentian violet works well and quickly. I've not been able to find that yet, but if this continues on me. I'll have to order it and try it.
I hope this helps someone. Thanks to everyone who have shared their stories and methods here.
Over the Counter
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
The Gunpowder with which we are concerned is the traditional Black Gunpowder, whose three cardinal constituents are sulphur, carbon, and nitre or saltpetre.
Modern smokeless gunpowder is of a different composition.
As sulphur, carbon, and saltpetre are three potent medicines well known to pharmacy and physic, it is not surprising that a combination of the three should also be a medicine of great potency.
There is a certain piquancy in the fact that gunpowder is a remedy for the accidents of warfare ; but some instinct put into the minds of our soldiers of long ago that gunpowder could cure as well as kill.
The Indians of North America and Canada have found in it a remedy for snake-bites.
The shepherds of East Anglia, as already mentioned, use it extensively in treating their flocks and themselves for wounds and blood-poisoning of many kinds, and for protecting themselves against wound infection." ...............As my Great Grandfather might have said...keep you powder dry...till you mix it with the Petrolatum! ( old timer's name for Vaseline) :)
Aloe Vera
Over the Counter
Over the Counter
Re "ringworm"....
The OTC suggestion is good...I've used Lamisil very successfully.
Over the Counter
Over the Counter
But, if the bleach really bothers you, apple cider vinegar would be my next choice and its not very expensive. They do really itch and burn, but I try to think of it as the remedy killing the fungus. When I was little, my mother bought Blue Star ointment, not natural I suppose, but it worked also.
ATS ========ORH===========
The simplest and cheapest remedy for ringworm which is a fungus, is turmeric powder applied dry.
I have used it for years on cats with good results.
Turmeric if spilled on clothes, washes out very well if patient. I use Sunlight laundry soap bar. First, the spot turns a nice pink. I hang the garment up wet and it may disappear or will do so next time. It works well on cottons.
Namaste, Om
Aloe Vera
Swimming in the Ocean
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing Alcohol