The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Kent, Uk) on 09/09/2020 25 posts
Apple Cider Vinegar seems to work great for stinging nettle stings yeah. Just rubbed some fairly cheap ACV with the Mother on my legs where the stings were and they stopped hurting instantly.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 08/29/2014 528 posts
Just dropped in for some advice about a rash. ACV, no more itch. I don't know why it didn't occur to me, as the little dog gets a hot spot under his chin, every once in a while, and all I have to do is spray some ACV on a cotton ball and touch it once. Which is a good thing, because one chance is all I get, LOL! One touch and he's off like a shot! But the hot spot is dry the same day and gone the next. So I just dampened a paper towel with water, sprayed on some ACV, dabbed it on, no more itch! I used a damp paper towel so I wouldn't have to do the ouchy, ouchy, ouchy dance, LOL. Didn't feel anything but the coolness of it! Yeah! LOVE you guys!! Thanks again!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Rolla, Mo) on 06/23/2012
First, I am so thankful to have found this site. After spending hundreds of $$$ at my vet, and my poor 2 little Shih Tzu's scratching till they bleed, (on top of that, I am battling chemotherapy) i was desperate. No kidding........... One rinse of the ACV and I could see a noticeable improvement. Get this, i am an rn by trade, and it didn't even occur to me. Their hair is growing back, no itching whatsoever, and their hair is shiny! on top of that, my father in law, who has battled dandruff for 40 years is now rinsing in acv and all signs of his dandruff are gone.
Thank you so much for all your help, and esp my poor pups thank you! may god bless!! sheila :)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Coko Brown (Monroe, Louisiana) on 06/20/2012
ACV worked when nothing else would. I have a rash on my face from detoxing. I tried coconut oil, oil of oregano, and black castor oil. I then remembered Earth Clinic and came to the site to see what others have tried with success. The ACV has reduce the rash by 30-40% in 1 day. I will continue use it 2-3 time a day until it's gone. Thanks Earth Clinic! I've gotten great suggestions from this site.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Seattle, Wa) on 05/16/2012
I started breaking out in a rash all over my torso a month and a half ago. After two weeks of ineffectual colloidal oatmeal baths, rewashing all my laundry (twice! ) and a few days with groggy head from benadryl, I went to the doctor. She and the other doctor in residence had no idea what my rash was, nor did the resident skin specialist, nor did a dermatologist. Over the last month, I've been scraped and poked, been given prednisone (for 20 days! ), perscription strength steroid creams, and all kinds of anti-histamines. All of this cost me tons of money -- I'm an uninsured college student -- and nothing worked. The swelling would decrease for a few days, then nothing! In the meantime, the rash continued to grow and coalesce and spread to my breasts and legs. I stopped wearing undergarments (too painful! ) and couldn't sleep at night. The steroids gave me a vaginal yeast infection and made me so hungry all the time, I put on 12 pounds! Needless to say, I was absolutely miserable, itchy all the time, depressed and reduced to rubbing ice on my body. Finally, I googled "cure for rash" came here, and TA DAH!!!! In six days of treatment with ACV, I am COMPLETELY CURED.
I started with organic ACV from the grocery store. It was $5.00. I mixed 1/2 cup ACV with 1/2 cup water, grabbed a paper towel and dabbed it all over my body. It stung badly, but my rash was pretty itchy at the time. In literally TWO MINUTES, the swelling of my bumps decreased dramatically, so much so that I started taking pictures to send my mom.
I went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night itchy again, so I dabbed myself liberally again (it still stung), and the itching stopped again after about 2 minutes of hopping around and swearing. Thye next morning I woke up to a very diminished rash! Over the next three days, the big bumps flattened and dried. Then they started peeling and fading to nothing. The second day, I stopped dabbing with paper towels, and started taking 15 minute luke warm baths, morning and night, with about 4-5 cups of the good apple cider vinegar. I also got a spray bottle for any itching emergencies that came up during the day. After the third day, there haven't been any! The transformation has been so rapid and so remarkable that I went back to my doctor. She confessed she has pretty severe eczema, has been on steroid reams for a long time to very little use, and will now try ACV!
Thank you, so much, all the people who contributed their stories! If there hadn't been so many people who told of their success, I'd never have tried it myself. I'm a changed woman! And now, I'm curious -- what other home remedies are there that I never knew about?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jewlez (Brooklyn, New York) on 05/12/2012
My 1 yr old has been with a so call "wild rash" for the past 2 weeks I took her to her Dr. and was given Atarax and Clotrimazole which did little to nothing but make her dig her skin out till it bleed as well as start talking in her sleep and sleep walking. I was at my wits end until I read about ACV. This has become my savior after reading about it I went asap to the nearest supermarket bought the biggest bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar and started working on her. When I first applied it she screamed so loud she started to tremble and drool she said Ma its burning please stop it but I kept applying within "and I timed it" 7 mintues she said Ma I'm not burning or itching anymore. So its now 15 mintues later and the kid is playing and haven't scratch not one time. I'm so happy I read this article cause I'm so sleepy from the past 2 weeks. Thanks for the help I'm greatful.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fiascot (Piti, Guam) on 03/19/2012
Definitely ACV is a solution to a rash. This evening I found that I had a rash on my whole face. Basically traumatized by the fact that it was instantaneously itchy and burning, my sister gave me an antibiotic gel for the skin. I had that for about 25 minutes yet still had the urge to scratch and the burning sensation spread to my neck. So I decided to dilute ACV with water, dabbed the affected areas with a cotton ball and instantly the burning and itching went away. It has been a whole hour and no symptoms of the above has come about. The countless red bumps along my face and neck are rapidly smoothing out.
Back to bed for me! Thank you earth clinic and the many people who have posted of your experiences. ACV is definitely a need to have, not only in your kitchen, but also in your bathroom cabinet.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ashly (New York, Ny) on 03/12/2012
I discovered this weird extremely itchy, bumpy, red rash on the back of my legs at 23 weeks pregnany. It spread to my butt cheeks as well. Apparently there is this pregnancy induced rash called PUPPP. You can google it. I tried a bunch of medicated products that DID NOT WORK! Including: cortisone cream, A D ointment, prescription topical steroid cream, poison ivy cream, sarna lotion, and aveno oatmeal bath.
Finally, after reading these posts, this worked for me is 1) 2x day lather rash with Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap. It gives temporary relief due to the ingredient coconut oil. 2) natural aloe vera gelly (as close to 100% as you can get) and 3) apple cider vinegar COMPLETELY CURED the rash! I applied it with a cotton ball to the rash 2x a day and it has dried up. After the first use, my rash was not itchy within 1 hr. The next day it was 50% better. Now after 4 days of use, my skin is not bumpy and the rash is disappearing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Drumjohnston (Charlottesville, Va Us) on 11/25/2011
I started to notice my skin feeling like it had been rubbed with sand paper. When I got up the next morning I had a blistery rash on my left side. It started to spread and got painful and very itchy. I later went to the doc and was prescribed meds. I had been continuously applying anti itch cream which didn't seem to work. I tried the ACV and it instantly worked!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindyg (Orange County, California, Usa) on 11/15/2011
I have a skin rash that has come and gone several times over the years. In the past, it's gotten so bad it covered my entire torso, with multiple large spots on my arms, legs and hands. It's extremely itchy, scaly and gross. I've tried every remedy you can think of -- but with such a large amount of my body covered, it was hard to consistently apply anything. I worked on my diet, going super low-carb, and spent ridiculous amounts of money going to a naturopath & taking lots of supplements. It finally went away. Now, it's come back on my hands with a vengeance, and I can't afford the supplements.
I tried Tinactin, b/c I thought it was ringworm, but no-go. Vick's vaporub did nothing, and I tried ACV one time on a small spot on the back of my hand, and it made the rash spread and take over my whole hand and start creeping up my arm. After using neem oil, neem leaf extract, coconut oil, tea trea oil and fresh garlic, I still couldn't get rid of it!! I came back here and re-read all the ACV comments. At this point, my hands were so swollen from washing, scrubbing and itching I was having trouble typing -- and I write for a living.
ACV straight from the bottle, on a cotton ball, is what finally worked. It didn't make the rash spread this time; it dried all the tiny blisters out and the awful itching and pain have stopped. In the past, the itching has always gotten so bad the only way I could avoid clawing my skin off was to run my hands under hot water or blow a hot hair dryer on them. This kept me from making things worse :( Now, it's the second day of 3x/day ACV applications, and the healing is miraculous. My skin is still thick and "bubbly" and my fingers still look like sausages, but the skin is dry and flaking off and the little blisters are all popping and healing. The itching stopped for the most part after the first application. I'm definitely glad I tried ACV again. I was losing sleep every single night because my hands felt so itchy and painful.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (Dundee, United Kingdom) on 01/15/2011
I developed a skin rash whilst on holiday in Tenerife and was relieved to get home believing that something I was eating had caused it. However the rash just got worse and had spread all over my sides and back. After visiting my GP I was given 2 kinds of anti-histimine tablets and a base cream which didn't make any improvement so after 2 weeks went back and seen another GP. She gave me more creams and rinitadin to take in conjuction with the anti-histimin, again no change. I was desparate by this time and decided to "surf the net" and found this site.
I took the advice given for ACV and dabbed it neat on the rash, left it for 15 mins. Then put 1 cupfull in my bathwater nightly, also I drank a solution of 2 tablespoons in water twice a day. I cant beleive that after 4 days only the rash has gone completely. I am going back to Tenerife in 4 weeks time and will definately be armed with my ACV just in case. Thank you to everyone who posted their wonderful advice.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzanne (Bridgetown, Barbados) on 01/15/2011
My daughter had a rash all over her skin a week ago for the first time and since we knew that she has sensitive skin and has had rashes in her neck area before, we simply put it down to something she ate and basically said it would go away. That was until it started itching last Saturday and then stopped. During the week it didn't itch much so we paid it mild attention and simply moisturized her skin. Today, a week later she cried and cried and complained for the itchy skin, just when her doctor's office was closed. We moisturized with thick cetaphil lotion believing that the more we put on, the more moisturized her skin would become and the itching would stop. She cried until 12:00 a.m. until I decided to check this site and used apple cider vingar simply put on her skin. She continued to cry for another five or so minutes, then I diluted it in some warm water and based it on her skin again. IMMEDIATELY and almost simultaneously she stopped crying and went asleep. I now believe in apple cider vinegar. Not only will I be sure to get her and her siblings an allergy test, but I will the first to use it if met with a similar problem again. Thank you for posting this site!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hale (West Coast, California) on 04/12/2010
When our 4 month old's skin seemed dry, we applied routine baby lotion. The area prickly-bumped into a rash within 10 minutes after applying baby lotion. 2 weeks later, our pediatrician examined the now red and welting painful rash. She said that particular manufacturer is known to add fragrances and dyes to enhance smell and appearance. We stopped using all the manufacturer's products, rash stopped immediately. (Dr said one of the best baby lotions for diaper rash or skin irritation or bug bites or any is freshly expressed mother's milk dabbed on area. When we tried it on diaper area, rash was gone within the hour.)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beezee (San Jose, Ca) on 02/17/2010
After struggling with a rash on my rump for a month (in the crack) I was EXHAUSTING ALL MY OPTIONS. I had tried anti-fungal, yeast infection lotion, baby powder, diaper rash cream, neosporin, and lotion... nothing could get rid of the itch, the burning and the embarrassment! Thank goodness I found this site! After two treatments my itching is GONE and my rash is calming down. I am SO HAPPY! My first treatment was watered down 50% water, 50% ACV. Second treatment was pure ACV. In two treatments (6 hours) I've noticed a drastic improvement!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Randy (Brazoria, TX) on 07/08/2009
I lost my left leg below the knee a little over a year ago. My silicone liners and sleeves that pad my residual limb from my prosthesis and secure it to my leg have always irritated my skin somewhat, but it has been tolerable. About a week ago I began developing a rash on my residual limb. I tried several treatments, but nothing seemed to do much good with it. When it became impossible for me to wear my prosthesis I began researching treatments and came across this site with the testimonials on ACV. I gave it a shot and within a day (3 treatments yesterday and 1 this morning) the rash is almost completely gone. After the first treatment the pain and itching was gone, and after the 2nd much of the redness and irritation was gone. I realistically anticipate the rash being completely gone by tomorrow at this rate. I am a believer after one day. It hurt when I put it on the first time, but it was worth it because now I can put my prosthetic leg on and be active again instead of being confined to a wheelchair because of a stupid rash. Thank you for this site!!