Parkinson's Disease Remedies

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Rick (Knoxville, Tn) on 06/20/2009

Mucuna pruriens is a tropical bean and is a natural source of dopamine. Dopamine is intimately connected to arousal. It is also the critical brain chemical in Parkinson's Disease, a disorder that I have dealt with for 17 years.

A group of we PWP were experimenting with the use of Muruna last year and I can attest to its effects upon male libido. But, let's face it, a good glass of tap water can qualify for many men.

What was unusual, however, was that women reported similar effects. As one of the first to notice commented, "I knew something was up when my ex- started loooking good!"

I can't suggest a dosage since the PD has an independent effect that would make such info irrelevant, so you will have to do some trial and error. It can be ordered as a raw powder via Amazon. Since mentioning a specific brand is discouraged here, I will only say that the excellent product which I used was grown in the US, was organic, and was only about $10 to $15 per pound. One caution, the powder is an incredible black stain once it is wet. The only thing that takes it off of enameled steel is oxyclean type remover.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Art (Caliufornia) on 07/05/2022 2273 posts


You are replying to a post that is 5 years old in which case the original writer is not likely to reply. I will try and give you a little information to give you and idea about what is involved with the use of MP.

Regarding MP, in a couple of studies it has shown to have similar to slightly better effects than prescription levodopa products. It also does not cause the oxidative stress that levodopa has shown in studies to cause. It also offers other health benefits. Those are some of the positives.

On the negative side, it takes huge doses of pure MP to equate to Sinemet dosing and such huge doses have the potential to cause stomach upset and are hard to take.

Manufacturers are aware of this issue and decided to make "extract versions" of MP so that a smaller, more tolerable dose can be taken. But even with extract versions, it still requires relatively large doses. One problem with the most potent extract versions is that they are essentially levodopa with little if any of the beneficial components that pure MP contains. So you don't really get any of the beneficial effects of the MP.

What some PwP do, is combine a lesser dose of Sinemet or other levodopa based drug with an extract version of MP in order to get the added benefits associated with the use of MP in conjunction with the stability and uniformity of a drug like Sinemet or Madopar. I think this is what you will find once you have done research into MP in all of its many forms.

A common form of MP extract that some PwP find benefit with is Dopa Boost :,aps,213&sr=8-5

This is an interesting product that combines MP extract with other supplements that have shown benefit for PwP. It also uses EGCG, the active component from green tea to act similarly to the Carbidopa component of the combination drug Sinemet which is comprised of Carbidopa and Levodopa. It also contains other PD useful supplements such as N Acetyl L-Tyrosine, vitamin B6 and Quercetin.

PwP use Dopa Boost with a levodopa drug like Sinemet. Sounds simple, right? Not that simple though because, in general, neurologists and movement disorder specialist are not going to be familiar with MP or a product such as Dopa Boost, and this means they will not be able to help you determine an ideal dose combination between your prescription levodopa and your non prescription MP product.

This means you will be on your own to figure out the most effective dosing of both products for you. Even if you find someone that has already done the leg work to figure out through trial and error what their best dosing schedule is for the combination of MP extract and levodopa drug is, you will only be able to use their information as a rough guideline and you will still have to fine tune your dose to meet your specific needs through trial and error.

On this general subject of alternative PD remedies, there are several that I am aware of that have shown varying degrees of benefit in improving quality of life, but like levodopa drug products, there is usually a need for trial and error testing or a learning curve to figure out the best dosing schedule for you.

In PD, there are no cures on the horizon, only various alternatives to try and improve your quality of life. If you are interested in any of those other options, I can offer you some information regarding them if I am familiar with your choice.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 05/15/2009

Dear Shel,

The methylene blue I used was from a fish aquarium store. It is usually 1% concentration. Ted encourages a dilution to 0.1%. When I first gave it to my father with the amazing results, I gave it with sodium ascorbate. It really worked to increase his energy and initiation of action. He is still taking it and it still helps. Other supplements have also helped him a great deal, like transdermal magnesium oil. This stuff has changed his life very much for the better. It has helped a great deal in reducing stiffness. What has harmed my father is bulk magnesium citrate powder from I ordered many bulk supplements from ___ ___. I was told to give to my father "the more the better" of magnesium citrate. I did. But what I have learned, nearly too late, is that the white powder that was labeled magnesium citrate does not have the solubility characteristics and other typical characteristics of magnesium citrate at all. It has the characteristics of possibly calcium carbonate. I can pay $300.00 to have it tested at an analytical lab, but I am not able to pay for that at this time. I will do it later. The main thing is that be sure to learn from my mistake. It caused a stroke in my father. The lesson is to buy from a reputable bulk supplement suppler who actually tests the supplements that come from China. Also I think it would be prudent for us to learn to test our own purchases even if crudely by checking for the known properties of each substance, like ph and solubility. ____, the owner of ___ ____, told me that neither he nor his supplier out of Georgia test the bulk supplements they receive from China and then sell to us.

So keep up the methylene blue because it may be very helpful to you. Ted told me that it also may build up in the body's system somewhat over time. So you will need to work with the dose and be sure to take it with sodium ascorbate. It seems to be something needed together with the methylene blue. Also if you add the methylene blue to sodium ascorbate in water, the blue color disappears.

I hope this is helpful to you. I'll pass on some words given to me by a young lady who observed me working with my father. Don't give up. Never give up.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Susan (Anchorage, Alaska) on 03/28/2010

Hi Jane, I am interested in making my own transdermal magnesium for head tremors. I have actually tested positive for Lyme disease and Lyme apparently consumes the Magnesium in the body. Have you considered having your dad tested for the presence of Borrelia Burgdorferi. Lyme can cause Parkinson's symptoms. I in fact believe that Michael J Fox, may be Lyme positive. He was apparently bitten by a tick and was put on a 6 week course of antibiotic therapy. He then later on developed Parkinsons. Most of us in the Lyme community know that Lyme is rarely eradicated with a 6 week course of Antibiotics. I also know that heavy metal poisoning seems to go hand in hand with a lot of these neurological symptoms. Therefore I am concerned about the claim by Ancient minerals that many of the bulk pharmaceutical grade Magnesium Chloride has lead and mercury. I have ordered some Magnesium for fish tanks off of Ebay and bought a test kit for home use and will test it for lead content. I also wrote the supplier to find out if they have a chemical analysis of the product. If it is shipped from China, I am doubting that it will. I also contacted an independent lab to find out how much testing for Mercury content would cost as I have not been able to find a home test kit for Mercury. I am hopeful that the transdermal Magnesium will be a big help. I can't afford to pay the prices that some of the companies that market the Mag Oil charges.



Reader Commments
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 05/01/2009

Parkinson's thoughts:

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so the heavier you are, probably the more you need. Would a pale-skinned person be low in vitamin d? Perhaps.

Vitamin D3 produces Cathelicidin, which fights lots of bad stuff.

"The novel anti-infective, in either a polypeptide, peptide or nucleic acid form, may have application as a therapeutic to treat fungal or bacterial infections, including those caused by drug resistant strains, such as E. coli, Salmonella enteritides, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Burkholderia cepacia, Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA i.e. methicillin resistant), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis (VREF i.e. vancomycin resistant) and Streptococcus agalactiae, and also against fungi such as Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Cryptococcus neoformans."

I was looking at Michael J. Fox the other day on TV... his neck/thyroid looks destroyed. Since Ted mentioned Thyroid, the Thyroid seems like something worth checking if you have this disease. In his case, perhaps his resembles Hyperthyroidism a bit; just an opinion.

I would kind of like to see a metametrix study (GI effects) on this disease.

Magnetic Field Therapy
Posted by Jeroen (Amsterdam, Nh) on 07/09/2012

We have had this experience with Parkinson and Multiwave oscillation. Very diappointing because the symptoms became rapidly worse after treatments! I think the patient I work with might have responded much better if he would detox from the many years of chemical drugs in his body before treatment. The oscillation might stir up too many toxins. We are now on the way to start up a very slow delicate detox process. Magnesium therapy seems to help some. We are studying vitamin D3 as a possibility. I would love to hear from others on this subject!

Research Articles
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 07/03/2017

Similarities between Parkinsons and ALS have been found. There is a copper binding issue, combined with oxidative stress. This should hopefully give us ideas on how to treat this eg: copper chelation, or chelated copper, and a whole spectrum of anti-oxidants and anti-oxidant minerals.

Do we need more copper, ie. chelated copper?, or less copper, ie copper chelation? Or maybe a combination of the two? It sounds like there is a deficiency but I fear that if we get it wrong it could make it worse.

“We have pinpointed a protein abnormality known as the ‘SOD1 fingerprint' in regions of neuronal loss in the Parkinson's disease brain, ” said Associate Professor Kay Double who led the research published in Acta Neuropathologica.

“We believe this loss of neurons results from a combination of oxidative stress and a regional deficiency in copper, both of which occur specifically in vulnerable regions of the Parkinson's disease brain.”


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/09/2009 392 posts

Dear Jane:

The methylene blue works, however, continual use of low dose is very helpful. However if it is discontinued, at least in the beginning may weaken the energy level, but further dose will allow the person to recover. Methylene blue is considered a super antioxidant for the mitochrondria. The best that I have seen so far. The brain is the highest metabolic rate in the body and hence is helpful with methylene blue since it increases energy level to normal levels through mitochrondria support. Taurine supplements and some potassium bicarbonate with baking soda are also helpful and supportive to this remedy too.

It's often best used as dose I have mentioned. I liked it so much I have since added methylene blue to my Emergency Aid kit as posted previously, although it remains I still needed some tweaking. Low levels of brain metabolism is what I believe to be causing the Parkinson's disease, and I have found the methylene blue to be helpful.

Thank you for the feedback!


Research Articles
Posted by KRIS (Australia) on 03/26/2024

hello Mery.....have you thought to read up on Methylene Blue?

cheers and good luck

Research Articles
Posted by Daniel (Illinois) on 03/29/2024

As Doug Kaufmann of 'Know The Cause' says, think fungus first.

Acupuncture, Detox Herbal Remedies
Posted by Enola C. (Florida) on 07/21/2022

Why not try mucuna pruriens & amino acids. Acupuncture. And have a “functional medicine”doctor do testing like the doctors don't test.stool samples. 6(they send the labs away ) ususalluY you have to pay out of pocket. Maybe do an oxygen breath test. Hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

Parkinson's Disease: Causes
Posted by Rosemary (Uk) on 10/30/2013

Parkinsons Disease specific causes, which make sense in my sister's case, such as earlier and unhealed foot injuries, are to be found on Google. It's probably best to look at all of them because some so called cures actually make people worse, and especially if they have been taking allopathic medicines for some time.

Parkinson's Disease: Causes
Posted by Zebu (Montana) on 11/05/2015

Thank you SO much for posting this! I also believe that yeast has so much to do with it. I have had a systemic yeast infection for years. One of the symptoms that I feel is related to this, also, is hair loss that I am experiencing. Parkinson's is in my family, so I may have gotten it anyway, but I believe that other precipitating factors (yeast and others) brought on what may not have manifested had they not been there.

Parkinson's Disease: Causes
Posted by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 11/06/2015

Hi, Zebu:

I hope my post added a bit of information to the other posts on this page; several people have said Parkinson's can have a fungal etiology, so I just chased down studies to support that.

I don't know what you are doing already to try to relieve your medical conditions (Parkinson's and candida infection). But, if you haven't already, you could eliminate wheat and processed sugar from your diet. Regarding your hair loss, regular use of a dandruff shampoo with vigorous scalp massage may help; those shampoos eliminate dandruff through their antifungal action, and massage promotes circulation to the scalp so that the hair follicles are better nourished and oxygenated. Gentle hair-pulling once a day works similar to massage; just wrap a bunch of hair around your fingers and gentle pull it for a few seconds, and work your way around your scalp until all hair has been pulled. My husband's late father renewed his hair growth in his 70s through hair-pulling. A simple, cheap sulfur supplement like MSM (an anti-inflammatory champ! ) can thicken your hair (and nails) and is antifungal as well. Eggs are another source of sulfur and protein to feed the hair.

Thanks for your reply! Best wishes.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Oldguy (Caldwell, New Jersey, Usa) on 03/02/2011

I have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's. Has anyone used the HP therapy successfully with PD. Another site claims success with it, but before jumping in I wanted to hear from someone that had used or is using it successfully.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ladyliza (Granada Hills, Ca) on 04/16/2012 32 posts

This remedy was discovered for alzheimer's, but is also improving those with PD and MS. Coconut oil, unrefined, raw, 4 heaping tsp/day. See Dr. Mary Newport's video on utube.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rodney (China) on 03/25/2016

The reference to Dr. Mary Newport's video is very vague as there is nothing in the youtube listing regarding Parkinson's, and many videos by Dr. Mary Newport, all about Alzheimers.

Protein Sources
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/29/2009

I have been seeking a good protein source for my father and family besides meat, beans and rice, etc. Something quick and easy ( I know, nothing good is easy). I asked Ted about it. I asked him about whey. He discouraged whey big time because it makes us have sticky blood. So I know there's got to be more to it than that and when I finally go back and reread his answer maybe he says more but I don't remember right now. At the time I had recently had an experience with my Dad on a lysine trial and it made his blood sticky. So Ted and I had been on that subject already.

Another source I asked him about is egg white protein. He told me that egg whites have high aspartic acid and that he and his don't eat the egg white, only the yolk. I have an egg white protein product in my home and yes it has almost 3000 mg of aspartic acid per scoop and almost 3000mg of glutamic acid per scoop!

So I have these questions about excitotoxins and egg white. I don't completely understand about the problems with excitotoxins in unprocessed food. One thing Ted mentioned is that the egg white is not the food source for the chick. So...anyway I looked around a bit on the net and read where people stated that eggs or egg whites caused them problems.

Does anyone have an understanding of this, especially the part about the egg whites?

Also it was during that time when Ted told me that asparagus is so high is aspartic acid, hence the name.

We ate eggs this morning, with the whites. Its sad to waste the whites I think, but is it really a problem for brain healing? I think it probably is. Can anyone help with this?

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/22/2009

I have read about this but have not gotten any yet. I will check into it more. I am not very knowledgeable about all the possible supplements that will help him, but I am slowly learning. My time is very divided and I wish I had more time to delve into learning more. One thing is we have tried supplements and observe for benefits or any negative side effects. This is how we have been adding and taking away supplements to best meet his needs as we learn.

It appears to me that the cause of my father's symptoms are toxins in his body and now brain injury from the strokes. Also most probably fungus is involved. He had pesticide exposure and we have more reasons to believe his problems began with toxic exposure, probably multiple toxins.

Thanks for your post. I appreciate any comments and helpful information.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/07/2017 2273 posts

In reply to Ron (New Mexico),

That is great that the MP is working for you! Can you give details on your entire protocol (dose & timing) and what benefits you are getting? Thank you!


Multiple Supplements
Posted by Shel (Eugene, OR) on 05/23/2009

So now I have Methyline blue 2.303%, sodium ascorbate 1.69 grams, taurine 1.0 gram and potassium, calcium, zinc and manganese ascorbates 1,000 mg.(combined). What do I do with them?? How much, how often--all together, what?? Any help would be appreciated.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Shel (Eugene, OR) on 05/15/2009

I got some methylene BLUE (we're talking blue) from a pet store--the only place I could find it. It says not for medicinal, human or animal use--but I took a couple drops anyway because they always say that stuff. Is there a different kind I should have gotten? Ted said it was the stuff for fish tanks so that's what I got. I thought I should maybe check before I took any more. If someone could email me directly I would appreciate it. I don't think it would take much of the stuff before you could give the Blue Men a run for their money--or at least a Smurf. If it matters, I forgot to mention I got it for Parkinson's.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by John (Pleasanton, Ca 94566 U S A) on 01/25/2010

Also if you add the methylene blue to sodium ascorbate in water, the blue color disappears. How much of this do you mix???

Reader Commments
Posted by Selinas (Colombo- Sri Lanka) on 07/25/2014

I greatly thank you for your reply.


Magnetic Field Therapy
Posted by Abigail (Castleton, Ontario, Canada) on 04/08/2009

Hello, Does anyone have any experience with magnetic field therapy and Parkinson's disease?


Magnetic Field Therapy
Posted by Marty (Denver, Co, Usa) on 05/10/2010

There currently is a research study underway at a private facility here in Denver to attempt to determine the effectiveness or magnetic therapy.The participant goes in for approximately 1 hour per day, 3 days per week, if I recall correctly.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (USA) on 01/09/2009

Hi Ted! I just accidently sent my last message before I was ready. I have so much to learn! I have not yet seen your Emergency Aid kit. How much Taurine supplements should I give? I have baking soda and I'm not exactly sure if I have potassium bicarbonate. I have potassium supplements. Is potassium bicarbonate a household product?

Thank you! Thank you! For your help.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/09/2009 392 posts

Dear Jane:

A taurine supplements dose averages about 1000 mg taken twice a day, with plenty of water, such as 1/2 glass of water. The taurine has a protective effect on the brain. As to alkalization, usually the preferred remedy.

As to your questions of potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate or tripotassium citrate. These aren't usually available in most household items, but maybe available or found in electrolyte drinks formulation or found in certain potassium supplements found. When taking potassium, a baking soda is always taken. The dose for potassium is small, usually 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon once a day while a baking soda may require just 1/2 teaspoon and a low dose to help stabilize the pH. Over the long term, usually about a week, an alkaline blood leads for the brain to recover faster too. Often it's the acidity of the brain that cause some degeneration of the brain and alkalinity provides protection. The rationale is a simple one: brain is a highly metabolic organ and hence is most acidic and needs something to reduce the excess acidity coming from carbon dioxide when the brain cells metabolise. This is a mild remedy.

A carnosine 500 mg x 2 is also seen to be helpful too, but aspartame and all artificial sugar must be avoided as those are most damaging to the brain. There are some unbelievers who think aspartame is safe, to which I always suggest to check for presence of blood methanol and formaldehyde after ingestion and it's always present in order to settle the aspartame controversy. Aspartame are also found in chewing gums and is also not helpful.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 02/15/2009

Dear Mary from Northern Ireland,Yes my father is getting along well and the Parkinson's symptoms are definitely diminished since taking the methelyne blue regularly. I am very encouraged about this and I have specific reason to suspect that the Parkinson's is at least partially fungal related in my father. He is also taking the alkaline drink with sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, potassium citrate, taurine, carnosine. The alkaline drink two and sometimes three times a day is noticeably helpful as well. He has sleep apnea which is problematic at times. The alkaline drink seems to help with this some as does sleeping on his side and not on his back. I would hate to be without any of these things because I have noticed increased mental focus for my dad and increased energy. At first I believe he was taking too much methylene blue, a drop of 1% solution three times daily. He is now taking a drop or two of 0.1% two to three times daily depending on our schedules. The higher concentration may have temporarily caused a tremor that wasn't there before. His symptoms did not initiate with the tremor, but with the mask like face and a shuffling gate. Now his face is like his old self with his smile and usual expressions. He has his sense of humor and his personality again. Also I believe that magnesium is helping him very much too.Not magnesium aspartate! Also I have since learned that our eating food with msg may have correlated with a little setback he had. So now we are much more careful to avoid all msg and excitotoxins that are sometimes in mineral supplements. He takes carbidopa/levidopa three times daily as well.

EC: Thank you for the update, Jane!

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Debbie (South Bend, IN) on 02/17/2009

Jane, You should have your father's vitamin D level checked too:

Low Vitamin D Level Tied to Parkinson's Study: Vitamin D Insufficiency Often Accompanies Parkinson's Disease
By Miranda Hitti

WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDOct. 13, 2008 -- Parkinson's disease patients may be particularly likely to have low blood levels of vitamin D.

Researchers report that news in the Archives of Neurology.

They studied 100 Parkinson's disease patients, 100 Alzheimer's disease patients, and 100 healthy adults of the same age as the Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients.

Participants provided blood samples, which showed vitamin D insufficiency in 55% of the Parkinson's disease patients, compared to 41% of the Alzheimer's patients and 36% of the healthy participants.

Vitamin D deficiency, in which people have even less vitamin D than people who have vitamin D insufficiency, was also more common among the Parkinson's patients (23%), compared to the Alzheimer's patients (16%) and the healthy participants (10%).

The findings held regardless of people's age, gender, and presence or absence of an Alzheimer's-related mutation in the APOE gene.

The study was a snapshot in time -- it doesn't prove that low levels of vitamin D cause Parkinson's disease or that taking vitamin D would help prevent Parkinson's.

But those possibilities should be studied, note the researchers, who included Emory University's Marian Evatt, MD, MS.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Ruth (RSM, CA, USA) on 06/15/2009

Parkinson's and fungus: I was reading with great interest the posts regarding Methylene Blue. I'll give it a go. However more of interest was the talk of fungus. Oddly enough, right after getting toenail fungus came Parkinson's. I have always felt that there was a connection. My opinion is that because Parkinson's is usually diagnosed in aged patients, toenail fungus was viewed as a common old age condition and never considered as a possible connection to the Parkinson's. So, if the fungus or it's byproducts are involved, that would explain why an anti-fungus med would have an effect. I'd sure like to hear more about this.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/15/2009

Hi Deirdre and EC!

The below link regarding Alzheimer's is interesting and there is a Parkinson's link included in the info. The fungal theory is a part of this and so much more. My Dad's Parkinson's symptoms became most evident after my mother flooded the bathtub a few times, years ago, and they dried out the carpet more than once. So I think fungus is a huge aspect of our problems here. Also as Ted says and as the article suggests, the mycotoxins are the byproduct of the fungus and may be more problem causing than the fungus itself. Apparently the mycotoxins are implicated in cancer and many neurodegenerative diseases. I think there are a multitude of factors but most are interrelated. Now that I have learned a few things about this I feel like I don't know anything at all. Its very humbling to me to try to find remedies and test what works and what doesn't. Also there seems to be so much misinformation to sift through and then try to learn what works for us as individuals.

I have tried a bit of heavy metal chelation on myself only to cause tinnitus that I can hardly get rid of. Like Sherlock Holmes I'm trying different things, observing and looking for a clue to the remedy for me as well as for my parents individually. Its scary because now I know I have so many neurotoxins, based on the tinnitus that began after chelating, and I just don't have the best plan right now to rid of it. I have tried a lot of supplements to stop it.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Rick (Knoxville, TN) on 06/20/2009

Jane, How is your dad doing with the MB? May I ask some basic questions? How old is he? How old was he when his first symptoms appeared? What dosing and schedule does he follow with the MB?

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Ab (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/27/2009

Jane,Is there a reason why sodium ascorbate should be taken with the meth blue? Would another form of vitamin C not be better when stroke is a possibility? And could you describe the alkaline drink your father is taking-- exact amounts etc?


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/28/2009

Dear A from Toronto,

I learned from Ted that the sodium ascorbate is in a form more appropriate for the body since ascorbic acid would be a lower ph and our body is more optimal at a ph of about 7. Actually you could probably get a better answer from Ted because I am just learning about these things.

I have seen a published drug study regarding using the vitamin c with methylene blue. I believe it was in regard to treating malaria. At any rate it appears that vitamin c is needed. At least there should be vitamin c circulating in the body when taking methylene blue. I don't think its necessary to take vitamin c every time one takes methylene blue.

As to the stroke issue, I just don't know much about that. What I have read is that it is the chlorides that are so harmful. You know, table salt. So a good sea salt is something that you may want to get and avoid the table salt that is refined and not natural. Sodium chloride is in the processed foods as well. Apparently sea salt, like Celtic sea salt, is very good for us and even fights infections. It also increases thirst and so then we drink more water which is good for us.

Another comment about stroke. I have learned that excess calcium circulating is one sure cause of stroke. The misinformation about taking calcium is not been helpful to us at all. Also I gave my father mega doses of a magnesium citrate product that we since learned was not even magnesium at all or at least had a large component of calcium in it. We have now learned to make magnesium oil with the magnesium flakes sold to salt water fish hobbyists. I rub it on my Dad's skin and it goes through the skin into the body and relaxes his muscles and also helps to put the calcium in its place and out of the blood stream which greatly reduces his chance of having another stroke.

The alkaline drink is something we take about once per day, sometimes twice and now sometimes not at all. Everyone's needs are different and sometimes I am not that compliant. I guess its because my Dad is getting better and so now I'm not that scared. The alkaline drink we take is in a small cup with a small amount of water. We follow this drink with a glass of water. It is 1/8 tsp of sodium carbonate dissolved, then add 1/8 tsp baking soda dissolved, then add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp potassium citrate dissolved. So that's it. I still recommend inquiring of Ted because I learned this from him. The basic thing is to check urine ph and I believe it is supposed to be a 7. You may find other posts to verify all of this. It will not be in the methylene blue thread though.

Another way to alkalinize is to drink lemon water. Just don't use chlorinated water.

I hope this helps.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai , Maharashtra/India) on 06/28/2009 184 posts

Hi Jane,

You have mentioned that you make your own magnesium oil from magnesium chloride. I would like to know as to how do you make and how do you use it for stiff joints/muscles.


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Texas) on 06/28/2009

Dear Baldev,

When I learned about transdermal magnesium I went out and found a salt water aquarium hobby store and looked around. I had a conversation with the owner and asked him about the magnesium and all the supplements added to the aquariums. Apparently these hobbyists are very knowledgeable about the chemicals added to the aquariums because the fish and corals are expensive and one wrong move could kill them all. Anyway I asked the man for a sample of magnesium flakes and he gave it to me. I went home and made a solution by boiling some filtered water and made a 50% solution. I rubbed it into the skin and so that's how I got started. Now I have ordered my own magnesium flakes. The shipping is expensive and so it makes the end product more expensive than I would like. Since I believe it has saved my father's life after the accidental mega doses of calcium I cannot complain though.

I am now making a solution closer to 60-65%. We have very fair skin here. Sometimes it stings a little if we have a cut or something. But its worth it. You can make the solution weak or strong. At about 70% solution I've noticed that some of the magnesium falls out of solution and so I think 70% is a bit over maximum

Our family had some purchased natural magnesium oil already before I made my own. At first I just didn't know how to use it or that I needed to put a whole lot on my father at first. I wanted to make my own for some reason. What I have learned since is that you can use too much. So you have to watch yourself. After my Dad was saturated, then we backed down a bit. The signs of too much for my Dad were that he had a few pre atrial contractions. He had never had heart arrhythmia before. So all we had to do was back off a bit and now he is doing so great the doctors are very surprised. He always has a beautiful normal sinus rhythm and his heart rate and blood pressure are just perfect. Now we need to get his brain completely healed.

Another thing that I read, I think Ted said this, that the magnesium oil from the ocean has calcium in it. I had not thought of that before. I intend to stay away from calcium the best I can since I believe that too much of it caused my Dad's stroke and contributed to his stiffness. I think calcium is in the water here too as we have hard water and when I boil it there is a white powdery film on the bottom of the tea kettle.

I am thankful to a man named George Eby who set me straight regarding the magnesium supplement that I was giving my Dad. I emailed George after reading his website and he didn't really have time to reply at the time, but he did give me a strong warning to stop the magnesium because I told him it wasn't soluble in water. He told me that it was not magnesium citrate or it would be soluble. I am extremely grateful to that man. He has an interesting website too and discussed a great deal regarding how he cured himself of depression using magnesium. Also he recommended a book by Mark Sircus called Transdermal Magnesium which I bought and its very good.

I hope this helps you.


EC: Thanks Jane -- great instructions! has the book for $12.89, but not many in stock unless you buy it used for close to the same price! Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/01/2011

If its starting to look like the trigger for Parkinsons is a fungus, and Methylene blue use kills the fungus over time.. Wouldnt a high dose of B vitamins be required to build the brain cells back up again after the initial onset has been stopped?.. I mean, just using the Methylene blue might stop anymore progression of the disease.. But you are still left with the subsequent debilitations... I know from past nursing experience that the brain will respond quite quickly but still need the right nutrients as in the case of dementia patient. The Dementia was quite advanced (third stage of syphlis).. It totally mimicked Alzhiemers and was picked up with a wasermans test.... But was completly cured after a course of antibiotics and B complex injections. The patient left the geriatric ward smiling and thanking everybody, he picked it up in Palastine during the second world war.. Makes you wonder how many more might have missed the correct test?

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Mymomhaspd (Ca) on 10/23/2017


Can you please respond to the long term effect on patients taking Methylene Blue, H202 and Vit C. Whats the optimal dosage . My mom has PD and she got depressed last yr after my uncle died and also had a bad fall which affected her C2. She is completely bed bound ad the biggest issue we have is daytime sleepiness.

Just started giving her good vit. Starting on a vit formula with calcium /vit D for nite - hoping it will improve the quality of sleep.

Also giving her NAC- she is still on part tube feed.

PLEASE HELP with the dosage. I remember I gave this to my mom years ago, during the intial years. Then they moved away from here and somehow it go stopped completely.

Research Articles
Posted by Mery (Hendersonville, NC) on 03/25/2024

Has anyone found a treatment/cure for Parkinson's disease? There is evidence that it may be caused by a bacteria in the colon:

Thank you so much.

Acupuncture, Detox Herbal Remedies
Posted by Jason (Mount Vernon NY ) on 06/25/2022

How is it working out for you? My wife has parkinson's. She's 38. We believe it started in her late 20's. She's currently 3 pills of D-Lopa. I'm hoping for any type of help...😪

Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 10/15/2020

So grateful to read ideas on treating/avoiding Parkinsons! My mother had it and it is something I'll never forget! My question on melatonin is, I take one 2.5mg gummy per night, if I take anymore, I have an opposite effect and end up wide awake! I really want to increase my dosage but am afraid of the awful effect! Any ideas?

Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 09/21/2020

What is AEP and where can I find it? My brother has Parkinsons Disease and severe sleep apnea. Can you help?

Posted by Mary M. (Arcadia, CA) on 02/05/2023

Thank you so much, I will try it. I will let you know how it works for him.

Posted by Ladyliza (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/06/2014 32 posts

I have been experiencing hand tremors in one hand for a couple of years. My handwriting was terrible as a result of these tremors. So I made a list of my little aches and pains and went to an acupuncturist as an experiment. I knew this wasn't parkinson's, but when I returned home, my tremor was gone. I did a little research today to find some interesting articles. It attacks parkinson's in several ways, so I suggest anyone with the disease do a little research.

Pesticides and Parkinson's
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 09/22/2009

Another interesting article in recent news:

ScienceDaily (Sep. 17, 2009) - Individuals whose occupation involves contact with pesticides appear to have an increased risk of having Parkinson's disease, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Emma (New Zealand) on 01/22/2021

I was interested in reading about people taking Mucuna (velvet bean) for Parkinsons. Would love to know what doses others take. I have been taking it for about 18 months as I want to avoid prescription drugs.

Mucuna Pruriens
Posted by Jason (Mount Vernon NY) on 07/04/2022

Your post is from 2017. How are you doing now? Was the Mucuna Prurien beneficial for over the 5 years you been on it?

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Diane (Rome. Ny) on 01/09/2016

How is the Methylene blue administered? Orally?

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Nanette Ortega (Charlotte North Carolina) on 08/15/2016

Please, tell me in measures of ounces how many methylene blue and vitamin C . I need to use for 85 years father that Parkinson and also what I can give to him so he feel thirsty and water. If you can explain what is happening inside the body when he will take it

Research Articles
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 02/05/2009

There is some brand new scientific news on this subject. However, the articles are pretty confusing. Is it caused by Yeast or Heavy Metal Poisoning? Unclear.

Link Found Between Parkinson's Disease Genes And Manganese Poisoning

Penn Study Finds Link Between Parkinson's Disease Genes and Manganese Poisoning


Hypothetically, with too much exposure to flouride, it can seep into the brain, and cause lead poisoning. This may not be the cause, but you can remove both lead and fluoride with mega-Iodine (discussed in the fluoride thread), and kill yeast.

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water


Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by Mary (Belfast, Northern Ireland) on 02/09/2009

Hi Jane, can you tell me how your father is getting on with the methylene blue? Is it proving helpful. A relative of mine has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's. As yet they only have tremors in the hands and I would love to get something that prevents it getting any worse, or at least slows down its progression. Any updates would be appreciated. Thanks, Mary.

Methylene Blue and Vitamin C
Posted by John (Boston, Ma) on 08/28/2016

Can anyone who has been using the Methylene Blue update us on your progress?

Have you had to change your protocol over time? Have your symptoms of DP been continually diminished?

Updates appreciated. Thanks.

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