Natural Remedies

Rash Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ange (Clarkston, WA) on 02/13/2009

My 1 year old daughter had an odd rash, at first I thought it was a diaper rash, but it ended up looking more like a heat rash or something- big red (big bug-bite like) bumps spread out on her bottom, legs and trunk. Nothing was making it go away, so I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I diluted it to 50% water and applied it with a cotton ball on all the infected areas. The dots had shrunk by 90% by the end of the day. Worked great!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (St. Louis, MO, USA ) on 02/02/2009

My lady friend developed a severe case of some type of yeast or fungus overgrowth. It began as a red area under one breast, and soon spread to both breasts, upper chest, stomach and groin area. I suspect a recent injection of steroids (to relieve poison ivy) to be the cause, but that is only speculation. This rash was severe. She was Dr. prescribed a cream and then a powder-- with little effect. I recommended the Apple Cider Vinegar Cure, along with making sure the affected area stayed clean and dry. We applied (again, use only), organic, unfiltered, non-pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. She applied the ACV directly to the affected area. It is important to note that applying the ACV to a severe rash is Very Painful! I suggest that if you cannot tolerate the pain, you might start with a diluted (50%?) mixture until some of the "rawness" disappears. RESULTS: 100 Percent CURE! Absolutely amazing. She continued the application for about two weeks, with results beginning immediately. Her skin dried completely, the rash and finally the redness disappeared. Thank You Earthclinic, Thank You Ted!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Daisy (Orlando, United States) on 09/11/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my rash. I had developed a rash which I found out was Tinea Veriscolor. I took Organic Appl Cider Vinegar 3 times a day for about 4 - 5 days. The rash just dried up. Apparently the rash was a fungal rash and ACV kills fungus. I also used ACV on a huge mole on my husband's nose. After 7 uses it just came off in layers. Fantastic stuff ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JG (Los Angeles, California) on 07/12/2008

dermatitis herpetiformis & ACV: i was struck by repeated bouts of what a dermatologist diagnosed as herpes zoster or shingles. Went through a valtrex treatments each time the rashes appeared on my arms and legs. slowly emerging and very itchy bumps that would, over two weeks, become clear liquid-filled bumps. i suspected it had to do with infected scratches from dog toenails, as i was working with rescue dogs. lo and behold, it was - and my sister, a doctor across the country, had suspected dermatitis hep the whole time. it was much later that i stumbled upon ACV as an excellent cure that speeds up the cycle of the rash. i soak a gauze square with it and tape it to the affected area changing it in the morning and at night. such a relief to have a non-med cure! also, i have found that if i wash the scratched area immediately with anti-bacterial soap, it can prevent the rashes.:)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Dallas, TX) on 05/28/2008

I bathe my 2 year old son in ACV. About three days a week, I add a cup or so to a warm bath. He had allergies and was taking Cingular everyday. Some unknown cause was making his back and upper arms break out in little red bumps. The bumps have stopped completely. The week I ran out and didn't have time to get more ACV, the bumps came back. Works like a dream!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (USA) on 05/12/2008

Thank god for this website. I was suffering a rash under my left breast and in the crease of my leg and abdoman. Very painful and itchy burning. One dr prescribed a medicine for psoriasis no help made it worse. Another said ringworm, another said yeast. I read all are a type of fungus and found your site with ACV for yeast and fungus. I put it on straight on the rash it burned the first time only. Did this for the last 2 days twice a day. then dried it and put powder. It is almost gone like a miracle. I am now drinking some dailey and hoping to try it on my bad foot for a toenail fungus will let you know. wow a miracle. Nancy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adam (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/05/2008

Over a year ago I got some skin disorder from wearing dirty gloves. I ended up with about 10 patches on my hand where the skin would constantly peel off. I tried all sorts of moisterisers, then I had positive results from fungle creams and lotions but still kept coming back.So the Doctor was next, His medication never worked either. Then a bloke I know who proclaims to be an Alchemist said "Half water, half apple cider vinegar in a squirter bottle. Spray on the hands a couple of times a day. Plus drink a cap full". And wulla, its gone. Apparently it evens out the PH levels in the skin. I advise to use natural oils (eg. Coconut) to moisterise the skin also. Now to see if it can cure my reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crystal (South GA, GA) on 03/27/2008

I break out in hives from food allergies. The last rash of hives was very bad and would stop itching so I rub AVC on it and it burned but the itching stopped and the rash wash gone in about a week. I also have herpes so I though I would try it on a sore and again the itch disappeared and the sore healed in two days. Next I am going to try drinking it and hopefully it will help prevent the allergies and outbreaks. I applied the AVC twice a day with a cotton ball.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gill (Warrington, UK) on 03/13/2008

Hi I'd just like to say a big thanks for the ACV treatment for skin rashes/ perioral dermatitis. I developed a strange red bubbling rash on one side of my chin, every time I woke up I had more and more bumps. The dcotor prescribed a steriod cream which made the rash go away but when I stopped using it it came back worse. They then prescribed an antibotic solution which gave me a huge burn mark. I was so upset that I spent all weekend in my room and couldn't even let my boyfriend look at me. In desperation I tried the ACV remedy. I started slowly and initially had 1teaspoon in water 3 x a day and now have worked up to 1 tablespoon 3 x a day, I also soaked a cotton wool pad in ACV and applied it to my chin twice a day. Within 1/2 a day of applying this to my skin the rash had started to become less red and raised. It's now day 5 and apart from a small pink mark where the worse of the burn was, the rash has gone without a trace. Can't tell you how happy I am! My boyfriend thinks I'm mad though - been trying to get him to take ACV to help with his cold / flu but he won't touch the stuff. I will be passing on your site to all my freinds and family in the UK. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Don (Missoula, Montana) on 02/20/2008

Here is my 2 cents. I have had an ongoing rash on my cheeks on both sides of my nose for about a year off and on. I considered spices and alcohol as culprits but even stopping both completely did not solve the problem. I read about ACV here and had nothing to lose. 3 days of topical use and my face cleared right up. That was over a month ago. (I have added spice and alcohol back with no problems) And in case you are wondering about the drinking.. it is only maybe a bottle of vino per week. Also the ACV was not the mother" but regular store bought stuff that did leave a nice burn upon application. ONE MORE USE: 2 weeks ago bringing in wood for the fire. Something on the wood left an immediate skin rash on the left inner arm where I was carrying the wood. Red, bumps, itch..... ouch! I mixed up white vinegar with baking soda and applied and the itch left, the swelling went down and the rash was gone in 2 day.. 3 days later it reappeared and I reapplied just white vinegar and it is gone. Not sure what was on the wood.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teekup (Metrowest, MA) on 11/14/2007

I have "suffered" for more than 15 years with red, scaley, itchy scalp. It's so embarrassing. I have tried all kinds of shampoo: with salicylic acid, zinc, ketoconazole, coal tar, selenium sulfide. I finally gave in and bought a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar. Last night, I poured some over my head and rubbed some on my face, since it was really red, itchy and flaky too. The smell was horrendous! Thank goodness my family was asleep! I watched a little tv and after the ACV dried, I then washed my face and scalp. I could not believe the difference. This morning, I look nearly "normal". No flakes, and almost no redness. And no smell either! Who would have thought that a few dollar's worth of apple cider vinegar would work? On a related note, I used a little diluted ACV on my daughter's diaper rash and the next day it was cleared up! I am going to start taking ACV internally next week after I get some litmus strips to test my internal pH. Thank you so much.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/09/2007 495 posts

ACV used half & half with honey makes a very good cough syrup which will also cure strep. When my 3 youngest children got chickenpox at the same time, the older and younger to the 3 were faring much better than the middle one who kept running a fever. The next morning he had classic scarlet fever rash in groin to explain why. Yep, ACV / honey mixture to the rescue - I gave all 3 a tsp. every two hours or so. Next morning the ones rash in groin was decreased, and the other 2 never got it. I kept them on it for a couple more days.

After hospitals dis- covered they were spreading pseudomonas aurugenosis (?) via the oxygen equipment, they removed this "hospital scourge infection" by soaking the equipment in 1 part vinegar - 7 parts water, so who knows what else it will cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Enelle (Santa Barbara, CA) on 01/10/2007

Apple Cider Vinegar cured a Body Rash, presumably from yeast, fungus, candida. I had a red bumpy rash on my chest, stomach and upper back. I have been battling with Candida for about 10 years, and after all my extravagant holiday eating, the rash showed up about a week ago. I tried tea tree oil, and antifungal cream on it, but it persisted and itched. Then I looked online and found some articles on Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). We had some in the house, so I put some directly on the rash. It stung a bit, but the minor pain went away in 2 or 3 minutes. I kept it on my skin for about 15 minutes, then rinsed off in the shower. When I got out, I dabbed some hydrogen peroxide on the rash, and went to bed. In the morning, the rash was gone! I have also had terrible gas lately, so am taking 2 tbsp. ACV + 2 tbsp local raw honey in a glass of water. My stomach was bloated, but is going down quickly. It's as though I can feel the ACV coursing through my body going to the places it's needed. I can tell the difference already. What a relief!

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