Parkinson's Disease Remedies

| Modified on Apr 12, 2024
Vitamin D
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/05/2018 2269 posts

Editor's Choice Editorial Note: Art's research on vitamin D is to be found here:

Posted by Art (California) on 07/06/2020 2269 posts

Editor's Choice For those who may remember, I have previously reported the benefits of high dose vitamin B-1 /Thiamine HCL for Parkinson's disease.

Now I would like to talk about one of my favorite supplements, melatonin, that a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed was beneficial for PD patients after just 12 weeks of supplementing only 10 milligrams per night! Yes, finally, a quality human study confirming that melatonin is beneficial for people with PD.

This study showed multiple benefits in patients that include the following. Using standard testing, melatonin showed improvement in anxiety, depression, total antioxidant capacity, increased glutathione, and improved UPDRS Part 1 test results! Melatonin also significantly lowered the inflammatory marker, hs-CRP, or high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and inflammatory TNF-a while lowering LDL cholesterol and improving insulin resistance! Some of these improvements are suggestive of the idea that a more extensive study and or higher dosing may produce even better results because many of these improvements imply a reduction in total oxidative stress and oxidative stress is one of the most damaging factors in PD that destroys dopaminergic neurons and other cells in the substantia nigra of the brain.

To say I am excited that this study would be an understatement! Studies showing benefits like these in humans with PD from a single supplement are almost non-existent. Hopefully, they will follow through on this study with similar studies using pharmacological dosing of melatonin and more extended length studies.

While this study is very good and confirmed that melatonin can be beneficial in people with PD, it leaves many unanswered questions such as what would have happened if the study had been 24 weeks long instead of 12 as 12 weeks is very short for a study like this? Would the benefits range increase, would the benefits stay the same or increase the level of improvement seen? What would have happened at higher dosing?

Remember that Dr. Shallenberger is using dosing that is as much as 36 times higher than what was used in this study in some of his patients, and he gives all of his patients 180 mg of melatonin per night in the form of three 60 mg capsules in the evening. He considers this a preventative dose.

Overall, I feel this study has opened a door that has been closed for too long, and hopefully, there will be follow up studies to answer these questions! Here is a link to that very recent study abstract :


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Samdi (Brantford, Ontario) on 12/30/2011

fg hydrogen peroxide to 3% have done too many good to me. i been using it for the last 16 months. i have cured edema, bronchitis, skin cancer, curb niel, easy breathing. all that happened by hydrogen peroxide.

now the way how to use it soak a cotton swab in %3 hydrogen peroxide and smell it with breath 6 times. 4 times a day. by the same cotton swab clean your ear. for skin cancer soak the wound 10 to 12 times a day.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Ron (New Mexico) on 11/06/2017

I have taken Macuna since 2009. I find it to be very valuable. Have never taken a specific PD pharmaceutical, and won't. The side effects are far too dramatic. Macuna has no negative side effects.

Posted by Art (California) on 07/08/2020 2269 posts


Melatonin is lowered by high dose vitamin D, but raising the melatonin level in conjunction with the vitamin D level is synergistic in terms of fighting certain virus and disease such as Covid-19 and PD. Vitamin D has shown benefit for PD in multiple studies and can act as an antioxidant also, though not nearly as potently as melatonin which can neutralize up to 10 oxygen radicals compared to other antioxidants that can reduce only one oxygen radical.

In PD, melatonin is elevated in the blood as the body's attempt to raise its total antioxidant capacity which is depleted by PD and melatonin is capable of doing that if there is enough of it, but the body is only able to raise melatonin so high and consequently the bodies own antioxidant system is not able to completely come back into the normal range as reflected in studies which show that glutathione is lower or insufficient in PD patients.

The study link in the original post shows that just 10 mg of melatonin every night is able to raise glutathione levels up as well as the total antioxidant capacity. This is a very important activity in PD as oxygen radicals and peroxynitrite are at elevated levels and both destroy dopaminergic neurons and other brain cells in the substantia nigra specifically and the brain in general.

Melatonin is a potent scavenger of peroxynitrite and oxygen radicals and an inhibitor of NADPH Oxidase which is a promoter of peroxynitrite. What this all shows is that oxidative stress, peroxynitrite and other oxidants including H202are doing a considerable amount of cellular damage and melatonin is able to ameliorate some of this damage with just 10 mg/night. At a minimum the available literature suggests that melatonin may slow disease progression as well as ameliorate some of the many symptoms of PD through its multitude of protective actions in the body including acting in a potent antiinflammatory capacity and again this is important because the excessive oxidant activity which raises inflammatory markers and levels in patients with PD.

Melatonin has also shown synergy with other antioxidants such as vitamin C, D and E and supplements such as NAC, ALA and Quercetin to name a few.

Melatonin is a unique and amazing molecule that is the most potent antioxidant in the human body!


Posted by Max58j (Havana, Ar) on 06/30/2014

I have been hearing a lot lately about cholesterol lowering drugs, and the link to alzhiemers . Don't you think, it could also be a factor in Parkinsons disease??? The brain is mostly cholesterol anyway. Not sure, but in 80-90% range. I would bet a lot of Parkinsons patients take these drugs. Just a theory. God Bless all who are looking for answers and Help. He has never failed to help me.

Posted by Jumpin Jeff (Colorado) on 01/22/2024

OK Art, et al,

CBD, which I have been associated with and studied as a medical professional for decades (and owner inceptor of 2 CBD stores) is covered in National Institutes of Heal and Pub Med studies that weakly show its effectiveness against Parkinsons and all spasmodic disorders. Why do you think that people flocked to Colorado to use CBD a dedade ago when it was only used here? Why do you think Sanjay Gupta MD cried when he saw seizures disappear in minutes with his own eyes and apologized profusely for ever maligining CBD? In our stores we have a ledger that people weigh in with to describe their personal results and it is incredible what CBD does for pain, inflammation and relaxation right down to the nervous system which is why seizures and Parkinsons commonly stop forever. Supposedly, 47% of children have stopped all seizures in one day and forever. Why in the world do people think that CBD is marijuana? It cannot get you high and has almost zero thc which is another great and innocent healer. In our stores we have people with Parkinsons with resting tremors so bad they need an attendant to function and one week later they roll into the store to get some more CBD completely functional and independent. Look, I am a combat injured Marine from Viet Nam who got the high medical degree in therapeutic science OTR at 50 years old. I do not lie. Just study a bit and you will be astonished.... try CBD vs Parkinsons....CBD vs seizures... CBD vs cancer .. CBD vs pain, inflammation, depression like that. Just study. I am only asking that people get rid of old habits and look at these realities and truths. I never prescribe anything. I only ask people to study and heal as they wish.

Acupuncture, Detox Herbal Remedies
Posted by elizabeth (miami fl) on 12/14/2021

I'm treating my Parkinson's disease with herbals, exercise, & have chosen TCM ACUPUNCTURE (Traditional Chinese Medicine) over traditional DBS;

After 4 treatments, I can now FAST WALK a block without the walker.

I also added Calcium Edonite Clay to detox from a plant-sourced Vit C which contains "ESSENTIAL TRACE ELEMENTS"--unlike my usual fastidiousness in Research, I 'paid no mind' to what the TRACE ELEMENTS are! I progressed rapidly with ~ 4 months use: TRACE MINERAL ELEMENTS, aka: UDOMS ARE DEADLY FOR P.D. PATIENTS!! ANCIENT HEAVY METALS washed up from the sea!!! Just what P.D. does NOT WANT! Within 3 days of detox (metals, pollutants, herbicides & Pesticides, fluoride from tap water treatment, etc).

Note: I called the Nat'l Parkinsons Foundation: rep said she had never heard of any detox!!

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 07/29/2017

Just a plug for my favorite help regarding Parkinson's Disease. I have found in at least three cases I know of personally, that the use of AEP has slowed or stopped the progress of the disease. Please take a look at the on line article by googling, "Nutrition Review... Calcium AEP Membrane Integrity Factor" which talks of the many benefits of AEP. Lately AEP has also been shown to help PD. AEP can be found on line but I rarely can find it in health food stores. I first saw the benefits from reading Dr. Adkins' book, Vita Nutrients. He used it in IV form with his MS patients. I get mine from Wellness Resources.

Posted by Art (California) on 10/30/2023 2269 posts

Editor's Choice

Previously, studies have suggested that melatonin may be beneficial in people with Parkinson's disease.

This new meta-analysis (10/10/2023) of randomized controlled trials (RCT's) utilizing melatonin in people with PD suggests that melatonin is useful for PD at 10 mg/day and even more so at 50 mg/day or more, and usage length of a year or more is additive to the beneficial effects of melatonin in PD.

Immediate-release melatonin was shown to be superior to prolonged release melatonin. It is also suggested that earlier application of melatonin in the disease may be even more beneficial than application in advanced disease states.

Some relevant quotes from the meta-analysis of RCTs :

' These findings reinforce the rationale of our study, suggesting that melatonin, when used in specific treatment regimens, may alleviate symptom severity and reduce sleep disturbances in Parkinson's disease.'

' Analysis of UPDRS total scores indicate that after at least 12 weeks of treatment, melatonin significantly impacts Parkinson's disease progression when doses of ≥10 mg/day are used. This trend of enhanced melatonin efficacy with higher doses at longer treatment durations has been consistently reported in trails comparing 50 mg/day melatonin with 0.25 mg (61,62) and 50 mg/day melatonin with 5 mg (63) for various outcomes. Furthermore, trials included in our analysis also reported significant results with 50 mg/day melatonin for 1 year (56) and non-significant results with 10 mg/day or 4 mg/day melatonin for 12 weeks (57,58). These findings, supported further by melatonin's ability to exhibit virtually no acute or chronic toxicity (64,65), strongly advocate its long-term utilization at higher doses as a safe choice. '

' Analysis of UPDRS total scores in groups receiving melatonin ≥10 mg/day revealed significant results with no heterogeneity (I2 = 0%). However, including studies with <10 mg doses increased heterogeneity substantially (I2 = 63%). Potential contributors may include dose-dependent and formulation-dependent pharmacokinetics of melatonin, as low dose studies used prolonged release formulations and high dose studies used immediate release formulations (44). Moreover, variations in treatment duration could also play a role, as longer durations with higher doses consistently demonstrated enhanced efficacy in previous studies (56–58). '

' Apart from dosage and duration, a crucial difference among these trails was the timing of melatonin intervention. In the significant study (56), melatonin was initiated in newly diagnosed patients immediately after observing a satisfactory response to anti-Parkinson's therapy. In contrast, patients in non-significant studies (57,58) had mean disease duration of 5.7 ± 1.9 and 5.0 ± 3.9 years respectively, indicating significant pre-existing damage at the time of melatonin introduction. This selection of patients with longer disease duration and introduction of melatonin at a later stage reveal an inherent flaw, as starting melatonin before neuronal loss is crucial for its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties (18,19,31,33,42) to effectively prevent degeneration and reduce symptom severity in Parkinson's disease. In addition, a sub-analysis focusing on only immediate-release formulations, also yielded significant results, however, use of prolonged-release formulation in only one study (58) hinders appropriate comparisons. '

' Hence, melatonin can indirectly lead to an improvement in motor symptoms through sleep improvement. This effect appears to be unrelated to its antioxidant properties, indicating a multifaceted potential for melatonin in Parkinson's disease treatment. '

' As far as we know, a systematic categorization of melatonin into dose groups for motor symptoms and sleep disturbances in Parkinson's disease has not been conducted before, and is a defining feature of this meta-analysis. Furthermore, it strongly recommends the use of long-term, high-dose immediate-release melatonin in future investigations and emphasizes the significance of selecting patients with shorter disease duration and initiating melatonin early to fully explore its true therapeutic potential. '


My favorite quote from this meta-analysis:

' These findings, supported further by melatonin's ability to exhibit virtually no acute or chronic toxicity (64,65), strongly advocate its long-term utilization at higher doses as a safe choice. '

I'm glad to see studies confirming the potential of melatonin in PwP, whereas earlier studies only hinted at such possibilities based on the known healthful methods of action of melatonin in humans.


Malassezia Yeast
Posted by Joru (Northeast US) on 12/09/2014

I believe Malassezia yeast may be the actual/most common cause of Parkinson's, in combination with environmental & virulence factors that favor its growth and aggressiveness. If so, this has definite implications for prevention & treatment.

Consider the following points:

(a) Malassezia is an unusual yeast in that it is lipophilic (meaning it feeds on lipids rather than sugars/starches like candida). AND it seeks melanin & infects melanocytes. The dopaminergic neurons in the brain -- the area affected by PD -- contains high levels of neuromelanin. Neuromelanin in turn has an affinity for lipids and for iron, both of which favor the growth of this yeast. Note: because it feeds on lipids rather than sugars, it will NOT grow in the usual fungal cultures performed in hospitals (they use sugar/starches in the medium, no lipids). So it is "under the radar" in the sense that there seems to be little testing ever done for it.

(b) Malassezia is known to infect melanocytes in the skin... and I suspect it is involved in causing skin cancer. If so, this would explain the higher rate of skin cancer found in Parkinson's. Also, because it is in the skin (IN, not only "on"), it could hypothetically be pushed into the bloodstream or spinal fluid by medical procedures like injections or spinal taps.

(c) L-DOPA is a precursor to MELANIN, so it makes sense that Malassezia might take it up ... thereby reducing the amount available for normal brain functioning. Low L-DOPA is a key feature of PD.

(d) Acetaldehyde -- produced by yeast -- converts dopamine into a neurotoxin called salsalinol ... which may cause the eventual aptosis of dopaminergic neurons. It also promotes increased iron content and the release of iron, both of which would favor fungal growth.

(e) Malassezia is extremely common and extremely slow-growing. It may be that people have it for decades or a lifetime. I speculate that risk factors for developing PD might include: prolonged use of antibiotics (esp. intravenous) or steroids/immunosuppressants, depleted flora from any other source including packaged foods which contain additives or may be irradiated to remove flora, accumulative lifetime exposure to UV radiation, including sunlight, medical procedures like CT scans et al; eating a lot of oleic acid (vegetable oils including olive oil are the primary culprit here, but also animal fats), high cholesterol/triglycerides, PRN lipid therapy, taking Vit D or iron, use of certain psych meds like antipsychotics that increase lipids. Meds that cause photosensitivity (= less resistance to UV radiation) might be another area of concern.

If my hypothesis is correct, there are definite implications for prevention steps and maybe also treatment. Some possibilities that come to mind are increasing dietary sulfur (antifungal), increasing "good" flora, avoidance of risk factors including dietary veg. oil/animal fat, etc. Based on my reading, buckwheat also contains an antifungal compound. Whether such steps would have an effect, I don't know. More research is clearly needed.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (USA) on 01/09/2009

Hi Ted,

I am amazed that after one and a half days of taking methylene blue with vitamin c my 85 year old dad, who has Parkinson's, initiated transfer to his wheelchair and needed much less assistance than yesterday. Yesterday he was not weight bearing much. This morning I did not pick him up to get in his chair, just guided him. I broke out into laughter of happiness!

Thank you a million for the information you provide on earthclinic. I love seeing the results!


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Aberdeen, Nj) on 09/30/2009

Ted, my sister is 47 years old and was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Please advise on a course of vitamins and supplements as well as a diet plan for her. Please state dosage and time of day to take each vitamin/supplement. Thank you for your time.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union, Philippines) on 01/26/2010

Hi John...I have been using Methylene Blue(MB) plus Vit C for a while now.

I bought the 1% MB at a hardware shop in the aquatics section. Then I converted the 1% MB to 0.1% MB by adding 1 X part by volume of MB to a dropper bottle, then I added 9 parts by volume of water as well. I just use a simple bottle cap for this -- where 1 part by volume equals one cap full. This will give you 0.1% MB. I put this mixture into a suitable bottle with a dropper top.

When I need it, I take one full glass of water with 2 grms Ascorbic Acid completely crushed and dissolved in it and add just one or two drops of the 0.1% MB to it. I take this twice a day if I need the energy or if I feel a cold or flu coming one. Gives you alot of energy and significantly boosts the immune system.

Posted by Kccu2334 (Marina Del Rey) on 08/01/2017

I'd urge everyone to look into CoQ10. This research study gave 1200mg of CoQ10 per day to those with early Parkinson's and showed evidence of slowing functional decline:

Posted by Mari (El Paso Tx) on 04/11/2024

Hello, my husband's family has a history of Parkinson's disease and we have been concerned that he may have the beginnings of this condition. There is a Doctor I like to watch on you tube from Costa Rica and his name is Alonso Vega. He has been making videos(spanish) on the importance of glutathione iv infusions to detox the brain. He does indicate that in order to be effective it must be through IV as glutathione supplements don't really work. Just food for thought how glutathione may also have a positive impact to prevent parkinson's disease. We will be taking our son to their clinic for a different condition but while we are there I will also be asking about the treatment for Parkinson.

Parkinson's Disease: Causes
Posted by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 11/03/2015

Parkinson's Disease: Causes

I recently submitted a link to a new research paper suggesting that Alzheimer's disease might be associated with fungus. Existing research and other writings already support the association of Parkinson's disease with fungus, see below.

Acetaldehyde is a toxin produced by fungus. The abstract for the above-linked study from 2006 states that, "In the presence of acetaldehyde, dopamine is converted into salsolinol, a neurotoxin involved in apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons."

In other words, fungus produces a toxin which combines with dopamine to make a neurotoxin, which then causes the dopamine-making neurons to self-destruct (apoptosis is programmed cell death). The loss of most of the dopamine-making neurons in the brain's substantia nigra causes dopamine levels to drop drastically, causing parkinsonian symptoms.

Fungal volatile organic compounds: Biogenic toxins as etiological agents for Parkinson's disease;jsessionid=A3B2BCF1576B95E7AD833F0EE18DF39F.f01t01

Parkinsonism secondary to bilateral striatal fungal abscesses

The book, Road to Recovery by Richard Rodgers, discusses the author's belief that Parkinson's is caused by a fungal infection. This topic is addressed on page 106. You can read that page by following the above Google Books link.

Chronic polysystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson's disease.

A Health-Destroying Toxin We Can't Avoid And Must Detoxify

Article is written by a Clinical Laboratory Scientist--see paragraph titled Detrimental Effects.

Acetaldehyde and parkinsonism: role of CYP450 2E1

In the paragraph titled Acetaldehyde and Parkinson's Disease, they don't mention the fact that acetaldehyde can be produced by fungus; they relate it to alcohol consumption, which is another reason for acetaldehyde to be present in the body.;5(3):68-78

Fungal infection possible pathogenic role in Parkinson disease and parkinsonism

This 2015 journal article published in Poland by researchers at Odessa National Medical University in Ukraine is written in the Russian language, but the abstract is translated into English.

Method for treating diseases of fungal, yeast, and prion protein etiology

This veterinarian believes that many neurodegenerative disorders are caused by fungi. He has developed a method of treating symptoms of the disorders by administering anti-fungal fatty acids, as explained in his patent application.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Art (California) on 01/23/2021 2269 posts

Editor's Choice Hi Emma,

The dosing for Mucuna Pruriens(MP), like Levodopa, is very individualized and will vary considerably from person to person. People wonder what is the attraction of MP over prescription Levodopa/Carbidopa since MP has as one of its main components, Levodopa and the truth is that some people just prefer what they consider a more natural approach of using a natural plant over a prescription drug. While it is true that they both contain Levodopa, but Levodopa on its own can increase oxidative stress in the brain which can then increase neuroinflammation and in the long run this is likely to be counterproductive for people with Parkinson's (PwP) as they are already suffering with elevated oxidative stress levels and elevated neuroinflammation which have been shown to increase disease progression.

What MP has that makes it possibly more effective than Levodopa is other useful components which have shown the ability to lower oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. These other components include quercetin, Betulinic Acid, Ursolic Acid, CoQ-10, NADH and more which have shown the ability to lower oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. This is very important for PwP and Levodopa alone has none of these other attributes that MP has.

You may be wondering what MP can do compared to levodopa in PwP that is different. In PwP studies, MP can significantly reduce onset of action significantly which is important because many PwP complain that it can take an hour or more to take effect while MP takes effect significantly faster probably due to the other active components in it as mentioned above. That effect alone may make it worth it for some PwP to consider MP. Another benefit of MP over levodopa alone is increased "on time" of 21.9%! Levodopa is a single component prescription drug and can not offer these other benefits of MP! Increased "on time", equates to decreased "off time and what PwP wouldn't want that?

One study went so far as to suggest that MP, "protects or prevents the progression of the disease".

On a related note, I will be posting about this in more detail soon, here on EC! I am of the opinion that a combination of levodopa and MP maybe the best of both worlds as multiple Levodopa products also contain Carbidopa or Benserazide to control levodopa breakdown before it reaches the brain and I believe it also helps prevent conversion of levodopa to dopamine outside of the brain and this is very important because dopamine can not cross the blood brain barrier.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jose (Zamboanga , Philippines) on 02/25/2009

Methylene blue can be purchased in two forms: pre-mixed with other elements or in a 'pure' state. ... What form is referred to by 1.0% and 9.1%? ... When adding 100 cc of methylene blue to 900 cc of water, what form of methylene blue is used - the pre-mixed or the 'pure'? ... How much Vit C is taken together with methylene blue? ... I'm asking because I would like to try methylene blue and vitamin C for my Parkinson's. ... I am 78 years old, diagnosed as having Parkinson's in 1998.

Research Articles
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 07/13/2017

OK this is important - if ALS is similar to Parkinson's then hopefully this treatment may work there too. This study found that in rats a copper chelator dramatically improved their health.


"As reported in the January 27 Neurobiology of Disease online, the researchers treated the mice with CuATSM, a reddish copper chelator that can carry the metal into the brain and spinal cord. There, the theory goes, the chelator releases Cu ions to the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase 1, an enzyme that causes a rare familial form of ALS when mutated and tends to aggregate when it's missing its copper. .."

"Beckman's group was studying why those mSOD1xCCS mice fell so ill when researchers from the University of Melbourne who worked with CuATSM visited his lab. The scientists decided to try the compound in one double transgenic mouse, which was unable to stand and near the end of its short lifespan.

"The researchers dissolved CuATSM in dimethyl sulfoxide and dribbled in onto the pup's neck, where it was quickly absorbed by the skin. A few hours later, the mouse was up and moving."

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/22/2009

Hello Rick,

Just a quick answer to a few of your questions and comments. My Dad is 85. He began having symptoms at approximately 79 or so. He probably had symptoms earlier than that, but I did not see him all that often during that time and also the Parkinson's symptoms began insidiously.

We are not so perfect with the MB dosing. I try to give at least three doses per day. I also try to make sure he has sodium ascorbate to go along with it for at least two of the doses. I would like to be more consistent giving more frequent low doses of the MB and we are working on that.

Since my father had a stroke in November of 2008 and the early Spring of 2009, this has been a big setback. The stroke this Spring was the worst. He still has a great deal of recovery to accomplish, but he continues to improve. He is very mentally alert and aware of everything going on. He can still give advice and communicate well. He cannot walk. He needs assistance eating but he often is independent in eating. These problems are a result of the stroke. We have been eliminating and reducing offending foods and supplements as we observe problems. I am near certain that my father will not have another stroke. One of the biggest helps for him is magnesium oil applied all over his body. This has helped him very much and I learned a lesson about neglecting the magnesium oil. He will get stiff and harder to transfer when without the magnesium oil (I make ours from magnesium chloride flakes sold to saltwater fish aquarium hobbyists).

My father is not taking any prescription medicines to speak of now. We stopped the carbidopa/levodopa because he began to have mild hallucinations and we stopped it. He has only improved since stopping that medicine.

Research Articles
Posted by Kanpure Mailo (US) on 03/27/2024

Here is the cure for PD as per Dr Ardis. If I had PD, I would definitely try this.

EC: Description per url above

In this podcast episode, Dr. Ardis discusses strategies for preventing and treating Parkinson's disease. He highlights supplements like taurine, selenium, and a foreign protein cleanse as potential aids in managing the condition. Dr. Ardis explains the symptoms of Parkinson's and common pharmaceutical drugs used for treatment, cautioning against relying solely on medication due to potential side effects. He explores natural solutions for managing symptoms and recommends supplements like acetyl cysteine, taurine, and quercetin. Additionally, Dr. Ardis discusses the potential benefits of nicotine in treating Parkinson's disease and suggests considering nicotine patches or gum as part of a treatment plan.

Research Articles
Posted by Art (California) on 03/28/2024 2269 posts

The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) helped fund a study using nicotine patches on people with PD and the study found nicotine patches to be less effective than placebo as discussed here : studies show that smokers, progression in early Parkinson's disease

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' One-year transdermal nicotine treatment did not slow progression in early Parkinson's disease. (Funded by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and others; number, NCT01560754; EudraCT number, 2010-020299-42.) '

Although the above study showed no ability for nicotine patches to slow disease progression in people with early stage PD, there are anecdotal reports suggesting it may help improve certain symptoms.

There is currently no cure for PD, but there are medications and supplements that can help alleviate some symptoms. PD is a very complex disease in which the cause is still undiscovered. Medications are not thought to slow disease progression, but given the activities of some supplements, they show potential to slow disease progression through reduction of oxidative stress, inflammation and antiapoptotic effects.


Acupuncture, Detox Herbal Remedies
Posted by Jill R. (Texas) on 04/03/2024

After reading lots of posts here about a possible connection between fungus and PD, a logical option to me would be to try berberine. When I looked to see if there were current studies related to berberine and PD, I found several and each seemed to have positive results. I take 2 Berberine Plus tablets daily (1200 Berberine HCl/10 mg Royal Jelly). I started taking it because of a fatty liver and the possible link to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (sibo). The studies that I found linked Berberine to higher amounts of dopamine.

Benserazide for Medication Rashes
Posted by Mark M. (Sedona, Az) on 07/29/2020

My mother was prescribed too much Carbidopa / Levodopa a.k.a. Sinemet at the outset of her Parkinson's diagnosis and she developed an allergic reaction to it that resulted in terrible rashes with debilitating itchy hives all over her body.

After many efforts to find solutions, my sister solved the allergy by having her take Benserazide / Levodopa a.k.a. Madopar [sold in Europe], which cleared up the rashes while preserving the long-term benefits of a parkinson's medication.

Sometimes a slightly different take on a conventional approach can make a huge difference.

Posted by Art (California) on 04/12/2024 2269 posts

Hi Mari,

It may be an option worth considering to contact Dr. Mischley as she has trained dogs that sniff out the "scent of Parkinson's disease". The accuracy of her trained dogs seems to be at least as good, if not better than the currently available testing methods for PD. You would have to mail her a dirty t-shirt of your husbands so that her dogs can sniff it to help determine if your husband may or may not have PD.

Here is her contact information :

Address: 2111 N Northgate Way Suite 221, Seattle, WA 98133
Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM
Phone: (206) 525-8012
[email protected]
Here is a video of one of her trained dogs :

Drug Free
Posted by Sam (Miami, US) on 07/11/2014

If you've never heard of Howard Shifke and his site Fighting Parkinson's Drug Free, I recommend you visit it.

Protein Sources
Posted by J (Coloma, Mi) on 06/30/2009

My Dad is 94 years old. No one can believe it. He still lives independently, drives his own car and his memory is fantastic. He has eaten eggs all his life, so I don't worry about it. His cholesterol is 170. He also eats a lot of fast food so I don't know what his secret is.

Research Articles
Posted by Art (California) on 03/25/2024 2269 posts

Hi Mery,

Here is a link to the actual study done about 11 months ago :

They are looking at three specific strains of the Desulfovibrio bacteria (DSV) :

1. D. desulfuricans

2. D. fairfieldensis

3. D. piger

The study was done in worms, which may or may not translate to humans. In any case, there are specific antibiotics that can target these bacteria as well as supplements that also target these bacteria, but to date, no human studies have been done to test this theory.

As an example of a supplement that works against these strains, inulin made from agave has a negative impact, but it has not been shown which strains of Desulfovibrio it works against as discussed in this article :

Here is a relevant article quote :

' Desulfovibrio were depleted 40% with agave inulin compared with control. Agave inulin tended (P < 0.07) to reduce fecal 4-methyphenol and pH. Bivariate correlations revealed a positive association between intakes of agave inulin (g/kcal) and Bifidobacterium (r = 0.41, P < 0.001). Total dietary fiber intake (total fiber plus 0, 5.0, or 7.5 g agave inulin/d) per kilocalorie was positively associated with fecal butyrate (r = 0.30, P = 0.005), tended to be positively associated with Bifidobacterium (r = 0.19, P = 0.08), and was negatively correlated with Desulfovibrio abundance (r = −0.31, P = 0.004). '

Again, no human studies to support the use of agave inulin for PD.

As far as a treatment for PD, given that the actual cause or causes of PD are still not known, there is no likely cure for the disease, only treatments to help reduce symptoms. The downside to the mainstream treatments for PD is that they can have significant side effects. The treatment that has been the mainstay for PD for about 50 years is the combination drug, Carbidopa /Levodopa also referred to as Sinemet.

One of the supplements that has shown significant anecdotal evidence against PD is vitamin B1 at higher dosing levels. Again, no human studies to support its use.

My personal opinion is that one of the best natural treatments for PD is fecal microbiome transplantation (FMT). Unfortunately, FMT is only approved for two diseases in the United States, neither of which is PD. In order to get FMT for PD, you might have to travel to China, which is much more progressive than most countries when it comes to FMT. This would be cost prohibitive for most people. FMT is already proven safe in human studies, but is still only approved for Clostridioides difficile, commonly referred to as C.diff, a bacterial infection of the gut which can be life threatening in severe cases. It is also approved for IBS in the US. In both diseases, it is normally only used when the standard treatments have failed to be effective.


Research Articles
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/28/2024 505 posts

FYI - nicotine is niacin. the nicotine in tobacco was renamed so it could be demonized.

A little niacin with a little diatomaceous earth for the small amount of bioavailable silica it contains that is needed to facilitate niacin uptake is plenty.

The body possesses its very own nicotine/niacin handling system.

If I had to guess, I'd say that a little diatomaceous earth would provide more than enough silica, making up for soil depletion, to make the niacin in modern nutrient-starved food more available to the body.

It's not difficult to understand that the vegetables purchased today are nothing like the vegetables purchased 50 years ago. Some only barely even qualify as food.

Acupuncture, Detox Herbal Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 06/26/2022 2269 posts


If you haven't already, you might consider looking into vitamin B1/Thiamine at high dose. It doesn't work for every PwP, but it is helpful for the majority, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the correct dose. It can be a process of trial and error.

I can make another recommendation or two, but you didn't give much info in terms of her symptoms. It would be helpful to know that information. Btw, she is quite young to be diagnosed with PD as the most predictive factor for PD is age. What method did her neurologist use to diagnose her?

At just 3 pills of levodopa per day, I am going to guess that her symptoms are very mild at this point.


Posted by Msfmomma (Boise) on 07/07/2020

Hi Art, thanks for sharing such amazing, wonderful and valuable knowledge about supplementing with melatonin.

A bit off topic ... but are you aware of melatonin increasing the bodies need for other nutrients such as vitamin D, etc? Thank you!

Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 09/22/2020

Hi Mary,

Found this for you: AEP is Calcium AEP (Cal 2-AEP), a unique type of calcium that helps nourish nerves and cell membranes.*

Here's one product on Amazon.

Malassezia Yeast
Posted by Joru (Northeast, US) on 12/10/2014

Just wanted to add: if there are other yeasts that have similar characteristics (melanin-seeking, slow growing, lipophilic), they could also be potential causes. It may not be exclusively Malassezia that can cause Parkinson's.

Some ways that Malassezia or other fungi could potentially get into the brain are:

- medical procedures/treatments, such as surgery w/ anesthesia, CT scans of the head (radiation can affect the blood brain barrier temporarily), use of IV drugs (legal or illegal) esp. IV antibiotics or IV lipids;

- spinal tap: if Malassezia is present in (not just on) the skin, a tap could theoretically push yeast into the CSF;

- presence of other infections known to have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, such as Lyme disease

Posted by Andz (Chicago, Il) on 10/05/2014

Hi Ladyliza (Los Angeles, CA), I am 45 year old male. I just started having a constant twitch in my left pinky finger. I am right handed. I am panicked about the possibility of PD or ALS. I wen to chiropractor a few days ago and it "could" be nerve issues. I am not convinced of the nerve answer since, the pinky has been twitching at rest consistently throughout the entire day and night. I do notice when I do an activity, I don't notice the twitching as much, but I am not sure if that is just due to me not paying attention. I was wondering if you or people with PD or ALS have had the pinky twitch like I described. I am healthy and a realist, so I wish I could accept the nerve thing, but reading about Michael J Fox article about his left pinky twitching and then he got PD, has me very nervous. I am very active and have 2 young children, so any feedback on what I should do prior to going to the Dr would be appreciated. Thank you, Andy

Posted by Barb (Texas ) on 12/17/2018

Hello Max58j. I am beginning to show signs of PD more and more at age 62. I have never had high cholesterol, but my grandmother and mother both had PD. They also did not have high cholesterol. I always thought there was a genetic link, but after reading on here, it was a vitamin/supplement that we needed (perhaps).

Methylene Blue
Posted by Yaocihuatl (Colorado) on 12/17/2013

To Whom It May Concern,

I have a mother who is in her early 70's and has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. She fell ill with a h-pylori infection and almost died. The ER doctor put her on some strong anti biotics and she is recovering from the pylori but when we took her in she was shuffling badly, slight arm tremors and a mask like face. I've tried to get her to eat better, avoiding foods with lots of sugar, pesticides etc but she's used to her diet and is struggling. Regardless of this she has still shown signs of improvement but is complaining of weakness, stiffness and a feeling that she can't move at times when she wants to. I have read through the threads on this site about the Methylene Blue. I cannot understand the dilution. I have no way to since I am dyslexic with numbers. I have personally been taking the MB 1% diluted by taking one tspn full of MB and diluting it with 9 tspns of water. I take 5 -7 drops in the morning in 6 ounces of water with a 1/4 tspn of vit c powder and a 1/2 tspn of baking soda, sometimes a full tspn.

My questions are:
1. am I even close to the correct dilution and please don't tell me in equations because I can't understand them. What I do understand is what I've described, one teaspoon MB and 9 teaspoons of water.

2. I need to have specific information on how to give the MB to my mother and in which combination, taurine/potassium (which I don't think that she can have because of her high blood pressure)/baking soda? etc. As soon as possible please?

She weighs approximately 140 lbs, she's 5ft 2 inches tall. She's on medications, metoprolol and aspirin. I have spoken with a pharmacist who has said that there are no contraindications with her meds and the MB.

Please, she's feeling the effects and I know she's very frightened, the docs seem to think that the PD was set off by a mild stroke that she had just after my dad died almost 3 years ago. He died of institutionalized pnuemonia/parkinsons. She is not taking any parkinson's medication at this time.

I know that you all get a lot of emails asking for advice so I am not asking to be "special" I am just asking for clear concise and reliable answers as soon as you are able to. Thank you for your time and experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,Yaocihuatl

Methylene Blue
Posted by Judy (Nh, Usa) on 08/15/2016

Sear Yaocihuatl,

May we suggest you read two articles If the URL does not transmit, please look up"Father Jose Chorr magnesium chloride two pines". Also If the URL does not transmit, please look up "Health from the Ocean Deep Acres USA". We recommend your mother use liquid sea minerals, such as Aussie Trace Minerals (order in your state, Colo.; also available from other web sites); rather than the powder that Father Chorr used. The powder in the U.S. at least, appears to be sourced from the Great Salt Lake, which apparently may contain heavy metals.

Let your mother drink 1 teaspoon liquid sea minerals in a glass of water twice a day, beginning with once a day, as Father Chorr suggested, and increasing after a few days. If the stools are too loose, decrease to 1/2 tsp. once a day and increase more gradually.

Let your mother avoid eating meat; the most success with Parkinson's is with the vegetarian (no eggs) or vegan diet. Just be sure to include at least 2 tablespoons freshly ground flax seed every day in the diet for Omega 3 essential fatty acids, and drink extra water. We wish you and mother all success.

Protein Sources
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/01/2011

I think you will find that "Yams" according to the latest research.. will go a long way in repairing the brain after a stroke.. Google "Yams and stroke".. I'm sure it will be what you are looking for.

Protein Sources
Posted by Judy (New Hampshire) on 02/27/2014

Dear Jane -- Four years have passed since your query about protein for your dad with PD, but in case you're still working with your dad, I recommend you use the Oil-Protein Diet of Dr. Johanna Budwig, as given on the Healing Cancer Naturally site. Other sites have interesting comments about the Budwig diet, but the Healing Cancer Naturally site has the most accurate info as presented by Dr. Budwig. Dr. Budwig states that the oil-protein diet increases oxygen in the system. Her program has reversed MS. Lest you be concerned about the use of cottage cheese when Parkinson's patients are advised to avoid dairy products, Dr. Budwig said that the dairy-ness of the cottage cheese or quark and the fat of the flaxseed oil are both transmuted to form a highly absorbable and effective, water soluble substance when combined in the manner she prescribed.

Best wishes, Judy

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