Pulmonary Fibrosis
Natural Remedies

Managing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Naturally: Best Remedies to Try

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Gout Medications for PF
Posted by Clarence Clemons (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/06/2011

What do you know about vilac plus and where can it be purchased. Does it work for pulmonary fibrosis?

Neprinol (Systemic Enzymes)
Posted by Howard (Cessnock, NSW, Australia) on 04/16/2008

I have pulmonary fibrosis and have been treated (without result) by the standard medical method and I am now trying systemic enzymes (dispensed by capsule containing various enzymes combined in a very specific amounts for each of the dozen or so enzymes). This treatment has only been going for 2 weeks and although there are some positive signs it is still too early to make a definitive assessment. For instance, my voice has almost returned to normal and I can now sing once more.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Verbena (Chicago) on 03/02/2023

Hello. I am wondering if you ever had your mom try the hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sheila (Tilllamook or) on 02/06/2024

I have done 3% for over 6 months with no issues. ‘The Truth About Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide' book say that is the highest you want to nebulize.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by peter (NY) on 02/09/2023 1 posts

Do not use pharmacy or store bought hydrogen peroxide. go to health food store or online for food grade product. The later has a form of shelf life enhancing preservative.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Helena (AZ) on 12/26/2023

Here is a link to a video of a woman with PF who was successfully treated with laser therapy. Six weeks after treatment, CAT Scan showed "no evidence of Pulmonary Fibrosis."


Laser Therapy
Posted by Gayle (Kearney, Nebraska ) on 06/06/2024

My chiropractor has started laser therapy with me. I've had approximately 4 weeks at 2 or 3 times a week. Hoping I'll notice improvement soon, really can't tell yet. But this article brought hope to me. I was very healthy up until a year and a half ago. This is a terrible disease.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Art (California) on 12/05/2024 2365 posts

Hi Rick,

In case you are unable to get the information you seek for your friend with PF, you may find the following of interest for him as an adjunctive treatment to the laser :



OFEV Side Effects
Posted by JD (Australia) on 12/12/2022

Ofev is a terrible drug with horrific side effects.

My dad has had it for over 3-5 years now. Lost so much weight, no appetite etc. Had a heart attack a few weeks ago from it. Another side effect. Has not taken it for several weeks now and has got his appetite back and colour in his skin. Figuring out another natural remedy as im sure theres plenty out there. WOULDN'T IHALLING PURE OXYGEN DO THE TRICK, CONSIDERING the lungs can start to heal from ovygen getting into the blood stream???? These drugs they have designed for this illness aren't a cure only trying to stop the immune system from creating scarring on the lungs. Doesn't seem to be working in year 4-5 of the condition. I recommend stem cell therapy but I'm not sure a doctor studying medicine wont like that word. (stem cell therapy)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/30/2018 233 posts

Some possible options, Gingko baloba, astragalus, vitamin E, coq10, see further suggestions and consider all interactions with meds.




Hawthorn is readily known for its heart health properties. More heart health boosters, you will see some are suggested for heart and lung support. http://greenpathherbschool.com/herbs-for-the-heart/

Keep researching, be aware of contraindications, you might also like to consult with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Best to you

Laser Therapy
Posted by Andrew Hall Dc (Sonora, Ca) on 12/24/2017

Many chiropractors have Class 4 lasers. You could do a local search by going to either Litecure's website or Klaser's. Try litecure.com or Klaserusa.com and find the doctor locator search that they both have

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Elsa (New Zealand) on 07/19/2016

You can try the following: castor oil pack, clay poultice, pau d' Arco, rub a golf ball to your feet and concentrate on the lungs area acupressure point.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alexandra (Houston, TX) on 05/17/2024

Thank you for sharing your experience. I want to let you know that I had gout in the big toe joint, left side. It hurts a lot!! So I took apple cider vinegar, s teaspoon in half a glass of water three times a day, and it was gone in a few days. Wish you the best and hope you and your husband enjoy good health for long time.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/17/2015 2043 posts

First item to address is greatly improving the quality of indoor air. Replace fiberglass filters w/ HEPA or HEPA Type(generic HEPA), and purchase a Negative Ion Air Purifier.

Zinc & Vit-A is critical in protecting & healing lungs. The mineral Silica is also critical in lung healing. My stomach nor Colon couldn't tolerate silica tablets taken orally so I have added Diatomaceous Earth powder to my mineral footbath w/ noticeable improvements in my PF. The flavonoid Quercetin Dehydrate capsules taken orally will help w/ the inflammation. An herbal product named "PainRx" is a potent anti-inflammatory. Fish or Krill Oil softgels is both anti-inflammatory and promote healing throughout the body.

A good broad spectrum otc natural supplement for lung disorders is Solaray's "Lung Caps".

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/21/2015

Baqir Shah, maybe start with less.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Predcoat (Houston, Texas U S A.) on 06/01/2009

My wife was recently diagnosed with IPF. We are currently doing a series of Hydrogen peroxide IVs and Taking Serrapeptase,MSC and COQ10. She is also on nightly Oxygen. I am concerned that the oxygen may become habitual and may even be a detriment. We are hoping for a cure or at least a stop in progression. What do you recomend? Thanks Jack.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Hare ( Chennai) on 05/04/2015

Thank u Jimmy for posting info on oil pulling!! It really is a miracle as I have fibrosis too and I can feel the better effects of oil pulling...

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Harry (Ft.lauderdale, Florida. Usa) on 09/10/2011

Do you have to take the 35% food grade HP and dilute to 3% and then take the recomended # of drops directly in the mouth with a dropper or can you add it to water or juice?

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Roy (Waco, Tex) on 12/23/2017

I would like a follow up on the man named Dick, I live within 90 miles of him, and I have the same lung problem

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by larry von (california) on 02/20/2022

Like to know your status, Jimmy, hopefully you are still with us.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sheila (OR) on 05/31/2023

Thanks Robert for posting your testimony and details if your journey. I also decided to start food grade hydrogen peroxide

Laser Therapy
Posted by Pari (Vancouver BC Canada) on 04/17/2023

Thank you for giving me hope. My mom has this terrible disease and it seems like the medications make her sicker. Can you help me find a Chiropractor in Vancouver that is knowledgeable about this please? Thank you.

OFEV Side Effects
Posted by Larry (Arizona) on 04/06/2022

I also have IPF, for 4 years now. They put me on OFEV. I took it for a couple of years but I just got tired of all the side effects. As to the cost, $9000.00 a month but I paid nothing. Have your Doctor contact the company that makes it and they will give you a grant for the cost.. Good Luck.

OFEV Side Effects
Posted by Shelly10983 (Fl) on 03/04/2018

Hello, my husband was diagnosed with IPF about 7 years ago. The first doctor put him on Prednisone for about a year, which did nothing except suppress the cough and his symptoms. Plus, it gave him serious mood swings and gained about 30 pounds. There are only two drugs for IPF Esbriet (which gave him horrible side affects of extreme itching and discolored skin when he went in the sun). I should say even in low light his skin turned a purplish red and unbearable itching.

He has now been on OFEV (another approved drug for IPF. Although it doesn't stop or improve the progression, it does seem to help. However, you have to do more than take these drugs for IPF. Whether it is a homeopathic treatment or oxygen, these two drugs don't seem to be enough. I am researching into herbal medicine in addition to OFEV in the hopes of improving lung function. One thing for sure is to keep away from others with colds or flu. When you have IPF and are exposed to colds or flu, it seems to intensify ones IPF symptoms and can linger for weeks.

OFEV Side Effects
Posted by Tan (MS) on 07/27/2022

GREAT! Thank you.

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Thomas J (East China, Michigan) on 03/21/2017

I have just started my serra and nac useage about two weeks now, how did you determine the dosage you need to take? Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Marla (Quebec) on 05/24/2017

Hi. Sounds very encouraging. I just bought neprinol and NAC. Pray it helps my very scarred lungs due to scleroderma. Hope your still doing well. How many did you commence with? Blessings and thank you!

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Natalia (Austin, Texas) on 08/11/2017

That is amazing news Dianne,

When is your next MRI or CT Scan? Would love to hear whether the enzymes have made any structural differences and how your lung function is?
Do you feel the enzymes are working effectively over time and what has your doctor said about you condition since supplementation?

Also what conventional treatments are you currently on?
I'm worried the enzymes would interfere with the immunosuppressants I'm on or heart meds like blood thinners and blood pressure tabs? Would you know where I can find more guidance on this.

Good luck to you and I'm excited to hear your response.

Serrapeptase, Breathing Exercises
Posted by Dr Howard (LA) on 02/06/2023

John Ellis Water. See their site. All waters hydrogen bond angle is only 104/5. It must be 114! All water contains deuterium a chemical that has anti immune factors. Deuterium free water very expensive and has a low hydrogen bond angle of 104. I get mine from eBay sellers. One oz. of straight Ellis Water makes one gallon.You May drink the water straight. Use pure spring water. You can purchase a machine 2,800$! Should use a filter before it goes into machine! That's how bad tap water is! Can clog the machine. This is for all conditions all posters. Lord bless.. Our bodies are 87% water!

Laser Therapy
Posted by Janet (In) on 08/12/2016

Thank you Dr. Hall... how exciting. I love this post. Great information. Janet

Laser Therapy
Posted by Andrew Hall Dc (Sonora, Ca) on 12/24/2017

Fred, I am using a Symbicort inhaler.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Andrew Hall Dc (Sonora, Ca) on 12/24/2017

Hi Edward. A Class 4 laser cannot be purchased by non doctors. You could get a Class 3 but won't penetrate deep enough into the lungs.

Posted by Angie (Usa) on 07/17/2017

Ben, how much serrapeptase is needed & safe to take daily.?? Thank you

Posted by Jaydee (Canada) on 10/17/2017

Hi Ld from Los Angeles... how is your mom now? Did it continue to help her?

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ailish (UK) on 10/31/2024

Thank you Lawrence.

I have been living with this condition since 2006; It is refreshing to stumble on this platform - God sent!

Pleas, can you provide links for company for sourcing the two medicines you mentioned.

Thank you in advance.


Posted by Sam (Miami, US) on 10/19/2014

Please check this link about NAC for lung diseases including IPF. http://www.lef.org/Magazine/2010/5/N-Acetyl-Cysteine/Page-02

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tiara (India) on 07/29/2013

I suffered from tuberculosis in the lungs. Was not detected in my spit but in the fluid taken out by biopsies... It was in 2007. I finished the course of antibiotics. Completely cured.. In 2009 I had a baby. No repeats even in hormonal change... I have scar in my lungs.. Is there anything that can make it disappear? I read about hydrogen peroxide... But I don't know how to consume it.. What dose? Please. Help me cause I am travelling to the Gulf for employment.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/30/2013

Tiara, try the h202 inhalation method first.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Renato (Manila) on 03/31/2014

Yes, I have the same tiaras problem, I'm also suffering lung scar. I'm working in abroad in midlle east. It's difficult me to travel because of this illness. what is the best medicine to cure lung scar. Thanks!

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Yriz (Arhus, Denmark) on 06/10/2013

Pulmonary Calcification

In response to:

Posted by Sweetdevilwitch (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) on 05/17/2011: "Good day to you. How are you? I have my yearly x-ray last march, and the result were alarming I got a small pulmonary calcification but on my x-ray last year I dont have any problem. What should I do to get rid this calcification?:

I read in a book (Maria La Justicia Bergasa, she is from Spain) that some people got cured from pulmonary calcification using magnesium chloride.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Predcoat (Houston, Texas) on 09/01/2010

Since my letter of 6/1/09 we have been doing a variety of remedies for my wife's IPF. I feel we are progressing slowly with NAC, Enzymes, MSM etc. I can't say it's a cure but we couldn't do nothing. I am hoping for several more years together and am still looking for more methods to make her life better. The cooler weather will be a plus.

Neprinol (Systemic Enzymes)
Posted by Tonja (Washington, DC) on 04/22/2008

There was a comment from a gentleman dated 04/16/08 for the IPF. He stated that he was on some enzymes (for 2 weeks) and has seen some improvement. I would like to know what they are: my father has IPF and I am trying to figure out what to use. thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Richard (Florida) on 10/21/2023

Hi Robert:

Your treatment is very encouraging. Have you changed anything as far as treatment since your original post? Have you had a new CT scan? If so did any more of the lung scarring go away?

I started this treatment a few weeks ago and hope to do as well as you.



Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Richard (Florida) on 11/26/2023

Hi Robert:

How are you progressing with the nebulized treatments? I would appreciate your response as I have IPF as well. Do you think the walking also helped clear your lungs?



Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Coleen (Kennewick, USA) on 01/27/2024

Robert, were you ever on oxygen outside the hospital?

Laser Therapy
Posted by Verbena (IL) on 01/07/2023

Dr. Hall, thank you for your information. My dad is currently getting laser therapy with a class 4 laser ("robot" type). The doctor said that the protocol he found states it's sufficient only to do the back. He does it for a half hour. Maybe 15 mins x side. Is this okay? He, too, is a chiropractor and seems very proactive. Thank you.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Sergio (Ventura, CA) on 12/07/2023

Where can I find a laser provider in Chile?

Laser Therapy
Posted by Helena (AZ) on 12/24/2023

Dr. Hall,

If you are still helping people with PF, can you recommend a laser therapy provider in Tucson, AZ? Thank you.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Helena (AZ) on 12/25/2023

Dr. Hall,

Klaserusa.com appears to have been bought by another company. Is there another website that you can recommend?

regards, Helena K.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Jon (Dallas, Texas) on 04/24/2024

Hello I was wanting Laser Therapy in Dallas, Texas. Do you know a Doctor in Dallas to recommend for Lazer Therapy. Jon in Dallas

Laser Therapy
Posted by Ailish (London, UK) on 10/31/2024

Thank you Andrew, for sharing your incredible story of hope, with this terrible disease.

Please, can you recommend a practitioner carrying our laser treatment in London.

Thank you in advance.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Rick (Indianapolis, IN) on 12/04/2024

Andrew, I would love to learn more info about using the class 4 laser therapy. We have a dear friend with pulmonary fibrosis. Thank you. Rick

OFEV Side Effects
Posted by Pauline (California, USA) on 02/17/2022

My husband was just diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, although I hear he is at beginning stage. Just out of the hospital a few days ago and we are doing our first follow up with our Pulmonary doctor tomorrow. He has talked about Ofav, however, here in the states it's outrageously expensive, $2000-$5000 for 60 tablets. How in the world can you afford it? I see you are out of the country. What is your cost where you are. Hope you will respond.


OFEV Side Effects
Posted by Tan (MS) on 07/26/2022


Is there a particular brand of NAC that is best? Amazon has a few different versions but it seems hard to find just regular NAC.

Thanks in advance!


Posted by T (Mississippi) on 08/23/2022


What are the recommended dosages of melatonin and NAC for treating IPF?



Posted by Pier L. (IL) on 01/12/2023

That seems like a high dose of melatonin. Do you know anyone who has taken this? Thanks.

Posted by Maureen (Washington) on 06/03/2018

Serrapeptase for IPF:

Tried the serrapeptase at the 240,000 units twice a day....after ten days developed horrid vomiting. Thinking of trying it at 40,000 units twice a day for about ten days..if tolerated, then keep upping the dose. THOUGHTS?

Posted by Pier (Illinois) on 01/08/2023

Do you feel that bromelain is as effective as serrapeptase? I read that it breaks down scar tissue too, but everyone only talks about serrapeptase. Odd, since there is a chance of stomach distress with the latter.

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Nat (Ca&mo) on 04/01/2017

Father (NONsmoker) w/ lung trouble for many years. No blood but cough uncontrollably, too much to bear. He got Exposed to black mold in the house he was in. Coughing worse, very severe!

Were you ALSO exposed to MOLD infection? His lungs show 2/3rd black&dead.

How homeopathically cleanse the body of mold, will Serrapeptase&NAC, etc. take care of this??? Mucus he coughs-up is clear... Can you shed any more light on this? You seem to have won your battle.whew Was there ever a mold connection for you?

Thank You, and congratulations!!

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Diane (Pa) on 06/07/2017


When I was first told I had pulmonary fibrosis, I checked Neprinol, but it was not in my budget. HOWEVER, I came across a review on Amazon about it, and the person said he or she started out with 3 a day in the comments section under their review. I just looked at it again, and you should be able to easily find that review with the title "very interesting product". All the best to you.

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Aurora (London) on 07/10/2022


How did you get on with this combination? Is it essential to have vitamin C with the Serrapeptase and NAC? Is Nattokinase as good as Serrapeptase? Many thanks

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Verbena (Illinois) on 01/08/2023

So many people here are talking about serrapeptase. Is anyone having stomach problems from it? That is my hesitation. Thank you!

Serrapeptase and NAC
Posted by Sam (MIami) on 01/09/2023

I don't have stomach problems taking it.

Posted by Pier L. (Illinois) on 01/07/2023

Can you say what herbs you took? Or can anyone guess? This post was written in 2016. Thanks.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Fred (Mauritius) on 09/28/2016

Hi Andrew, thanks for the post. Am an oral surgeon and suffering IPF since 1 yr. ON what inhaler are you?. Im on Foracort200 2 puff bd.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Stephanie (Northampton) on 06/03/2017

Is the laser treatment still working for you? How would someone get access to such a laser and use it?

Laser Therapy
Posted by Edward (Coventry, R.i.) on 07/10/2017

Can this Laser be purchased? Can a novice to operate without danger?

Laser Therapy
Posted by Dave (New Orleans) on 09/22/2017

This is the first time I'm hearing of this Laser therapy, where can I have it done? I hope locally. I sure appreciate the information.

Thanks, Dave

Laser Therapy
Posted by Barb (Maple Ridge, Bc) on 04/24/2018

Dr Andrew Hall, I'm interested in the laser therapy, is it possible to get more info from you regarding this, ie would one go to a chiropractor for this type of therapy? and are you still doing well?

Thanks, Darb

Posted by Michele (Florida) on 05/15/2018


I read your article after researching desperately on any other treatments for IPF other than the traditional Ofev or Esbriet which have terrible side affects (Esbriet having the worst). When seeing many doctors my husband has been told on and on that the only treatment is Ofev and Oxygen or Lung transplant. Maybe I'm crazy but there has to be something else out there than traditional methods. Everyone seems to be talking about Serrapeptase. Could you advise me on how much is required. I also give him two tab of Apple cider vinegar in water every day which seems to help with the cough. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Pier (Illinois) on 01/07/2023

Hello, did the hydrogen peroxide IV work? Did you see any benefits? Thank you!

Nitrium Phos 200
Posted by Stacey (Florida) on 01/13/2017

Where do I get Nitrium Phosphate 200? My husband has PF and Dr's have suggested Palliative care. I don't want to give up on him!

Nitrium Phos 200
Posted by Janet (In) on 01/14/2017

Stacey, Amazon and 1 800 homeopathey are some sources.

Although I would read through Teds remedies here on Earth Clinic.

He is spot on with his remedies.



Multiple Remedies
Posted by Becky (Austin, Tx) on 10/05/2009

My mother also lives in Houston and Has IPF. Have you had any success with your treatment(s)? Thank you - Becky

Posted by Chris (Seattle, WA) on 12/31/2008

NSIP Pulmonary Fibrosis:

Just diagnosed at mild to moderate stage, but had been taking NAC with Selenium twice a day and also herbal Clear Lungs, very helpful with breathing. I need it in the emergency dose of every 4 hours. The product does not claim to be a cure, but does claim to help breathing and it does and acts quickly as it claims. No side effects. My MD recommended Selenium via Brazil Nuts. My specialist prescribed more NAC, but also Prednisone, Azathioprine,whose side effects sound so horrific it seems I would be sicker than I am now.

The Albuterol spray was given at the testing site, to which I immediately felt ill and had a severe headache. I have severe congestion of the tonsils. Is this usual, the doc thought it was unrelated. I have to avoid wind, fans, forced hot air etc because it sets me off, also I have allergies.Particularly to dust and dairy.

I certainly intend to try your suggestions. Would love any input and advice. Blessings to all.

EC: NSIP = Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine

Oil Pulling
Posted by Alka (Gurgaon, India) on 02/21/2012

Any news from Jimmy of Dallas Texas ? How are you? My husband has pulmonary fibrosis. Have you tried serrapeptase too? Has oil pulling helped you? How are you now?

Neprinol (Systemic Enzymes)
Posted by Becky (Austin, Tx) on 10/05/2009

Has anyone had any relief for Pulmonary Fibrosis using Neprinol? How much did you take? Would also like more info on these other enzymes...Thank you!

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